I Prayed have prayed
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Pray for truth to be revealed in our nation about the important issues of the day.

Last week the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to investigate bias against conservatives on social media.

How have you been impacted by bias in the media? What do you think is Godā€™s perspective? Leave a reply to share with the IFA community.

Is anything too hard for theĀ Lord? (Genesis 18:14)

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Kathryn DeCristofaro
July 31, 2018

I am praying for God to sovereignly intervene. They do not even care what is true, and are determined to hide the truth under piles of lies. AS I sought God for help to pray, He brought me to Isaiah 10. Woe to those who make unjust laws to those who issue oppressive decrees….and withhold justice from the oppressed of mu people. I pray that God will unleash His justice on those who propagate lies. Many lies have been exposed to the light to no avail. May God’s justice now be unleashed on those who prefer lies to the truth.

Angela Dubber
July 30, 2018

Father, It is written that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. We ask You to provide media outlets–television, radio, magazines, newspapers– with staff members and executives who are committed to truth and integrity. In the name of Jesus, we stand against the prince of the power of the the air and all the powers of deception. We pray that the atmosphere will be charged with truth. Justice will no longer be driven back and righteousness will no longer stand at a distance; truth shall be spoken, in the name of Jesus. (Copied from: “Prayers that Avail Much for America”, Germaine Copeland, Page 58)

July 27, 2018

The word ā€œMediaā€ covers a host of various platforms. Typically, the baby boomers and Gen-Xers consume their news from cable news networks via TV or funneled through Facebook (who by the way is a contributing asset to specific networks.) Most Melenials are consumers of news through YouTube. The major news networks do not appreciate youtubers because of the organically increasing social views which awakens and almost educates the propigated views and opinions of people who have been consuming two main political ideals for generations. The politicians have been steering these networks for decades, therefore creating only a two way street to blindly trusting what weā€™ve always been taught. Then thereā€™s a mirade of media sources who claim they are legit, yet in reality they are some random person in a basement creating a fake news page spewing out rumors just for fun! Itā€™s as bad as an arsonist starting a National Forest Fire. Sadly, people (especially the elderly) click on it, pass it around like germs on Facebook, and (not surprisingly) people believe it. I donā€™t know whatā€™s worse, buying an Inquiring Minds Magazine off the grocery store rack or asking a high school teenager what they know about current events! Then there are the people who are so overwhelmed with the reality of this sinful world we live in, they foolishly decide to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that nothing bad is going on. They tune out to the point where itā€™s impossible for them to understand where the culture is headed. Itā€™s difficult to reach a lost generation for the Lord when youā€™re unaware or unconserned about the state of our country and the world. Itā€™s just as bad as the high school student that watches their favorite shows, yet they canā€™t tell you where Jerusalem is on the map. Do I believe binge watching the news is healthy? No! Please, thatā€™s where stress levels get the best of you along with mental fear games. A healthy relationship with the Lord as we meditate daily on Gods Word, with a balanced diet of news from a variety of ā€œlegitimateā€ sources, along with the open mind to have sympathy, patience, long suffering, and compassion forwpeople with different or opposing views, opinions, and backgrounds, accompanied with decrement, Scripture, and Gods love… then we will not only learn to pray more effective, but also have a more educated understanding of our world through the lense of Our Creator, and His Wisdom to make a difference one person at a time. Create legacyā€™s not division. Let us share the news. The Good News of Salvation!

Victoria Tebo
July 26, 2018

We quite watching the lying liberal media years ago. We only watch One America News Network; they report all of the stories. They do investigative reports and are Pro-America.

ming miley
July 26, 2018

ABC news always report with a frantic tone, they and NBC always said negative things about President Trump. I don’t watch NBC ever since I saw how that Mediator publicly showed favor to Halery instead of Trump during the National Presidental Debate and their newscast, I wonder who owns those networks.I do watch CBS though,they report with a calm tone, I like that.

Leslie Byrnes
July 26, 2018

Yesterday I started to follow a story on aol titled something like, ā€œTrump Comment to Michael Cohen Stirs Up Social Mediaā€, thinking, ā€œWhat has he said now?ā€. In the story, which I shortly gave up, Trump interrupted Cohen to ask someone on his side of the conversation for a Coke. And the tweets they quoted were all mimics of the President as if that were hilarious. Unless I was missing something it was a total non-story – a manufactured opportunity to ridicule the President. I had to admit it angered me – so shamelessly disrespectful and wasted my time because there was literally no content.
So, as others have said, when news breaks like the immigration story – which sounds so horrible – I wait around until more reliable sources can answer my questions with real information and give a more comprehensive view.
I continue to pray according to John Licklighterā€™s prophetic dream, that in his statements Trump will ā€œretreat to a higher groundā€ so that the ā€œsharksā€ in the media will be exposed and rejected by the American people. That might be what is beginning to happen in the story above.

Barbara Yusko
July 26, 2018

I have stopped looking at TV media. My mother often told us, “believe none of what you hear and half of what you see”. It stuck. How true it is.

July 26, 2018

My husband and I only watch certain commentators on Fox. We stopped getting the local newspaper several years ago when we realized how one-sided and biased it was. I do get news from other sources on the internet, such as Gateway Pundant and Weasel Zipper. I pray for President Trump to remain strong physically and mentally. He is under constant attack from the lies and hate being spewed forth from Holywood, the MSM, and the Democrats. I pray for eyes to be opened to the truth. There are those who claim to be Christians, who are blinded and can’t discern that the platform of the Democratic party stands in direct opposition to God’s word: abortion, same-sex marriage, open borders, lawlessness, and burdensome taxes. Can two walk together unless they be agreed? You can’t say you don’t believe in abortion, but vote for someone who does!

Maria Miller
July 26, 2018

I wish there was something we could do to let the “fake media” know that not only do we not watch, but we pray that they wake up and see that they are instruments of the devil and doing his bidding. Maybe we need to wright to their sponsors and let them know 1) we don’t watch 2) we will avoid their products as much as possible 3) that God will not bless their businesses if they sponsor lies and things that tear-down our country, morality and patriotism.

Karen Houseberg Moody
July 25, 2018

I hate the slanted, biased media take on President Trump: he keeps his word, and I especially love how he STANDS FIRM WITH ISRAEL! For all Christians, Jesus is a Jew! And all his apostles! I lived through the President Reagan period. And he, too, was excellent! God bless him, and President Trump!

Karen Houseberg Moody
July 25, 2018

YES I am tired of the slanted media bias! President Trump keeps his word, and I lived through the Reagan presidency, and President Reagan was EXCELLELENT! And I love President Trump–especially for standing with Israel. I Love JESUS and He is Jewish! And the basis of Christianity is the Torah–the Old Testament and Jesus and all his apostles were Jewish! So I LOVE THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND THEIR LAND OF ISRAEL! By the way, the borders of Israel that GOD ALMIGHTY gave, are MUCH LARGER than the current land of ISRAEL!

Lynn Swedberg
July 25, 2018

Long ago my wife and I stopped watching/listening to all news with the exception of some Fox news. We also stopped our subscription to our local newspaper. I’ll listen to Rush, Hannity or Levin first. However, our prayer group prays that media outlets will be exposed and eventually be bought out by wealthy-trusted Christian entities that God calls forth. It’s only a matter of time before the wicked media is moved out of the way. God will perform it.

Wanda Reed Balsley
July 25, 2018


I refuse to enter any of the main stream media in my TV remote.However, my cable service still lists them and my refusal means nothing. In seeking the truth I put my trust in Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Each day I give thanks for President Trump and ask God to give him wisdom and strength to do His will.

Carole Kratoska
July 25, 2018

I pray for our President and America six days a week. I’m asking ~ “Lord Jesus,draw the President relentlessly to You. Give him wisdom and strength to handle his daily responsibilities, especially at the border and in the use of our military. Protect him from those who would take him down;let no weapon formed against him stand. Give him wisdom in international relations ~ especially regarding North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, and Israel. Protect the first family and this nation from danger. I ask for blessings over our churches, schools, farms, businesses, military, and institutions.Holy Spirit, invade these places of our gatherings and have Your way.In Christ’s name I ask it.

Jubilee J L Holt
July 25, 2018

Believers are called to CHANGE what media is telling us!

I am stunned at how few are watching the news and speaking into changing that!!!

July 25, 2018

I quit watching Good Morning America in Obama’s first campaign when they became like campaign managers, have not watched since. I now turn TV on watch the weather and turn it off, I receive the Houston Chronicle, read the obits and comics and that is all. My husband watches Fox all the time. I miss seeing the news and knowing what is going on locally but it actually makes me physically ill. I report on legislature for my Republican club and now watch just enough to have something to report, or I read the Senate and Congress voting record in Sunday’s paper or ask my husband what is happening.

Charles Edelen
July 25, 2018

The media is so bias and opinionated that I no longer have much trust in what being reported. My daily question ” is it real or Memorex ” ? I will keep praying for a change in reporting of the truth.

July 25, 2018

I am extremely tired of it. I live in a foreign country where the majority of the people here are “of colour” and there are very few caucasians.

The racism here on account of the RACIST behaviours exhibited on CNN, MSNBC, ABC the VIEW and others are causing problems not only in the USA but throughout the world.

It seems that people have lost their minds and commonsense. Don’t they realize what the results of these lies are going to create?

Genocide in countries like the one I live in. It’s happening in South Africa. They are already talking about it on the public blogs here.

Prayer is DEFINITELY needed DESPERATELY to get these “HATERS” off the media before the entire world ends up hating and fighting against each other.

July 25, 2018

We who believe must understand that the book of Daniel and Revelation is upon us now, and that we are under the grace of God, under the lull before the storm. These events are making prophesy come true so as we continue to pray and being in alignment with our Lord we will understand the seasons we are in. May we embrace the most important in carrying out the great commission that is God the Bible and us. Amen thank you from Mike Barry

Carol L. Baird
July 25, 2018

Media bias against conservatives has caused me to avoid the mainstream media. I don’t believe a word these say anymore because they are on the devil’s frequency. I only watch Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson on Fox News Channel Mon thru Friday. I also watch Judge Janine’s Justice on Saturday nights.

Phil Galang
July 25, 2018

The biased media has stupidly numbed themselves and are being buried while thinking their bias is still working – much like being buried “alive” with their stupidity!
The most stupid cable news network has gone down to the gutter #7 and still going down the drain!

Arthur Sanborn
July 25, 2018

The media has stopped reporting to us the news. I have stopped listening to the opinionated bias of the media, and instead go to Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) for information of what is happening in our world.

tamara carl
July 25, 2018

If you want to control people then you make them believe lies. This is what the main stream media is doing.

Linda Howe
July 25, 2018

I no longer trust most omain stream media. I refuse to listen to the fake news. Pres Trump is right. Most of the news if fake. Fox News is the the fairest. The others, I refuse to watch. The media is trying to control the people. These major news networks are siding with the liberals and unfairly telling lies. They are not speaking the truth of what most American’s believe or what is really happening in America and around the world. They are telling us what they want us to hear and not the truth. They are extremely bias. In so doing, they are pushing their lies, their beliefs and deceptions. We do not believe their lies. The truth must be revealed. IT IS THE TRUTH THAT SETS US FREE! We are on God’s side. We need the truth.

I choose to watch and read from only those who speak the truth. The conservatives have rights too. There are many of us conservatives who are fighting for the truth. I am on Pres Trump’s side because he is on God’s side. He is making America great again. There are many of us conservatives praying for Donald Trump and all that he is doing, and has already done, YET, main stream media does not broadcast our side, and our side is the larger, stronger, more faithful side. We must continue to pray that the Truth be Revealed. The media must start speaking the truth of what we conservatives believe and stop hiding it. There are facts to back us up.

(I wrote to my state rep in MA last wk against abortion (and to my senator). SMy state rep wrote back that she is fighting for women’s freedom to choose, and is clearly against pro-life. My concerns to save lives rather than killing babies were squashed. Yet, I don’t hear this data get on the news. There are many who are pro-life. God gives us life. Who are we to kill?).

We must continue to pray for America, for our President, for all forms of govt, and for the people, that’s God’s will be done in America. We must be vigilant in prayer even in our homes and churches.

I absolutely support that ‘truth be revealed’ in the media. The bias must stop!

I get my information only from trustworthy channels, websites and venues that speak the truth, such as Fox News, IFA, ACLJ, and Trump’s team (for example). The time is now to pray for the main stream media to start speaking the truth, for God to make that happen, and for the truth to be revealed.

Connecting with the Trump campaign is also great. They send out surveys directly to the people, therefore they get direct first hand results from people (like you and me). They then get mouth to mouth truth, directly from us. No lies! These truths need to get on the news!

I believe God is answering our prayers! Thank you Father for blessing America and for stopping the bias in the news. It is your will that matters Lord. Your will be done.

July 25, 2018

I am sick of media bias, I donā€™t watch news. I do pray for them though, when God put them on my heart. I do watch sometimes FoxNews. I pray Jesus come. One think I puzzle with, is how the left are, and in same time, they follow God they say. How can that be?

July 25, 2018

It is natural, since most media personalities are gay. The problem lays with the church. If the church was holy this couldn’t happen. All the bible translations, everyone can have bible on cell phone now, you can bring up bibles on your computer, but where are the miracles? I mean Sam Sweg is performing miracles, but where are the normal raising the dead, and healing the sick? There is something wrong with the church, try 501C3 a corporate church, incorporated into the government. Why doesn’t everyone have a song, hymn, a word, teaching, or a prophecy? 1 Cor 14:26

26 What is it then, brethren? When ye come together, each one hath a psalm, hath a teaching, hath a revelation, hath a tongue, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.
Instead we have a “Master Pastor/”

Kimberly A McCarthy
July 25, 2018

#NotOurMedia The media serves itself and its evil intents and is out of touch with the American people. The Main Stream Media is utterly foolish in it’s speculation, conspiracy theories, presuppositions and assumptions. I seek truth else where at God’s direction. I pray for God to tear down these mediatic platforms where these media outlets have raised up political idols and sacrificed their common sense on their altars of what I call #PooPooPolitics. I am asking God to debunk and disrupt their lies and to raise up a standard of Truth so bright that no false narrative can stand up against it. The #MainStreamMedia has been used for dishonoring and character assassination of our President. I am asking God to disfavor their media and let it fall on deaf ears, and cause us to seek after God first, to ask God to reveal truth. I am asking God to send His warring angels to fight the disinformation of the media at the core of its evil and turn the hearts of these journalists back to Him, back to truth, and away from worshiping political idols, putting politics over God, truth and people. I am asking God to debunk and disrupt every #MediaticFrenzy that the media stirs up through #FakeOutrage with the light of truth. The only way to fight this kind of #CorruptionCOUP of the #MainStreamMedia is through prayer. The battle is the Lords.

Jubilee J L Holt
July 25, 2018

Even tho very biased I listen daily and pray for each one personally that God transform them by the renewing of their mind that they will speak the truth!

I believe with God all things are possible and it is my (the church’s) responsibility to pray and change what we see taking place!

Lynne Johnson
July 25, 2018

I don’t watch or listen anymore. It is ALL LIES~ I get more real info at BBC or some other media that hasn ‘t been bought by the liberal lunatics!

Jubilee June L Holt
July 25, 2018

I say God’s Word is seed connecting us to His faith which opens every door to victory & success, accessing every promise of God, removing the chaos & destruction bringing on earth as in Heaven to our nation! God is overturning bias in the media and suddenly media will see the slippery slope they are on, rise, turn and repent, and will begin to see and speak God’s truth!

Richard J. Ivy
July 25, 2018

The media bias has caused me watch news less. Be more skeptical and research for more find the truth.

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