I’m so old I can remember when disseminating communist propaganda in public schools was frowned upon.
Last Friday afternoon, I was sitting at my computer when I received an email from Peachjar. This is a service used by several school districts near me in the Portland area that sends home digital fliers to parents in lieu of paper fliers to advertise extracurricular activities sponsored by various groups in the community. My son’s middle school uses this service, and I receive a few emails a month from them. I’ve used the service myself to send advertisements for recruiting events for Scouts, and I’ve received other fliers such as music lessons, sports teams, and the like.
There’s so much wrong here it’s hard to know where to start.
The first thing that struck me, before anything else, was the mask-clad, fist-raising elementary school kids in the illustration. Teaching incoming 4th-8th-graders how to riot, become members of antifa, and join a communist revolution seems a bit muchāeven for Portland, Oregon. Notice the star on the mask and the raised fist. Classic imagery from the USSR, China, and other violent Marxist revolutions in the 20th century. . . .
You may also note that an organization called Budding Roses runs thisĀ junior domestic terrorist training campĀ summer camp for social justice. The About page says:
Budding Roses is a volunteer-run collective of educators, students, and activists who provide free social justice summer camps and year-round workshops for Portland-area youth in 4th-8th grade.
Camp Philosophy
Our goal is to provide a free, safe and encouraging space for youth to learn, express themselves, and engage critically with the issues they encounter individuals and as a group. We strive to help them cultivate the necessary tools to be active members of our communities through experiences of collective decision-making and democratic education.Ā At camp, youth of all ages play a leadership role alongside adult counselors and make collective decisions about the activities and format of the day. Each day opening and closing assemblies provide a space for youth and counselors to democratically plan activities for the day, resolve conflicts, and build interpersonal leadership skills.
Daily Activities
Include a combination of community-building activities, discussions on social justice topics, interactive workshops, movies, arts, games, and free time. Workshops and discussions are often held in collaboration with local activists and community organizations. In the past two summers, we have worked with the Burgerville Workers Union, Critical Resistance PDX, the Transformative Lenses Collective, and DUG (Deep Underground)!
Building Solidarity
In our work we strive to be a resource for both the campers, their families, and the broader community. Ā With funding from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation, an online fundraising campaign,Ā and in-kind donations of space, supplies, and services we were able to offer two hot meals a day, school supplies, and a back-to-school haircut for youth last summer. In addition to this we hope that with the skills, ideas and support found at Budding Roses, each camper is empowered to make a lasting positive change in their community.
What’s wrong with fighting for social justice, you say? You may have noted that Budding Roses received funding from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. Notice that they use the same graphic as the summer camp:
Black Rose claims to believe in something called libertarian socialism. They attempt to resolve this oxymoron on their About page:
About Us
Black Rose Anarchist Federation / FederaciĆ³n Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN)Ā is a political organization with locals in over a dozen cities sharing a common set of politics and creating a shared strategic vision of how to build āpopular powerā in workplaces, neighborhoods, schools and all sectors of society towards the goal of libertarian socialism. Our organizing work is centered on building mass movements such as tenant unions, neighborhood assemblies, workplace campaigns, student unions, prisoner organizing, and in defense of communities resisting criminalization and deportations.
They have podcasts that include Feminists against Capitalism, a Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) podcast, and others.
On a side note, the DSA in Portland has announced that they will challenge Democrat legislators in next year’s primary over an unwillingness to go far enough left for their tastes. Mind you, Portland Democrats tilt to the left of Trotsky, so this will shape up as a battle royale to rival the craziest stuff advocated by AOC and others.
In any event, you can’t tell me that we’re not in a war for the soul of our culture. The Marxist revolutionaries are now reaching into our elementary schools to recruit ever younger comrades for the front lines.
(Excerpted from PJ Media, article by Jeff Reynolds)
Editorial Note:Ā You may also notice that this camp is being held in a church.Ā Pray for discernment for our pastors and churches when allowing groups and activities in their buildings.
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How you can pray for this issue:
Lord, we are saddened by the attack on our kids with values that are so contrary to you. We pray for their protection!
You have to realize we are in the end days, and all the is predicted in the Bible. It is fine to pray, but God has told us what is coming so we must be prepared.
Father God, i ask that all the prayers for our children, all the prayers for our Education system, all the prayers for the marketing industry, all the prayers against every wicked device raised up against our children…all the prayers for more attentiveness and awareness of danger for their parents…Lord may all these prayers that we have prayed before go up to your throne once again. Lord please break the malevolent principalities aligned against the innocence of our children. I pray your hedge of protection around each one and pray that the divisive speech of the anarchist would seem like a foreign language to our young, that it would not hurt them or lead them astray. Thank you Lord for your love for our children. In Jesus name, Amen
The lawmakers of the state of Oregon need to address this issue immediately to protect the citizens and students in Portland, Oregon! What we teach our young people in school or in organizations out of school, will definitely play a role in developing, establishing, and keeping the security of our families, our states, and our nation! We are not a communist country, and should never appear that we are by teaching communism to our young people! PLEASE, address this issue!
Donna Nelson,
I may be wrong, but doesn’t the Word of God say, that God is going to shake everything that can be shaken? We say, shake away, God!
Billye Brim says “One thing will save America,” and it is a “Great Awakening” unto God! I will say, “the God of the Universe.” The Word says “people die for a lack of knowledge,” well were sure getting a lot! Like Katie Souza and others are saying, (just saying)
Father God wake up our parents our Churches, and especially the pastors in the pulpit to see the agendas behind anything offered to them free in our communities by such an organization as this ! To actually stand up and speak against it. We must educate people as to the real issues when we see these things popping up in our own back yard. Thank you for showing us this info and all that you bring to the table here. We are contending for and believing God for another 3rd Great Awakening in this wonderful country of ours. It is the only hope for America !
I have been praying about Black Rose terrorist training of kids. I am adding this: “Lord, if they will help looser to win nomination for Senate and those candidates loose, God bless them for a short while.
Dear God Who Sees,
I am never impressed with what the enemy is planning or doing, but I am impressed with what You, are planning and doing. I understand Psalms 2 to say that when people imagine vain things and rulers of the earth form think tanks against You, LORD, to break off Your restraints from them, YOU LAUGH! I believe Your Word also warns against causing one of Your little ones to sin. It breaks my heart that children are victims of this culture, but I trust You to show us what to do about this and how we should pray. Like the song says, “break our hearts with what breaks Yours.” We must fight for our children! We trust You to show us how.
In Jesus Name,
As I read this article and began to pray, the book of Jude came to my mind. I declare this book over the Northwest. Verse 10 says, “These people insult anything they don’t understand. They behave like irrational beasts by doing whatever they feel like doing. Because they live by their animal instincts, they corrupt themselves and bring about their own destruction. How terrible it is for them! It goes on to say in verse 16 They enjoy using seductive flattery to manipulate others. Verse 19. These people cause divisions and are followers of their own natural instincts, devoid of the life of the Spirit. Let us pray for our us to be verse 20 But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourself up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the Spirit. Fasten your hearts to the love of God and receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ who gives us eternal life. Keep compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh. God, show us how to love so that we may snatch these precious ones out of the fire. Amen.
Dear God, this is so disturbing to me, children of this age group are not wise enough to make good decisions on their own. Lord I pray for Your intervention on this matter, what must happen before parents wake up to these so called good events for children, who pay no attention to what their children are exposed to. Anyone who thinks this is good, should go and live in a communist country and find out what it’s really like, please wake up. Your children are a gift from God, please protect and treat them as such. Who is really behind this camp, certainly not God fearing leaders! Lord reveal what is hidden in the dark and bring it to light, in Jesus name.
i shouldve stated ,help the parents that are enrolling their children.Help all the parents in this nation to pray,ask for eyes to see,ears to hear give them the mind of christ & pray they ask for your wisdom, i pray in jesus name
Lord, you said that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual demonic powers of the air, which you have already defeated and made a public show of. And so, I declare and decree that these demonic powers are defeated in these summer camps in Portland and anywhere else, in the Budding Roses organization, and in St Peter and Paul Church that is allowing this evil activity. These demonic powers must bow and kneel at the One who shed His blood and won the victory! In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. This activity must cease and desist. And, Lord, cover these children with the power of Your blood,keep them safe, and give discernment and wisdom to the parents.
“Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!” May His blessings flow, His truth prevail and
all mankind come to the saving knowledge of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray
that God will protect the hearts and minds of these young ones from the lies of the enemy and
that all the efforts of the “camp counselors, etc” will be washed away by the blood of The Lamb
of God.
āThe thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.ā (John10:10 NIV)
Lord, help us to be watchful for the thieves. Cleanse us of all our transgressions and give us wisdom to teach Your truth to the younger generations. This is truly a spiritual war, a war that can only be won by You Lord, our Commander in chief, Jesus Christ! Wake up Your people to join Your battle against Your enemy, the devil whoās doomed to eternal hell. We cry out to You God to deliver us from these attacks on our young people. Draw them to Jesus, Holy Spirit so they will know to fear the Lord and shun evil. Have mercy on us Lord! Have mercy on the young people! Save our nation from perishing! In Jesusā name, amen!
The other shocking thing I noticed that was not mentioned, is that he camp is being held in a CHURCH. What is wrong with our pastors when they will allow such a thing in their churches! Lord have Mercy on us!
Unfortunately many so-called “christian” churches have become so far left as to become indistinguishable from the communists who are destroying our once God-fearing Nation. Still, if enough true believers pray as one God will hear us and restore our country, though that is far from certain. We must pray without ceasing! May God forgive us and have mercy on us.
Lord, protect our children and show them the truth of Jesus. We ask for a great and lasting revival of YOUR people all over the USA, and draw people who do not know Your values or You, to You! Amen
I will pray for the children and for there leadership. I wonder whatever happened to our schools. I graduated in 1965. We had to have two years of Americanism.versus communalism. This taught us the difference We had to have this before we graduated. We need to take a look at our educators. Some are so educated that they are ———— I will let you fill the blank.
Truly, truly I say unto you, it’s the top administration and elected school board members that need looked into. The school board and superintendents are so political and corrupt, and they will make you believe it’s not them
Lord,we pray that your Holy Spirit will just take over the whole camp, even the ones that will be teaching and let only your word come from their mouths. We have seen your works and know there is nothing impossible for you. We pray for a great revival across the entire United States. We pray our people will turn back to you.
Let’s pray one of the children be a leader person and have this dream vision event. That this leader child will lead other children to Jesus with his experience. The leader of Isis got saved. A group of people was in a certain place, the Isis leader had it in his mind to kill this person and he called him to himself and immediately the HOLY GHOST FELL ON THE CHRISTIAN AS HE POURED OUT SCRIPTURE TO THIS ISIS LEADER AND THEN THE LORD FELL ON THE ISIS LEADER AND HE GOT SAVED.
How about us praying God’s Word in whole sentence form, not one little word out of a sentence of scripture. GOD WILL NOT TURN HIS BACK ON HIS WORD. HE HOLDS HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME HE SAYS. AND WE ARE PRAYING HIS WILL. JEREMIAH 1:12B He watches over His word to perform it.
Our heavenly Father has had a great deal of mercy upon us and someday He will bring His judgement. I believe it may have started to happen. I pray for revival in our nation,… hopefully very soon.
These are the last few decades and wickedness will wax worse and worse the King James Bible says. Yet, fasting and praying for dreams and visions of Jesus to come on these kids has power. Chuck Pierce, a prophet at Glory of Zion gathering said the only way we can get thru to the Muslims is praying dreams visions on them. WELL, guess what, I have run across a used-to-be Muslim who has accepted Christ and he really had a dream vision thing happen to him. I invited him, Sam, to come gather at the place I go to on Sunday. He said he would ask his boss to exchange Sunday work for another day. Would you assist praying for this exchange of Sunday work at a gas station for another day of the week???????
In Jesus Name and according to the Word of God, Jesus speaking in Matthew 18:19 saying. Again I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for it will be done for you!! And I come in agreement with you Patricia and Sam here on earth asking the Father to enable Sam to go to church on Sunday and there after and do his work at the gas station on another day!! By faith I praise God for the answer in advance!! Hallelujah!!
Dear LORD we need to wake up to this insidious take over of our society. Our ignorance leaves us and our precious children vulnerable. We repent for being a lukewarm church shake us up LORD, let JESUS be lifted up restore our light to shine and dispel the darkness that would overtake our nation before itās too late. In JESUS name I pray. Amen
Thank you Brenda for speaking these words!! To God be the Glory!! I come in agreement with you Brenda!! And the only thing I would like to add is this!!
This is to the saints in Oregon, do not grow weary in well doing, do not faint by this news and the evil that is occurring!! For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against…. Therefore dressed in the full Armor of God and the Sword of the Spirit in your hand praising Jesus and covered by His Blood rise up and speak to that that is rising up around you. Do it all in Mighty Name of Jesus and in the authority of Jesusās Name!! Pull those strongholds down in Jesus Name!! And break the chains of deception off of those that are in bondage!! Stand up for your children and your neighbors children!! Rise up in the Mighty Name of Jesus and in the Power of His Might!!! And letās praise, praise, praise Him, JESUS who is Lord over all the earth and that includes America!!!!!! Glory to God!! Hallelujah to Jesus!!!!!!!!
Lord,you said in your word,that it would be better for them to have a millstone around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.Rise up, Adonai and defend these children and Defund those monsters defiling minds of the children( and the parents allowing this activity)
Dear God, I pray that you would forgive us ours sins, have mercy on us and heal our land. I pray that you would raise up the righteous and cast down the wicked in this land that we love because you have blessed us so thru the centuries. We have taken you for granted, forgive us, deliver us.
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The best prayer to defeat this and other evils is the Holy Rosary.
You have to realize we are in the end days, and all the is predicted in the Bible. It is fine to pray, but God has told us what is coming so we must be prepared.
Father God, i ask that all the prayers for our children, all the prayers for our Education system, all the prayers for the marketing industry, all the prayers against every wicked device raised up against our children…all the prayers for more attentiveness and awareness of danger for their parents…Lord may all these prayers that we have prayed before go up to your throne once again. Lord please break the malevolent principalities aligned against the innocence of our children. I pray your hedge of protection around each one and pray that the divisive speech of the anarchist would seem like a foreign language to our young, that it would not hurt them or lead them astray. Thank you Lord for your love for our children. In Jesus name, Amen
The lawmakers of the state of Oregon need to address this issue immediately to protect the citizens and students in Portland, Oregon! What we teach our young people in school or in organizations out of school, will definitely play a role in developing, establishing, and keeping the security of our families, our states, and our nation! We are not a communist country, and should never appear that we are by teaching communism to our young people! PLEASE, address this issue!
Donna Nelson,
I may be wrong, but doesn’t the Word of God say, that God is going to shake everything that can be shaken? We say, shake away, God!
Billye Brim says “One thing will save America,” and it is a “Great Awakening” unto God! I will say, “the God of the Universe.” The Word says “people die for a lack of knowledge,” well were sure getting a lot! Like Katie Souza and others are saying, (just saying)
Father God wake up our parents our Churches, and especially the pastors in the pulpit to see the agendas behind anything offered to them free in our communities by such an organization as this ! To actually stand up and speak against it. We must educate people as to the real issues when we see these things popping up in our own back yard. Thank you for showing us this info and all that you bring to the table here. We are contending for and believing God for another 3rd Great Awakening in this wonderful country of ours. It is the only hope for America !
I have been praying about Black Rose terrorist training of kids. I am adding this: “Lord, if they will help looser to win nomination for Senate and those candidates loose, God bless them for a short while.
Dear God Who Sees,
I am never impressed with what the enemy is planning or doing, but I am impressed with what You, are planning and doing. I understand Psalms 2 to say that when people imagine vain things and rulers of the earth form think tanks against You, LORD, to break off Your restraints from them, YOU LAUGH! I believe Your Word also warns against causing one of Your little ones to sin. It breaks my heart that children are victims of this culture, but I trust You to show us what to do about this and how we should pray. Like the song says, “break our hearts with what breaks Yours.” We must fight for our children! We trust You to show us how.
In Jesus Name,
As I read this article and began to pray, the book of Jude came to my mind. I declare this book over the Northwest. Verse 10 says, “These people insult anything they don’t understand. They behave like irrational beasts by doing whatever they feel like doing. Because they live by their animal instincts, they corrupt themselves and bring about their own destruction. How terrible it is for them! It goes on to say in verse 16 They enjoy using seductive flattery to manipulate others. Verse 19. These people cause divisions and are followers of their own natural instincts, devoid of the life of the Spirit. Let us pray for our us to be verse 20 But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourself up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the Spirit. Fasten your hearts to the love of God and receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ who gives us eternal life. Keep compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh. God, show us how to love so that we may snatch these precious ones out of the fire. Amen.
Dear God, this is so disturbing to me, children of this age group are not wise enough to make good decisions on their own. Lord I pray for Your intervention on this matter, what must happen before parents wake up to these so called good events for children, who pay no attention to what their children are exposed to. Anyone who thinks this is good, should go and live in a communist country and find out what it’s really like, please wake up. Your children are a gift from God, please protect and treat them as such. Who is really behind this camp, certainly not God fearing leaders! Lord reveal what is hidden in the dark and bring it to light, in Jesus name.
i shouldve stated ,help the parents that are enrolling their children.Help all the parents in this nation to pray,ask for eyes to see,ears to hear give them the mind of christ & pray they ask for your wisdom, i pray in jesus name
Lord, you said that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual demonic powers of the air, which you have already defeated and made a public show of. And so, I declare and decree that these demonic powers are defeated in these summer camps in Portland and anywhere else, in the Budding Roses organization, and in St Peter and Paul Church that is allowing this evil activity. These demonic powers must bow and kneel at the One who shed His blood and won the victory! In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. This activity must cease and desist. And, Lord, cover these children with the power of Your blood,keep them safe, and give discernment and wisdom to the parents.
“Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!” May His blessings flow, His truth prevail and
all mankind come to the saving knowledge of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray
that God will protect the hearts and minds of these young ones from the lies of the enemy and
that all the efforts of the “camp counselors, etc” will be washed away by the blood of The Lamb
of God.
yes I agree! Jesus, take their thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.
āThe thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.ā (John10:10 NIV)
Lord, help us to be watchful for the thieves. Cleanse us of all our transgressions and give us wisdom to teach Your truth to the younger generations. This is truly a spiritual war, a war that can only be won by You Lord, our Commander in chief, Jesus Christ! Wake up Your people to join Your battle against Your enemy, the devil whoās doomed to eternal hell. We cry out to You God to deliver us from these attacks on our young people. Draw them to Jesus, Holy Spirit so they will know to fear the Lord and shun evil. Have mercy on us Lord! Have mercy on the young people! Save our nation from perishing! In Jesusā name, amen!
Yes, Amen!!
YES and AMEN!!
The other shocking thing I noticed that was not mentioned, is that he camp is being held in a CHURCH. What is wrong with our pastors when they will allow such a thing in their churches! Lord have Mercy on us!
Unfortunately many so-called “christian” churches have become so far left as to become indistinguishable from the communists who are destroying our once God-fearing Nation. Still, if enough true believers pray as one God will hear us and restore our country, though that is far from certain. We must pray without ceasing! May God forgive us and have mercy on us.
Lord, protect our children and show them the truth of Jesus. We ask for a great and lasting revival of YOUR people all over the USA, and draw people who do not know Your values or You, to You! Amen
I will pray for the children and for there leadership. I wonder whatever happened to our schools. I graduated in 1965. We had to have two years of Americanism.versus communalism. This taught us the difference We had to have this before we graduated. We need to take a look at our educators. Some are so educated that they are ———— I will let you fill the blank.
Truly, truly I say unto you, it’s the top administration and elected school board members that need looked into. The school board and superintendents are so political and corrupt, and they will make you believe it’s not them
Lord,we pray that your Holy Spirit will just take over the whole camp, even the ones that will be teaching and let only your word come from their mouths. We have seen your works and know there is nothing impossible for you. We pray for a great revival across the entire United States. We pray our people will turn back to you.
Thank You! That’s the prayer that acknowledges God’s miracle working power!We are on the winning team!
Let’s pray one of the children be a leader person and have this dream vision event. That this leader child will lead other children to Jesus with his experience. The leader of Isis got saved. A group of people was in a certain place, the Isis leader had it in his mind to kill this person and he called him to himself and immediately the HOLY GHOST FELL ON THE CHRISTIAN AS HE POURED OUT SCRIPTURE TO THIS ISIS LEADER AND THEN THE LORD FELL ON THE ISIS LEADER AND HE GOT SAVED.
To God be the Glory!!!!!!!!
How about us praying God’s Word in whole sentence form, not one little word out of a sentence of scripture. GOD WILL NOT TURN HIS BACK ON HIS WORD. HE HOLDS HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME HE SAYS. AND WE ARE PRAYING HIS WILL. JEREMIAH 1:12B He watches over His word to perform it.
Father in heaven, have mercy on them. They don’t know what they are doing.
Our heavenly Father has had a great deal of mercy upon us and someday He will bring His judgement. I believe it may have started to happen. I pray for revival in our nation,… hopefully very soon.
These are the last few decades and wickedness will wax worse and worse the King James Bible says. Yet, fasting and praying for dreams and visions of Jesus to come on these kids has power. Chuck Pierce, a prophet at Glory of Zion gathering said the only way we can get thru to the Muslims is praying dreams visions on them. WELL, guess what, I have run across a used-to-be Muslim who has accepted Christ and he really had a dream vision thing happen to him. I invited him, Sam, to come gather at the place I go to on Sunday. He said he would ask his boss to exchange Sunday work for another day. Would you assist praying for this exchange of Sunday work at a gas station for another day of the week???????
In Jesus Name and according to the Word of God, Jesus speaking in Matthew 18:19 saying. Again I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for it will be done for you!! And I come in agreement with you Patricia and Sam here on earth asking the Father to enable Sam to go to church on Sunday and there after and do his work at the gas station on another day!! By faith I praise God for the answer in advance!! Hallelujah!!
In agreement with Patricia and Maria. In Jesus’name.
Dear LORD we need to wake up to this insidious take over of our society. Our ignorance leaves us and our precious children vulnerable. We repent for being a lukewarm church shake us up LORD, let JESUS be lifted up restore our light to shine and dispel the darkness that would overtake our nation before itās too late. In JESUS name I pray. Amen
Thank you Brenda for speaking these words!! To God be the Glory!! I come in agreement with you Brenda!! And the only thing I would like to add is this!!
This is to the saints in Oregon, do not grow weary in well doing, do not faint by this news and the evil that is occurring!! For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against…. Therefore dressed in the full Armor of God and the Sword of the Spirit in your hand praising Jesus and covered by His Blood rise up and speak to that that is rising up around you. Do it all in Mighty Name of Jesus and in the authority of Jesusās Name!! Pull those strongholds down in Jesus Name!! And break the chains of deception off of those that are in bondage!! Stand up for your children and your neighbors children!! Rise up in the Mighty Name of Jesus and in the Power of His Might!!! And letās praise, praise, praise Him, JESUS who is Lord over all the earth and that includes America!!!!!! Glory to God!! Hallelujah to Jesus!!!!!!!!
Amen and Amen!
Lord,you said in your word,that it would be better for them to have a millstone around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.Rise up, Adonai and defend these children and Defund those monsters defiling minds of the children( and the parents allowing this activity)
Dear God, I pray that you would forgive us ours sins, have mercy on us and heal our land. I pray that you would raise up the righteous and cast down the wicked in this land that we love because you have blessed us so thru the centuries. We have taken you for granted, forgive us, deliver us.