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I Prayed have prayed
Father, help our nation be one that would seek and harvest souls for the kingdom of God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Hello am Keith Legesi, a saint in Uganda and I subscribed to IFA and Generals international. On Thursday, the 2nd of July, while I waited on the Lord and prayed over my nation of Uganda and the nation of the United States, I received a vision from Holy Spirit:

 “I see a white lady dressed as the coast guard (uniform looked navy blue), on a boat. The boat had caught a lot of fish and was heading to the dock. When it docked, she ran off to her Coast Guard ship. In the vision it looked like she was offering help to the fishing vessel.”

As I waited for more understanding of the Vision, the Lord said, ” I love America and if she returns to me, I will restore her. For my callings and gifts are irrevocable.” I also heard Him say “bloody riots and the word trafficking; saying let her repent.” As I waited further I asked him to reveal the strategy the devil is using against president Trump, he showed me Proverbs 26:25.  I then further heard the Spirit say, “boisterous woman.”

I believe the Lord anointed America to be a nation that will fish and harvest souls for the kingdom of God. That is how President Trump’s presidency fits into his plans and purposes hear on Earth.”

“Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts.” Proverbs 26:25

The visions God has given Kieth about the United States is very similar to a message Dave Kubal, IFA president/CEO, received from the Lord about returning to Him in the midst of the confusion and distress in our nation.

Below is Dave’s message: BE SURE TO WATCH

(Keith Legesi is an IFA Intercessor from Uganda.)

Share your comments on Keith’s vision and Dave’s message from the Lord below!

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Laura Maureen
July 13, 2020

Praise God members of IFA family,am glad to be a part of this global organization of prayers and the word of God. Am Laura Maureen from Uganda and a saint of God, one of the reminant army of the Lord being prepared for the great work of end time harvester for the kingdom of God. I’ve registered as a member of IFA today Monday morning.
And in reply to the message of a vision for America from Uganda and that of CEO Dave;- it’s true and very similar to the message I received from the lord concerning the nations of the world that he has chosen for the end time work of which America is included as an end time army called for the ministry of winning souls for the kingdom of God. In that vision the Lord the Holy Spirit directly gave me Hosea.6:1-6 and he told me that “tell my people and the nations to return to me with all their hearts that I may use them as my vessels of honor, for time is running out and yet my kingdom is at hand” Mark.1:15. Tell them that let each one of them return to their callings and gifts which I gave them to use for the benefit and expansion of my kingdom so that they will not be caught un aware when I return for am coming soon. Rev.3:1-22, I believe strongly in my heart that God is calling the nation of America unto the throne of grace and mercy for deep repentance and like-wise to bride of Christ which the church world wide to return to the orginal assignments given to each one of them according the gifts given them for service and in accordance to the measure of faith given each one of them.Romans.12:1-8.
Stay blessed.

    Laura Maureen
    July 13, 2020

    I received all these messages at the beginning of the year as I waited upon the lord in a 40days prayers and fasting in preparation for the kingdom work of 2020 and seeking him for guidance and message which he had for me for his people for the year 2020.
    In the month of January, the first week.

July 12, 2020

God help Uganda to become a sheep nation for Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Jacqueline Bassett
July 11, 2020

THank you, Dave Kubal! You are a spiritual Warrior! We pray for you and your family!

Dewey W Whitworth
July 11, 2020

Even the deaf dumb and blind know who ” boisterous women refers to : take a looky see at ilhan omar, nancy pelousy, ocasio cortez, maxine waters etc etc if someone needs a little help figuring that out. Add the mayors of Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis and others. If this comment seems political, the actions of these women speak for themselves. I am praying for their removal. Pray for their salvation some will say, yes you can, but how long will we put up with their actions before we pray for their removal ?

    Joan Bartruff
    July 11, 2020

    Dewey, I like your approach. I pray God will remove them from their positions of power and influence, and then, bring them to repentance. Thank you for modeling “common sense”. Who is worse, them or the people who vote them into office?? Going back to scripture–neither they, nor those who vote for them, “Have ears that hear, or eyes that see”. Only way I can make any sense of it. I don’t know to what level of deception
    they have arrived, but……in my humble opinion it might be close to “flood stage”. God bless you.
    God save the State.

July 11, 2020

“Return to ME!” As you say–three words calling the Jewish people back to GOD. The difference is that in those days the people knew who GOD was; they knew of HIS precepts and laws; they knew of the prophets of old. Today, sad to say, many people have a totally distorted view of GOD. Even in the Church, because of colossal Biblical ignorance, many are unaware of the true nature of GOD and what HE requires of us. The truth of this is borne out by those who claim to be Believers but who support abortion and homosexuality. So, we may need to add a couple of words to describe what “Return to ME” means. It means “Return to the GOD of the Bible” not return to a god of one’s own imagining.

Our Father in Heaven, help us all today–take the blinders off the eyes of pastors and priests and people who have been led astray and grant that repentance and revival will come to this land for Thine own Name’s sake. LORD, we as a people have sinned grievously against You and only You can open the eyes of our hearts and grant us the grace to seek Your Face and to change our ways. Help us LORD to seek YOU with all of our hearts because Your Word says that when we seek You with all of our hearts we shall find You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

July 11, 2020

Thank you Keith and the other saints in Uganda for your prayers! Spirits of deception have been sown in order to pervert the purpose of the USA–Proverbs 26:25 captures it! I stand against that perversion in my authority as a blood-bought daughter of the Risen King Jesus.

Jer 1:10: “See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

Father, You are a God of revival and restoration! Breathe Your life afresh into Your people, that we would renew our covenant with You and be agents of hope and peace in this needy world. May our lives manifest Jesus and His righteousness.

Is 55:10-11: The LORD declares: “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” AMEN.

L Kulik
July 11, 2020

Repentance is key for the church at this hour. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Holds the answer for us. “ If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” It is time to examine our hearts 💞 so we can be one with our father. God is faithful to all His promises! He will surely hear us and return this nation to Himself!

July 10, 2020

LORD, please, refresh and renew America! Let us once again be a beacon to the world, sending the Gospel and practical aid throughout the world.
May America fulfill the good plans that You have for her!
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the redemption of America!
In the Name of Jesus!

Lana Claycamp
July 10, 2020

Amen and Amen! Thank you so much for the education that is renewing our minds to what our nation was created to be and become. God bless you all with mercy, strength, and favor in Jesus Name.

Alan B Keyte
July 10, 2020


Alan B. Keyte
July 10, 2020


Alan Veasey
July 10, 2020

Praise the Lord continously and remember 2nd Chronicles 7:14.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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