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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we lift up our government before You. We ask You to clean out corruption and bring us back to where we started. Let America be a nation that glorifies You.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

This author, raised in Communist China, shares about the dangers of unrestricted government that many Americans today are blind to.

From The Stream. Over the years, I’ve known quite a few Democrats within the faith community. In fact, on several occasions, it was my Democrat friends who opened their arms and provided the help I very much needed at the time. My disdain for Marxist ideology – the Democratic Party’s preferred doctrine — has never been directed toward them. They are good people. I’m grateful for what they have done for me.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


However, I often feel puzzled and frustrated, wondering why good and otherwise sane people would side with the party that promotes Marxist agendas which, if not stopped, will inevitably destroy our republic and freedom, and will certainly generate hardship and devastation to society. Having grown up in a Marxist society, I know this firsthand.

I realize that my friends who were raised in this country – unlike the Founders, who lived under the shadow of their oppressive motherland — do not understand the nature of government. They are unaware that a government will invariably abuse its power when it is not restrained and becomes powerful.

Very Unique

In some way, their ignorance is the side effect of our unique political structure. The three branches of our government, independent of each other, provide checks and balances, preventing political power from being centralized. Each state is given the authority to make certain decisions, which acts as a limitation on the federal government. Also, our electoral college allocates equal rights to small states, deterring states with large populations from having more representative power, and thus, discouraging the accumulation of governmental power. Consequently, our political system has largely restricted government from amassing its power, and curbing the opportunity for politicians to misuse it.

The situation in the other parts of the world differs drastically. Take China, for example, where corruption is inextricably connected with the Marxist government that holds unchecked power. In China, all politicians abuse power. Everyone knows this, but since – unlike the U.S. political system — no remedy within the structure is available to fix the problem, ordinary Chinese can only appeal to virtue signaling, holding government and politicians in utmost contempt.

Many of my American friends, especially those in the Democratic Party, hold a different view of government. They generally have a positive attitude toward it. This was among the first things I noticed after immigrating to the U.S. In my opinion, it is an unintended adverse effect of our exceptional political system, which has not afforded the citizen an experiential framework within which to grasp the true nature of a government.

An exception does not teach what the norm is. On the contrary, it creates a blind spot and prevents us from recognizing the potential danger of a government. Like children growing up in a sheltered environment who are clueless about the vulnerabilities they face from the outside world, many Americans are unaware that government is a necessary evil whose ambition must be checked and curtailed.

Abdicating Our Freedoms

Sadly, some even romanticize the notion of a big government they believe can manage our lives better than we can because it has unlimited resources and expertise. In their guileless minds, they cannot conceive of a scenario in which the government would commit outrageous acts against its citizens, just as one cannot imagine that doctors would do harm. Though countless books dedicated to exposing the atrocities committed by unrestricted powers have been written, many Americans treat them as tall tales from a faraway land with no relevance to our life here in the U.S.

This understanding has kept many from seeing the hidden danger of our government. We saw this clearly after 9/11, when the government used security as an excuse to take away some of our constitutional rights. We also witnessed this during the pandemic, when the government restricted the First Amendment rights to assembly and the free exercise of religion. Recently, we watched in horror as the current administration recklessly prosecuted its political opponents, completely bypassing the Constitution in their efforts to eliminate them.

Things could easily escalate if we do not get off this trajectory. Listen to what former Secretary of State John Kerry said during the World Economic Forum’s Impact 2024 meeting: “Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win … the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

His words should send a chill down our spines.

Like the Lands We Left

I’ve been in America for more than three decades. I was told that America is an idea centered around liberty and Judeo-Christian values, with which I concur wholeheartedly. I always thought I was an American just like my friends who grew up here — but during the pandemic, the difference between me and many of my American friends began to surface, separating and distancing us on the issue of government.

This incongruence was both astonishing and painful. One day during the COVID crisis, I met a stranger outside a grocery store who was complaining about the government’s draconian policies and how appalled she felt about Americans’ willingness to comply with them. It turned out her family had immigrated from communist Poland. Like me, they were distressed about how readily Americans were handing over their liberty to the government and how fast our society was beginning to look like the places we had come from.

I love my American friends. As I said before, they are good people, and I try to reason from their perspective. Perhaps, in that the Scripture commands us to love our neighbors, it follows that we should extend this responsibility to our government that has supposedly unlimited resources and expertise, and thus can serve our underprivileged neighbors so much better than we. However, this good intention is based on a defective understanding.

By nature, a government only cares about how to maintain and expand its power, albeit displaying the false impression of charitable compassion. Take the welfare system, for instance. It has only helped a small number of people who have legitimate reasons to receive this help. Otherwise, it has produced a mighty army of people who are dependent on government by weakening their will to live with their own hands, destroying their self-respect, and rendering them permanent obedient subjects.

Recently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a life-long Democrat, summarized the danger of trusting government:

“I want you all to remember three rules. First, when you give a government a power, it will never voluntarily relinquish it. Second rule, if you give a government a power, it will ultimately abuse that power to the maximum extent possible. Third rule, nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism.”

It is remarkably telling for Democrats like him to come to this sobering realization. A government, at best, is just a necessary evil with an unsatiable desire for power that must be restrained. If we extend our responsibility to  love our neighbors to the government, we do a disservice to our neighbors.

A Higher Allegiance

I think perhaps the ultimate incentive for many Christians to remain loyal to the Democratic Party lies in the concept of identity. Having a heart for the others, many joined “the people’s party” because they believed it represents their hearts and values. Often, when one attaches one’s belief to an entity, secular or religious, the entity can take on symbolic significance. For many Democrat Christians, the Democratic Party has become their identity, just as speaking in tongues has to Pentecostals, “TULIP” to the Reformed, and the necessity of good works to Catholics. How can they deny the party that symbolizes who they are?

Yet, today’s Democratic Party does not remotely resemble the party of John F. Kennedy. It has abandoned the framework the Founders built, promoting Marxist ideology and increasingly becoming totalitarian in nature. It has taken sides with the devil, promoting state-sponsored mutilation of minors, unrestricted abortions, and the removal of parental rights, just to name a few.

The Bible clearly teaches us that truth preempts one’s identity. The Apostle Paul understands the importance of circumcision, an indispensable identity marker of God’s chosen people. However, he also knows that Jesus’s death and resurrection outweighs all earthly symbols. Thus, he fiercely opposes the idea that Gentile Christians must take on this Jewish identity marker.

In this crucial historical moment, my Democrat friends are confronted with a tough choice. The truth is the party that promotes unlimited power without accountability will abuse its authority, doing evil with no bounds; while imperfect, the other party that advocates a limited government is, in comparison, a lesser evil.

As RFK Jr. and many others have chosen truth over their party identity, you must demonstrate the same courage and integrity. Truth must preempt party identity.

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This article was originally published at The Stream. Photo Credit: Philip Yabut/Getty Images.

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Sandra Bieselt
October 14, 2024

I have been trying to communicate this to my staunch Democrat friends. But this person says it so eloquently I pray that all who spend a few minutes reading it may see the light. The Democratic party is not what it was when JFK was president.

October 13, 2024

America is in the “valley of decision” (Joel 3:14a). What will we choose?

This month (October) till November 5 feels lake a “semester final exam”. Will we fail or pass? To choose not to choose is to fail. Regardless, there will be profound consequences: “For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” (Joel 3:14b)..

Larry Weiler
October 13, 2024

Oh I forgot to mention that the democratic party of old is the rinos although I do not know why they seem to less godly than the old democrats. Must be satan’s influence that they are choosing to follow. May God show them the true path that leads to Him. 🙏😇🙏

October 13, 2024

Very good article. I always enjoy reading something from someone who actually knows what they are talking about re Marxism, socialism, communism. I do have one comment: you say these “guileless” people cannot imagine government being bad. They are not guileless . . They are willfully ignorant. Probably lazy also… wanting to abdicate responsibility for their own lives to someone else. Other than that, excellent article.

October 13, 2024


October 13, 2024

I see people commenting on the “judgment” aspects, either missing or not yet évident, etc. This is an excellent article, breaking down portions of what happens when loss of freedom slowly, through stealth, erases our freedoms. It happens when people, especially Christians, spend pointless hours arguing or dissecting what “they see”, as opposed to what is or has already happened in our nation as the Christian community & church has stayed uninvolved or asleep. While portions of the Christian community are waking or have awakened, we still lag far behind, especially in our understanding of how a political party works in stealing freedoms. The dem party no longer tries to hide its disdain or hatred for Christianity, the tule of law or the Constitution. The “sleeper work” was put in place by the marxist loving Obama administration, through appointments, E.O.’s & one of his favorite tools, the casual presidential ‘note’, which is often acted upon as a new rule(s) or policy without the “fanfare” or usual Constitutional procedures. Once the dem party ensured the theft of the 2020 election, it all went into high gear. Big gov’t becomes the unrestrained animal, in its constant lust for power – which we see in plain view today. Party identity cannot be separated from its platform. RFK & Tulsi Gabbard realized that awhile back, as mzny others have.
This article is worth reprinting & sharing with others as it is “foundational ” in its exposure of what has happened & how the Dem party has become a Marxist juggernaut.
For those that need a bit of simplification, God’s judgment will/can fall on ANY nation, including America, when we leave his commands of how to conduct ourselves personally…as well as nationally. It seems that we are seeing pockets of a turning back to God…but we desperately need more repentant hearts & minds – our nation needs God to occupy every corner of our daily lives again.

Larry Weiler
October 13, 2024

I did not read any judgement in the article so I don’t understand how God’s judgement on us pertains. This individual raised in communist China and I believe by God’s intervention able to move to the US for the last 3 decades. All I read is his experiences living in both and how he has watched our government gain and abuse new powers they claim are for our own good. I have also watched and complained about our government abuses and was considered crazy by coworkers. I also predicted some of the unholy things happening now due to the government’s heavy handed tactics. We have no democratic party it is socialists by their own admission so if democrats want their party back first start picking people whose beliefs are God, family ( biblical mother and father ) and country in that order and you will have a start to reclaiming your democratic party from the socialist. I myself am not republican or democrat, I am a God loving conservative American who have and will help anyone regardless of their beliefs. Yet I don’t want their beliefs forced on me. I find it puzzling how those from other countries notice the loss of our freedoms that make us a great country and those born the US are oblivious to it. I Trust in God’s plan and guidance. 🙏😇🙏

October 13, 2024

Be very careful regarding judging these people! We PRAY for them, we don’t judge them! They may very well have not been taught what to do and what not do. So, please PRAY for them instead. After all, you don’t want God to judge you in this same way, do you?

    Mary Beth
    October 13, 2024

    I sensed no judgment on the people in what was said, but on their belief system. If we do not judge belief systems in regard to whether they align with the Word of God or not – we can easily be deceived. We are also encouraged to judge people’s actions, in regard to whether they bear good fruit. If we don’t, we may align ourselves with the ungodly. Judging people is assuming we know their motives, and/or their eternal destination – things only God can know.

RW Wiseman
October 12, 2024

These are excellent words! My prayer is that those who do not realize the truths given here will do so before they vote in this national election,

Rich Swingle
October 12, 2024

Excellent article!

Lord, may we reject Marxism!

Ron Deere
October 12, 2024

The relentless barrage of leftist college professors, news anchors, sitcoms, movies, and books, the number of adult believers has decreased. However, the per centage of true believers has increased and have become more vocal. There have been many leftists who wanted to paint the Lord’s people as inconsequential, but as we become more vocal, more active, we can no longer be ignored.

October 12, 2024

An excellent article, and I appreciate your powerful perspective. I am so glad that you were able to escape Communist China. It grieves me deeply that our country is now perilously close to being a Communist entity as well, with an illegitimate regime in control for some time.

I do take exception however with the oft-repeated myth that the Democrat party has evolved into something malignant only in recent years. The foundational ideals of the Democrat party that favor big government, are playing out to their logical ends. These ideals have ever been in place, but they are less covert than in years past. My grandfather, born in 1880, was relentless persecuted by the Democrat party in his state, where he was a lone Republican. FDR weaponized the IRS against him to the point of where my grandfather placed a cot in his office for the auditor to sleep. When they finally found they owed him money, he refused their check and insisted on cash payment. FDR made sure that his oldest son and namesake, was sent to a front in WW II where only 5% of the draftees returned alive. Thankfully, his son was among those who returned, by God’s grace.

We should be careful not to adopt the left’s preferred moniker as well. They control language with the help of an indoctrinated mainstream media and are ever-changing their name to further distance themselves from what they really are. The Democrats are anything but “Democratic,” and yet are often called by that misleading name.

Thank you again for your wonderful article and warning to us. You are right in that we are very naive about the dangers are now in plain sight, and yet many still do not see them. The infiltration of our Education system, and the resultant media, have done much to indoctrinate. Above all, the Church compromised first in failing to do our job as bold stewards of the Truth and Watchmen on the Wall. We do pray for repentance and revival, crying for mercy. I hope you will not suffer the oppression here that you once escaped. We are deeply grateful for your love of this country and your heart-felt and eloquent warning. I pray your clarion call will be heeded to redemptive purpose.

October 12, 2024

Good insight

October 12, 2024

What an excellent article. It should reach the rational. Yet we know, that knowing is having eyes opened and a spiritual change of heart; thus transformation. So grateful the true government is upon Yeshua , the savior of the world. So grateful for such contributions and for this day of prayer and supplication to the Eternal God through whom we can reach the ends of the earth. Lord move upon those in this land to humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways that You may have mercy on us , forgive us and heal our land.

Maynard Yutzy
October 12, 2024

This is the best explanation I have ever seen about why Satan can blind some good people. It is security for them thinking the government stands with its citizens. God we pray this country will not fall into totalitarian government, but we ask that we would be ready for whatever your will is. Pray we Christians will have oil in our lamps.

Pamela Derrer
October 12, 2024

May God’s will be done in the, U S

Brian Lynch
October 12, 2024

When liberalism came into being, after the French Revolution happened, it did NOT acknowledge Almighty God. More than two hundred years later, we are reaping what was sown. We have a choice in America, especially with the upcoming election. Do we wish to continue to have our government hijacked by the New World Order, as the Dems have, or do we wish to return the Republicans to power? Our way of life was infinitely better under Trump and the Republicans. Plain and simple, he doesn’t cave in to the evil goals of the New World Order. By comparison, Trump appears to care about the future of our nation. He has policy proposals. His Democrat opponent, Kamala Harris, does not. Lord Jesus, by your great mercy and grace,,restore sanity and goodness to our nation. Thank you, Jesus.

Esther McGrew
October 12, 2024
A prophetic word that agrees with my spirit. Accompanied by pastor Derek Prince warning America to deal with witchcraft and rebelliousness. Alongside Romans 1:21-32.

Adele Crownover
October 12, 2024

So clear, so true.
Dear Lord, open the eyes of your people.🙏🙏🙏

Mary Beth
October 12, 2024

Thank you, sister Chenyuan, for clearly sounding the alarm!! Your perspective is priceless because it is based in the reality of your experience. The ideologies that are endangering our nation, have already borne their evil fruit in many nations over the centuries, and yet because many have not experienced it personally they ignore it. Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it, I think the saying goes. Lord, in Your mercy, please break the strong delusion that has a death grip on America. It is insanity to keep repeating the mistakes of the past and expecting a different outcome. Shake us, and continue to shake us until we step off of our faulty foundations and onto the only firm foundation – Yeshua.

John Soccre
October 12, 2024

From an article in an academic journal a couple of years ago, the following is all true and it is sites like this where loyalty to Trump is demanded as an article of faith, not allegiance to Jesus Christ: “Donald Trump was the most anti-democratic president in American history. During his 2016 campaign, he encouraged violence at his rallies. He also levied harsh attacks against his opponents and even called one a “devil.” When he assumed office as president, he demanded complete loyalty and levied attacks against the press that conjured up memories of notorious autocrats. And when he lost a free and fair election in 2020, he discontinued a 200-year-old tradition and a hallmark of American democracy: the peaceful transfer of power. He also incited an insurrection when he unsuccessfully overturned the election’s results. The GOP has continued to swear their loyalty to him, and those who challenge him, like Liz Cheney, are harshly rebuked by the party. If Trump runs for president in 2024 and wins, he will continue his authoritarian tendencies from day one and have the experience to better accomplish his authoritarian goals. Even if he does not run, GOP candidates who act like him will have success –– an overwhelming majority of Republicans still support Trump. Trump has thrown a wrench in American democracy, yet his influence in American politics is still enormous.” It is the author that does not understand the threat to our democracy, not Democrats.

    October 12, 2024

    Vote the party that claims the closest ideals to scripture-not the person.

    October 12, 2024

    I’m sorry, but you are misled. Under President Trump America was well. Americans were well. Look at the platforms of both parties from a trusted source like Franklin Graham’s organization. President Trump had a beautiful life and did not need 8 years of persecution for made up treachery. He is risking his life and fortune for “we the people”. Our government is clearly corrupt and getting worse by the day. Under President Trump our nation was safe, getting prosperous, we had no war outbreak, he had the border under control, the drug cartels and gangs were limited, etc.
    Now we are overwhelmed at the border by 21,000,000 unknown illegals including terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers, Comunist Chinese Nationals, etc. People that will do much harm to us. If President Trump does not become our president, then we will be a third world country. Please listen.
    This is so overwhelming, but God is on His throne. He allows good leaders and evil leaders.
    We, as a nation need to repent of the evil we have allowed to subtly creep in over the last 248 years and 3specially the last 52 years. We need to ask God to forgive us and ask Him to have mercy on us individually and as a nation. We need to get back to our founding principles of the Constitution and become a Godly nation again.

    John Soccre
    October 12, 2024

    I am clearly not the one that is misled. And, no, I am not going to seek out Franklin Graham as my authority, I am going to stand with Jesus and scripture. JESUS taught us not to demonize whole groups of people. Jesus taught us by telling stories like the Samaritan, a group seen as evil who Jesus made a hero. Jesus taught us the parable of wheat and tares, we don’t set up ourselves as the judges of who gets in. Jesus taught us not to pray, ‘thank you that I am not like those others…’ But behavior is something we should look at. Behavior is something Jesus did teach us about in the sermon on the mount and serving God with a true heart. So someone who is found guilty by a jury of assaulting a woman, of 34 felonies, of conducting himself as president as the article I quoted above shows is not someone I can trust. I am not the deluded one.

    October 12, 2024

    John, I am sorry to say you are being misled by the deep state propaganda
    Biden and Harris are merely their puppets, they have had no control these (almost) 4 years. They are beholden to their handlers, Obama being one of them. They hate Trump because he knows who and what they are doing to destroy our country. Trump loves this country and is a true patriot, he’s trying to save it from this Marxist regime. I pray the veil of deception will be lifted from the eyes of many of our citizens

      John Soccre
      October 12, 2024

      Christian website, I keep quoting and talking about the teachings of Jesus, just about everyone else quotes Trump and then says I am the one that is misled. Hmmmm. Kind of makes you wonder how Christian this website is. In addition to what I said about Jesus above, we also know that Jesus was tempted by Satan to get all the kingdoms of the world, if he would just…. And we just want so badly to get our way, we will turn our eyes from the fraud, the lying, the adultery, all of it, to get the kingdom we want. And while above is claiming Trump is such a patriot, he was giving away covid help to Russia instead of helping US citizens, he refers to our military leaders, Gold Star families in negative terms. Again, just who is being mis-led here???? Who?

        T Mc
        October 13, 2024

        You are right John. It has been written that ‘One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.’
        Also, we have the obsession with a plot. ‘The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve a plot is the appeal to xenophobia.’
        These ‘fascist principles’ are alive and well in America and any appeal to Jesus’ teaching and Christian principles is likely to fall on deaf ears. The founding fathers Franklin, Wahington, Hamilton, et al, embraced the Enlightenment and were generally religious sceptics.

          October 13, 2024

          Forget Trump or Harris !! Which party’s foundational platform supports Godly , biblical values. Telling my granddaughter she can be a boy is not biblical , or telling her she can marry a girl is not biblical , or telling her she can kill her babies is not biblical. This is not rocket science guys !! Either Jesus’s words are ALL true and we pursue them all , or he was just a nice guy with unattainable ideals that we can ignore !!!

          Patty DeGroot
          October 13, 2024

          T Mc, I have taken the class “Biblical Citizenship” with David Barton & Rick Greene a couple of times now. It presents the founding fathers in a very different light than what U have stated here. U can go to the website “” & sign up for a class if U would like to understand our Constitution & the men who wrote it. I have learned so much from this video series–eight lessons. There are “Biblical Citizenship” classes being held all over our country. Sign U for a class near U or online! On Monday nights at 6 p.m. that is where U will find me & about a dozen other patriots who love this country! WE THE PEOPLE will take this country back if we become good stewards of it again! Blessings!

    October 13, 2024

    John, be careful who you listen to. The source that you are quoting is sharing a twisted view of what actually happened. Pray and ask God to show you the truth. What you have stated about Trump & what happened at his rallies and even the “insurrection” is not the truth.

    October 13, 2024

    You are one of the willfully ignorant. Blinded. You are going to vote for the party who believes in abortion up to the minute of birth. Sorry… you can call yourself a Christian all you want while putting your stamp of approval on baby murderers.

October 12, 2024

Thank you for penning this article.
You brought up many good points to ponder. Keep writing!

October 12, 2024

A Million Esthers Washington dc mall!!!
Right now!!

Paul J Fishman
October 12, 2024

Its time for the Body of Christ to wake up and pray to strengthen itself to face the onslaught of attacks of the society and the Government that wants to rule our personal lives with tyranny. We must pray for upright leadership and vote the right way. If in case things go south then the Body of Christ Must stand as warriors against a Government that could Nationalize ALL churches in America with over 20 people. This was first announced by Hillary Clinton as far back as 2016 where the Wall of Separation between Church and State is removed so the Government will take over and micromanage in the private affairs of the Church from Taxation of its doners to the Institutions and its leadership, their roles, families registered and its private affairs. This means the Body of Christ will be infiltrated and be treated as the Three Self Church in China is doing.

    R M
    October 12, 2024

    The Roberts supreme court is perhaps the worst in American history, maybe worse than the Warren court of the 1960’s. Anything the government or wealthy plaintiffs want gets handed to them on a silver platter. American citizens get nothing but suppressed rights, destroyed history, and higher costs everywhere.

October 12, 2024

America is one nation under GOD and our freedoms came from great men of GOD! Men who could hear how to keep GODs land safe from the evil dictators. As we gather for prayer on Yum Kippur remember Romans 2:28-29 KJV
28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Psalm 23
23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Paula Moore
October 12, 2024

Thank you, brother Chenyuan Snider. Wholeheartedly, I agree and am praying with you over your concern for our national Republic and its government. May the Lord hear our cry and weed out Marxist, “Progressivist” indoctrination and practice by elites, those in government, and those who are yet blind to its indoctrination and oppression. Amen Lord Jesus, as Truth and Your infallible, unchanging Word prevails in its stead! Glory to God whose Kingdom is come on earth, as in Heaven.

LeAnne Lane
October 12, 2024

Lord, you remove kings and you set up kings. You are in control! We pray that America will turn to You and repent our sins and follow You!!

October 12, 2024

FATHER, save America from;

Wakeup 40 million Christians who are NOT registered and THE 50 million who do NOT VOTE. They are YOUR “Restrainers of evil on earth”, who say they are Christians but are failing the innocent

October 12, 2024

From 1971-1997, I made 5 European chorus tours with Harding a cappella.
On 3 of the tours we visited concentration camps. Horrible to think what humans have done, & will do, if unchecked. May we as individuals of whatever country recognize dangers of unchecked power.

    R M
    October 12, 2024

    Just think, the Roberts supreme court does NOTHING to protect citizens’ rights here in the USA. Everything wealthy plaintiffs and the government want is handed to them on a silver platter. The chief justice (Roberts) was appointed by the younger George Bush without no judicial experience directly from a large corporate law firm; what does one expect? Billionaires run the USA along with evil ones like George Soros; ordinary citizens have no voice.

October 12, 2024

Lord, thank you for this call to look only to you alone for our protection and provision. Years ago, President Bush started “homeland security” allegedly for protection which began to erode our freedoms. Open eyes of all to see the Marxist propaganda in our government operating now and the eroding freedoms. Help us to vote for the candidates who promote biblical justice and righteousness instead of deceptive platitudes. We praise you for all you have given us and plead for your Spirit to enlighten many to your purposes for our future. Amen

Kimberly Cooper
October 12, 2024

Beautifully articulated!

October 12, 2024

My Precious Lord and Savior. We desperately need your help. We have gotten so far away from you and in our ignorance have pretended we know better than you. Forgive us for turning our heads and ignoring the sins that were overtaking our Nation. For turning our backs on you and not standing faithfully on your word. Convict all of us who profess to know and love you so that we will rededicate ourselves to you and show ourselves to be true followers hearing YOUR voice, praying YOUR will, and obeying YOU. Search us, oh God and know our hearts, try us and know our thoughts. If there be any wicked way in us, lead us in the way everlasting. (Psalms 139:20 & 21) Help us repent and turn our focus back to you and vote according to your statutes and commandments so we can return our Nation to ONE NATION UNDER GOD. To you be all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise for you alone are Worthy to be Praised. We pray this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior, Healer, Protector, Best Friend Ever — Our Everything! Amen


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