I Prayed have prayed
Father, we need You. Please help us to have clean hearts before You and rid us of unrighteousness. May we be holy as You are holy.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If America was a nation built on the concept that rights come from God, and that government is solely in place to protect and secure those rights for the individual ā€” it was and it is ā€” then it stands to reason that in order to keep that principle in place, two things are needed: First, Americans must believe in God. Second, Americans must recognize God as the leader by obeying His will.

Which is why Pew Research Centerā€™s latest ā€œGlobal God Divideā€Ā findingĀ that only 44% of Americans think they need the heavenly Creator to shape their morals and values is so illuminating.

This country is in a free-fall of cultural rot and moral decay. And how the culture goes, so, too, the politics. Thatā€™s what morals that bend and bow to human will bring.

Look to abortion rates, single-parent and fatherless homesā€™ rates, drug and alcohol addiction rates; youth incarceration and gang membership rates; divorce rates; domestic and child abuse rates; and more. Then look to the utter chaos thatā€™s become Congress, the absolute stonewalling thatā€™s put all policies truly for the people on pause. Look to the fact there are socialists ā€” open socialists! ā€” serving in public service, pretending to serve out their oaths to the Constitution with honor. . . .

ā€œLess than half in both Canada and the U.S. say belief in God is necessary to be moral (26% and 44%, respectively),ā€ Pew found.

Because abortion, after all, isnā€™t murder ā€” itā€™s saving a womanā€™s life. . . .

Morals can mean anything, when thereā€™s no higher authority to dictate and define.

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ā€œIn most European and North American countries surveyed, individuals with more education are less likely to say that belief in God is necessary to be moral,ā€ Pew wrote. ā€œThis pattern closely tracks the connection between income levels and the way people answer this question, because there is a significant correlation between educational attainment and earnings.ā€ . . .

The more education, the more wealth, the less the perceived need for God. That trails well with Americaā€™s pursuits: Money. Financial security. Bigger cars, bigger homes, bigger flatscreen TVs.

ā€œ[M]ake public colleges and universities tuition free, and cancel all student debt,ā€ Sen. Bernie SandersĀ blastedĀ from the presidential candidate trail.

ā€œWe have a moral and economic imperative to give very child the chance to succeed,ā€ Barack ObamaĀ saidĀ back in 2011 in Boston.

Itā€™s the belief set of the secular and liberal mindset. College for all; success for everybody; money and wealth and power and fame ā€” and itā€™s the governmentā€™s job to get citizens there. Move over seeds of talent, step aside rugged individualism. Itā€™s madcap consumerism, mass materialism and fuzzy-wuzzy, wishy-washy talk of social justice and equality. Thatā€™s what America has become. This is where America stands. . . .

The countryā€™s in debt to foreign entities, and as the coronavirus continues to capsize the economy, so grows our debt service ā€” to places like China.

But weā€™re America, Land of the Free! But weā€™re America, greatest country in the world!

So said some Israelites back in the day, right before they were carried off to captivity and enslaved.

ā€œThe heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked,ā€ the biblical prophet Jeremiah teaches.

That describes an America that thinks it can succeed without relying on God for moral guidance. Americans, without God, cannot be moral for long.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. By Cheryl K. Chumley. Photo from MaxPixel.)

This is why IFA thanks God daily for you, intercessor! You are fighting the battle on your knees, having a greater impact than you can imagine.

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August 9, 2020


G-D’s judgment begins with His people

Before He starts judging the world.

Materialism and compromise

Are the two sins in G-D’s House unfurled.

Today, many professing Christians

Are for the most part, running scared.

Compromise has been the pressing issue;

Doctrinal truth is no longer shared.

Holy reverance for the House of G-D

Has been forgotten or tossed aside.

Avarice, adultery, idolatry,

Even sodomy now there abides.

Rejecting the whole of G-D’s Holy Word,

Even downplaying the “virgin birth”

And denying the deity of Jesus,

They’ve truly bastardized salvation’s worth.

What’s even worse, they’ve now joined hands

With all religions from every place.

Assuming that all roads lead to G-D,

They’ve literally slapped Him in the face.

Released this day is a brief word of warning:

Let all who have spiritual ears to hear

What G-D’s Spirit is saying to His people,

“Repent, cry aloud with all godly fear!

“How long will you halt between two opinions?

How long will you stand upon unholy sod?

Return, return, return O’ My people!

No more Canaanites in the House of G-D!”

Betty in WI
August 7, 2020

AMEN. Show our nation YOUR WAYS, oh Father. We have taken the wrong path for too long. Father, let the church arise and seek Your face and turn from our evil wicked ways. Help us to overcome complacency and laziness. Help us to WAKE UP and take a stand for YOU and YOUR WORD. Let Thy Kingdom come and Let Thy will be done. Amen

August 7, 2020

Heavenly Father, You are the source of all good and You are the source of standards that proclaim what is good. Without Your Holy Spirit, we have no innate ability to follow You in goodness. I pray for our nation to recognize the moral bankruptcy in which we live. Please help those of us who know the truth to be bold and courageous about proclaiming that truth whenever and wherever we can. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Darlene Estlow
August 7, 2020

Father, we thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on our nation. Forgive us for leaving you for other God’s. Give us repentance and turn us back to you.


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IFA President
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