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I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to turn to You in our times of need. Help us as a nation to turn our hearts to You, for only You can satisfy every need; only You can provide real peace.
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The National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism released a study that found mothers of young children during the coronavirus pandemic increased their alcohol consumption by almost 325 percent.

The data show that overall drinking consumption in the United States was 39 percent higher in November 2020 than the previous February, before the pandemic…

The New York Post reported on the study:

Americans exceeding those guidelines increased by 27 percent from February and April of 2020 — and jumped to 39 percent between February and November, the new study found.

Additionally, binge drinking that increased 26 percent between February and April 2020 only jumped further, to 30 percent, between February and November.

More women disproportionately reported exceeding the recommended drinking guidelines than men between April and November 2020. Women with children under age 5 in their homes increased alcohol consumption 323 percent, the study found…

Have you or those around you turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms during the pandemic? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments below. 

(Excerpted from Breitbart. Article by Penny Starr. Photo Credit: Charles Duck/UnSplash).

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August 19, 2021

I had a dad and an uncle who abused alcohol. Alcohol is a fierce stronghold that only the Lord can deliver a person from.
Father, we are living in times like we have never seen, but You Lord, are our hope. As believers, we are shaken, but not without hope in You Father. We intercede for those who feel hopeless and are reaching for the wrong “help.” Please, send Your Holy Spirit to them. Save them from despair and open doors for them to hear, and believe, that You are their Blessed Hope. Only Your Holy Spirit can do that, Lord.

August 19, 2021

Do you think that those who are abusing alcohol
will read and take notice of any report as to
the awfulness of that abuse? Alcohol is not a
friendly thing, as the devil tries to assert.
It robs you of life. Being “nice” and “accepting”
of its lying tactics is tantamount to murder!
Yet, we as a society do this exact thing! I think
I have earned the right to this discourse by virtue
of the loss of my husband to alcoholism. Quite a
story of prayer – endless prayer – and total
reliance on the power of God to intervene brought
him to his waning days of life still alive enough
for the Lord to speak to his heart and save his
eternal soul. He died on my birthday at the same
time I was born. A gift from the Lord for faithful
prayer. How many families bear this pain? Too many
I would say! Too few that are taught how to stand
in the face of such painful trauma that alcohol presents.
May the Lord speak clearly as to His will in this matter
and give us the grace to make a difference. In Jesus Mighty
Name! Amen.

August 19, 2021

This is not surprising, considering the times we are living in. When people don’t know God they turn to other spirits to help them cope with life’s pressures and stresses. Father, I pray that more souls could turn to You and want to know You as their Personal Savior. Lord, set them free from the bondage of chemical dependency and show them there is a better way, to trust in You. In Jesus name, amen!

August 19, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray that people would turn to You instead of alcohol or drugs to cope with their stress and anxiety. Help us turn to You in our times of need and help us turn as a nation to You, for only You can provide real peace and satisfy every need. In Jesus name, amen.

Marsha Bashor
August 19, 2021

Dear Lord I pray that you would move in the hearts of those in our families who depend on the drink daily to relieve their stress. And I pray that you would loose the hold that alcohol has on their bodies.
Please replace the spirits of alcohol with your Holy Spirit! Thank you Lord, for with God all things are possible.

Carole Ann Neve
August 19, 2021

How about no alcoholic beverages a week. Alcoholism or overeating is a real problem. People have to learn balance not gluttony. Put your trust in God and attend a great church regularly, assembling with other believers in Jesus Christ.

August 19, 2021

This is not surprising to hear, considering the times that we are living in. If people don’t have faith in the Living God, they turn to other spirits to help them cope with life. Lord, we bind the spirit of alcohol abuse , and alcoholism, in the mighty name of Jesus. We loose the power of Holy Spirit to replace these spirits. Please
convict people who are dependent upon alcohol, or any other drug, that there is a better way to live. Lord, set these captives free. In Jesus’ name.


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