Do you have a golden calf sitting in your backyard that you worship? Yeah, me neither. Yet idolatry is rampant in America.
While most of us don’t have a golden calf in our backyard, many of us have a television in our living room which can reflect what we worship. Idols have been made from sports and athletes, and Hollywood stars. Other idols could be our homes or a new car (financial standing) —or perhaps our children. There’s nothing wrong with watching sports or clean movies, etc. It’s about what position these things hold in our hearts. And that can be seen in our actions.
A few years ago, well-known evangelical author, Jen Hatmaker and her husband came out with a public announcement which stunned many in the Christian community. In a Facebook post, the bestselling author of “7” and “For the Love” announced that she was opening her arms wide to the homosexuality community—as we all should. They need God’s grace as do all who are wrapped in sin. It’s what happened next which becomes the issue.
When asked if she supported gay marriage she responded,
“From a civil rights and civil liberties side and from just a human being side, any two adults have the right to choose who they want to love. And they should be afforded the same legal protections as any of us. I would never wish anything less for my gay friends.”
And that reveals the issue of the heart. Rather than speaking from the Bible as her foundation, Hatmaker elevated civil rights and civil liberties to the reason for her position. The issue about homosexuality isn’t about rights, it’s about holiness.
Hatmaker announced to people engaged in homosexuality and LGBTism (there was no “Q” added at that time) “There is nothing wrong with you.” She received immediate praise and backlash for her announcement. Praise from those trapped in that spiritual stronghold who felt they had just been given permission to continue with no guilt or consequences. They were grateful for her acceptance of them—and of the sin that held them in bondage.
Hatmaker responded by saying she and her husband had been studying the issue for a year and came to the determination that the Bible did not state homosexuality was a sin.
Her new stand was to offer the LGBT community complete acceptance into the Christian community without renouncing sin. That is unsanctified grace—offering grace without repentance.
This article ultimately is not about the Bible’s stand on homosexuality, it’s about idolatry, but I will share just one scripture that makes the biblical stand clear as there is no grey area.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them (Romans 1:20-28 & 32).
The Hatmaker’s chose to approve those who practice sin. Their stand is not biblical, but worse it wasn’t truthful.
What Jen and her husband didn’t disclose for another four years was the true root of the issue. Their daughter had chosen a life of homosexuality. Their shift of theology was a decision in which it was more important to accept their daughter than to accept God’s Word. That’s called idolatry.
Let me be clear, I’m not saying that homosexuals should be cast out of the church or cast out of families. Not at all. The Church needs to do better at showing them love, reaching out to them, and helping them. It is no different than a heterosexual couple living together outside of marriage. Both are sin. One is not worse than the other.
As with anyone involved in sin, we should offer our arms wide so they can be healed and know the truth. We have all been sinners, saved by grace. But we must also remember that Jesus always made it clear that as He accepted the sinner, in the same breath he told them, “Go and sin no more.”
That’s not what Hatmaker has said. Instead she condoned the sin and said, “It’s ok! You don’t have to change!” But to walk with God, we do have to change. We have to lay down sin.
So what do we do when something or someone important to us goes against what the Word of God states? Hatmaker’s choice to go back to the Word of God was absolutely right. But the problem develops when we refuse to accept what the Bible says and rewrite scripture to be inclusive of the sin.
Many Christian parents today find themselves in this difficult quandary. Perhaps it’s not regarding homosexuality. Perhaps your child has chosen a heterosexual relationship of sex outside of marriage. Or adultery. Or perhaps an unsavory vocation that puts you in an awkward position. Do we just “accept them with arms wide open” and say nothing? Do we stand firm on the foundation of the Bible and risk potentially alienating our child? Or do we shift our theology to be inclusive of their choices?
When we do the latter, we elevate our children to a place of idolatry as we exalt the child over God’s Word.
Hatmaker was not transparent in her announcement. This brought confusion to her fans who trusted her. Had she said from the beginning her daughter had chosen that lifestyle and asked for prayer, we could have understood. Instead she hid it for four years. It was the true reason for her shift.
We’ve all watched numerous Christian leaders and parents shift their theology over this particular issue. But it’s happening in other areas as well such as when our children choose progressive ideologies that sound “righteous” but in fact their root goes against the Word of God. It’s often the right heart; but wrong information. Across the nation we see parents who have shifted their theology and values to follow their child’s passionate embrace instead of standing committed to the Word.
It is called idolatry of children.
Sadly, many parents aren’t doing the research regarding what their children support. They accept their child—and so blindly accept their new values. However, we are living in a deceptive and dangerous time. The Bible is clear that we will be held accountable for what we say and do. When we openly endorse sinful lifestyles as “okay,” we align with and give approval to it. Yet the Word tells us, “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” That’s exactly what Hatmaker has done.
Make no mistake we are to love our neighbor, but we do it as Jesus did. He held out His hand and said, “Follow me.” We can’t follow Him and retain a lifestyle of sin. God calls us to be holy as He is holy. The Word is clear, “You shall have no idols before Me.” And that includes our children.
Lord, give us courage to stand up for Your Truth no matter what. Lord we lay down all idols before you. Forgive us for when we have elevated our children, our entertainment, our wealth, our race, etc over our relationship with You. We repent. Heal us Lord. Heal our land. Lord draw our children back to You. We pray for those who have walked away from the God of their youth to embrace lifestyles and ideologies that celebrate “civil rights” over Your Word. Lord open their eyes and their hearts so that they will return to You. We pray for revival Lord. We lay down every area of sin. Help us to be holy as You are holy.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to:
For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: or you can contact her at or (Photo Credit: Flickr.)
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11-4-2008 America elected Barack Obama (which I knew it would) as its king and sealed its fate. 1 Sam 8 Israel asked for a king rejecting God as their king. America is to be judged for that same sin of godlessness.
Jan 19, 2009 witches swept symbolically [and diabolically, I would say] Washington the day before he was inaugurated-this shows how Satan has taken hold of government.
11-7-2012 the country then reelected him, reaffirming their desire for a king that was not God.
June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage was legal in all 50 states. And it will be only a few yrs from now that exploitation of children will be legal—God help us!!!!
America is godless and has paganized itself in less than 15yrs. God will NOT stand for this much longer and the nation will be destroyed unless the nation repents but they will not—Rom 1:18-32 —God has given this country over. Pray for your families and friends to see Gods’ Truth before the judgment comes.
Remember Sodom and Gomorrah and pray like you have never prayed before.
My prayer is for all of us Christian parents to stand strong with our Biblical values, even though it may get real lonely when you do not agree and stick by your “dinosaur” standards. I believe in the end (I may not be here to see it) as they grow older and life happens our prayers for them will catch up to them. I believe God’s promise for our families to be saved. One of the things that I notice about my children and grandchildren is they might not agree with me but they respect me. I have told them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth more than once. And then the Holy Spirit will tell me just to pray…and that’s what I do. I noticed that my son has gone back to the church he left at least 3 or 4 years ago and volunteered to clean between services and now has a Godly mentor there that he respects as a spiritual father. Sometimes he would tell me something and I would pray about it, and text him what I heard the Holy Spirit saying. It would not be what he wanted to hear, but he never argued or spoke back at me. It is working. Father, help us as parents not give in to our children no matter what age. It is not fair to them not to tell them the truth and stand against their sin, not harshly but in love. Give us Your wisdom, Your strength Lord as we wait on you in prayer and supplication. Lord, the enemy uses our families at times to try to make us think or ask “did God really say that?” Watch out for the “crow Christians that want the ‘War Eagles’ to NOT soar to the heights that God is calling them to. They could be the very one’s we love the most. Help us all Lord! I pray this encourages Christian parents everywhere that God is going to do with our families what He said He would do and we should not compromise our Christian, Biblical values. And also ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts to make sure in some way we have not idolized our children. Thank you Ms. Hardin for writing this article. Jeremiah 6:16. Isaiah 40:31.
There seems to be confusion as the definition of love and acceptance in today’s world. While God loves us, He does not accept our sin. This is how we should be loving our children, our families, and our neighbors.
Amen to your explaination that we need to hold to biblical truths at all times!
The rise of nationalism in the American church is the #1 false idol plaguing American Christians today.
# 1?
Could you elaborate on this.
Thank you.
I believe all that was shared here if it doesn’t line up with the word of God we have no business making it part of our Theology and we definitely have no business making anything in idle before our God. For far too long we have accommodated sin and said nothing about it but once we have knowledge wisdom and understanding on certain subjects concerning Holiness we are at Liberty to follow what we’ve been taught and therefore shared with others as opportunity affords itself. If someone comes to us and is living in a lie stop contrary to the word of God it is our responsibility at their request to give our opinion according to the word of God. We will be accountable if we have kept her mouth shut because that is just as bad as lying. I have had this happen to me over and over again or I have been asked to compromise my beliefs which are aligned with the word of God and I would not that friendship is no longer part of my life and its people are caught up in sin and have left God and have never looked back to re-establish their relationship with it that is a very sad situation but each one of us are responsible for the decisions we make. As I taught our children there are consequences to your actions so be wise and what you do where you go who you hang out with what youth meditate on and what is most important to you in your life. Our relationship with almighty God his son and his Spirit have to be Priority One it’s the only way we will overcome this side of Heaven thank you once again for sharing from your heart I pray that people will prayerfully consider what you said and perhaps adjust their Lifestyles according to the word of God. God bless and keep you always walking in faith and victory in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior amen
Good article.
But we are not to “open our arms” to those who openly oppose the Lord, no matter who they are. God will NEVER show His love at the expense of His holiness. He has provided us His righteousness and holiness…but He does it HIS WAY. “You are not of the world..EVEN AS I am not of the world.” His separation is the quality and measure of ours…meant to be the same!! His presence in our lives. The world WILL hate this. Sometimes we are so afraid to be identified with the clear words of Scripture and to stand with His character by His Spirit. When we stand with Him in love in His Word the world will oppose us. Our good, and our righteousness (from Him), will be targeted by the darkness. Our good will be “spoken evil of.” We must arm ourselves with the mind to expect this. While I agree with your well written article… lets not hesitate to really stand with God in His Word and call out those who refuse to do so. We must not lose heart because of horizontal opposition. Press in and hold on…Look High, stay low, dwell deep…. Bless you
You nailed it! I’ve been seeing this & speaking up about it to others. My generation (X) seems to value friendship with their children over being their parents—especially the mothers. They will, as you said, compromise their previously held beliefs in exchange for any kind of relationship with their kids. They don’t correct them or tell them no but instead praise them endlessly. And this is why we have the chaos in our streets & adults who can’t “adult”. Forgive us, Lord and open our eyes to the large & small ways we have let the world dictate our parenting instead of your Word.
My mother accused. me of having my head stuck in the sand when I disagreed with her political views. That still surfaces sin e she and others follow the party line but claim Christian belief. The same is true today with my children who see me as a dinasour in my political belief and adherence to Biblical principles. My family confronts a multitude of lifestyles and religious beliefs at home and school. I am in prayer every day that they will be given discernment to know Godly ways of approaching all the situations they encounter and be able to STAND…
As I also encourage them to funnel their beliefs into a place on the school board
God is jealous for us. He stated in 10 commandments to have no other God but Him. Whatever we put first is an idol. Do not beside tracked by all the talk of what sin is. The enemy is out to confuse&distract us. Has he?
Homosexuality and Lesbianism are trying to become an acceptable behavior in the churches. Do not be deceived. Stand up for the truth. Do not let your children become idols.
The LGBTQ community has gained large amounts of progress for their cause and the right to be who they want to be in spite of God’s Word. It is to the point devastation in our society. Not only are we making our children idols, as reported in this article, but it is tearing apart the Godly design of the family and the authority of a family is terribly askew. Divorce rates continue to climb. There are more step family relationships now than ever before. Kids and young adults,with very immature minds, are given the opportunity to determine their own identity. The family unit has lost its definition as instituted by our living God. Yes, we need to love them all with a love they have not understood so they can share in the truth and the truth can set them free.
I’ve heard it said that passing the gay marriage act opened the door to Satan. I say he kicked wide open. It has been a free fall further into moral depravity ever since.
Praise God Julia that you stand strong in the Lord and the power of His might. There are those that have previously chosen this lifestyle but have repented and returned to God. In listening to testimonies on CBN or on the website Changed Movement, a common theme is that the each appeared to have a parent that never stopped praying. Having a parent that supports your sinful behavior may possibly reinforce the behavior to the extent that the chances of repenting is less. If you train up a child that sinful behavior is good, than they won’t depart from it (the opposite of Prov. 22:6). Sounds like the soul of your daughter recognizes that the behavior is wrong since she puts limitations on her “lesbian”. Allow the power of prayer and your confession over your daughter that she is delivered and set free from homosexuality. Change her friends! I have added her to my prayer list.
Good insight.
Parents are caving in to their children’s new found enlightenment. This is not entirely new, but parents being swept into things they absolutely oppose – and this is especially true through daughters – is eye opening. Lord, may Your word be the plumb line and anchor in the minds and hearts of parents. In Mathew 24, Jesus first response to His disciples, on the question of what would the sign be of the end of the age, and of His coming: “take heed that no one deceives you.” Then, there is what the Word says about idolatry. Lord, help us, having done all, to stand.
I am an intercession called by God. My calling is specifically for The Church and for the country. I am married but have no children. I come from a Christian family and heritage. One of the great burdens of my heart is how I have watched parents in the church turn from truth and bend it for the sake of their children. As a 54 year old woman, most women I meet and know in the church and in my family are all mothers and grandmothers. But oh…how I have watched them twist and turn their views in order to remain their children’s best friend. They miss church for their sports games. They won’t come to prayer because their kid wants them to take them to a friends house. Holiness and the perusal of God is not their goal in life, it is their children. We had one couple tell my husband and I that they couldn’t have dinner with us because if they admitted it openly, they had a crush on their son And he was going to be leaving for college in the summer and they just wanted to spend all their time with him. I wasn’t raised like this. My parents did not make my sister and I the center of their world. Our desires as children did not have a say as to what we ate for dinner, where we went for family vacations or what entertainment was watched on the one TV in our home. I rarely ever speak on this because I do not have children but from an outsider looking in, this is a serious offense in the eyes of God. If it sickens me, I can’t imagine how a holy and righteous God sees this. Great article and insight.
Your observations are spot on. I was guilty of this on some level when we entered the teen years. The pressure from other parents was hard to push back against but that’s no excuse. God woke me up before it was too late & we turned it around with our oldest but without much support from our peers.
I love the Truth that sets us free! Our Yahweh Lord has given us His Word and boundaries for living sanctification that being purchased by the precious Blood of King Jesus should make us want to live for our new identity and His life
in us. That means holiness and deliverance and victory over all that is of the flesh and old man. Put off flesh and put on Christ!
It is also important to know that Jen Hatmaker not only accepted sin for her daughter and the gay community under grace and forfeited the victory life and holiness Jesus purchased for her and all of his. But she also chose that for herself. She left her husband and married a woman. How sad that those under the lies and deceptions of the dark powers have been lead astray by her. Had she kept our Lord and Savior as her authority, many would repent and be saved and delivered to victorious lives for the glory of Jesus, His Church and His Kingdom. These things along with abortion are the real issues that need to be voted with a Biblical foundation as the Lord requires of those who say they believe Jesus is God who saves in their hearts and profess this with their tongues.
I pray that the Truth and Light will expose all lies, deceptions, error, double mindedness. I pray a binding and rebuking in the Name of Jesus of all principalities of darkness causing spiritual blindness and confusion and hypocrisy. Jesus came for us to have abundant life! If we love Him and trust His work for us who deserve wrath and punishment forever, we obey Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, that He be glorified as He makes us holy! King Jesus is WORTHY!
Correction: it was Glennon Doyle who left her husband not Jen.
You are absolutely right about my mistake and I apologize/. Thank you for your correction. I heard wrongly the name of person who had left her family for a woman. I have asked the Lord’s forgiveness and I hope you will forgive me also. Truly my intent was not to slander. I am very sorrowful that Jen Hatmaker, like Beth Moore and many others who have made a fortune teaching the Truth have fallen away and are leading others down the road to destruction.
How is Beth Moore leading others down the path of destruction. This is the first I’ve heard this.
There’s so many of them nowadays it’s hard to keep track. It’s unfortunate but the Lord warned us. Blessings to you for your humility in acknowledging the error. We’ve all done it at one time or another.
Thank you for this article. My 13-year-old daughter has been deceived by the LGBTQ agenda. Although we tried to protect her through homeschooling, she made friends with a group of public school students and was drawn in before we knew it. She now professes to be lesbian. She justifies her position by stating that she never intends to be sexually intimate and the Bible only refers to homosexual acts as sinful. We believe that asexual same-sex romantic relationships are also outside of God’s will. But this article illustrates our real concern, which is that she supports the LGBTQ community and celebrates all they stand for.
Please pray for my daughter and all of the children in this nation who have been deceived and indoctrinated into an immoral belief system. Pray that their eyes will be opened to God’s truth. Pray for young leaders to rise up and lead their peers out of the darkness.
Oh Julia, I’ll pray that the Lord will help you to stand firm while loving your daughter at the same time. May God Allmighty cause her blind to fall off from her eyes, so that she may see the truth. You do not stand alone!
Praying for a deep and beautiful encounter for your daughter with King Jesus! That she will see Him in the fullness of His love and Holiness and believe Him for her identity, value and TRUTH!
Praise God Julia that you stand strong in the Lord and the power of His might. There are those that have previously chosen this lifestyle but have repented and returned to God. In listening to testimonies on CBN or on the website Changed Movement, a common theme is that the each appeared to have a parent that never stopped praying. Having a parent that supports your sinful behavior may possibly reinforce the behavior to the extent that the chances of repenting is less. If you train up a child that sinful behavior is good, than they won’t depart from it (the opposite of Prov. 22:6). Sounds like the soul of your daughter recognizes that the behavior is wrong since she puts limitations on her “lesbian”. Allow the power of prayer and your confession over your daughter that she is delivered and set free from homosexuality. Change her friends! I have added her to my prayer list.
Julia thank you for sharing. My heart goes out to you and every parent facing this battle and deception in their children. Lord we declare as parents that our children will come back to you. That those who err in mind will know the truth and that they will come to their senses snd escape from the snare of the devil who has held them captive. We say COME BACK and EYES BE OPENED TO THE TRUTH!