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Lord, we pray against the deceptions and failures of socialism. Let America, like Argentina, purge this anti-God ideology from our nation.
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After running on a libertarian platform and winning, Argentine President Javier Milei is taking aim at hundreds of socialist policies in his country, offering harsh criticisms of the ideology.

From Breitbart. Argentine President Javier Milei announced during a national broadcast on Wednesday night the signing of a Necessity and Urgency Decree (DNU), a form of executive order, that would modify or overturn an estimated 350 federal economic policies.

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Milei’s executive order targeted nearly every aspect of the Argentine economy — including imports, price controls, health care, sports federations, landlord and tenant policies, and the yerba mate industry — in what he described as an attempt to impose a “shock stabilization plan” to prevent a financial catastrophe. Argentina is facing the worst economic crisis of its history as a result of decades of socialist policies, lavish government spending, and corruption, fueling skyrocketing rates of poverty, joblessness, and inflation. The nation’s inflation rate reached 160 percent in the days after Milei’s December 10 inauguration.

Milei, a libertarian economist, decisively won the November 19 presidential election against socialist former Economy Minister Sergio Massa on a platform promising widespread economic deregulation, a drastic reduction in the size of government, and a foreign policy centered around alliances with America and Israel, rather than China and Russia as previous administrations had pursued. …

“We designed a shock stabilization plan that includes a fiscal adjustment plan, an exchange policy that adjusted the exchange rate to the market value and a monetary policy that includes the destruction of the central bank,” he announced, flanked by his cabinet of ministers. …

“As we have been saying for months, the problem is not the chef, it’s the recipe,” he continued. “Those ideas that failed in Argentina are the same ideas that have failed far and wide on the planet. Where they were intended, they have failed economically, socially, culturally, and, on top of that, they have cost the lives of millions of human beings.”

“This doctrine that some call leftist, socialism, fascism, communism — and which we like to catalog as collectivism — is a way of thinking that dilutes the individual in favor of the power of the state,” Milei explained, adding,

It is the basic foundation of the caste system. It is a doctrine of thinking that is partially based on the idea that the reason of the state is more important than the individuals that comprise the nation. That the individual is only recognized if he submits to the state, and therefore citizens owe veneration to its [the state’s] representatives the political caste.

Milei asserted that politicians are “not just not God — they are the cause of our problems,” then listed 30 of the hundreds of reforms inside of the 83-page DNU. …

Milei eliminated multiple laws that allow the state to control the prices of various goods and services. …

What do you think of Milei’s leadership? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Vox España – Flickr, CC0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Cora Hall
January 21, 2024

I like Milei so far what he said and I pray that he will keep his promises to his peoples in Argentina. May God guide him and his administration.

December 29, 2023

Looks like Milei is off to a good start; I pray he has loyal security people to protect him and his family.

Christine Kraus
December 26, 2023

Bravo, to Argentine’s new President! May this be an example for the political leaders in the United States! Thank you for putting the people’s welfare first! Praying for continued wisdom and favor.

December 25, 2023

I thank God for him and i pray the people of Argentina are as well. God Bless you Javier Milei!! I pray God give you wisdom!!

December 24, 2023

Way to go Argentina!!! I pray that the countries in relationship with Argentina will learn to take steps in this humble approach to dignify the worth of each human in each family as God intended with good stewardship for generations to come.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…..May they prosper who love you, and bless you!

December 24, 2023

What a Godsend, an answer to prayer, and a model for our country and others to follow! May God’s favor and blessing multiply upon him and Argentina, and spread around the world. Thank You Father, for raising up such a leader in these times.

Rui Vasconcelos
December 24, 2023

As a Brazilian I say I wish I could move to our neighbour Argentina. In Brazil we’re doomed to endure socialism forever. Too sad!

Chester J Glass
December 24, 2023

Praise God for a leader that takes on socialism. May he infect other leaders to do the same

Marsha Bashor
December 24, 2023

Thank you Lord that this man won the recent election in Argentina. What good news it is to hear he has acted to reverse all the socialist policies that were crippling Argentina’s economy and taking away their freedoms. Thank you Lord for this leader. Please give us leaders like this here in the USA , righteous governors, mayors, judges, and a new righteous President. Let the people rejoice!!! In what you Lord will do in America. 🙏🙏✝️

December 23, 2023

Lord God in Jesus name I thank you for this man in the leadership of Argentina and that they reverse these laws.. no matter how thoroughly or intense this action resounds nonetheless it is a huge beginning step and it is a milestone and a witness unto your glory for other countries to see the influence of right thinking and Christianity in socialist Nation.
In Jesus name, Amen

December 23, 2023

Wow, what a breath of fresh air!, Praise God this I evidence of Hope

December 23, 2023

I think it is fantastic. There are so few leaders that love their contry and want to build it up and not tear it down. Leaders that seek the welfare of the nation and individual not the politicians pockets. I thank God for him and I will pray for his saftey. The forces of evil, greed and selfishness are outraged by anyone who stands against them.

December 23, 2023

The symbol of his movement is the Lion. Lion of Judah, rise up in Argentina, Freedom!

Bill Johnson
December 23, 2023

Lord, bless this man and he reverses the failed policies of his country and sets his people on a good path to restoring his country to a better way of life.

December 23, 2023

Thank You, LORD.

Mari Williams
December 23, 2023

If those changes are what Almighty GOD is leading him to do, GOD will crown his efforts with success! Would to GOD, we all had politicians who have their people’s best interests at heart in every nation.
O, LORD, look with pity on your children and remove from places of authority each and every leader and politician who does not have YOUR best interests at heart and replace them with those that do. In Jesus Name, Amen.

December 23, 2023

I’m happy for the people of Argentina, I’ll pray for a new President Milei and the people of Argentina. We need one like him in America. May God Bless Argentina!

Francis Nenninger
December 23, 2023

We need him in America

December 23, 2023

HALLELUIAH!! A voice of reason left in the world!

December 23, 2023

Thank you Lord for raising a man that is coming up front against all the socialistic practices that took Argentina to the ruin and set him as an example to Latin America and all the Nations that we have the authority to take back our nations from the enemy. We ask you Lord that in the midst of the wonderful work he is doing that he comes to know you and be totally empowered as an example to the Nations throughout the world in Jesus name

Michele Baly
December 23, 2023

Someone is finally taking a stand. Hallelujah! May God be with him, his family, and all who voted him in.

Brian lynch
December 23, 2023

Lord Jesus, please let The attempts of Milei be a strong message to the rest of the world, that socialism is a doomed way of running a nation, one that just plain doesn’t work. I especially pray that Milei’s moves to return to traditional ways of running his country will set an example to other nations, USA included. Thank you, Lord.

December 23, 2023

I would welcome strong reforms to shrink our own Federal and State’s size and scope. I’m praying for revival from the pulpit to the pew and throughout government (Federal,State,County and local).

Brigitte Rodgers
December 23, 2023

Will this gentleman be true to his words? If yes, there is hope, not only for Argentina, but also the rest of the world, something that it so desperately needs. And if yes, may the Lord protect him and his Cabinet, so that Argentina can blossom to what it can be.

Susan Webster Gray
December 23, 2023

I pray a supernatural hedge of protection around this man that God may continue to work through him to destroy the lie of socialistic tyranny in Argentina and that the world would take notice.

Dr. James
December 23, 2023

This man is SPOT ON!
Brilliant in fact.
Good for Argentina!!!!
Dr. James

    December 23, 2023

    And an example to the world. Let the world watch and see

Stephen Carl Kirtland
December 23, 2023

God bless Argentina!

December 23, 2023

He is in the right track; May God bless him and his country !

Edward Brzyski
December 23, 2023

Thank God for Javier Milei. He will make Argentina great again! My out Dear Lord bless and guide him as he puts in the reforms for liberty and freedom the the Argentinian people.

Ellen Goode
December 23, 2023

I thank you Lord for this warrior in Atgentina and I decree America will follow suite to rid America of the anti Chris socialism, antiChrist science and antiChrist non profits pushing satanic agenda. I decree God’s righteousness to fill America at all levels of governing, education, and all of the 7 mountains of God. In Jesus name. Go Hosts, save the souls of America from evil. In Jesus name

December 23, 2023

That is exactly what is needed in America and around the world.

Less government, less government spending, and an understanding that the government is here to serve the people not control the people!!

Glory to God!!


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