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God, we pray against evil and experimental transgender procedures. We pray that You would stop hospitals from performing these treatments, and that You would stop the government from attacks doctors like Eithan Haim who object to these procedures.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Despite claiming to have stopped, Texas Children’s Hospital is reportedly still offering transgender treatments. When one doctor blew the whistle on this fact, he became a target of the DOJ.

From CBN. A Texas surgeon faces a federal investigation after exposing transgender procedures being done on children after the hospital said they stopped doing them.

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Dr. Eithan Haim told CBN News no medical professional should engage in what he calls “barbaric” transgender procedures.

“These doctors believe they can become gods and create something new,” he said. “It’s not a doctor’s job to harm people even if the person wants it.” …

Dr. Haim said he was relieved when Texas Children’s Hospital, where he worked, announced they were stopping their transgender procedures.  However, he said he later discovered the procedures were still taking place.

“There were a few residents who I knew who said that they had just finished implanting a puberty-blocking device in an 11, 12, 13-year-old kid who believed they were transgender, who had all these psychiatric issues which were being unaddressed,” Dr. Haim said.

He gave documents, possibly redacted patient records, to the Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo in an effort to provide proof the treatments were still going on. …

Not long after coming forward, Dr. Haim said he was informed he was the subject of a federal investigation, possibly for violating patient privacy, which he denies.

“I’m being targeted because I was a whistle-blower,” he said.

Dr. Haim’s attorney, Marcella Burke told CBN News the investigation is politically motivated. …

Burke sent a letter to U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and U.S. Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas), Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government.  In the letter, Burke calls for an investigation of what she calls the “weaponization of the federal government.” …

Dr. Haim isn’t the only healthcare provider opposed to transgender procedures.  That’s why the Religious Freedom Institute helped launch the Medical Conscience Right Initiative.  It states that no medical practitioner, clinic, or hospital should be pressured or coerced to perform, or otherwise participate in, highly contested, elective procedures such as abortion, physician-assisted suicide, or “gender transition” surgery.

“Over the past few years we’ve seen laws passed in Arkansas, Ohio, South Carolina, Montana, and Florida,” David K. Trimble, Vice President for Public Policy and Education at the Religious Freedom Institute told CBN News.

“We’re working right now in six other states,” he said. “There are state laws, and there’s also the First Amendment that protects our free exercise rights in the U.S. Constitution as people of faith.” …

Share this article to encourage others to pray for Dr. Haim and against transgender treatments.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash)

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karma Sweet
March 7, 2024

Father, my heart breaks that our country has fallen so far . That we are wanting to destroy the wonderful creation you have made of man and woman. It was bad enough killing unborn babies, now we are trying to destroy them after they are alive. Please Lord Jesus forgive us and help the doctors who are against these terrible transgender operations and help our lawmakers realize this is stupidity at the utmost! Wanting to take gender identify off of birth certificates is right along side of this mess the lost have created and we have let happen. It has been a slippery slope for years that can be seen in comedy shows from the 70’s and 80’s. Why have we let this happen? God help us please!

March 6, 2024

Seth Gruber of The White Rose Resistance informs.


Deception is the current religious movement chosen by everyone in the Democratic Party or Death Party or Deception Party to perpetuate death and destruction deceiving the public that they want to harm themselves and others including -abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, self-hatred, lawlessness, censorship, euthanasia, support of terrorists, martyrdom of criminals, prejudice, unsecured borders, ignoring of drug crisis, economic disaster through taxes and national debt, denial of term limits preventing criminal career politicians, corruption of America’s Electoral System, denial of voter Identification, rights to squatters over legally recorded owners, tyrannical control of unelected bureaucrats, taxes, IRS, Treasury printing, complete division, abuse of True Science, abuse of Science, abuse of Scientists, abuse of business regulation, THIS LIST IS ENDLESS OF HONEST PROOF OF A TYRANNICAL PARTY SEEKING ONLY TO CONTROL AND DESTROY💀

Transgender medicine is solely based on autonomous thoughts, feelings, and emotions born out of the deception of psychology and medically carried out by fools based on Deception💀
20th and 21st century medical professionals (NOT SCIENTISTS) literally adapt the way of Josef Mengele’s Socialist practice of destruction and death through medical procedures to permanently destroy and mangle the bodies of children and adults💀
Josef Mengele or the Angel of Death of the German National Socialist Party or the German Nazi Party experimented on children and adults based godless atheism born out of Humanism and Naturalism💀
Sir Francis Galton claims eugenics based on Humanism💀
Charles Darwin claims the origin of species based on Naturalism💀

Joan Page
March 5, 2024

Dr.Haim is doing your will Lord. Justice must prevail. Government
can not be aloud to tell doctors that they must things that is unlawful in your sight. When the government is doing Evil doctors
Do not follow. Government. They are here to help the Righteous.

March 5, 2024

Dr.Haim is doing your will . Justice must prevail. Government can
not be aloud to tell doctors to do things that are against you
Father God. No one must be told they have to do evil because the government says so!! I declare this in Jesus Name, Amen

March 5, 2024

Yes, Lord, we thank You for this brave doctor, and we pray for righteousness to prevail! We also pray for her job to be protected; we need more doctors like her that are actually concerned about the real mental health issues of many of these patients. Open the eyes of believers and nonbelievers that they might see not only the foolishness, but the abuse of these procedures on our precious children!

    Sandra Butler
    March 6, 2024

    Dr. Haim is a man who has been identified as a whistleblower, which he gladly accepts. He has been persecuted unmercifully. We must not let it continue. God bless him!

Child of God;
March 5, 2024

Dear God; Help!! 🙏Amen

Darlene Estlow
March 5, 2024

Father, you said to bless our enemies. These people are our enemies. I pray you would bless them with repentance and salvation and freedom from the dictates of Satan. Turn them into shining lights for you.

Allena Jordan
March 5, 2024

Lord, I give You praise and thanks for people of integrity like Dr. Haim. Lord, root out the unrighteous, the unruly, those who service demonic principalities through these acts of targeting the righteous. Raise up the righteous, godly men and women to service in the DOJ in high places of rank. Let righteousness fall like rain upon this department. Turn this department around that it might service Your purposes. Protect Dr. Haim and other whistle blowers who then are targeted by the justice system. Come and save us, Father of Lights. Amen.

Shirley Portley
March 5, 2024

Father, bankrupt their business and remove by any means these individuals that have have corrupt hearts and evil intents toward our children! Bless and protect Dr. Haims and give him the victory, in Jesus name!

Brian Lynch
March 5, 2024

Lord, You see the injustices being committed related to this situation. I pray that you will make a way for the innocent parties to be vindicated. Your justice is fair and true. Please, let it come to pass, sending a clear message to these evil, deceived people . Thank you, Lord Jesus.

March 5, 2024

No weapon formed against Dr Eithan Haim shall prosper!! In Jesus name!
Lord, honor and protect this doctor for being against transgender surgeries and for doing the right thing and reporting it!

March 5, 2024

The TX hospital publicly and legally stated that they stopped these procedures, which are not allowed in the state of TX. Not only have they broken the law morally but they, through their admission that they lied (still performing surgeries)…have broken the law criminally. So the feds go after the whistle-blower not because he broke the law but because they’re trying to stay on the offensive for their support of illegal/criminal activity. That’s the standard for the present administration – accuse/arrest people for upholding the law.
It’s hard to fathom the depths of depravity & lawlessness & cowardice that people “in law & justice” have sunk to but it’s on full display with today’s administration & it’s departments.

    March 5, 2024

    Boomerang it back on them, Lord!!

    We DECREE it will boomerang back on them!!!


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