A Crown for 2025
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A Crown for 2025
Christmas Eve night, in a dream, I saw a golden platter, a royal charger, being brought to me. On the charger were large dark green leaves, twelve of them, laid neatly and evenly around the edge of the charger, circling the edge of the plate. There were pomegranate seeds covering the leaves and a stunning golden crown was nestled on top of the charger, leaves, and bright red pomegranate seeds.
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The evening before, I had begun asking the Lord what would be my ‘word’ for 2025. In my heart I heard the word ‘crown’. Immediately the presence of the Lord flooded my mind with the weight of that word. It was a huge word, almost explosive in my spirit. I went to sleep praying that He would reveal more of its significance. Now, here was the dream, delivered on a golden platter, as it were. Ask and it shall be given.
As I began to pray and ask for more understanding on the elements in the dream, the scripture that rose in my spirit was about the leaves. Revelation 22:2 says, “Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
The leaves are representative of nations coming alive; nations being healed. Tears began to fall, as I thought of the many decades long battle of intercession as spiritual warriors have laid down their lives in submission that our country and other nations might come to their divine purpose. This calendar year will see the overturning of demonic plans, with the lamb receiving the reward of His suffering for the nations. I believe we will be see swift healing before our eyes served with government, represented by the number 12, encircling and fulfilling its heavenly commission, to side with the spirit of righteousness. I also believe the river represents the sweeping move of Holy Spirit through our nation. Those nations, including our own, that have experienced dramatic outpourings of God’s spirit in their history will again see these wells of revival flowing and overflowing. There will be inter-generational healing of families as well as institutions and entire regions back to divine design.
The pomegranate seeds represent the priesthood of the individual believer (Haggai 2:19; Exodus 28:34). God is calling us into a deeper, intimate relationship with our Savior that brings massive increase of sweet fruit based on purity of heart. We are to lean on our beloved instead of tradition. Surrender to His majesty instead of showcasing giftedness. What does He delight in? That will be our delight; to bring pleasure to our King. He created us for fellowship. Relationship so strong and devoted that the flow of the anointing from the hem of His garment will be overwhelmingly powerful. That anointing will break the yoke of bondages, personal and corporate, that have plagued our nation and the church for decades. Divine reversal is here. Our eyes will see it and our hearts melt in awe of our God (Amos 9:12-13).
Then the crown appeared before me again. It made me weep to consider what He went through in giving up His crown to become one of us. The fullness of redemption for our sin and the sins of nations, through His precious blood, has now brought us full circle. The crown, according to Strongs 5850, represents a wreath or garland, a victor’s crown (Psalm 65:11; Proverbs 4:9; Philippians 4:1). Our King has won the victory and has come for the spoils, the reward of His suffering. It is time, by His sovereign plan, for a spiritual awakening and sweeping harvest of souls that will bring joy to His heart by filling up heaven. The very numbers in this Hebraic year of 5785 prophesy that we will experience grace, opportunity, and redemption. That is the ultimate legacy. To see our Jesus and win all that He left Heaven to accomplish (Revelation 6:2). That is the reward of the intercessor.
Lastly the charger was being delivered to us. It is a gift to be received. Will we receive it, take, and cherish the gift of this year and battle in prayer for it to be realized in full? We cannot stop or settle with a partial political victory. Our God is going after the hearts of men and nations. We have rounded the first corner of the marathon but the battle is at the gate and there are adventures ahead. The crown must be won through spiritual battles that are here before us and only won with spiritual weapons. That crown is not ours but one we will win for our King, Jesus Christ, as we press through in focused unified prayer.
What a day to be alive, and what a privilege to intercede at our Lord’s bidding. This year, I believe we will see signs, wonders, and miracles in government, nations, and families, as well as a massive move of purity and evangelism that truly crowns the year with bounty. So be it!
Share your own words for 2025 in the comments below.
(Lisa Townsend is one of IFA’s Regional Field Leaders. Photo Credit: Carlos N. Cuatzo Meza on Unsplash)
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Such a beautiful picture of the loving Father.
Thank you
What does the word “charger” mean here? I didn’t understand that part of the dream. Thanks.
The Lord highlighted Revelation 22:2 in February of 2023 and I began asking for leaves from the Tree of Life for healing of the nations. Then at the end of February the Lord directed me to Rev. 2:7 which says “To the one who overcomes I will grant TO EAT OF THE (FRUIT) OF THE TREEE OF LIFE., which is in the paradise of God.
The fact that this was all on a gold charger tells me we have overcome and are being served with healing of the nations and we will eat and taste and see that the Lord is good. Our prayers have been heard, we have overcome, now the fruit of overcoming is ours and the overflow will be upon us this year. He will bless us and the other nations indeed.
I completely agree, and confirm. Rev22:2 praying for the nations… I’m shouting and in my heart giving a victory dance. The Leaves are a constant symbol, as are the Crown and for me the Scepter of Righteousness. Thank you for this beautiful Word!
Scripture given to me by the Lord on last Thursday’s prayer call (my first one, but not my last one, with IFA):
1 Kings 8:15
Words for 2025:
“Procure” (heard 12/22/24)
(Given to me on 10-28-24)
Holy Spirit said:
Divine Visitations
We are made a little lower than the angels.
Charge ahead
Thank you for your beautiful share of your vision. The part of healing from the very hem Jesus’ garment strikes very personally with me.
Blessings, answered prayers, and fulfillment of godly prophecies to the saints,
That dream is very significant. Thanks for sharing that. I received similar revelation concerning Rev. 22.2 and the tree. Your article gave me more insight to Rev 22.2
A charger is a serving plate, where you place your dinner plate on top of at the table.
Thank you for this explanation! I could not understand and thought they were describing a phone charger. 🙂
A beautiful vision. Thank you for sharing it. I do wonder what she means by the charger? Is it like the charger you plug in to charge your phone?
A charger is the “platter” that the plate sets on at a fancy meal.
I believe a charger that she referenced is a solid place mat that looks like a plate, but often larger than a standard plate so that you could put a hot plate on top of it before setting it on the table.
A Charger is A Large Plater which is used under a Dinner Plate and used in a Royal Table Or Festive Holiday Table Display. . Thank You.
Praise God- Psalm 67 I claim Psalm 67 for America and all nations! Amen
This Christmas season was like no other for me, in very invisible ways I can’t explain. A small manifestation was that I prepared and consumed many dishes with pomegranate seeds. A large manifestation was the entirely joyous heart attitude I had despite few hours of sleep. The King is near!
A beautiful vision, Lisa! I was struck by how the vision expressed the importance of our Hebrew roots – the only way you could have accurately understood the meaning of the pomegranate seeds linked to the priesthood and twelve leaves from Revelation linked to the governmental authority of YHVH’s Kingdom – the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 emissaries. In addition, Yeshua is our Great High Priest and our Eternal King – the only and unique Priest/King. Just a reminder that the world-wide awakening of the lost to salvation in Him, and the revival of the remnant within every nation to be fully alive in Holy Spirit is linked to the natural branches – Israel – being grafted back into their own olive tree as rightful heirs of salvation through Yeshua their Messiah. Deut. 32:21, Romans 9-11, and Ephesians 2 all express this wonderful reality that we are seeing fulfilled in greater and greater measure in our day.
The Mystery of Israel’s Salvation
Rom 11:25-36 (CJB) “For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which God formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won’t imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Isra’el, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness; and that it is in this way that all Isra’el will be saved.
As the Tanakh says, “Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer; he will turn away ungodliness from Ya`akov and this will be my covenant with them, . . . when I take away their sins.”
With respect to the Good News they are hated for your sake. But with respect to being chosen they are loved for the Patriarchs’ sake, for God’s free gifts and his calling are irrevocable.
Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Isra’el’s disobedience; so also Isra’el has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive God’s mercy.
For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all.
O the depth of the riches and the wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments! How unsearchable are his ways!
For, ‘Who has known the mind of YHVH? Who has been his counselor?’ Or, ‘Who has given him anything and made him pay it back?’
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
May the One New Man – Jew and Gentile – “a single new humanity, a single body, a spiritual dwelling-place for YHVH” (Eph. 2) in Yeshua rise up in His mighty power and glory in 2025.
This is an amazing word of confirmation. Abba has had me studying and praying the names of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Right before Thanksgiving and right after the election I heard Him say “Proclaim My Name” and in my spirit I could see a beautiful kingly crown. The scripture in Isaiah 9, has been resounding in my spirit since long before the election. ” Unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulders; His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace “.
He’s also been speaking Like 2:14 a lot. “Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men”. And a friend of mine has talking about Kings keys and authority.
Let’s make Him known and bring this Nation back to Him and the way the founders fathers intended as a City Set on Hill.
We’ve got to keep praying and proclaiming and declaring His word.
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of and everything in it. Psalm 24:1
My word for the year is “King.” I’ve been led to scripture that refers to Jesus as king; the word “crown” has been mentioned multiple times!
Amen 🙏🔥🕊️🌏❤️🩸🎯❤️⏰
Yes, Holy Father, let Your will be done in our nation and our hurting world as Your will is done in Heaven! Forgive us, Lord, by Your mercy and grace through Jesus Your Holy Son! Save us and fill us with Your Holy Spirit! Bring our prodigals home, please Father! Let everyone who names Your beautiful Name be one as You, Jesus, and Your Holy Spirit are One! Deliver us from evil, Lord, for Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever and ever! In the Mighty Name of Jesus we cry out to You, Father! Amen.
Yes, AMEN! Agreed, declared and decreed! King Jesus be glorified in all the earth! Prodigals return, unsaved loved ones come running to your King, your Savior, your Friend who sticks closer than a brother! Thank you Jesus!
A powerful message from Holy Spirit. I resonates in my heart. Both the church and the nation has been in desperate need of hope and worthy goals to pursue. What so many have interceded for is arriving in 2025! We must realize also that we are called to patiently endure, for our Lord said ” By your patience possess your souls.” (Lk 21:19)
He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. The table is prepared with this charger, pomegranites, leaves, and crown. THIS is what our table should look like. THIS is what we invite as His beloved kings and priests through the authority of Yeshua. He paid the price of victor & our faith in Yeshua solidifies our VICTORY. We brings our anointings and giftings to the table that Yeshua prepares and He sets it. Combined together is a feast of His Kingdom here on earth and ushers in the Holy Spirits work!
My word for 2025 that Yeshua pressed into my very fabric: “Abide”
John 15:7 “If ye abide (qoa) in me, and my words abide (qoa) in you, ye shall ask what we will, and it shall be done unto you.”
“Abide”… in aramaic (which is what Yeshua would. have been quoting here) is “qoa” meaning “to vomit”.
The basic concept in vomiting is a complete purging or spewing out, a complete emptying of the contents of the stomach. Thus, this is more than just pouring out ourselves into Jesus and His Word pouring itself into us, it is a complete emptying of ourselves into Jesus, no other impurities are to be left. Every bad habit, every nasty thought, everything is poured into Jesus whose blood cleanses it all. Then every one of His words, love your enemies, love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and might must be poured back into our souls.
(portions take from https://www.chaimbentorah.com/2017/10/word-studyvomit-aramaic-%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%90/ )
May our hearts be clean & pure and may our spirits renewed minute by minute so to “qoa” into Yeshua & Yeshua into us. (Psalm 51:10-19)
Adonai, may this be so for me today into eternity & for everyone who reads your words; press into your children & transform our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits. Be glorified for YOU are worthy to be praised. Holy, Holy, Holy are your Lord YHWH Almighty. Amen.
Lord, Thank You for the season You have brought us to faithfyully follow your will in all things. Strengthen us to walk in faith in Your plan and not expecting to always see the way. Help us to take every thought captive to Christ and boldly walk in your way.
Amen and amen.
Part of walking in God’s ways is learning to be alert, listening to Him, receiving from Him, and obeying Him. This will be part of our learning: no longer just following our thoughts, our habits, “the way things are”, etc. Receiving from the Lord and doing what He directs, within the communities that He places us in, is vital.
We just passed the mid-point of the decade of the 2020’s. The 1st half was 1/1/2020 -> 12/31/2024. The second half will be 1/1/2025 -> 12/31/2029. Perhaps the two halves will be quite different, each part of fulfilling the Father’s will in America and the earth. Let us be alert, listening, and obedient to the Lord making changes in our perspectives and assignments and empowerments.
Thank you for sharing, Lisa.
I received OVERFLOW from the Lord for my 2025 word. Your writing confirmed it again! Thank you for sharing the dream and interpretation. It resonates with me!
Grateful! Multiplied Blessings for you and yours!
Praying and believing to see positive answers ! The Lord has emphasized, do your part and I will do mine ! The liar and his lies will be exposed this year, and the Truth will set many free !
Please Lord let it be so!
This was a great confirmation of what the Lord has been saying to me, “Get your Hopes up”! There is already a hunger growing for a return to the Lord and as people return, the country & world will too! Thanks for sharing this vision.
My heart rejoices in the plans our Savior is in process of providing to this world to repent and return in full surrender to Jesus and allowing His light to shine fully through us to others !!😊
THE “30,00 feet” VISION😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊