While in Washington, D.C. a couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to talk with residents of the city about what’s going on and about their mayor. What I learned turned into an important reminder.
On the last day of our prayer tour, we took our team to a tourist-type store so they could purchase mementos. Ironically, we could only find one tourist shop open because of the many bans still in place in the city. In addition, we didn’t encounter any other tour buses on the road during the week we were there–at a time in which the city would normally be packed. Washington, D.C. was being held hostage by a tyrannical mayor consumed with her own power. Does this sound like a stretch? Read on.
As our team entered the store and began to browse, I went over to the shop owner to talk with her. She had a lot to say.
“I’m so glad you guys are here,” she stated. “The mayor has kept the city under lock and key. We can’t continue to operate this way.”
As I continued to talk with her, she shared a startling revelation. “When Obama was president, the mayor once said to him, ‘This is my city and these are my rules. If you don’t like it get out!'” Her attitude toward President Trump has been no different. She has worked to keep the city shut down from prayer groups and tourists, but open to BLM activist rioters and protests.
As I continued to talk with the shop owner, although she remained focused on our conversation, at the same time she was very aware of her surroundings and her store. She understood it was hers and her place of authority. While we were talking, a man walked into the store from a side door, grabbed a pair of sunglasses on a spinning rack, and walked back out without paying. It happened in less than thirty seconds. I was stunned. The shop owner never missed a beat.
“I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked over to the door the thief had used, and went out to where he still stood. She grabbed the sunglasses out of his hand, told him they were hers, and pointed for him to move on down the road.
She walked back in, put the sunglasses back on the spinner rack, and returned to our conversation right where we left off, as if nothing had happened. She was a powerhouse. She was probably four inches shorter than the thief, and a woman standing up against a man. But she knew what was hers and took it back with authority. The shocked thief obeyed her command and walked right on down the road.
This is what we all need to learn from this gutsy shop owner. She was constantly on watch. She knew her authority. She knew her rights. She knew what was hers and she wasn’t going to let anyone step in and steal it from her.
Would that Americans understood we also have that same authority.
As the Left continues to launch their revolution to try to undermine the Constitution and the president, we need to be as that shop owner. We need to stand up, every one of us, and say, “This is our country. These are our freedoms. These are our rights and you can’t have them. We take them back from you now and you need to move on down the road.”
Father, we thank You that You have given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the Enemy. We take that authority over the demonic realm operating in our nation that has tried to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. Lord, forgive us for not standing up sooner. We are grateful for Your hand and mercy that You have shown us. Lord, help us not to lose this country or our freedom to worship You. We pray for Mayor Muriel Bowser and bind the spirit of pride and control that has taken over–we declare it cannot continue to hold D.C. and its residents hostage. We also bind the spirit of pride and control operating in any other mayor or governor in our country who has overstepped their bounds of authority to keep residents under lock and key. We stand up in prayer, taking our authority, and declare America will reopen, our economy will revitalize, Americans will get back to work, and we will no longer be held hostage by fake news, fear, or unrighteous control. We pray for our leaders to operate in godly wisdom. For those who operate out of pride and control, we pray for a change of heart so they will lead as they should or be removed and replaced with leaders who will.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: “INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: or you can contact her at Photo by Heidi Kaden on Unsplash.
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Amen for that message on our Country be hostage my ones who are lost to realty. Yes, been on that road for many years, praying for the reason why this has gone on for so long. I am a believe of Bible and the Words of God to be true. And not taking out of it true meaning to fit one way of life.
Saying that, what God Word say it wrong, no man sure change it or convinces anyone else that it is changeable. This is where we are today.
Father, we thank You that You have given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the Enemy. “We take that authority over the demonic realm operating in our nation that has tried to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. Lord, forgive us for not standing up sooner. We are grateful for Your hand and mercy that You have shown us. Lord, help us not to lose this country or our freedom to worship You. We pray for Mayor Muriel Bowser and bind the spirit of pride and control that has taken over–we declare it cannot continue to hold D.C. and its residents hostage. We also bind the spirit of pride and control operating in any other mayor or governor in our country who has overstepped their bounds of authority to keep residents under lock and key. We stand up in prayer, taking our authority, and declare America will reopen, our economy will revitalize, Americans will get back to work, and we will no longer be held hostage by fake news, fear, or unrighteous control. We pray for our leaders to operate in godly wisdom. For those who operate out of pride and control, we pray for a change of heart so they will lead as they should or be removed and replaced with leaders who will.”
The LORD will prevail and all the evil minded will be on their knees. IN GOD WE TRUST AMEN.
Oh mighty God, I pray in the name of Jesus that you will open the eyes of your church Lord. That we will rise up and pray against the demonic forces trying to take our country down. Lord I ask for your forgiveness of my complacency taking our great freedoms for granted. I pray for the hearts of our Governor’s to be turned. I pray for your protection as we pray against the demonic realm. Lord let us not grow weary in doing good. Praise your Holy name! Protect our president who is fighting against all the evils of fake news, lies, and the deep state from within trying to destroy our great nation. Lord you sit in the heavens and laugh at their schemes for you are ruler over all. Lord we love you and give you honor and praise! In Jesus name Amen!
This Covid virus is here because there is for everything a season and a time for every purpose.
I seriously doubt a Socialist utopia.
I think so many have become spiritually blinded, nothing to do with the intellectual elitism. This is a spiritual delusion.
I know from studying Biblical and eschatology; I am not a higher educated person, no degrees, no PhD. I have studied the millennium and even the scholar’s can’t agree on this. Nor on Revelation, tribulation or end times theology. I do think that the antichrist spirit is here more so now then in the times of ancient Rome, Greece and the times of BC or CE. I do feel the birth pains of the beginning are present. I do believe that we may be expecting the obvious, but may not know we are looking so hard we may fail to see that we may be overlooking that the times are already here. The thousand years of peace, man made, not by God. This peace may be deceptive, and the Antichrist; though some think there may not be a personal one, may come or has already come. Same with the Beast. I don’t know. I do know Christ will come when we least expect him. Where are we now? All I can saw is every morning I wake up, God has sustained me through my sleeping, and I bless him every morning I am awakened.Life is precious. I know I sound ludicrous, but am trying to understand what is to be understood, discreetly.
That reminds me of the astute comments Dinesh D’Souza made during the Q and A session at the end of the Non-Essential Event with Kirk Cameron 2 days ago.
He said socialists tell your kids socialism treats everybody equally. But socialism turns people into thieves: If someone told you, ‘Go to your neighbor’s house, kick in the door, help yourself to the food in his refrigerator, take his belongings’–most people wouldn’t do it. Socialists tell people, “All your neighbor’s stuff is yours. Maybe his great-great-great-great grandfather stole it from your great-great-great-great grandfather. You don’t have to steal it. We’ll steal it for you, keeping some for ourselves of course– They put it all in a big package labeled “social justice.”
The Non-Essential Event was wonderful, powerful. Go watch it. AND they raised money through BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelistic Ass’n) to help police officers and their families go on a retreat to be built up, restored physically and emotionally. HOW WONDERFUL IS THAT–A WAY TO HELP AND BLESS THE POLICE, who have been so terribly treated, cursed, injured and betrayed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists! Non-Essential suggested everyone listening send $1 or $5. We were so grateful for a way to tell the police we are so sorry for what they have had to endure (and still have to) that we sent $1,000 and consider it much less than they deserve! God bless Kirk Cameron and the others who organized the Non-Essential Event for giving us this opportunity!
Jesus is alive.He has given is dominion. We must act.
This is about spiritual authority. There is a book written by Joye Knauf Alit called JURISDICTIONS, which wonderfully explains the spiritual authority believers have. The book identifies the area of influence each Christian has and our right to “speak over” that area to bind evil and to loose God’s good. May we each search our hearts and ask God to reveal our sin…to show us our sin as He sees it so that we can hate it as He hates it, so that we will run to Him in repentance, asking forgiveness and cleansing from all unrighteousness. Then may we each claim authority over our area of influence to say that evil is not allowed, but God’s perfect will is allowed. This is done more powerfully when believers get together and pray in agreement. That is why the Churches are prevented from gathering together. I always ask God for Prayer Partners. I pray and ask Him to join my prayers with others and put us in agreement on His will. “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen our hearts in every good work and word.” 2 Thes. 2:16-17
“Come out of her my people!” Come out of nar/dominionism/7 mtn mandate and other false doctrines or else you are on the road to rome and not Heaven.
America is mystery babylon and was never a Christian country. What are we “going back to?” America being like Israel 2.0 comes from mormon demonic doctrine that also the freemasons believe. Uniting under being a “republican”, you might as well be unequally yoked with those of other faiths. Only one KING to wait on and let prophecy unfold. HalleluYAH!!!
Thank you Karen !! What a outstanding article !!!
“One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Thank you for another excellent article. I always look forward to Karen’s words of wisdom. Her insights are so good that I enjoy passing them along to others. May God bless IFA and Karen for all you do.
Tremendous article! Grateful for the prayer. The power of God is starting to build in our nation and will not stop building until we take back it on 3 November. We can not allow the legacy of our forefathers to die that so many people have fought for, and sacrificed their lives for to keep us a free nation under God!
We Christians have to say no to fear and and keep our eyes on Jesus. He is our ONLY hope in these difficult times. This is surely a spiritual battle between good and evil. Let us keep up the good fight, put on the armor of God, and run the race without growing weary or faint. In Jesus name, Amen!
We must stand firm in the authority of Jesus wh o is stronger than fear! Just do it
In all that is going on, it is it is hope and strength to read of someone who still stands strong during these times, but even more of a blessing is reading that a mighty woman is doing it. Thank you and keep it up.
This is a very powerful time in our nation’s history. The needs are real and it’s amazing how they change moment by moment. If you think about it, even three months ago we didn’t see how much our religious rights are at stake. It would behove us to pray without ceasing over these issues that are on the ballot this year. Even though they’re not written On the ballot, they ARE on the ballot(LIFE, religious freedom, freedom of speech, the right to assemble, 2nd amendment). In our state our governor has told people to report anyone they see in groups over five. This is ridiculous and many people are fighting back and there starting to open their eyes. We need to pray with and for each other and each state. Praying that God will continue to protect our President. I appreciate IFA so much for bringing these things to our attention each day. We are battle weary but I do believe that as we go into these next two weeks of the election that the Lord is going to strengthen us like never before. Be faithful to the call, be faithful to prayer, be faithful to do what we can to preserve the rights that we have taken for granted for so many years. Thank you Dave for your courage to stand when it’s difficult to stand. Praying for you, your family and staff.
Dorothy, I say yes and AMEN!!!
Lord God with so many rules and restrictions we cry out to you for your truth to shine bright in these dark days. Open the eyes of your people to stand for what is right. Lord we need your guidence to quiet the voice of the na sayers and lead us in the way we should go. Guide us precious Lord show us what we should do to bring unity amonst your children. We should not fear because we know in whom we have believed. Speak loudly and give direction to right the wrongs being done. Let your kingdom come over the rule of this nation so that your will, will happen. In the name of the one who is our peace and righteousness.
Amen! I pray that over ND as bill gates is trespassing in our state! The devil has no rights in my state ir nation in Jesus name!
Great article.
I agree with you That is the State I was born in.
Father in the name of Jesus we call these States that are being attacked by the enemy, to stop and your plan will be nothing. We come against any demonic agenda to stop in the name of Jesus. We decree and declare Jesus is Lord over North Dakota. We declare a Holy Spirit invasion in the United States.
Great story of standing up. Praying that we know the authority God has given us and use it ! I used it at Woodland Hills mall. Leaving a store, I headed for the car-but three men followed me. I turned around knowing in the Spirit what they planned to do. I pointed my finger at them and loudly said- ” Go away in the name of Jesus Christ.” They took off like lightning. I got in my car and left. Some would say they thought my finger was a gun- others would say they ran because they thought I was a crazy woman. I know why they ran. They saw a powerful Angel behind me. I always call on God’s angels to protect me.
What a powerful story and using the scripture that God has given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions. Amen you were surrounded by angels. That authority is the Powerful Name of Jesus. What a wonderful testimony.
Excellent message, Karen!
Thank you, Karen, for this timely article and prayer. I loved how the Holy Spirit showed you through the store owner’s quick actions how we are to do the same with that lying thief who comes in to steal, kill and destroy. I join you in praying and declaring and taking back what rightfully belongs to us – this great nation that once believed in God and His Word.
I declare a turnover, a turn around, a wake up call to America, in Jesus’ name. Father God, let every cloud of evil: every form of wickedness, fear, oppression, and lie be blown away. Let the light of Truth, righteousness and justice shine like the noonday sun. Let a spirit of boldness and authority rise up in Your people to take back what belongs to them. Enough is enough! We sit in heavenly places with Christ. Help us to see from that viewpoint and take charge. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
Debra, thank you for this wonderful prayer! I prayed it too.
We are coming to DC to pray and worship the Lord, reminding Him of our Covenant with Him as a nation. We are taking back our nation under His leadership. America will be saved!
Hallelujah! Amen! Abba, Abraham interceded and you told him would spare Sodom from destruction if you found 10 righteous people there. Abba, Washington DC, our capital city, is under siege. Abba, have mercy. Remove the wicked from office. Spare our capital city. Is there not 10 righteous? Break the siege of the enemy. You crushed the head of the serpent with your heel at Calvary. Crush the spirit of Leviathan, the king of the children of pride. Give us back our country — your country, which was dedicated to you by the Pilgrims. You are not willing for any to perish. Bring salvation to the mayor of Washington DC. Bring salvation to America! It is here. We declare in the name of Jesus the enemy must leave and give back our inheritance – one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Thank you, Karen! I declare and stans inthis prayer with you and all the IFA intercessors! Amen!