A Revival Spark in Election Despair?
Thanksgiving and Beyond – Give Thanks
Trial By Fire: Suffering Leads to Full-Time Intercession
The Power of Thanksgiving
Thanking God for These 10 Blessings Will Enrich Your Thanksgiving
A Revival Spark in Election Despair?
President-Elect Trump will be our 47th president with a historic victory capping off one of the most amazing political comebacks in history. He won the electoral college 312 – 226. He won the popular vote – a feat that a Republican has not accomplished since 2004. He is also the first Republican to win more than 76 million votes.
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Much prayer and fasting covered this election – not only here at IFA but throughout all Christendom.
Bible-believing Christians took seriously the words of Daniel 2:21: “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” And prayed accordingly.
God answered our prayers with mercy, and we are humbled by His favor. But much prayer lies ahead for President-Elect Trump, Vice-President-Elect Vance, the cabinet and administration appointees, for a peaceful transition of power, for Godly righteousness, laws, and wisdom to be at the heart of this new Trump Administration.
There’s an air of promise and hope in the land – especially among Christians. I know that Intercessors will joyously, fervently and purposefully continue to pray for God’s will to be done in America and in the new Trump Administration.
IFA has already published two powerful prayer guides to help you. They are Praying for The Trump Appointees by Name and Prayer for the New Administration. You can download them from the IFA website, if you haven’t already.
It’s an amazing time to be an Intercessor!
A Meltdown of Demonic Proportions
But I would like to ask that we earnestly pray for the poor souls who are distraught, frightened and in a demonic delusional grip after the election.
It’s not surprising that many are in a frenzy of despair. Corporate media and the Democrat Party have spent the past nine years painting Mr. Trump as an evil, crazy, racist, fascist, women-hating, demented, mean, psycho, insurrectionist, Nazi-man. He is Hitler!
As a result of this onslaught of Democratic propaganda, Harris voters are posting videos on social media sobbing their despair or screaming their rage about Trump’s victory. It’s a sad spectacle. For instance…
Trump-hating women are so distressed after the election they are getting blue-heart tattoos or wearing blue bracelets so they can recognize one another and not be mistaken for a white woman who voted for Trump. Liberal women are posting online for wives to poison their Trump-voting husbands.
They truly believe they are living in a dystopian nightmare and their lives are in danger. One woman who posted on election night wondered if she would wake up in the morning with her rights taken away and feared becoming a slave.
Women are shaving their heads in protest of Trump’s win and the “misogynistic patriarchy” he represents. Seems a strange thing to do since in World War 2, women’s heads were shaved as punishment for being Nazi collaborators.
You can see the demonic grip in full force here. Warning: Bad language.
In watching these videos, I felt nothing but compassion for these voters. They are lost sheep – easily led astray. These people are truly hurting – ensnared by the devil’s lies. “The whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19
Deceived, Desperate and Trapped in Darkness
At this moment in time, these deceived sufferers are without hope and their world is growing darker. They have placed their identity in a political party. They have “made a lie their refuge and falsehood their hiding place.” Isaiah 28:15
But what the enemy intended for evil, God intends for good. (Genesis 50:20). What an amazing opportunity lies before us for sharing the gospel of the one true hope which is Jesus. These lost souls embody Isaiah 59: 7-8:
Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood.
They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways.
The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths.
They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks along them will know peace.
They walk in deep shadows. They are looking for the light, but they are looking in all the wrong places. We, as Christ’s ambassadors, can bring the light of Christ into their world. They are crushed in spirit and brokenhearted. Yet God is perhaps closer to them at this moment than He has ever been. (Psalm 34:18)
And we have the answer to their despair and hopelessness. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3
Election Despair Can Lead to Revival
Let us boldly grasp this opportunity to share Christ’s love with those who mourn the outcome of the election. Let us be light and salt to this hurting generation. Let us introduce them to the God who will never lie to them and offers eternal hope. In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began (Titus 1:2).
You may be wondering how praying for these lost souls can be part of IFA’s mission to pray for God’s will for our nation. It’s actually a vital, foundational prayer. Eric Metaxes once said, “If you want a better government, pray for revival.”
Lord, may this election despair be the spark that ignites revival in our country… and may we boldly answer Your call to save the lost.
What to Pray
Pray for their betrayed broken hearts to turn to You
Heavenly Father, I pray that in their despair You will prepare their hearts to receive Your grace to believe that their hope and salvation is found only in the Lord Jesus, the Way, Truth and the Life. Create in them a desire to understand the presence and will of God for them to live victoriously in this life and in the life eternal.
Pray for their deliverance from the lies of the enemy.
Lord, we pray that You would free these lost souls from every chain, every fear and every burden that ensnares them. Please draw them out of the horrible darkness they are so miserably immersed in. May Your Mighty hand be upon them, guiding them into the freedom You have promised through salvation in Jesus Christ.
Pray for their emotional healing.
Lord, I pray that You would lift the veil of lies and deception from their eyes and ears — lies that have so wounded their hearts. Heal their emotional distress and bring comfort to their troubled souls. Guide them in the paths of righteousness to Your Son Jesus who will give them the hope they are so desperately seeking. Bring restoration, redemption and peace to every part of their being.
Pray for their physical safety
Lord Jesus, You carry the lost sheep back into the fold in Your arms and grant mercy and pardon to all who call upon Your Name. I pray that You would protect these lost sheep from the wolves who wish to consume them. Lord, send Your angels to guard them against any physical hurt that in their despair they may do to themselves or to others .
Pray for their salvation (if you know someone personally, pray for them by name)
Lord, I lift up (lost soul’s name) to You in prayer. They are lost in the dark, and You are the only One who can pull them into Your warm and saving light. I pray that You will melt their heart of stone and show them the richness of Your love and grace. Heap mercy on them, Lord. Lead them away from the deceitful things of this world and lead them on the right path. Help them to receive the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Give them a new heart and a new Spirit.
Pray for the Lord to open up many doors for you and I to witness to these lost sheep.
Heavenly Father, You desire that not one soul be lost to You… that all sinners would not perish, but come to repentance and receive the gift of eternal life. You are our Savior wish for all to be saved and come into the knowledge of your truth. I pray that You would open doors in all areas of my life so I might share the Good News with those despairing over the election results. Please pave the way for every opening and conversation we will have. Make us aware of opportunities to share the gospel. Give us boldness to walk through those doors and proclaim the hope of redemption in Christ and the coming glory of eternity. I pray all these things in Jesus’s name. Amen
As Colossians 4:2-4 tells us, may we “devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us too, that God may open to us a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ… and pray that I may proclaim it clearly.”
Share your prayers for revival below.
Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Andrew Ruiz on Unsplash.
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I’m in agreement and I prayed in Jesus name. Amen
I am not a political person, but this past election GOD indeed has spoken as to the future of this country and possibly the WORLD
I do not understand why people are in despair over the election!! They need to get over themselves!! They have lost no freedoms!! In fact, freedoms have increased!!!
With God, all things are possible. May Your will be done. Thank you Jesus.
Lord, I ask that you will have mercy upon those who are so misled by the lies of the devil that they overreact so unreasonably. Send your people to show them the way to peace — the true peace who is Jesus.
Things don’t always go the way you want them. I have been disappointed by prior elections. If I can endure Clinton, Obama and Biden, they can too. When they see that things are not as bad as they were told, they maybe will be more willing to listen to you and not believe the lies that they were told.
Come, Holy Spirit of Truth, and multiply and strengthen the joy of the saints of God; as we move forward against the Enemy and the “hostages” that he has taken! Swallow up death with Life, lies with Truth, and the false with the True!
Move forward to rescue the hostages and make them free as You reveal Yourself, the Truth. In The Name of Him who calls Himself the Truth, amen, amen
We do pray for them; however, according to Psalm 125:3: ” The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands to do evil.”
The despair of the wicked and the outright evil ones cannot be allowed to curb our joy and praise in this season!
Holy Spirit please lead them out of their house of cards and lies. Lead them out and give us the opportunity to work with you to help them turn their backs on the nonsense and embrace your truth!
Jeremiah 32:17 says is anything to difficult for the Lord.He is able to open blind eyes in the natural and in the spirit.May the blindness of the God of this world be replaced with the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.As Isaiah says the people walking in darkness have seen a great light.May it be so during this Christmas season amen
Father, to see these women so distraught because of the election is so sad. I admit that I laughed at them, being so undone because of election, but what could we expect after what the left said about Trump. They obviously heard nothing but the lies that the media put out. But I am convicted to pray for them. I feel sorry for them. How do we live without hope? Father, turn their despair into hope as they hear about you. Open their ears so they may know the truth.
FATHER, Thank YOU for shutting the mouth of all the talking heads. CNN MSNBC VIEW etc…
Bring TRUTH to the American airwaves.
Bring JUSTICE to all who were affected by Falsehood!!! Especially J6 victims who were welcomed in by capital police,after barriers were removed by an FBI Informant. Question, why & who opened these un-damage?
Thank you for guidance and focus in selfless, overcoming prayers for others.
Zechariah 3:2
New International Version
2 The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, (these ones) rebuke you! Is not this man ((these frightened, angry ones) a burning stick snatched from the fire?”
Zechariah 3:2
New International Version
2 The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”
I believe one scripture is as relevant and powerful as many.
My family forbids me to talk about Trump. I know I’m probably the only one in my family rejoicing over this victory . Women despair that their rights will be torn away. The ‘ rights’ they speak of are in themselves ungodly. Help me to be a gentle guide towards truth. Open their eyes to truth . Thank you Father on this Thanksgiving morn for all the great blessings of this nation. There is much work to do to turn it around. Strengthen us and give us Your vision. Amen.
Same with me, Sandra. Keep praying.
I believe there are groups of people in most towns that are Trump supporters- meaning in California especially Southern California.. sounds outrageous I know but it has been coming out now- that there’s more conservatism here than we originally thought.. I live in Santa Clarita california.. and although after 1987 when this town adopted a city Charter and pretty much sold their souls for LA County money..which means they at least on the surface ascribed to all of the Democrat and globalist political manipulation.. in recent weeks and even the last couple months there has been about three or four occasions where citizens were out in force in their pickup trucks and various vehicles with the American and Trump flags flying from them.. some of them had 20 or 30 vehicles in them.. and on two or three different occasions there has been Trump gear being sold on sidewalks. This used to be a traditional Conservative Christian small town like many areas of California. It was particularly distressing to me how blue northern California became.. however I realized that that was primarily on the surface.. due to the control of the media in large metropolitan cities that is exerted.
so I hope you can find a group to be part of.
I have actually found two churches in this area that are Patriot churches.. the one I’m attending is not quite as patriotic as the other one is.
That one is up in Castaic California 91384. It is a traditional Baptist Church. The name of the church is Freedom’s Way.. and even has an American flag emblazoned across the yard sign that identifies the custom-made church building that the pastor had constructed in either the year 2000 or 2003. It looks like an early Americana three story house.
I will continue to pray for you
We thank You, YHVH, that You have made salvation to the uttermost available to whosoever will!! We ask for a mighty move of Holy Spirit throughout our land, bringing conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment. (Jn. 3) May Your invitation go out, through obedient servants – “And the lord said unto the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them (the poor, maimed, lame and blind) to come in, that my house may be filled.'” Luke 14:23 All who do not know You, through Your Son Yeshua are poor, maimed, lame and blind – and yet many do not recognize it. Help them to see they are sinners in need of a Savior (as was I), Who is seeking them out in love and compassion.
Thank you for this convicting article. After repenting before the Lord over my lack of compassion for those grieving over President Trump’s victory, it was a great joy to pray the prayer points and to pray specifically for one who will be spending Christmas with us. May the Lord give me boldness and comfort her and bring her to Himself. I will keep praying these prayers. Thank you!
Thank you, that was a beautiful loving prayer. In total agreement, Amen.