WASHINGTON — Two prayer and worship events emphasizing repentance and intercession for the nation brought tens of thousands to the National Mall on Saturday, with many crying out to God for divine intervention.
Under mostly cloudy skies, both The Return and the Washington Prayer March brought Christians from every part of the country to pray amid a tumultuous political season.
Kelly Hopwood of Virginia Beach, Virginia, spoke to The Christian Post in front of the Washington Monument and explained that she initially traveled to Washington to be a part of Franklin Graham’s Prayer March but arrived early enough to also take part in The Return. In recent days she kept hearing the scripture passage from 2 Chronicles 7:14 reverberate in her heart and felt compelled to pray in the nation’s capital, she said. . . .
“We need to be doing that [praying] right now because things aren’t going to get any better. I know God’s in control ultimately, but we also need to be the people He’s called us to be,” Hopwood, a mother and grandmother, said.
Asked if she has hope for divine intervention, she replied, “Oh, absolutely. Without a doubt.”
Earlier this week, Hopwood picked up Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s newest book The Harbinger II and said she couldn’t put it down. The last chapter of the book speaks of coming and praying on the National Mall, and she knew she had to make the trip. Cahn delivered a prophetic message on the Mall at 11 a.m. that was, in part, derived from the book.
For Renee and Steve Beckwith of Kalamazoo, Michigan, who traveled to Washington with three of their four children, the coronavirus pandemic changed everything for them in terms of how they saw the Church and its relationship to the government. . . .
Restrictions were particularly stringent in the Wolverine state and churches shut down quickly, with many giving in quickly to the call to not gather together.
“It saddened our hearts, and we knew that the church was not strong anymore. We felt that we weren’t walking with the Lord strong enough, and so when we’re called to stand for something different we don’t have that within our hearts. We were sad that so many people were willing to stay home and not be together to worship,” she said.
The couple were so distressed they left their home church which they had been a part of for 14 years and found a church that stayed open the entire time.
Steve Beckwith added that he was stirred “being around so many believers, seeing that we’re not alone in this fight.”
“This nation does need to turn back to God. And it’s good to see that there are so many other people here standing with us because we don’t get to see that on a daily basis.”
Many who showed up for The Return, which was held in front of the Washington Monument and near the Smithsonian, migrated down the Lincoln Memorial, where Franklin Graham began the Prayer March at noon. Graham’s march was a 1.8-mile trek from the memorial to the Capitol building, making several stops along the way to pray specifically for the protection for our first responders, police, and U.S. service members; wisdom for government leaders; reconciling divisions, and for the return of the U.S. to its Judeo-Christian roots.
Rob Houghtlin, a marketing and sales professional from Marietta, Georgia, said he and his wife decided to pray at the National Mall at the encouragement of good friends from Michigan who joined them. . . .
With the racial and political divisions manifesting in recent days, he added, “it’s incredibly important for us to display humility and repentance back to our Savior.”
“I hope America sees a portion of its people wanting the best for it and turning to Jesus and to the Lord God Almighty to heal what’s going on in this land, and to not fight more but to learn how to get together,” Houghtlin added.
Houghtlin is the University of Iowa football kicker who made the famous game-winning field goal in the 1985 Iowa-Michigan game. The final score was 12-10, with Houghtlin making the successful 29-yard kick as the last seconds of the game expired on the clock. . . .
Kenny Xu, 23, Chinese-American and a Baptist from Princeton, New Jersey, who now works in fundraising in the Washington, D.C., metro area, went to the Lincoln Memorial to pray specifically for racial reconciliation.
“I think this country is facing a very odious racial ideology that divides people on the basis of race. Under Christ Jesus, people of all nations can come together and be unified. And I think that that’s being lost with the protests and riots going on,” Xu said.
“I pray this nation can turn back to Jesus and that we can love each other and forgive each other. I think both supposed “sides” have to have a spirit of forgiveness.”
(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Article by Brandon Showalter. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Share your prayers for unity for the body of Christ and that events like these would continue. . .
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Father, thank You for the opportunity to come together and pray for our nation, for repentance, seeking forgiveness, have our hearts rendered to Your ways. A call Lord, for Your church to rise up. Father, I pray that we will keep our eyes on You, the author, perfecter of our faith. Joining You to see Your Kingdom coming to earth to bring transformation.
Draw us with Your cords of love to be revival agents for Your Kingdom. Seeing lives changed for Your glory.
We rend our hearts, and humbly ask for yYour mercy.
Jesus Christ we bless You,. Giving praise to the Father, and the desire for the Holy Spirit to transform us to be who You called us to be.
Because of God‘s great love poured out for the return event, this blind Chinese believer from Oklahoma signed up to come be a part of the prayer time all by herself with Christ Jesus! Nikki cruise challenge the night before was fresh on her heart, who will not love this Jesus after that! Even in the rain and standing in it, it was a sheer pleasure to be side-by-side with a red heart lovers of God!
We loved the prayer match on Saturday. It was very encouraging to see many people coming together to pray for our country. We prayed that it would be a wake-up call for our country! Hallelujah!!!
What the world needs now is LOVE…LOVE of YAHSHUA!”
It was so good to see so many people gathering in D.C for this special event. The Lord’s presence was definitely present and I pray that America can come to repentance. We may not have many more opportunities to repent and my prayer is that as a nation we would turn our hearts back to God. The Lord promises to heal a country (land) when we repent.
We are Indonesians who live in several different states (CA,WA, GA, MD, VA) and came together in unity to pray for this nation.
We are blessed and love this country and we were encorauged to see many many believers seeking God.
My husband and I came with our three teenage daughters from California because we want to sow the seed of prayer for the nation to our daughters.
Thank you IFA for being one of my source and support in my journey as intercessor and watchmen for my city, my state and America.
God bless America and God bless us all
Oh, Father, may we press in with prayer beyond this Saturday gathering. We are over due to give You the glory that is due You. In the authority of Jesus we plead Your mercy with THANKSGIVING in all You are showing us.
You cannot intercede for the Nation until you repent of your own sins.
Hi Jim, this was one of the purposes of The Return. It’s on Youtube if you would like to view it. Rabbi Cahn encouraged all in attendance to seek the Lord with a whole heart and repent individually first then collectively as the church. It was quite moving to witness and hope with everything within me that the Lord sheds his mercy and grace over us no matter the outcome. We don’t deserve it, but like the Israelites, we cry out to Him nonetheless. God bless you, brother. : )
The Prayer March and The Return were exciting and uplifting displays of God’s people. Mighty messages and prayers were given from both events. His people in His church need to return to the Lord. Our churches have been silent long enough and the only hope in unity is through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We can not stop, however, with a weekend day of prayer but we need to be praying without ceasing and to give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I am thankful for those who organized and listened to God’s calling to put these events in place.
Lord God, Thank You for Your presence that encourages and directs our steps. Thank You that so many listened to Your Holy Spirit, humbling themselves to confess and repent on behalf of our nation! Lord, May Your spirit continue to move through our country, opening the blind eyes and unlocking the deaf ears as we draw near to You! Lord Jesus, You are the answer…the only answer! May many come to love and accept You into their hearts during these challenging times! Lord God, hear us and move Your hand…whatever is Your way, All is well! In The Name above All Names Jesus Christ I Pray!
Father, In Jesus’ Name thank you for moving, by power of the Holy Spirit so many to come to Washington, D.C. to march and pray. Thank You, Lord for hearing prayers of Your people. Thank You for the safety of all marchers, and for the peace blanketed over the day.
Your will, will be done, Lord. Amen