“We will be moving people from their homes…”—Dr. Robert Levin, the director of Ventura County Public Health
My husband and I worked in China for seven years. I have firsthand experience living in a Communist-controlled, fake news media country. I witnessed how China utilized its citizens to report on other citizens. Seniors were often given first floor housing, not out of kindness and consideration, but as a reward and incentive for spying on their neighbors and reporting information to the government. From their first-floor vantage point, they could keep track of everyone who came in and out of the complex to use the stairwells to the upper floors.
As American, foreign teachers, my husband and I taught English in a Chinese university. We were housed on the top floor of the apartment complex. Our students who came to visit us were often stopped by the seniors living on the first or second floor and their student I.D. number written down and turned into the university leaders. They were being watched, as were we.
I never thought I would see such a day in America. I was wrong.
There is now a similar job description here, but the job is not just for seniors. It is for anyone willing to inform on their neighbors, for the protection of the community, of course. (sarcasm intended.) These new positions are called “Contact Investigators.”
A new bill in the House was introduced May 1 by Congressman Bobby Rush (D-IL). It is HB 6666 (The Trace Act) which would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to “perform testing for COVID–19, tracing of exposure to COVID–19, or services for individuals who are isolating at home.”
The bill would allocate $100 billion towards this endeavor for 2020 alone for this invasion into our privacy. Although we are told “no provision in this bill would make testing or quarantining mandatory,” Dr. Robert Levin of the Ventura County Health Dept slipped and let us know that would not be true. In a press conference last week, Levin championed removing people from their homes and told of the plan to hire “thousands” of “contact investigators” for every state to monitor the population—citizens like you and me. This was a direct reference to HB 6666. Ostensibly, the intention is to monitor and control further contact with COVID-19 patients, which is disconcerting in and of itself. But the potential implications are frightening. What if control and removal from the population was applied to other concerns?
You can let your elected officials know that you oppose this kind of invasion of privacy. Click HERE to send a message.
During the press conference, Dr. Levin stated, “We are beginning a program today which will certainly grow into something larger and larger. And that is a Community Contact Tracing Program. We’ve done contact tracing all along. That contact is a person who has been exposed to someone that we document to have the Covid infection.”
(Scary words. It is all about who THEY determine has the infection.)
“When we find someone who has the Covid infection, those people are immediately isolated, but we also work with them to figure out who their contacts were.”
“The purpose of the program is to bring on people…up to 50 or even more as the program grows and as we see the need for it.”
“As we do more testing, Levin continued, “We will find more and more people who have Covid-19.”
If the virus is in decline, why would they be finding more and more people with it? What if someone simply tests positive that they HAD the virus and now have antibodies? Could they be isolated or removed from their homes at the whim of the “Contact Investigator?” Just how much power will these positions have?
We must ask these questions as strange mandates continue, such as why are coronavirus survivors banned from joining the military? Isn’t that like saying anyone who has had the flu can never join the military? Reports are now coming to light that a large portion of American society has not only been exposed, but recovered from CV-19 without any major medical issues. If this proposed law passes, it could eventually mean no one would be able to join the military if they have antibodies in their system. Is the intent to shrink our military in a new fashion?
Back to the press conference, Levin continued, “And again, we will isolate every one of them and we will find every one of their contacts and we will make sure they are quarantined and will check in with them every day.”
If you think, “Well, that’s California and we expect crazy from California!” Dr. Levin made it clear, it’s NOT just California as he stated, “It’s not just our county. There are going to be but thousands of people hired to be these contact investigators throughout the state and this is happening in many, many states, perhaps all of the states.”
A friend who lives in Wyoming called me last week to express her horror when she went to her primary care physician last week. The doctor asked if her income had been affected by the virus. “Oh, absolutely,” my friend told her. It was the doctor’s next words that were shocking, “Well, there will be thousands of new jobs opening up to do contact tracing and monitoring people. You could get a job doing that,” the doctor finished without skipping a beat. Like monitoring people is normal.
But it isn’t. At least not in a non-communist country.
After Dr. Levin’s conference, Ventura County officials were forced to apologize and clarify that those who could not isolate or quarantine themselves would never be forcibly removed from their homes as part of an effort to further contain the spread of the coronavirus.
Make note that a forced apology doesn’t mean they have changed their tactics or their intent.
Their goal IS to forcibly quarantine, vaccinate, and control the population—all in the name of “protection.”
So for those who are unemployed at present and need a job, I wonder how many will now become “Contact Investigators” to spy on and report on their fellow Americans in order to feed their families?
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. In addition to her writing, she also leads prayer teams to Washington, DC to pray for governmental leaders. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information you can contact her at, or
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I keep in mind that God Is bigger we must do our part spiritually and as a citizen of Earth to take a stand whenever possible to speak the truth and in our closets work havoc on the enemy as the Lord directs our prayers which supernatural help from his Divine throne as creator of the universe and King!
The President commented it was wonderful, beautiful.He also announced a very comprehensive vaccine program.He also announced the Administrations Pandemic c playbook which he prepared himself in January. See
There is so much information, recommendations, orders, house resolutions, stimulus packages and statistics coming out so rapidly that it is hard to keep up and still take care of daily responsibilities. Heavenly Father, we know You are God Almighty, still on the throne and still in control. Thank you for hearing the cry of our hearts. Give us divine discernment as we read and take in all of this information. Give us a holy boldness to not just pray but also to take action, to take a stand, to speak up and to educate others. I ask that You continue to wreak havoc in the enemies camp, that not one of these tyrant contact tracing positions is able to be filled. Continue to shine Your light into the darkness, exposing the deceit and lies in the WHO and the CDC as well as all levels of our government (Local, State & Federal) and then bring them to justice. Your Word says, No weapon formed against us will prosper, all those who rise up against us will flee. I thank you that the wicked, evil doers in the WHO, the CDC and all levels of our government will either drop to their knees and repent or will flee their position. Close this door so that no man can open it. Through Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen!
Am left wondering who in the world would want the job of a contact tracer–going from house to house all suited up in protective gear to protect themselves from the virus putting their own lives and the lives of their families at risk? Who would even open their front door to them?
I pray daily for God to intervene in our country. Just as He would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for 10 righteous people, I believe He will spare America. We must repent as individual believers and as the Church corporately, and begin to value what God values, love like God loves.
” If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Bible lesson: Genesis 1:26–28 God gave us authority over every living thing including COVID-19. Proverbs 18:21 we can speak life and death into things and reap the consequences.
Christians are acting like the men in the boat with Jesus when the waves were coming over the side and they got scared and so they woke Jesus and Jesus had to silence the wind. And Jesus asked, do you have no faith?
Mark 4:35-41
And Christians are acting like the people on the shore that Jesus had taught the word of God to that day and the people who were in their boats on the lake with Jesus also heard him talk the truth of God.
The men in the boat had been with Jesus all day long while Jesus went from village to village preaching the word of God- truth.
And still not a single person remember any of the teachings of Jesus.
They had zero power.
Today, charismatic and Word of Faith Christians and other Christians also know that we have authority over every living thing and we can speak life or death to anything and it has to do what we say but still they’re just like the people on the shore and in the boat and in their boats on the water waiting for Jesus to do something about Covid19.
Jesus‘s ministry was so simple. Command what you want and or say what you want and you will have it if you believe.
Death to the Spirit of child sex, molestation, and abuse!!
Death to the spirit of human One world Government!!
Death to repressive governments!
Gather as many people as you can on zoom or Facebook live and everyone together at the same time start speaking death to these things and Spirit of life of Jesus into every single thing on earth.
You can do this very simple thing to take back your abundant life Jesus gave you or keep your mouth shut and have your freedoms takin from you.
They are like forensic scientists, or at least should be trained how to follow the trail, that will lead to the source where the first person interviewed contracted the virus and became infected. Theoretically, but government goals on the why and how these investigators work and what they will report, should definitely be written and clear. Then if they deviate from the intent of the program we should be able to report any that go too far.
There should always be clearly state goals, and checks and balances. This could end up with a bad outcomes no matter where you are in the chain.
Praying for wisdom for all those that set this up, if they are committed to doing it at all. This would be a plan where the control of buying and selling could start, and promote all the other end time prophecies.
It’s the Beast 666 system and they’re flaunting it in your face, knowing that all you care about are your popcorn, tv, beer, cigarettes, etc. Time to wake up, people, and sign the petition!!
Very disturbing. My neighbor would probably accept this job scares me. They move here about 7 years ago, he was claiming to be a police officer, and had a badge, only to find out later he wasn’t a police an he carried a fake badge.
The Word of the Lord came to me this morning: Is anything too hard for ME? Recall in ages past he who said, ‘ I am a god’
got to eat grass in he field with the other animals until I set him loose to be reconciled to ME. Be Bold. BE Strong. Is anything too hard for ME?”
Prayer in Philippians 4:6-7 KJB 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen!!
1st Peter 4:7-8
This is horrific. CHINese tacticsvfor control of the people.
God thank you for this virus as we are at home and havectimevto discovered the truth about the deep state. Protect your leaders, every one of them and bless their work done in your name. Deepen their faith and hold them close.
We must pray but everyone reading this needs to contact your leaders and representatives to let them know you oppose HR6666. It has been introduced but not passed yet. We can and must make a difference on our knees and with our voice. I just found out about this last night and have contacted govenor, local representative, and President Trump. Many people do not know about this so we must speak for them. I have not heard it spoken of on the news this morning either.
Agreed. Thank you Cathy. IFA has made it easy to do that very thing with an email that went out this morning to everyone that has a link to easily reach the elected officials in your area to tell them to vote no!
You are spot on. We CAN still do something to make sure this doesn’t happen at this time.
Heavenly Father we ask for wisdom, understanding and discernment for ourselves and those in authority over us. May we see motives behind actions being done concerning this
coronus virus and wisdom and courage to respond as You lead us. Thank You Father for Your leading and protection.