I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank you for exposing this group. We ask that you continue to shine light on groups like these and clean them out, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is an answered prayer because we have repeatedly asked the Lord to expose the evil ways our children are being indoctrinated.

From Fox News. The new executive director of a liberal dark money education group intent on combating conservative-led school reforms ahead of the midterms has repeatedly called for defunding the police.

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Heather Harding celebrated her new role as executive director at Campaign for Our Shared Future on Monday, tweeting, “It’s an incredible opportunity to be leading this organization that’s been on the frontlines of the fight for equity and inclusion in public education.”

Campaign for Our Shared Future, which bills itself as a grassroots and non-partisan effort, is part of one of the most prominent left-wing dark money networks in the United States. Its launch follows conservative parents bombarding school board meetings in numerous states over what they say is their local schools teaching critical race theory and gender ideology to children….

According to Social Blade, a social media analytics tool, Harding has deleted 2,588 tweets over the last week.

Multiple tweets that currently remain active on Harding’s account slam law enforcement as irredeemable and inhumane….

Campaign for Our Shared Future’s website contains practically no information on the individuals involved with the group. Ernie Grigg, Campaign for Our Shared Future’s communications and research director, told Fox News Digital in June that they are still relatively new and do not have anything to add besides their mission statement and information contained on their website.

“Every child deserves an inclusive, meaningful education that supports their health, learning, and success in life,” Grigg wrote. “An excellent K-12 education, inclusive of and accessible to all, is the foundation of a healthy multi-racial democracy. The Campaign for Our Shared Future fights for equitable, anti-racist programs, practices, and policies that sustain schools and ensure opportunity for every child and a brighter future for us all….”

What do you think of this group and its views? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Thomas de LUZE on Unsplash)

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August 5, 2022

“Supports their health” is a loaded phrase which can mean many different things in a school climate. Although schools shouldn’t harm health, their only focus on health should be providing education about physical movement & nutrition, NOT sexualized curriculum or encouragement of gender confusion. Lord, give school leaders great insight to see these hidden agendas & not implement them. Give teachers great wisdom in their classrooms & protect those who are really protecting our children!

    August 16, 2022

    And wake up parents Lord! It’s never been easy to parent kids but now there are sooo many ‘out there’ CAUSING more confusion and challenges than are helping to overcome them.
    Lord give parents today Fresh anointing of Your Holy Love, the real love that every child needs to grow strong and wise and kind and courageous to do good, even in the face of evil.

August 4, 2022

I will pray that this group will increase in size and be a standard for all American schools, public and private. There should be no room in any classroom to inform a child they are superior or inferior. We are ALL EQUAL through the eyes of God.

August 4, 2022

We pray You keep exposing the evil, Lord! Thank You Jesus for exposing and protecting our children!

August 4, 2022


Robert Woleben
August 4, 2022

All school age children implicitly require an educational system staffed by “guardian angel” adults who are dedicated to being positive that all students will receive the education which would be mandated by their parents as these students are the future for our country and the world as God intended.

Darlene Estlow
August 4, 2022

“Equity” and “inclusion” are words that make us look further away what they really believe. Father, thank your for this revelation and protection. We praise you name.

Terry Meeks
August 4, 2022

Dear Lord,
Please stop this organization. We speak confusion into the ranks of the enemy operating in and through this organization.
In Jesus’ Name,
Terry Meeks

Penny Dike
August 4, 2022

I think that when people other than the parents of children take it upon themselves to use our school systems to push view points that are in direct violation of our Jude’s-Christian beliefs that this is a violation of our freedom of religion. That schools need to be the place where children are educated in the foundations of reading, mathematics, etc to help children prepare for adulthood and their ability to successfully provide for themselves. Using the school systems beyond that is counterproductive to our society.

Barbara Janicki
August 4, 2022

It’s hard to have a conversation when words are continually “redefined” and the language used is vague and therefore meaningless. “The Campaign for Our Shared Future” could be anything. From this article I conclude it is directed at education but it could easily be the name of an organization targeting climate change or the economy and businesses or crime and law enforcement or gun control or politics – all these aspects and more involve “our shared future.” I guess I should be glad “they” are “for” our shared future rather than “against” it. Their name gives me no valuable information about them or where they stand on important issues, nor does their mission statement. A quote from the above article – “Every child deserves an inclusive education” – well I should hope so, I should hope every child’s education “includes” reading, writing, spelling, math, geography, accurate history, science (including chemistry and accurate reality based biology) how to tell time on a real clock, speech and debate, LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS, literature, music, art appreciation – this is an inclusive education – not pronouns, CRT and gender ideology. You need to be able to read, spell, add and subtract and diagram a sentence (showing you actually know what part of speech your current pronoun is), how to recognize the difference between fact and opinion, how to think for yourself, analyze data, test hypotheses, – but with these vague words “an inclusive education” – it can mean anything to anyone. Who can argue against it until you see in real time in the classroom what is actually being taught or “included.” Another quote, says that this organization “fights for anti-racist programs and to ensure opportunity for every child and a brighter future for us all.” Who would argue against that? Sounds good to me, right? Well, what “opportunities” are they fighting to ensure? That every child has textbooks and ample school supplies, a well supplied chem lab and school library, maps and books to read and art supplies and safe playgrounds or is it the “opportunity” to be read to by a drag queen, separated from their classmates on the basis of skin color or given drugs and surgery without their parents’ knowledge or permission? I guess we need to define “opportunity” in this educational context. Same with that “brighter future” for all of us – the word brighter does usually imply better – because when times are tough we might say these are “dark” times – and light traditionally has the connotation of all things that are good – so a brighter future implies just that, peace, prosperity, etc. but I have to wonder now, is the global elites’ vision of a ‘brighter future” the same as my middle class, freedom loving, independent, God fearing vision of a brighter future? Something tells me probably not. These people speak and say nothing. Good sounding empty words that lead us no where good when we support people who spout such rhetoric and then destroy our schools and our children. We need to look beyond words to actions.

The original question was – what do I think of this group’s views. I couldn’t say because based on their vague language, I have no idea what their true views actually are (just like most politicians and BLM) they are wolves wearing wool! They infiltrate and then they destroy. We have to be wise as serpents while harmless as doves. I am thankful that there are words that I can trust – trust with my very life. God’s living Word is eternal, unchanging truth – and it sustains through all time. It is my foundation, the standard by which I must measure everything else. Thank You Lord Jesus, that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. My hope and trust are in You alone. Give me Your wisdom and words to know how to fight against groups with evil intent like this one. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Phyllis Jane Eix
August 4, 2022

Parents, confront them at school board meetings as a group, and vote them out of office at elections or recall them by taxpayer demand petition, or take your children out of that school district immediately.
That’s my advice, as a grandmother.
God bless.
[email protected]

Karen Van Wyk
August 4, 2022

Hi all

If you want to cease being complacent and get in the fight please visit
http://www.massresistance.org and get involved in your area by providing the information and guidance people need to confront assaults on the traditional family, school children, and the moral foundation of society.
We are a pro family activist organization since 1995.

Allena Jordan
August 4, 2022

Father, thank You for this exposure. Undermine their attempts to undermine our Republic. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

August 4, 2022

Dear Jesus,
We take authority with all the authority of heaven and earth over anything that would dare to come against the children in this world. We command it to go in Jesus name. Be bound. Amen. From the 3rd heaven to the core of the earth. (Jezebel spirits/Athaliah spirits/tormenting and harassing spirits/leviathan. Any spirits coming against these ones be bound). We loose warring angels to punish any spirit of disobedience that does not leave when we say go immediately amen. We loose love to flow around and towards them at all times. As your word says, “whatever we loose in heaven (2nd heaven where the principalities and powers are) will we loosed on earth. Whatever we bind in heaven will be bound on earth “ amen. Also your word says, “you will lead and guide our children continually and great will be their peace.” That is your promise to us Jesus. Irregardless of what they do. Amen. Our babies our protected by you name. By your blood and by our prayers and your word. Selah selah selah. Amen.

Carroll D
August 4, 2022

We repent that we have complacent for far too long. Please forgive us for standing back for all these years and letting this evil permeate our society. We thank you, Lord, for the blessing in covid of parents learning what their children were actually being taught, and we pray for complete and total exposure of those that are targeting our children for their evil ways. Lord, raise up praying parents to stand up against this evil, take back our school boards and start training children in Your Love and ways. Jesus, these children belong to You, and we pray that all those that are trying to subvert them have “a millstone hung about their neck”.

August 4, 2022

Father God,
In the name of Jesus we ask for protection from every lie, deception, scheme, plot, strategy, attack, and trick of the enemy.
Shine the light of Your truth into every organization, and dry up all funding and resources of those who work for evil. Make them of no account. Amen.

    August 16, 2022

    Protect your people and young people in general from these deceived captives Lord and if they don’t repent let the evil they spew consume them rather than the targets of the enemy.


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