I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray against the influence of Marxism and communism in our nation. Restore godly ideals and values, to our culture and especially to our leaders.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Marxism has seeped into our nation, taking many leaders and groups captive and upturning the lives of ordinary Americans. Intervene, O God!

From American Thinker. We are in a dark place as a country. This is a direct result of the extreme shift to the Left by the Democrat Party. Prior to 2020, President Barack Obama was our most far-Left President. But even Obama was still on the cusp between being an extreme liberal and being a communist. … However, in July 2020, the camp pushing Joe Biden towards the Presidency and the camp promoting the communist Bernie Sanders’ candidacy reached a landmark agreement — a 110-page pact regarding goals for the government. In so doing, Joe Biden broke the policy of the Democrats going back to 1948 of not embracing the far-Left, communist element of the Democrat Party.

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The language of the Biden-Sanders pact is dry and opaque, and most citizens would not have the patience to plow through it. Convoluted and turgid prose is, to this writer, a clear sign of an attempt to obscure the purposes and direction that the writers intend to take. In this case, it is clear that the intent of the Democrats is to implement communistic revisionism into government policies, to overthrow the values that inhere and undergird our legal system, to overthrow the principle of private property either through nationalization or through infiltration of and control of the private sector. …

A couple of months later, the Democrat 90-page Platform was published and most of the positions found in the Biden-Sanders pact were contained therein.

The new system is wholly based on atheism and its replacement of Judeo-Christian morality with what the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche called a “transvaluation of values” where that which has for centuries been deemed good based on Judeo-Christian values is now replaced by DEI, ESG, and identity redefinitions regarding men, women, children, right, wrong, work, and life. Marx’s economic dialectic is now conjoined with cultural Marxist themes that assume a country with soulless identities. …

Further, in order to fully grasp the extent of our “dark place,” we also need to be alert to the significance of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. This document with 91 sections is the vision of the new world government which the UN hopes to fully establish by 2030. … [Unlike] the original United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1946, there is no discussion of “rights.” The word “rights” only appears once in Section 19 of this latest major document, although in 1946 rights appeared in every other sentence. In this latest “vision,” the key terms that keep reappearing are “needs” and “sustainability.”

The emphasis on needs is lifted directly from the Marxist playbook, which stresses “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.” …

The UN is now operating under a Marxist-themed agenda to which we are a signatory. The Biden administration has made a pact with Sanders thereby displaying its radical shift away from individual rights and Judeo-Christian morality and merging into a collectivist, non-Judeo-Christian mindset. The eerie silence about the role of the UN in the midst of our many conflicts is troubling because it suggests hidden, dark manipulations. Incredible, unprecedented events will continue to unfold.

Despite what some may say, Marxism and communism stand in direct opposition to the values proposed in Scripture. Share this article to warn people about these dangerous ideologies.

(Excerpt from American Thinker. Photo Credit: Ronile/pixabay via Canva Pro)

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T Mc
January 9, 2024

Individualism is in many western countries primary – but wrong. In Scripture and Christian church tradition the community is primary – not the individual. The Christian ideal has people as members of a body bound from first to last to have regard to the interests of others equally with their own. Christianity on the whole is with socialism rather than individualism. The Marxist ideal of a classless society of justice and peace – is also a Christian hope. People being honored for how much they had contributed to the common good – not how much success or wealth they had made for themselves. All their ability and acquisitions a sacred trust for the community knowing the needs and weaknesses of all.

    January 9, 2024

    You sound communist

    Carol R
    January 9, 2024

    All I know is at the end of your life, when you have breathed your last breath, you will be alone! The “community” will not be there! Individualism at its best! T Mc, please repeat this: FATHER GOD I come to YOU a sinner! Please forgive me for my sins and help me to learn of YOU and obey YOUR WORD, the Bible in every way! LORD JESUS, come into my heart and life and direct me from now on! And at the end of my life, please take me to Heaven to live with YOU, in JESUS MIGHTY NAME I pray! Amen!

    Peg B
    January 9, 2024

    The Christian hope is not based on Marxist ideology, but of salvation thru Jesus Christ. God has not made any (2) people exactly the same, by His own design He created us just that way. We are not the ones being honored, we exalt The LORD God Almighty instead. He blesses both the just and the unjust, His word says so. Marxism is a man made concept without the wisdom of God and it proves it. T MC, Christ came to earth that we might confess our sin and seek forgiveness (repent) and ask Jesus into our hearts as Lord and Savior. He alone has the power to save. It was by love that He came and through grace we receive. You too can have this free gift by asking Jesus into Your heart. I pray that You will.

      T Mc
      January 9, 2024

      Thank you, Carol R and Peg B, for your helpful and gracious responses. I apparently got carried away reading subversive material such as:
      Give to everyone who asks you, and do not as for your property back from the man who robs you. Lend expecting nothing in return.
      The faithful all lived together and owned everything in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as had any need.

      Among the Christians the Religious Orders have for nigh on two thousand years owned everything in common and observe the standard of poverty, chastity and obedience.

      Thank you again grace and peace to you.

Rich Swingle
January 9, 2024

Thank you for sharing this important article! Praying into this!

January 9, 2024

Everything that is going on today in our country is because of the stolen 2020 election and fear and a lack of prayer! No one in their right mind believes biden had 81 million votes or won the election! But because of the spirit of jealousy of Donald Trump, a lot of Republicans and independents DID NOT FIGHT FOR TRUTH! One man, Donald Trump has been fighting for America with help from people like me while others say stuff like, “he had mean tweets!” Nevermind that what he was tweeting is True! So the biggest lies of all: 1.) Joe biden won the 2020 election; 2.) January 6 was not a democrat sponsored and pulled off coup has been allowed to almost destroy our country! We have the father of lies running the country into the ground while he tries to have Trump removed from some states’ ballots out of fear! FATHER GOD first let us that are called by YOUR NAME repent for allowing our country to be almost taken over by thieves and liars calling themselves congress and the white house and FBI, CIA or the military industrial complex of more thieves and liars! Forgive us for going along with this farce of joe biden for 4 years! Forgive YOUR people FATHER GOD for not fasting and seeking YOUR help in getting our government back on track! GOD I ask that from today on that YOU take charge of our country! Please order our steps as we correct the evil allowed in the 2020 election! FATHER GOD we are called by YOUR NAME and as we humble ourselves and repent, and pray,, please forgive us, cleanse us and restore us and America to YOU in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

Darlene Estlow
January 8, 2024

Father, We come humbly before you. In our sin and ignorance, we as a nation have gone far astray and we are seeing the result of our actions. Forgive us and save our nation. Put people in authority who will act in your wisdom and under your guidance. We praise you for the revivals that are going on and we ask humbly that you would continue them and bring many people into your kingdom.

Missy Dice
January 8, 2024

Father, please forgive America. We need You desparately. Forgive us from ever leaving You. Turn our hearts to YOU. Please flood this nation with Your Spirit and let revival happen, continue, flourish. Let a new ERA begin now. You are doing a NEW THING. You win in the end. And all Your children do too. We are living here NOW and we need You. Our world needs to change; so much sin in it. You ARE on the Throne. You are working. Send Your angels out to flood the earth and conquer the enemy. Let Truth penetrate our souls. You are a Gentleman and do not force Yourself upon anyone, but I pray for Your Grace to be poured out today and people get saved. Please get your Bride ready. Jesus, You said in Rev. 22:7, 12 & 20 “And behold, I am coming soon….” Please, come quickly.

Virginia M Robinette
January 8, 2024

I enjoy your articles. Especially the reason one on Asbury College and repentance. I hope there is more to come.

    Rich Swingle
    January 9, 2024

    We plan to release all of the #ImportanceOfRepentanceInRevival series by the anniversary of the start of the Asbury Outpouring on February 8. Pray for us as we interview more eye-witnesses and pull everything together.


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