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Father, thank you for answering our prayers to give our leaders conviction to do something about inflation. Help both parties to fix this problem, and give our leaders wisdom, understanding and courage to move forward.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Seeing Democrats taking this issue seriously is a welcome change! It will take both parties to tackle inflation, so we should be grateful that they can come together on this crisis, even if there is so much disagreement elsewhere. Now, we just need them to address the root causes of federal debt and money printing, not just the symptoms. 

From CNBC. A coalition of moderate House Democrats is urging the party to fight harder to combat inflation, calling for action on issues ranging from tariffs to immigration and drug prices.

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The list of proposals Wednesday from the New Democrats, the largest voting bloc in the caucus, calls for executive action by the White House and legislation in Congress. . . . .

In a letter Wednesday, the New Democrats pushed House leadership to use “every legislative week to advance an affordability agenda.”

The platform comes as the Biden administration ramps up its public response to inflation, which has strained consumers as it sits near 40-year highs. . . . .

But several of the proposals from the New Democrats go beyond what the White House has embraced. . . . .

“That’s the one thing that would have the most immediate effect,” said Rep. Scott Peters of California, the group’s vice chairman of policy. . . .

The New Dems are also urging the administration to continue releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help bring down prices. . . . .

In addition, the group is emphasizing workforce and immigration: the coalition wants to reform licensing requirements and noncompete agreements, increase the number of high-skilled visas and create a pathway to citizenship for the so-called Dreamers. . . .

“The president doesn’t have a serious plan to address inflation, and his so-called solutions will only make things worse,” said Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the top Republican on the House Ways and Means committee. . . .

The group has been a strong supporter of the bipartisan innovation bill to address supply chain logjams, invest in next-generation research and development, and, perhaps most critically, provide $52 billion to support the domestic semiconductor industry. Democrats are already negotiating that bill with Republicans.

The group also outlined provisions from . . . Build Back Better. . . that it could support in any new scaled-down version. They include extending subsidies for Affordable Care Act premiums, preserving the enhanced child tax credit, capping the cost of insulin and allowing Medicare to negotiate the cost of some drug prices. . . .

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(Excerpt from CNBC. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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June 9, 2022

WHY are we so blind. We are matter human nothing else.. Turn to your Creator. Cast all things on to HIM. He is the answer nobody else. Are we learning ! Amen.

June 9, 2022

I recently retired, but now I do not have enough to live through my retirement based on the policies of this current administration. I am paying nearly 3 times the cost for fuel that I did under Trump and also my utilities and taxes are up now. Fee market works and socialism does not!!! That was clear with the amazing economy we all enjoyed under Trump. He cared deeply about all Americans and not just the filthy rich elites like Zuckerburg, Soros, Gates, Clintons, Obamas, and the Bushes. The anti Christ principals of this administration are choking this beautiful country!!!

June 9, 2022

If you are grateful for this land at all, and especially one who represents our land, you have to fight for it every day. Please help our leaders to see the destruction of our great land and work together to restore what we have lost.

June 9, 2022

Heavenly Father…though the world seems “spinning out of control” all Believers KNOW that is a lie….a perception of TRUTH. Because “the earth & all that’s in it belongs to the LORD!” Amen & Hallelujah!

There are definitely immediate things that could take place in our Executive & Congressional Branch’s of Government to “right the wrongs & put America back on track”, however, that requires HUMILITY & ADMISSION of a Wrong Agenda, which takes real HUMILITY to admit you were “wrong” & ARE WRONG!!!

So Heavenly Father we humbly ask that YOU hear our fervent intercessions &
Petitions to humble our President, VP, Congressional Members & Executive Branch Cabinet members to “Seek YOU with all their hearts, souls, minds & strength…to STOP leaning on their own understanding but to seek YOUR ANSWER, YOUR TRUTH & YOUR WAY!” When America humbles herself before YOU & YOUR PLANS only then will “YOU right our wrongs & heal our land”! In TRUTH…without YOUR GUIDANCE, America is on a destructive path to complete chaos & failure. For anyone who seeks YOU daily through YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST & THE HOLY SPIRIT can see “with their Spiritual eyes” that any nation who turns their backs on YOU & YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS will fall away in utter collapse. But a nation that will humble itself & exalt YOU as the LORD & MASTER over it, then YOU open up heaven to pour out YOUR Blessings & Righteousness.

May every Political Leader at the local, state & federal levels of government humble themselves from their “prideful hearts” & know that only YOU can change a Nation who is willing to REPENT, OBEY & TURN wholeheartedly back to THEIR GOD who truly is merciful, gracious & slow to anger but abundant in all that is Good & Good for America!

Amen & Amen


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