I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for how You are moving and working in this nation. We pray for a great, unprecedented revival,
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Intercessor, did you miss July’s First Friday webcast? It was an exciting time of unforgettable prayer!

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


On this month’s First Friday, IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal heard from two special guests. First, Brent Keilen of FRC Action spoke about the crisis facing the Republican party.

Next week, high-ranking members of the Republican party will meet behind closed doors to determine their party’s platform for 2024, and many are worried that key biblical issues like life and marriage will be left behind. Keilen told IFA intercessors about the Platform Integrity Project, an initiative to protect biblical values in the Republican party. You can click the link to get notifications, commit to pray, and contact your delegates.

The second guest was Lou Engle, a powerful intercessor known for previously leading TheCall and currently leading Lou Engle ministries. Engle shared his heart for IFA Founder Derek’s Prince teachings on praying and fasting to shift history. He prayed over the intercessors watching the broadcast, empowering them to pray and fast more effectively.

Engle also mentioned his upcoming event, A Million Women. This event, described on its website as “an Esther call to the Mall,” will see godly women and their families gathering on the National Mall on October 12 for a powerful time of prayer. For more information, you can click the link and visit the site.

This webcast was informative, powerful, and Spirit-led. You can watch it below:

What did you think of this month’s First Friday? Share the broadcast with your family and friends!

(Photo Credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash)

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Vashti Monica Ford
July 12, 2024

So inspiring.

July 7, 2024

Lou’s words are sane and godly. His body language is that of a mentally ill person. Why is he not at rest like normal people?

    Mary Beth
    July 8, 2024

    I cannot testify on Lou’s behalf, but after experiencing this movement called “davening” myself while interceding – and then seeing him do it, I felt at peace. As you say, his words are sane and godly. Then I saw people at the “wailing wall” in Jerusalem doing it too. Then I learned it had a name. I can’t explain it, but then I can’t explain YHVH either.

Gail Polizzi
July 7, 2024

There’s a prayer event tonight, July 7th from 5-9pm four our country, President Trump and his family;

Grant Windholz
July 6, 2024

Oh Lord God Almighty, I pray for a desperately needed revival and modern day “Great Awakening”!! This country is so broken and divided, all Americans so desperately have to be connected to you, the Savior of mankind! AMEN 🙏 🙏!!

Aaron Joiner
July 6, 2024

very inspiring and informative.

Brian Lynch
July 6, 2024

Praise God! He is moving in our nation, and will continue to move. We simply need to trust Him, and continue to cry out to Him in intercession. Thank you, Jesus.

Susan Bouley
July 6, 2024

First Friday was an inspiring time of prayer and supplication with Lou Engle, who was prophetic. and dynamic. I shared the first Friday webcast with family and friends. I hope to be able to go to the Mall in October.

Toni Kushner
July 6, 2024

Much to understand – I have prayed but am challenged to go deeper with God. May His grace be with us as we move forward to this call.

July 6, 2024

Uplifting -encouraging-informative and INSPIRING!

Patricia Wenzel
July 6, 2024

Appreciated the helpful direction as we press on interceding for such a time as this!

Thank you,

Christine Stott
July 6, 2024

“Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto Myself.

Now therefore, if ye will obey My Voice indeed, and keep My Covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me above all people: for all the earth is Mine:

And ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.”

Exodus 19

Emma Whitaker
July 6, 2024

Thank you Jesus for your servants
Bless and keep them in your Holy name 🙏
I as so encouraged, I loved the prayer for grace to fast.
Much appreciated 🙏

Cynthia Blackwell
July 6, 2024

At the SC convention, the Republican platform and bylaws were changed without following Robert’s Rules of Orders. Voted delegates were left off the list and selected delegates were sent instead. Corruption at the local level was rampant. I pray it will go better at the national level.

    Michelle English
    July 6, 2024

    Father, I pray that any and all inconsistencies with our laws and rules at these local levels as well as state and national levels will be acknowledged and rectified according to Your will and Your Word. Bring about restoration of truth in our nation. Truth is from You and You alone. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

July 6, 2024

Thank you Jesus and all praise to our good, glorious King Who is G-d of the Universe❤️‍🔥Thank you so much for how you are working, across our country and the world. Thank you for giving us Your Spirit LORD, Your blood Jesus. For giving eyes to see. LORD, thank You so very much for Your Word.
Do bless those Republicans this week working on a platform. Meet them with Your platform, bind the enemy, every spirit of evil, strife, rebellion, pride, stupidity, Jezebel and loose Your Holy, Holy, Holy Spirit, goodness, love, sound mind, humility, repentance, so we the people and world will know we are yours, one nation under the One true G-d. Not simply for an election cycle LORD, forgive us for that small, petty thinking. For Your glory, honor, pleasure- so sorry again LORD for the deep grief we have brought to Your heart the past few decades as a nation, we repent-and for Your name. Maranatha LORD! We know You are coming, and soon, please help us be ready. Help us stand, steadfast, for such a time as this!

Ted Bjorem
July 6, 2024

praising You King an d Sovereign


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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