I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for giving Jim and Jenn Chandler the vision to create a film that helps women see themselves the way You see them. Thank You that their film has helped small theaters recover from the lockdowns. Open hearts to what You want to impart through this movie.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are you looking for a wonderful movie to watch this Christmas?

The Farmer and the Belle is a film about Belle Winters, a New York City (NYC) model, and Josh Carpenter, a pig farmer, who fall in love. It was conceived and written by Jenn Gotzen, an NYC model and actress who plays Belle, and her fiancƩ (at the time) Jim E. Chandler, an actor who grew up on a pig farm in Chickamauga, Georgia, who plays Josh. Their vision for the film is to demonstrate to girls and women that their beauty is based on how the Lord sees them, not on how they compare to the latest cover girls. This film is also discipling nations, showing, and how parents and grandparents can help the next generation receive this important truth and illustrating how men should treat women.

I performed the small role of Belleā€™s NYC manager and also served as an NYC producer on the project. I recently did a video conference with the Chandlers to talk about the genesis of the idea for the film, the details of their vision for the film, and the plan they launched to bring audiences back to local theaters that have been greatly impacted by the lockdowns. You can see the interview by clicking here.

The Idea

Jim and Jenn met while performing together in a film in 2014, and they shared how their courtship was marked by a healthy approach to the three Hebrew words for love: Raya, ahava and dod. They made a firm foundation on raya (friendship love). Once it was clear the Lord was leading them to marriage, they focused on ahava (devotion and commitment), entering into the lifelong covenant of marriage where they can celebrate dod (passion). Jenn said, ā€œWhen you have all three loves burning together under the flame of Jesus Christ, the love and the Light of Christā€¦. When youā€™re in marriage you need to be focused on all of those elements coming together.ā€

One of the ways Jim built raya was by sending Jenn hand-written letters, which became an element of the film. We see their characters as children, when they agree to be pen pals. Belleā€™s mother, who wants her daughter to focus on becoming a model, disrupts their correspondence, and each grows up thinking the other had rejected him/her.

Jim said the idea for the characters sprang right from their lives. When Jenn visited the Chandlers’ hundred-acre farm for the first time, Jim said she discovered ā€œwhat farm life is like when youā€™re raising animals, and that you donā€™t throw away your food ā€” you save it for the pigs.ā€ Not realizing they stored that food in an old coffee container, Jenn offered to brew a pot one morning only to discover it was filled with rotten scraps, called ā€œslop.ā€ That moment inspired a scene in the film when Belle asks what slop is, and Joshā€™s daughter (played by Jimā€™s niece) says, ā€œItā€™s super squishy.ā€ Jenn reflected about those first visits: ā€œI really was that fish out of water.ā€

Ministry to Women

Jennā€™s first marriage ended in divorce, and she said that brought ā€œlots of deep-hearted wounds of not feeling loved and not feeling beautiful.ā€ She added:

ā€¦[T]hose core wounds [are] what brewed the vision of inspiring inner beauty because finally God allowed [healing] through lots of internal work of Scriptural affirmation, Scriptural transformation, taking the Word of God, taking the pain, giving it to Jesus, breathing in the Light of Christ.ā€¦ God used those [Scriptures] to breathe freedom and transformation, and our soul was: ā€˜We want to do that for other women, for other teens,’ and we realized it starts very youngā€¦. Girls start to look at images and they say, ā€˜I need to look like that, and if I donā€™t look like that magazine ā€” if I donā€™t look like that Hollywood star ā€” if I donā€™t look like that billboard, then Iā€™m not pretty enough. And if Iā€™m not pretty enough then I donā€™t get enough Likes and Shares and acceptance in school.ā€™ And thatā€™s where the pain really comes. So we wanted to provide a Biblical pathway, helping girls and women of all ages out of that dark, spiraling circle that 90% of us are affected by.

Using the healing Scriptures, Jenn said, ā€œWe engraved them onto a five-charm bracelet for the woman to hold onto, as if theyā€™re holding onto Jesusā€™s hand of Love, wrapping Scriptures around yourself.ā€ They used the prototype of that bracelet (now available on www.TheFarmerAndTheBelle.net) and used it as a gift Belleā€™s grandmother gave her when she was ten. Belle visits her pen palā€™s pig farm and while posing on a fence, she falls into the slop, losing the bracelet.

Belle does grow up to be a fashion model, but she keeps growing older. On the day she is posing in a pink onesie with a horse in a matching pink onesie, a Jumbotron announces her boyfriend dumped her for a younger model (literally), and her agent (played by the hilarious Robert Amaya of Momā€™s Night Out) offers her an adult diaper campaign. Belle freaks out because, as Jim put it, ā€œShe placed all of her value in her job and in her career and in her image.ā€

Belle realizes she needs to find that meaningful bracelet. During her return to the farm she reconnects with Josh, and her journey to discovering her inner beauty begins.

While closing our interview with prayer, Jenn had an epiphany! She realized when Belle is wearing the pink onesie sheā€™s serving her career and ultimately herself. Later, Belle serves others by agreeing to be a part of a Nativity play, and she wears the gray onesie of a donkey. In our prayer it dawned on her that Belle goes from serving herself to serving others by taking on the skin of the animal that bore our Saviour into Bethlehem as a Baby in the womb and later into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.


Ministry to Local Theaters

The full title of the film is The Farmer and the Belle: Saving Santaland. The same farm where Belle lost her bracelet hosts an annual festival celebrating Christmas. Joshā€™s family believes it will be the last December they can afford to operate Santaland. Jim said Jenn ā€œhad this vision from God to [use] Saving Santaland to save small-town theaters.ā€

Jenn elaborated:

My hometown theater only has thirty percent of people returning since covidā€¦. They have a window ofā€¦ 45 days until they can bring [a film] to their theatre. So by that time everyone has seen the movie and they donā€™t have the desire to go to the theatre, so these historical small-town theaters that we all grew up knowing are threatened to closeā€¦. Why donā€™t we create a Christmas festival there? Weā€™ll have Christmas caroling. Weā€™ll show the movie, and weā€™ll do Christmas shopping.

Ā In addition to the bracelet, theyā€™ve rolled out a number of products to help fans of the film meditate on Godā€™s Word about their identity in Christ. They have a childrenā€™s book, Beautiful Mabel, written by Mike Nawrocki, one of the creators of Veggie Tales and the voice of Larry the Cucumber. Jenn co-wrote a book with Michelle Cox, called Divine Beauty, which adopts techniques actors use to get into character to help readers focus on Godā€™s love for them. And they just released a heart-shaped pendant that says, ā€œOpen my heartā€ on the outside; once you open it, youā€™re greeted with, ā€œBeauty is on the inside.ā€ The Chandlers worked with local Christian bookstores to sell these products and others at the movie screenings, helping the stores keep their doors open.

All of those products are available through www.TheFarmerAndTheBelle.net, where you can find DVDs of the film. Itā€™s also available to stream on most platforms except Netflix and Hulu.


You can watch the trailer by clicking here.


Post your prayer for this film to move girls and women closer to seeing themselves the way their Creator does.

Ā Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays. Heā€™s also performed in more than forty film projects. He and his bride, Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, now have 37 screen children. The Swingles live in New York City. www.RichDrama.com

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Gregory Weaver
January 6, 2022

Heavenly Father, we ask you to touch the hearts of those men, women and children that believe that only their outward appearance matters. Lord, bring Your Holy Presence to them and show them that you only look at our hearts to see the inner beauty that resides in them. We know that You will only judge us by our hearts and not by our status, money or position in life Lord. We pray this in the Holy Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Amen and amen!

Julianne Curtis
December 25, 2021

For the best Christian programming, subscribe to Pureflix.com. Available on Roku.
It’s a GREAT New Year’s gift to give your friends. About $100 for a year’s subscription.
(PS: This film Ranks 1 * star out of 5 ***** stars… Maybe someone from the Production gave IFA a big donation so they’d market it on this site?).

    Rich Swingle
    January 8, 2022

    No donation. I wanted to feature the film because I believe it to be a strong prayer guide for women and girls. You may have missed my disclosure that I did play a small role on camera and served as an associate producer for the New York City scenes.

    I agree that PureFlix is a good source for Christian programming, but it’s been purchased by Sony, so beware. We were watching what started out as an entertaining mystery of a real baby left in the manger of a Nativity play, but we shut the film off when the pastor told the detective something to the effect of, “My Boss (referring to God) doesn’t care what you believe, so long as you treat others well.”

    By the way, when I just checked, The Farmer and the Belle has an average of 3.6 stars on PureFlix.

Herb Johnston
December 23, 2021

Lord, to me this issue is closely tied to how preborn infants are disregarded in the mother’s womb,- in our time. So Lord I pray that, as believers ,we cherish life in the womb,.. I pray that this film, Lord -would begin to sprout the seeds of care and concern for how we can encourage adolescent young ladies to care for themselves mentally and spiritually in a proper mindset,regarding their spiritual and emotional development. Of course that being based on their knowing and being guided in Biblical teaching,- and not so much influence by culture.-the pop culture of our time. Lord help us to understand that all the time that we spend on social media is not healthy, – and that it has been a tool used to really cause us to be isolated. from each other..starting when Steven Jobs brought cell phone technology over from China,in about 1980. This has been a huge scourge on our American way of life that used to be so based on God’s thinking and not self-focus thinking. Let us learn to use technology responsibly.
Oh Lord I Thank you for this work of art and I pray that it will go a long ways towards helping women and young ladies heal in their self image, – that they would see you reflected in their image, Lord and then others would see You reflected through them. Help them to realize how important they are to humanity and life- and I thank you for the advances that have been made already in acknowledging the importance of Your daughters in our land, even though when we make advances in our lives in the way we view ourselves sometimes things become out of balance.. in that healing process- so I pray that you would guide them as they navigate this territory,.. learning self respect in view of Your goodness.. Thank you for all these things Lord ,in the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen


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