I Prayed have prayed
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Pray that we as a nation will keep our eyes fixed on the Lord , as He guides us as a nation in the days ahead. How has God been speaking to you since the election? Leave a comment.

The seventh time the servant reported, ā€œA cloud as small as a manā€™s hand is rising from the sea.ā€ So Elijah said, ā€œGo and tell Ahab, ā€˜Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.ā€™ā€ (1 Kings 18:44)

Last night, as I watched the midterm results, there were victories as the Republicans took the Senate, but a sense of loss watching them lose the House. While I was in prayer the Lord spoke and said, “Let not your heart be troubled.” When He did, an overwhelming sense of peace came over me. I reminded myself that God is on still on the throne, the everlasting God, the Holy One of Israel. I know that despite the results God is still at work. The Lord spoke a word to me last month that I am sharing with IFA and anyone else who needs some encouragement. Last month the Lord said, “Position yourself.” That’s it. When he said that, I pressed in to see what else there was to that word. He said “Position yourself to receive.” That made more sense to me. The illustration the Lord used was Elijah on the mountain (I Kings 18:41-45).

After the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Elijah is positioned on his hands and knees facedown. He sent his servant to see if the rain was coming. His servant returned the first time and said that he didnā€™t see anything. Elijah stays in position and says to go look again. Not once, not twice, but seven times before the servant says he sees a cloud the size of a man’s hand.

The Lord reminded me that Elijah stayed in position. He didn’t get discouraged at the first no, he didn’t get discouraged after the second, he didn’t quit after the third. His position and confidence in the Lord kept him positioned to receive until the seventh time when the cloud appeared.

I felt that resonating with me last night before I went to bed. It looks like a “loss” to the unseen eye. But stay in positionā€”when God promises you something, He always makes good on his promises. I know that though my physical eyes may not see, in the unseen a stormā€™s a-brewing. Now I wait on God, my times are in his hand. I know that he will finish what he started. (Gloria, an IFA Intercessor)

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October 25, 2019

Praise God,
My name is Serah a lady living in Kenya Nairobi age 36 years old.
I have had a great burden and distress longing to get married and have a family of my own for a while now leaving me feeling hopeless and mostly sad,
It has affected my health, my Job, my self esteem and my sense of living.
I have been in a 2 year relationship with a wonderful man till this month, and I was singing with joy daily. But recently we faced a difficult moment, and he ended things, we spoke a little afterwards, but I had to respect his wish.It is my Plea that Heavenly Father Reconciles us and settles Patrick Njogu and I in Marriage in Jesus name.

This moment especially has been very hard for me, I am really fighting hopeless thoughts of realizing my desire.
I am a believer and I Trust that God is working to give me a future I hope for.
But please pray for me and with me, I am in a harsh wilderness season, fighting feelings of rejection, anxiety for future and hopelessness.
I have lost my family in the past both parents and one of my step brothers that was very close to was brutally murdered.
I have been planting myself at God’s feet and He has really worked on me, healed me and molded me.
My greatest burden is to be blessed with a family of my own, a husband that loves me as Christ loved the Church and I will respect and submit as the church to Christ. So that I will feel like I belong to a family here on earth.
I have spent most Christmas alone and with strangers, and I was so happy that I will have a family to spend the Christmas with this Year.
Please pray with me, for me and for Patrick Njogu the man I have been with, Pray for my last born step brother that I have left for a close family whom I cherish very much but have been separated because of resources, it is my desire to be reunited with him too. I believe God will answer.

Felicia Penner
November 12, 2018

I reread these prayers and felt encouraged. “Lord God, may your peace that passes understanding reign down on Rick Scott, DeSantes, McSally, and the Republican contender in Georgia. May you place a hedge of protection around them and these races. May he that steals steal no more in these 3 states. We look beyond this election to the next one and the work you will continue to do in your church in USA and in this country. I agree with all these prayers. To You be the glory, dear Lord. In Jesus name, Amen”

Margaret Reali
November 12, 2018

I am a bit behind in reading IFA prayer bulletins, but this morning I am setting time aside for in-depth prayer and reflection. I certainly have been tempted to be discouraged after the mid-term elections. I too have been crying out to God to turn around the results in the contested elections in FL, AZ, and Georgia. Even now, I am binding in Jesusā€™ name the entrenched spirits of darkness especially over the senatorial election in AZ that seek to snatch the victory from Martha McSally who appears to be a person who would stand for Godly values.

However, as others are mentioning, we have to fix our eyes on the Lord Jesus and remember that He is in charge. Even during these past two years with Republicans in the majority in both the House and the Senate, there has been much resistance and little forward motion until late summer of 2018, so many missed opportunities to make changes that would honor God.

So now we pray for those who won the mid-term resoundingly, democrat or republican. We pray that either they would have courage, wisdom, and faith to stand for the Lord and His ways or, if not, that the spiritual forces to which these elected officials bow would be neutralized and replaced. We pray against the predicted gridlock, in Jesus name.

Dutch Sheets has a video on youtube talking about a prophesied ā€œturn aroundā€ in the spiritual atmosphere – that there is another greater harvest coming. Let it be so. It seems the Lord is stirring up His people to pray fervently in larger numbers as historically happens before a great awakening.
Yesterday afternoon I stumbled upon another recently posted video where Dutch Sheets mentions a prophetic word for the USA from a prophet in Australia. ā€œThe Lion of Judah is roaring over our nation.ā€ This prophet heard the words of the Chris Tomlin song ā€œOUR GODā€: Our God is greater, our God is stronger, Our God is higher than any other. I am a worship leader at our church and that is the first song we sang yesterday morning. I am not sure why I felt led to select it. Like the intercessor in one of these posts who heard this word from the Lord – ā€œall hands on deckā€ -and then picked up a newspaper with the same headlines, I was very encouraged to read that a prophet from another country was hearing these words related to the spiritual state of our nation at this time.

Susan Harris
November 10, 2018

I am so grateful for IFA, and my faith in the Trinity. I am among like-minded believers when I read the prayers and thoughts on this site. It is good. I am grateful to be reminded of our God and His promises. I am telling myself and all others to stay focused on God’s plan and stay faithful. Better days are coming!

Stella (TX)
November 9, 2018

Praying for Martha McSally in AZ and Gov. Rick Scott of FL, God break the head of that loud mouth lizard(as a roaring lion, not to be compared to The Risen Lion of Judah!) and HIS light scatter every lying demon off these strong soldiers; who are putting down their personal agenda and taking up the higher calling of Jesus for a time such as this. Know we are standing in prayer Psalms:60, 61 & 62. king David was overwhelmed but remembered God & rejoiced.

Mrs d (re-posting a word from Ruthann Bailey Miller)
November 9, 2018

REPOSTED from Ruthann Bailey Miller (one of over 40 responses to one article):
Gracious and loving Father, thank You for hearing our cry and pouring out Your grace like a glory cloud over this nation bringing enlightenment, revelation and deliverance to those who have been suffering by the demonic forces exposing hidden agendas and restoring justice in our lives. You are raising the standard according to your written Word which is yes and Amen. You have called, equipped, and appointed Your preordained people to stand for liberty and justice at this very point of time and junction. Youā€™ve had a redemption plan long before the foundations of this world were formed. You are bringing order back to the Capitol as the government is on Your shoulders. Reformation is coming to our nation. Peace on earth as it is in Heaven. Love for one another is permeating the atmosphere. We are fighting the good fight of faith and believing the truth of Your Word decreeing and declaring abundant blessings and favor over everyone involved. We are arising with fresh and renewed strength to take back what the enemy has stolen from us. This Country was founded on Godā€™s freedom, liberty and justice for all. It is now returning to its original state. We are a lighthouse to others based upon Christian values piercing the darkness while bringing a solution. Let God arise in this hour with hope for all to enter in and be saved in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

This is a marvelous example and template of focus as to what GOD has commissioned His children to release….revelation, understanding, DECREEING and reinforcing His Truth which ALWAYS accomplishes that for which it is sent ā€“ not focusing on what is past but on Truth as discerned from His Word and time spent alone with Him. We know that in order to bring heaven to earth, which is what we GOD’s children are ordained to do, all ā€œfactsā€ are subordinate to TRUTH! This heart-felt communication with the Father should be a study for all intercessors.

November 9, 2018

ā€œā€œArise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the LORD ]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the LORD has risen upon you.ā€
ā€­ā€­ISAIAHā€¬ ā€­60:1ā€¬ ā€­AMPā€¬ā€¬

Rhonda Van der Dussen
November 9, 2018

On the day of the election, I was reading and praying through the Intercessors for America pray for the government guide. I was actually a couple of days behind, and was reading the entry that shared someone’s message from God that a harvest was going to start in March of 2019, and it was to be “all hands on deck”. Two of my prayer partners several years ago were praying about a move of God, and we felt like a revival in our area was going to start that spring. It hasn’t started yet, but we’re still believing.
However, after prayer, I went out get the paper, and above the headlines on the first page was “All Hands on Deck”!
It was referring to the start of the local college basketball season, but I had to laugh! I suppose it could have been purely coincidence, but I think God was speaking to me!

Victoria Frazier
November 9, 2018

I didn’t even watch the elections results…I “knew” there was going to be some major disappointments So I went to bed early and went to sleep (having done “ALL”…prayer walking-praying daily-binding & loosing – sending warring angels etc… I AM standing Eph.6:13)…I know that I know that I know deep down-where NO media can reach-that God is working out something BIG in America and the church. I refuse to be affected by what I see with my eyes or hear with my ears Especially from this point forward. No weapon formed against US(weapon of words of failure or discouragement) will move my faith from the horizon(Victory)- I know that what has been prophesied by S-O-O Many, fasted for, prayed for, prayer walked for by the faithful…and what the Lord God has started in America/in the church… HE W-I-L-L A-C-C-O-M-P-L-I-S-H. I choose not to lose heart nor my mind nor my faith stand that the socialist left(Satan in physical form) in America will be defeated & MANY W-I-L-L turn from their wicked ways, open their eyes, open their ears and heart and fall on their faces and turn from their sins AS WE HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND HE HEALS OUR LAND II Chronicles 7:14. In Jesus Name Holy Spirit have your way in our lives as we walk in faith and stand in the evil day Ephesians 6:10-18. Help us to focus on I John 5:14…this is the confidence we have in approaching God: That “if” we ask anything according to “His” will, he hears us. AND if we know that he hears us–whatever we ask—WE KNOW THAT WE HAVE WHAT WE ASKED OF HIM. PERIOD, END OF SENTENCE -END OF SUBJECT….A-M-E-N..!!!!!

November 8, 2018

Three days before the mid-term elections I was awakened from a nap by the sound of my door blowing open from a gust of wind. I heard the Lord say “A great awakening is coming…get up.”
When the results of the elections came in, I was momentarily sad and disappointed,until I remembered what He had said. Then I knew he was up to something…He is not a man that He should lie. The next day I realized that the great awakening was first for the church! How can we expect unity in this country when we are so divided. There will be awakening, exposure and cleansing on both sides of the aisle and then the Red Tsunami will arrive in 2020. Be expectant, this is the greatest time to be alive!

November 8, 2018

Praying along with you dear friend! God’s not done yet, and neither are we. He has a purpose and plan for all things. (Jeremiah 29:11) May God be glorified as we stand together in faith. May God continue to bless America!

Felicia Penner
November 8, 2018

Father God, we continue to lift us the races not called, especially Mc Sally in Arizona. Make the crooked roads straight before them, bless the works of their hands. Protect the Arizona people form the radical ideas of the Dem contender, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

Also, please bring your peace and comfort to your children here in Oregon, help them to not lose heart, but to continue to persevere. May they know the encouragement i have received here at IFA and with my prayer partners, and from your sweet presence Lord. In Jesus name

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