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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for our brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world and that specifically for the nation of Africa blessing us in this way. Thank You for this encouragement.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The mandate for Africa to stand in the gap and bless America is an apostolic mission birthed by God’s concern for America’s spiritual, physical, and moral redemption. God’s passion to redeem man in general was engraved in stone when the Lord Jesus emptied Himself of His deity, made Himself of no reputation, took on the form of a bondservant… and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross (Phil.2:5-8). God’s passion for man’s redemption triggered a vision that called on the Apostle Paul to “…come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9).

Early last year, a “Macedonian” call was precipitated on Africa to pray and bless America. At the time, there was no COVID-19, no racial unrest, and no economic chaos. God however, knew the critical challenges that America would face and in effect called on Africa to intercede. All we heard was “Africa Bless America”(ABA) and the ensuing concern: “If America falls, the rest of the world will fall with her.”

When we heard this, we were bullish and determined not to be disobedient to this heavenly call. As a result, we did not waste time to present our mandate to Dr. Jose Pascua, president of “The Joshua Generation” (TJG). Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Pascua on his part immediately rallied thousands of young people in the TJG African network to start praying and interceding for America. Later on, more nations in the TJG network heard of ABA and expressed interest to join and intercede for America. As a result, a new worldwide move (more than 200 nations) is now praying and interceding on behalf of America. “Africa Bless America ‘Worldwide’ Prayer Summit” is a culmination of this worldwide effort of the Church to intercede for America.

It was our desire to conclude this divine mandate with a three day prayer summit from September 17th to 19th, 2020. Initially, we planned to bring together two delegates from every nation within the TJG network. But then COVID-19 happened, George Floyd happened, and the resulting economic and racial unrest happened! These demonic events confirmed our mandate and gave us more compelling reasons and the urgency to step up and obey the divine command to intercede for America. Even with a limited representation (because of COVID), the summit will be a world-wide “travail” led by Africa on behalf of America. The ABA Worldwide Prayer Summit is therefore, a multi-national collaboration armed with and apostolic mandate to appeal to God on behalf of America virtually and physically in Washington, DC. This appeal is four-fold: Repentance, Redemption, Reconciliation, and Restoration of America to her godly stature as “one nation under God.” It is our hope (God willing), that this spiritual exercise will ignite a a “Revival” in America.

But, Africa’s hands are not clean and her heart is not pure to ascend the hill of the Lord and stand in the Holy Place to call for blessings upon America! Africa’s hands are stained by the blood of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. We have sinned, committed iniquity, and done wickedly against God and our own blood—the African-American. With indifference and shame, every party to the transgression has kept quiet and gone about for centuries as if nothing ever happened. But to us, our kings, and our forefathers, belongs shame of face, because we have sinned against the Lord and against our brethren.

Over 400 years we traded their freedom for slavery, death and inhumane treatment in the Americas. Innumerable consequences have befallen Africa, America, and other parties because of the iniquity of slavery. Uncommon evils have endlessly descended on Africa and the African-American because as people we Africans have not repented of slavery. To stand in the holy place with clean hands and a pure heart and bless America, we must repent of our part in slavery. With the ABA initiative, we as Africa are committed to repent of our role and responsibility in the transAtlantic slave trade. The ABA Prayer Summit will readily address this matter and hopefully attract God’s mercy, forgiveness and healing. Hopefully such repentance will give Africa access into the throne room of God to secure blessings on behalf of America. Hopefully such repentance will grant Africa the merits to stand with others and plead for the redemption, reconciliation, restoration, and revival in America. Hopefully, such repentance will bring healing Africans and African-Americans.

As such, this prayer summit will hopefully serve as a platform for the ‘African Apology’ and for the reconciliation of African with the African-American. May the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory bring forth His redemptive purpose upon America as Africa Bless America “World-Wide” Prayer Summit convenes September 17th-19th of 2020. We hope you will join us!

—Toby Awasum, Co-Chair, Africa Bless America “World-Wide” Prayer Summit

(Photo from Picklist.)

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Stella Grant
September 19, 2020

Dear Father may You bless our African brothers and sisters for their humility in repenting for their part in the TransAtlantic slave trade that impacted their continent and its peoples and the western world including the United States. Father may each nation repent of our part in this sin and receive Your forgiveness so that we might experience reconciliation and restoration with You our Creator and one another. May You be Glorified throughout the earth. In Jesus’ Name.

Paul Cirillo
September 10, 2020

Dear Toby,

I am amazed and so grateful that people from Africa would take the time to pray for America. They have enough problems of their own to bother with us. All I can say is thank you for doing so.

If I may, I would request that one of the prayers Africans pray would be that American blacks would have the divine ability from their hearts to forgive American whites for the sins of the past and forego reparations, or restitution that they demand, acknowledging that the debt black Americans are owed is too great to pay, just as the debt black Americans owe to God for their sin is too great to pay. That is why Jesus died: because we cannot pay our own debt.

Finally, I applaud and encourage the effort to take responsibility for the part that black Africans played in the slavery trade. I do not condemn you for your fathers’ sins; but I do thank you for bringing it to light.

Once again, thank you so very much for praying for America. We desperately need your prayers! And may our Father in heaven bless you many times for what you are giving to us.

Your (European)-American brother in the Lord

September 10, 2020

All I could do was weep knowing Africa, another nation, is “standing in the gap” for us. I have felt that America was alone…but to know we are not so penetrated my soul with hope and gratefulness. God bless our brethren in Africa. May it bring great healing to both our nations!

September 9, 2020

Encouraged by this word. Thank you, Father, that we are prayed for. Show us how to respond with a grateful heart for you to be great in America. You have blessed America. It is time America blessed you again in repentance for our selfish ways. Forgive us in Jesus!

Nancy Hicklin
September 8, 2020

What is “the nation of Africa”? Do you mean the continent of Africa? Many nations constitute this continent. Just confused.

Matthew Moore
September 8, 2020

Thank you Africa for your prayers. they are timely, needed and much appreciated.
I am on the board of a tuition free school in Ghana, Promise Land Ranch School. They pray for us daily as well.
Thank you for your heart and listening to Gods Holy Spirit.

Darlene Estlow
September 8, 2020

Thank you Africa. Thank you Father for raising up Africa to pray for us. Bless them in their struggles to walk you in repentance.

Linda k Rice
September 8, 2020

Oh my. thank you so much Africa.

Lois Taritas
September 8, 2020

Thank you Africa, I am humbled and touched to stand with you and pray for our nation! May God be the Glory!
May all the Nations come together in prayer and repentance and put it under the blood of Jesus!

Virginia Jones
September 8, 2020

Repentance is necessary and good, but know that it is the blood of Jesus Christ (not your repentance) that gives you access to the throne room of Almighty God

    Darlene Estlow
    September 8, 2020

    But without repentance we cannot access the blood of Jesus to enter the throne room.

September 8, 2020

Theocracy: Every government is predicated on precepts that reflect their world view, which by definition is a religious foundation::
Merriam-Webster: re·li·gion /rəˈlijən/ noun
1. a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
The USA government is predicated on Old Testament laws, tempered with the New Testament principles of Jesus! After Reagan’s term in office, their was a divergence from a Jesus centered Theocracy to a man centered official government approved religion called Humanism, followed by a further divaricating into the religion of Atheism, Socialism, homosexuaIism, with a segue into “gaia” mother earth worship, and even Mid Eastern religion. However Jesus being the foundation of our “Constitutional Republic” & even the “Federalist Papers,” we must return to our original theocracy, where the government/state is divided from the 1st Amendment power of the church [the real Thomas Jefferson of division of Church & State]. A return to a government centered in the creator of the universe, who is Jesus, the highest form of governing in the world [far above all others], which made America the number one economy on the earth, that is until the religion of Humanism eclipsed it, and we began the downward cycle of entropy, fast becoming 3rd world county. Now we have an apostle in the white house and a hope [a spiritual excitement and expectation of greatness again] of returning to Jesus as a nation. God Almighty🕊 will not give HIS earth to the devil:
Ps 24:1 The earth is Jehovah’s🌹, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. ASV
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there followed great voices in heaven, and they said, The kingdom of the world is become (the kingdom) of our Lord💖, and of his Christ 🦅: and he shall reign for ever and ever. ASV
You can be a part of the 1,000 year Millennial rule of Jesus💍 and New Jerusalem💥 here on earth💫 with the Chosen🦋.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1 John Adams

Nora merloy
September 8, 2020

Thank you for such a great wordy and acts of encouragement!

Wendy Wesley
September 8, 2020

✝️🙏 Thank you Africa! May God bless my African brothers and sisters in Christ. May both America and Africa feel the healing hand of our Lord.

September 8, 2020

This proclamation to pray for America touched my heart. How precious to hear truth, repentance and a commitment to pray for America. Thank you Lord! Surely, you will hear their prayers. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Richard Miller
September 8, 2020

This is a great revelation of the joint iniquity of all who were involved in the iniquity of the slave trade and now God is calling all to repentance so He can bless and restore His presence in Africa and America and to the entire world. I am joining virtually!

September 8, 2020

Thank you Africa for praying for America. The sins of slavery run deeper than we know. Thank you Lord for continuing to show us how to pray and what to Jesus name amen!

    Dr Matthys Michael de Kock
    September 12, 2020

    Yes & Amen👍
    REFORMATION of our Financial & Political Systems.

    May the Lord God help All Nations of the World, beginning with the USA, UK, EU, Russia & China to REPENT for:
    A. Taking the World off God’s Just Gold Standard in 1971 and
    B. Not upholding God’s Biblical Standard for a Qualified Democracy

    Prior to 1971 the Gold Standard was used to measure to renumerate all World citizens (Black | White | Brown) for their work (sweat & skills)

    Since 1971 at Bretton Woods the door was opened to introduce a NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF SLAVERY.
    A system by which a small group of people would benefit financially at the expence of the majority.

    In 1971 the door was opened to committ “legalised” theft of the buying power of the savings and retirement packages of all citizens through inflation and the devaluation of currencies.

    Between the 1960’s and the 1990’s the First World Media, Financial and Political Leaders opened the floodgates to commit “legalised” theft.

    Uninformed and Unqualified Voters have been used to replace Competent Leaders in Africa.
    Uninformed, unqualifed and unethical leaders are used to plunder the mineral wealth of the African continent.

    As a result Africa is the richest continent with the poorest citizens living on it.

    May God have mercy and bless Africa, America and the World with qualified and compassionate voters and leaders in politics, banking and business

Akin Ige
September 8, 2020

As an African from Nigeria and now a naturalized US citizens, I have prayed for America in the past eight years. I commend this great move of God and I will share this vision with my compatriots in Nigeria. May the Lord God purge the nations of the world beginning with the US. May this nation become great again, in character and charity. And let there be a world wide revival of righteousness beginning with the USA and Africa, in Jesus Name

Philip und Margaret Daniell
September 8, 2020

Wonderfully encouraging news! We are Brits living in Germany and we are constantly praying for the States and for Africa. On 21st August we joined in an online prayer meeting from Jerusalem led by the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations and we prayed for 2 hours with leaders and intercessors from several nations in Africa repenting for the roots of slavery and worship of idols. Yesterday we prayed with the European Coaltion for Israel prayer group for the nations of Africa to stand with Israel! God is raising up his holy army in Africa. We hope we will be able to join us this Africa Bless America “World-Wide” Prayer Summit from September 17th-19th. We are agreeing that”the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory bring forth His redemptive purpose upon America” and will bless Africa for praying for America. God bless you all at IFA!

    September 9, 2020

    Where is the “Wow” emoji? It is SO encouraging to know that so much prayer is going up to heaven for this nation that I love so much. In Revelation it talks about bowls in heaven filled with the prayers of the saints. I believe when those bowls fill up, they tip over and pour out blessings and answers to prayer onto the earth. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for petitioning God on our behalf. He sees, he hears, he knows, and he delights to answer.

    Zita Nix
    September 10, 2020

    Thank you so much for praying for us here in America. We are in desperate need of your intercession. I am beyond words as I sit here and weep…that there are other saints crying our for my country. May the Lord richly bless you!

      Philip und Margaret Daniell
      September 10, 2020

      We are honoured to be called to stand in the gap for the wonderful nation of America!

September 8, 2020

I am crying tears of awe that another continent would be praying for us! But I am also confused…aren’t our American ancestors to blame for slavery? Why would Africa share any part in the blame? (Did I miss something in history class??)

    Richard Miller
    September 8, 2020

    You may search the Internet for the origin of the Slave trade. Some tribes in Africa captured other Africans and sold them to slave traders.

    Darlene Estlow
    September 8, 2020

    Other countries indeed share in the sin of slavery like Great Britain.

Blanca Holland
September 8, 2020

In our church we had a little song : come to Macedonia and help us pray : that the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is ready to be revealed: to all lost souls that wander around the world: come to Macedonia and help us pray. May the family members of the body of JESUS YESHUA lift up in prayer to GOD THE FATHER our CREATOR revival in all areas of the USA thus bringing revival to the world community and media. That all government leaders be shaken up by the HOLY SPIRIT KADOSH and a shofar of GLORY be blown.for in JESUS YESHUA HE HAS given us the cities. Like Joshua of old : following the instructions of the LORD : was able to bring Jericho down by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT KADOSH. Thanks for the African brothers and sisters lifting us in prayer to GOD THE FATHER may they receive 100 percent the blessing and anointing they pray for.

September 8, 2020

Thank you, African brothers and sisters for your prayers on our behalf! We need them, and we pray for God’s amazing grace, love, peace, healing, and forgiveness to be yours. Amen.

September 8, 2020

Amen, I am humbled as well that Africa would pray for us. God give them grace and great favor of His countenance and give them peace!

Kimberly Hartfield
September 8, 2020

I’m humbled that Africa would pray for us! God bless them as well.


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