I Prayed have prayed
Father God, bless this prayer event and all who attend. Unify Your Body as we seek You together.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A message for you from Franklin Graham:

Our country is in trouble like we haven’t seen in our lifetime. We have no hope, outside of God. We will not make it unless God’s people call on His Name for help.

I would like to invite you to join me, my family, and thousands of other believers in just a few short weeks for Prayer March 2020 in Washington D.C. On Saturday, Sept. 26, we will meet at noon at the Lincoln Memorial and make our way to the U.S. Capitol, praying as we go. We will stop at key locations to ask God to heal the divisions in our nation, guide our leaders, protect our religious freedoms, and pour out His Spirit on America.

Let’s come together to take a stand for Jesus Christ and show all of Washington—and the nation—that we believe in the power of prayer and need more of God in America, not less. Will you join me on Sept. 26?

… The Lord was moved by prayer for the land …” (2 Samuel 24:25, NASB).

This is such a critical time for our nation—so much is at stake. Let’s gather in Washington, D.C., and ask the Lord to intervene. If you cannot join in person, join the live stream by clicking here.

Will you tell your friends and family about Prayer March 2020 and encourage your pastor to bring a busload to Washington, D.C., on Sept. 26?

(Used with permission from the Billy Graham Evangelical Association.)

Will you be joining the Prayer March 2020 in Washington D.C.?

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Robbie Klever
September 17, 2020

Is this coordinating with Jonathan Cahn & “The Return” or are they separate events?

September 17, 2020

explanation of the wicked ways of the church–pride, the lust of the eye and lust of the flesh

September 17, 2020

Humility first, repentance, seek His face, the church to turn from her wicked ways…
God’s Promise and Warning
2 Chronicles 7:11-22

September 17, 2020

Made accom and fl8ght 0lans months ago, to attend
However, quarantine requirements made it not feasible
We are deeply disappointed but we do stand with you in prayer and faith that God’s Might and Mercy on America will prevail…….BUT only after Repentance!!!!! Please lead with Repentance First????

Sheila Dunn
September 17, 2020

It is so important to pray for the issues of this time. Satan and his cohorts will not have their way in the United States of American as we pray with faith so that the Lord by His Spirit can get evolved in the lives of His people.

Michele L. Gute
September 17, 2020

I am going. Two of my friends from church are going with me. At first I was planning on taking two of my children (ages 16 and 11) but after what I saw with Rand Paul, I thought I better leave them at home. (Iowa 🙂

I am excited. Thank you Franklin Graham for organizing this. I appreciate you so much.

God, forgive us our sins and have mercy on this nation. I love you.

    Michele L. Gute
    September 17, 2020

    About telling other people, I have told lots of other people. I ordered the t-shirts as well so that that could advertise at the grocery store and places like that, but its been weeks and I haven’t received them.


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