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Father, we pray for law enforcement in America. As attacks continue, we pray that You would guard every police officer and restore justice to America.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Over 200 Police officers have been shot this year. What’s causing this attack on law enforcement?

From Breitbart. Under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration, a police officer in the United States has been shot every 22 hours this year, according to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). More than 260 law enforcement officers have been shot so far this year.

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The War on Cops continues to rage in America,” FOP National Vice President Joe Gamaldi told Breitbart Texas. During the past two years, more than 630 law enforcement officers were shot. “We saw 378 officers shot last year, that is a 60 percent increase since 2018.”

“This year alone we have seen over 260 shot, and for reference that is one officer shot every 22 hours in America,” Gamaldi added. …

“The causes are obvious,” Gamaldi stated, “a revolving door criminal justice system, 85 percent of cop killers have been arrested before, 71 percent are convicted felons, and because some politicians, media, and activists realized there was a dollar to be made trafficking in anti-police rhetoric, trying to convince the American public we are the enemy.” …

According to a report from the Officer Down Memorial Page, 37 law enforcement officers died this year from gunshot wounds sustained in the line of duty. The report states that eight of those occurred just last month (August). In addition, two more officers died from assaults, two others were stabbed to death, and six died from vehicular assault. In total, 97 officers lost their lives in the line of duty so far this year.

Prayers for Law Enforcement

Prayer for protection when called to suppress a riot

Over the past four years, the U.S. experienced fifty-five riots involving 15-16 million people. During the George Floyd riots, 6,000 law enforcement officers were assaulted, with 31 percent sustaining injuries. Forty officers lost their lives.

Prayer: Father, we pray Your word of protection over law enforcement officers who face angry crowds of rioters. A thousand may fall in one direction and ten thousand in another, but no harm will come near them. You command Your angles over them to keep them safe from all harm. (Psalm 91:7, 11)

Prayer when called to break up a domestic fight

Between 960,000 – 3,000,000 incidents of domestic violence are reported each year. Law enforcement officers often put themselves at risk when they intervene in domestic fights that escalate to where individuals are in grave physical danger or death.

Prayer: Father, when law enforcement men and women arrive at a location where there is an abuse of women and children, we ask that you help them defend the weak and the fatherless and uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. May they rescue the weak and the needy and deliver them from the hands of the wicked. (Psalms 82:3-4)

When approaching an active shooter 

Between 2021 -2022, the FBI designated 111 active shooter incidents. Officers face danger when they must overpower an active shooter. A recent report from a government-funded database revealed 23 percent of Mass shooters were on prescription drugs. Typically, the perpetrator’s targets are unsuspecting innocent people, posing one of the greatest dangers an officer must face.

Prayer: Father, we ask for protection for innocent bystanders, students, teachers, and support staff in schools, arenas, shopping malls, and those attending concerts. Dispell all fear and give officers wisdom to secure a quick end to the situation. Give direction and inner strength to law enforcement as they enter buildings or locations with an active shooter. Be a lamp unto their feet and a light on their path. Let them boldly say, The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man can do to me. (Psalm 119:105) (Hebrews 13:6)

Approaching a situation where drugs are involved

Since 1999, over one million people have died of drug overdose, and 1.6 million people are arrested annually due to drug-related offenses. There is no reliable data on people who take prescription medication that alters their sense of right and wrong.

Prayer: Father, we acknowledge that drug usage is a plague in our nation. We ask for a revival where people turn to You in repentance and ask for Your forgiveness for not acknowledging You as the Creator and Your Son, Jesus, as our Savior. We ask for Your forgiveness as we are the ones who often put our law enforcement in harm’s way by excessive drug usage among our people. We ask for spiritually astute police who know how to fight this battle in the spirit so that our nation remains strong and our people live safely. (Psalm 106: 28-30)

When called to the scene of someone threatening suicide

It’s not uncommon for the police to be called to the scene when someone has threatened to commit suicide or called by family or friends of someone deceased due to suicide. In 2022, one person committed suicide every 11 minutes for a total of 49,449 people.

Prayer: Father, we ask that You help those officers who intervene in suicides. Allow them to rescue those led away by the enemy of their souls to death. Give those who intervene words of life that will cause them to want to live and not die and declare the works of God. (Proverbs 15:11) (Psalm 118:17)


Please share your prayers for law enforcement below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart; prayers by IFA Contributing Writer, Nancy Huff. Photo Credit: Kenny Eliason on Unsplash)

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
September 12, 2024

Heavenly Father, I come before You today grieved in heart over the divisions in our country; the United States of America. I grieve for every life lost to violence, regardless of color or creed. And I especially grieve this day over the senseless deaths of America’s Peace Officers whose sworn duty is to protect us from harm. Please grant comfort and hope to their families. We know from the Holy Scriptures in Romans 13 that Peace Officers have a sacred task, to enforce laws that protect the innocent and punish the guilty. We pray that You will protect them as they serve us. Give them wisdom, discernment, and a deep desire to serve You. Please surround every Peace Officer in our nation, the United States of America, with battalions of warring angels to protect them from harm. I stand in the powerful and mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ against every work of Satan intended to inflict injury and death on our Protectors. May Satan’s power be thwarted, in Your mighty and holy Name and by Your Authority, and his plans exposed by Your Light. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray for America’s Fallen Peace Officers. Amen.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
September 12, 2024

Heavenly Father, I come before Your Throne of Mercy and Grace, grieved in heart and mind over the loss of thirty-nine of America’s Peace Officers, Shot and Killed in the Line of Duty, thus far this year (2024). I now come before You with a heart full of gratitude for America’s Peace Officers who dedicate their lives to protect and serve the citizens of the United States of America. I humbly ask for Your divine protection to surround them. Shield them from harm’s way, guard them against danger, and guide their steps in moments of uncertainty. May Your presence be a fortress of safety around them, as they navigate the challenges that come their way in a broken society froth with the dangers of evil humanity. In the mighty and holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by His Authority, I pray for America’s Peace Officers. Amen.

Donna Lightcap
September 12, 2024

It seems like if there is truth to every 22 hours a cop has been shot this year, could there be a curse on time? How can we pray about that Yahweh?

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