Pray for wisdom and a heart of resolve throughout America for the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Join iPRAYforLIFE—Click HERE to learn more. Our First Friday Prayer Conference Call this week is all about life. Don’t miss our announcement of our new initiative at the March for Life.
But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. (Ps 66:19)
Former U.S. Congressman and Fox News contributor Allen West told a pro-life crowd on Sunday that the results of the Nov. 8 election brought hope, but now is the time to work the hardest.
“No one wants to be part of a death culture,” West said during the Vitae Foundation‘s banquet in Columbia, Missouri, The Columbia Daily Tribune reports. “But if we’re not careful, that could be the legacy we pass on.
“We will not be truly blessed as a nation until we right this wrong,” he added. “If we are a country that continues to have a business in killing our future generations, God will not bless America.”
West talked about the devastating pro-abortion policies of President Barack Obama:
“We continue to see the decimation of the American family,” he said. He said America needs a return to faith, family, individual responsibility and entrepreneurship.
He said there would be a counterattack from the left.
“We have an opportunity to destroy progressive socialism,” West said. “We’ve got an opportunity to strike before they strike back. It’s coming and it’s going to be a vicious counter-attack.”
West, a U.S. Army veteran and president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis, is a strong advocate for life through his public roles. During his talk Sunday, the African American leader brought up how abortion has led to millions of innocent deaths in the black community.
“I came from the same neighborhood as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Since the Roe decision, almost 15 million African American children won’t know about Dr. King’s dream,” West said….
“I cannot think of … a better time to go on the offensive for the United States of America,” West added. “Our first inalienable right is Life.” (Excerpts from Micaiah Bilger for LifeNews.com)
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Teach us, dear Lord, to do war fare for the sake of the children yet to be conceived so that they might be spared being torn apart in their mothers womb. Right now we are at a crossroads as a
nation: We will either repent and pray in Constitutional values or suffer the worst persecution of our faith our country has ever seen. I lift up Liberty Council to you Lord, the LBGT forces are again trying to close them down. We pray that the investigations into the DOJ and FBI lawlessness under Obama would be completed before the Liberal Congress takes over. We pray that the 73 or so Judges that are waiting confirmation will soon be confirmed, by your hand Lord, and the other large number of judgeships vacant will be filled soon with Constitutionalist Judges. We pray that our Supreme Court will slowing take the fuel away from the Abortion Machine in America until the Womb becomes again the safest place in America. We ask you to wake your church, call them to arms, and may we win this war on our knees. In Jesus mighty name, Amen
Father, Forgive our nation for valuing puppies more than people. Father, forgive your people for being complacent, materialistic and comfort loving. Please help your people to draw near to you with our hearts not just with our mouth. Help us to love what you love, and hate what you hate. Show us how to properly grieve and to remember the deaths of so many of your children-babies, innocents that you love and had a plan for their lives.
Teach us to pray effectively in order to stop this blot on our national character. Teach us to love effectively and show others the value of each person. Show us the small things that we can do to cause change of hearts in those around us. Help us to be aware of people who feel so out of control and afraid that they do such acts of violence. Help us to see the needs of others, to look at their hearts so we can be like Jesus, speaking the truth in love.
Father God, on behalf of ourselves and our nation, we ask for your forgiveness for our prayerlessnesss that enabled this heinous sin to begin and to continue in our nation. Forgive those who put the laws on our books. Forgive those who willingly paid for or had abortions. Forgive those who perform abortions and those who support abortion in any way. Wash us clean with the blood of Jesus and release His resurrection power to heal our souls from the deep wounds of this sin.
Thank You for raising up courageous leaders to work together to wipe Roe v. Wade and all supporting laws off our books.
Send angels to minister strength, wisdom and protection for them and their families, and to raise up more leaders who love and obey You, Father.
Your Word says You turn the hearts of kings like water in a river (Pr. 21:1). Turn the hearts of this nation’s leaders and people toward LIFE so that our rivers will no longer run red with the blood of our babies, but crystal clear with Your LIVING water!
In the name of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, amen.
May the spirit of death be bound and the spirit of life be released in America and through out the world in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
When Zecharias was serving before the LORD in the temple, the angel Gabriel came to announce the coming of John the Baptist. The angel Gabriel said this about John: “And he shall go before Him (Jesus) in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.:” Luke 1:17, KJV.
LORD, my prayer is for everyone in this country contemplating an abortion and those working in the abortion industry. May the Holy Spirit move upon each individual to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to hear and receive the wisdom of the just; to put an end to abortion in our nation and make ready a people prepared for the return of the LORD.
May God open the eyes of our nation regarding the blood shed and murder coming from our sin of abortion. Forgive us
Oh God and we ask that you hear our prayers as we pray against this horrible crime in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Amen. Mr. West!!! God WILL NOT bless a nation who sheds innocent blood. Proverbs 6:17.