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Dr. Anthony Fauci and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director George Gao’s email exchanges were exposed Tuesday by the Washington Post, depicting a cozy relationship with his Chinese counterpart.

“I saw the Science interview, how could I say such a word ‘big mistake’ about others? That was journalist’s wording. Hope you understand,” Gao wrote to Fauci on March 28, 2020.

“Lets work together to get the virus out of the earth,” he added.

“I understand completely. No problem,” Fauci responded. “We will get through this together.”

On April 8, 2020, Gao wrote, “I saw some news (hope it is fake) that [you] are being attacked by some people. Hope you are well under such a irrational situation.”

Fauci wrote back three days later. “Thank you for your kind note. All is well despite some crazy people in this world.” . . .

The released emails show that Fauci indeed tried to answer many queries, sometimes hitting “send” well after midnight. And even as Trump ratcheted up attacks on China for not containing the virus after it was first discovered there, Fauci sought to maintain ties with Gao, a well-regarded Chinese scientific leader — and Gao with him.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted May 25 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded the Wuhan lab, but he still denies gain of function research support in relation to the origin of the flu.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stated on May 25 that Dr. Fauci committed perjury on May 12 over his gain of function comments related to Communist China’s lab.

Paul was asked on Real America’s Voice, “Do you believe he [Fauci] perjured himself?”

“Absolutely,” Paul said. “He lied to the American people.”

Paul demanded on May 26 Fauci to be “made to testify under oath” about whether the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain of function research.

Democrats have not called for Fauci’s firing but have supported demands for an investigation into the origins of the Chinese coronavirus in a move that could perjure Fauci.

“As we analyze what went wrong and what we can do in the future, we have to have answers to these questions, too,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Hillary Clinton’s running mate, stated May 26. “And I think you’re going to see Congress addressing some of these matters as well. We’ve got to get to the bottom of it.” . . .

However, several Republicans demanded Fauci’s firing on May 26 over his flip-flopping on Wuhan Lab funding, two days before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee Republicans launched a probe into the NIH’s Wuhan Lab grant.

Reps. James Comer (R-KY) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking members of the House Oversight Committee and Judiciary Committee respectively, dispatched a letter to the director of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins, raising “concerns that EcoHealth Alliance knew of the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to cover-up the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and failed to act or to inform the U.S. government.”

Please share your prayers about this in the comments below!

(Excerpt form Breitbart. Article by Wendell Husbeo. Photo by Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images)

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June 4, 2021

Dr. Fauci is what I call the ultimate fence rider. One shoe had an R on it and the other has a D on it. Take a look at Fauci’s history. He has and always will be the fence rider. But the problem with that game is it is filled with lying and trying to hide in darkness. And God is continuing to expose this. Thank you Lord…we ask that You would completely expose the mask and bring needed justice. Amen.

June 4, 2021

I don’t trust anyone in this administration to “investigate” Fauci! Fauci and China, should be held responsible for the ungodly, horrific, destruction, that they have done against America! He has damaged our businesses, our schools and children, our churches, literally everything, in every way possible! When you lead, in destroying the best country in the world, you are EVIL to the core! He has lied over and over and the media calls him a saint! He is so arrogant, and devious, that he believes no one can touch him! So far, he’s right. However, NOTHING is hidden from God. He is,and will, continue to shed His light on this evil, greedy, man and his cohorts. He obviously believes he is “above the law” but, there is a higher law that he will give an account to. There is Someone who has seen everything that was done in secret and will judge him accordingly. People, like Fauci, do not fear, even God! That’s a very dangerous place to be! Pride always goes before a fall! I pray Senator Rand Paul will succeed in bringing this man, and others, to justice.


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