I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, we pray for Your will to be done, in Your way, not ours.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The Republican Party adopted a platform that is very different from previous platforms. Former member of the RNC platform Cynthia Dunbar offers this commentary.

An anecdotal painting of my life and its political journey is essential to cast the best vision for this oped. To say that I was thrown into the deep end of the pool of all things political since my birth is, quite frankly, not hyperbole. No, I do not hail from a family of Kennedys. However, my father was a Senator, and my mother was a Judge. So, I will give you a second to imagine dinner-time conversations in my household. My parents met when my mother was a bill drafter for the legislature and my father was a junior representative, and they were married in the rotunda of our state capital. Are you starting to get the picture?

I had a front-row seat to all things political throughout my childhood. My parents were both ā€œconservative Republicansā€ before the phrase had even been coined. My father once told me he did not care who I married as long as they were a Christian and a Republican and that he perceived those went hand-in-hand. I saw them repeatedly fight for the implementation of godly principles into public policy, often battling ā€œthe powers that beā€ in both parties.

I witnessed many times when the attacks from within their party were as vicious and brutal as those from the outside by the Democratic party, if not more so. This gave me a bad taste in my mouth for the political spirit in general, but as a good Christian soldier, I had been trained that no matter how distasteful, disengaging from the war was not an option. So, I stayed engaged, even becoming a youth delegate when I was 16 to the RNC Convention in Detroit when we nominated Ronald Reagan.

Fast forward to adulthood, God opened doors for me to obtain my Law Degree from Regent University, where I was taught how to decipher civil laws through a biblical worldview. During this time, I served as the graduate assistant to the Dean of the Law School, who had studied directly under Francis Schaeffer at Swiss L’Abri. I felt blessed to have acquired what appeared to be a double degree in law in addition to political philosophy, kingdom jurisprudence, or what I like to refer to as Godā€™s Heart for Government. Equipped with this knowledge as a weapon in the warfare of cultural ideology, I stepped boldly, yet timidly, onto the battlefield. I ran for office several times, ultimately winning some and losing some. I can state without equivocation that while winning is much more fun than losing, both can positively impact the world around us.

In my campaigns, as well as my elected offices, I suffered more than my fair share of character assassination and political carnage. Nothing to compare with that of President Trumpā€™s attacks, but then again, I held the offices of Member of the TX State Board of Education and National Committeewoman of the RNC for VA, positions hardly worthy of international awareness and attack, and yet the attacks came. I wondered at the level of attention and attack that was unquestionably disparate to the level of positions that I held, and I came to one conclusion. The enemy we fight is not flesh and blood, and the principalities and powers of darkness in high places both fear and oppose the injection of truth into the public square with a vengeance. This efficacy has much more to do with how proactively one pushes back darkness than it has to do with the position of power one may hold within the systems of men.

So, where am I going with all of this? I have taken the time to paint the above picture to benefit those who might argue, ā€œWell, you just donā€™t understand.ā€ I do understand; I completely understand. I have spent a lifetime of political involvement, hoping and praying that someday the body of Christ would step into the realm of the political and engage. But now that we seemingly have, there is a pervasive problem within the Christian community of American politics today.

Piety towards alignment and getting in lockstep with the trending political narrative has become synonymous with godliness. If you in any way expose errors in either the principles or practices of that given narrative, the party historically, and now ironically, cast as the defender of liberty and unalienable rights of free speech has become the policing force to bring silence. Why? Well, because the party has been coopted as the mouthpiece for a singular campaign, and, after all, there must be a consensus of beliefs and alignment at all costs. There is neither time nor room for “dictates of conscience” in a world of chaos and contention. Scripted uniformity is implemented through control from the top down. Such hierarchal domination is foundationally in opposition to the biblical depiction of servant-leadership and anathema to the biblical declaration that, ultimately, every ā€œArchyā€ will be brought low.

In short, we are witnessing the essential need for godly perspectives through a paradigm shift away from political piety and back toward principles. Please hear what I am saying, not what I am not saying. I am not advocating for a departure from being salt and light within politics and government. I am not saying God is not with a particular man or candidate. The God we serve loved the entirety of humanity enough to die for us, so undeniably, God is with him. And we must continue to pray for him.

None of that changes the fact that we somehow have lost our way and must shift our focus from a man and a party to the one true Messiah of the world who CAN save a nation in a day. Otherwise, a burden is placed upon a mortal man that is too heavy for anyone but Christ to bear. This, coupled with numerous other reasons, enables us to see the need to be focused on principles and policies more than personality and party. This need cannot be overemphasized.

I realize I have had the benefit of growing up watching my parents fight not for personalities but for principles, and I have always done the same. This focus is foundational to establishing proper perspectives. Too often in the political game, principles are the first victims to be sacrificed in the guise of a strategy to ā€œwin at all cost.” But we must see the bigger picture, for once we allow principles to be sacrificed, we have already lost them. Sadly, that is where we find ourselves today.

The polarization and character assassination that has become acceptable and synonymous with politics has indeed made winning the ultimate goal, bringing with it a Machiavellian mindset. Truth and doing what is right become dispensable casualties of war. Life is no longer unalienable. Family is no longer sacred or worth upholding. We desperately fight to win, but in a world where life and family are no longer valued, what have we won?

Meanwhile, we vilify our political opponents, who are not our true enemies, as we do not wrestle with flesh and blood. Instead, we should be praying for them. Jesus Christ on the cross exemplified the power of love eclipsing that of hate.

It is time for us to be reminded that in our never-ending pursuit of political victory without the presence and principles of God, the solutions we are advocating may be equally bad as the problems we already face.

We cannot Make America Great Again if America is not good. Unfortunately, the politics of the day have proven that we are not. That is why our perspective must shift to Jesus, and our prayers shift to ā€œMake America Good Again.ā€ It is in God, and God alone, that we must place our trust. So, may we declare with a clarion voice, ā€œLet God Arise!”

Intercessor, what are your thoughts? Please share in the comments.

Commentary by Cynthia Dunbar, attorney, author, constitutional scholar, Regent University Government Professor, former Liberty University Law Professor, ordained Minister through FMCI, and co-host of the Constitutional Corner podcast. Follow Cynthia on XĀ or Instagram, go to Freedom FocusĀ to view her video shorts, or schedule her to speak at your next event. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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August 12, 2024

As the J6 Praying Grandma says:

ā€œMake America Godly Again!ā€

Richard Freeman
August 9, 2024

Unless the Lord builds the house laborers labor in vain, there is no hope apart from Godā€™s Spirit whose gift to us is hope. Even though President Trump is called and destined to serve as our next President apart from being holy as God is holy we may win the war but loose the battle. God has promised to ā€œpour out His Spirit upon all fleshā€ and such a manifestation of the Dpirit is necessary to make America Good Again. Thank God for his Prophets, Apostles, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists to help Christā€™s Body come into our fullness of maturity. We declare n decree unity and oneness is being released in what I pray is the Greatest Manifestation of Godā€™s Glory that has ever has beeb seen

Jytte Mann
August 9, 2024

She is so right. Itā€™s not about personalities, but about Godly principles.

Karen Lynn Gustafson
August 2, 2024

Thank you for your message. As followers of Jesus we must never forget that
He is our Messiah, not a person or a political party. It’s not about making us rich or great. We need to be the country God intended for us.

Andrea Khaleel
August 1, 2024

You have summarized the sentiments of my heart that I have been sharing with other Christian believers. May God bless as you use your sphere of influence to serve God and promote His agenda.

Peggy Greene
August 1, 2024

I was lifted by your wisdom and clear direction as it falls in line with the word of God . So obvious yet it has alluded us as American Christians. Our focus has turned to the evil of the opposition, as it is overwhelming and devastating many of our patriots. Thank you, God Bless you for the refocus upon Jesus our Savior . God bless you!

July 31, 2024

Thank you Cynthia! I have heard you in the past on Dave’s prayer calls, but never knew your background story. I agree with you 100%. We are the witnesses. We are called to represent Christ. When the enemy stirs up the flesh in us, we tend to fight back in the flesh. Instead, may we be led by the Spirit in all ways. Let us represent the One and only ONE who sets us free. Let us worship Him alone. He delights in us. He yearns to answer our prayers.

I praise You Lord, for You are HOLY and You alone deserve all the praise, honor and glory. Father, as we appeal to heaven, HEAR OUR PRAYERS. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Ms Mary
July 30, 2024

Check out Monday’s post (July 27) on givehim15.com. Very encouraging word from Tim Sheets.

Karen Hardin
July 30, 2024

Well said! Having just returned from the RNC, many of us were disillusioned at the new rules and Platform created which removed specific prolife, 2nd amendment and marriage between a man and woman language and turned it into vague fanfare.

We were threatened and blocked from any attempt to vote down this shift into ambiguity. It is a stark reminder that our hope cannot be in a Party. Our salvation will not come from an election or a man, but in a return to God.

William Wilburforce fought for 2 things in his life: the Abolition of Slavery and his lesser known goal to see morals restored to Britain. He saw the accomplishment of both as the moral depravity of his day gave way to the consecrating power of Christ.

May it be so again in our day.

Revival…true heart change in our nation is our only hope. We must cease our utter devotion to elected officials who may or may not be implementing policies that Make America Good Again. And pay attention to actions that are the true indicators of a heart’s devotion..

Robert L. Mitchell,lll,D.D.S.,
July 29, 2024

Spot on.

Jackson Garrott
July 29, 2024

Praise God for this clear, accurate voice. May it be heeded indeed! I am a missionary in Japan, but very aware of what is going on in America (I vote absentee). Unless we seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness, all our efforts are in vain,

john conca
July 29, 2024

Your right on spot.

Marti Davidson
July 29, 2024

Agreeing to pray Make America Good Again.

Lila Wright
July 29, 2024

We ( I ) must repent, corporately and individually, often. We Must seek the Lord Almighty, read His Word and obey Him, daily, all day long.

Pamela Johnson
July 29, 2024

truthfully, if we are to return to limited government by the people we must be morally good. I am shocked at the Right to Life Group that want a Federal law mandating every case. I personally believe moral medicine can cover the situations withOUT governments intrusion or religious groups at the bedside of every situation. Many decisions must be made by moral and even godly leaders at local levels. Yet we know our local, regional and federal governing bodies are far from good. I pray regularly for revival and Reformation of the nation of America and the world. Jesus is the only answer.

Toni Baker
July 29, 2024

I am always praying for God to cleanse our country from the evil that has taken hold here. Satan has been working for many years to undermine what God has given usā€¦Americaā€¦ through Godly forefathers. Jesus will always be my Savior. We must FIGHT, through Godly means, to bring God back to America. We must use our 1st amendment rights to speak up and not FEAR. Donā€™t stop Praying and do not stop fighting against the evil. What is going on now is not only citizen against citizen but a spiritual warfare. AMEN!

July 29, 2024

Great message! I see it as a call to self control and to be ā€œ quick to listen and slow to speakā€. Arrows of lies and accusations are being released relentlessly and with alarming speed. If we fall into the trap of furiously, chaotically trying to slap them down with anger, we become as useless as a person fleeing a hornets nest. šŸŖ¹ have to fight the the to REACT!!! Christians must discipline ourselves to know the issues well, to have the facts or seek them out, and to calmly refute the lies with truth. We also need to admit that we arenā€™t infallible and neither is our candidate. Still it seems there at many Christianā€™s who are apologetic for their Christian principles. THIS IS FOOLISH. Christians have liberty to vote our values ( Just as secular people do) and we should be doubly motivated because we know that living by Biblical principles is good for everyoneā€¦even the people who donā€™t honor God. We need to stop talking about the candidates and talk about POLICY, POLICY, POLICYā€¦. And PRAY, PRAY.PRAY!!

Rita Mascaro
July 29, 2024

How refreshing to hear a clarion call to “the still small voice”, to the “narrow road”, “to “My sheep hear My voice. Incline your ear church.

Paula peddicord
July 29, 2024

Heavenly Father,
Please wake the woke!!
and return the current ā€œevil officeā€œto our ā€œoval officeā€, where you and yours can once again govern this once godly nation. I ask this all in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Nell Jacobs
July 29, 2024

Very insightful post. God bless you for all you do for His kingdom. Praying for you and America.

Philip Lee VanderHamm
July 29, 2024

What an awesome background to have! She is to be listened to.
But I am not sure what she wants us to do? Certainly she is not saying we should abandon the Republican party and stop pursuing winning the elections in the fall!
I personally have a tension in me, as I think many Christians have, wanting both to focus on reaching the world with the good news of Jesus Christ, and then on the other hand, winning the political battle against the forces of darkness.
I would like to hear her explain how to deal with this issue of knowing where and how to place these emphases in our lives. With her amazing background I would listen very intently to what she has to say.

July 29, 2024

Psalm 118;8-10 (NLT). It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people. It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in princes.
Though hostile nations surrounded me I destroyed them with the authority of the Lordā€¦My enemies did their best to kill me but THE LORD rescued me.

    Rebecca Lowell
    July 29, 2024

    I pray this over Israel and ArmeniašŸ™šŸ¼āœļø

    July 30, 2024

    What a great comment, of course our answers from the Lord fills us with confidence and purpose. He is our answer when evil surrounds us, He is the One who hears our prayers and the One who encourages us to prayā€¦to pray is the mightiest weapon we possess because our fight is not against flesh and blood. And the only path, to make America good, is along the straight path through a narrow gate. Prayer is the power, revival is the way back to good. Jesus is Americaā€™s only hope.

B. Hawes
July 29, 2024

Hallelujah! Way to speak the truth! We are not to set our eyes upon (a) man, rather, we are to keep our eyes upon Jesus! Let every Christian in America vote with faith in our Lord that which is the truth (the Bible), during this election. Let every Christian that is of voting age, examine their beliefs and get out and vote those beliefs. We are the light and salt, let us stand for Jesus and BE THE LIGHT AND SALT!

Susan Eddlemon
July 29, 2024

I suspect Miss Dunbar’s comments are very good, but way too long.
A precis, Miss Dunbar?

July 29, 2024


July 29, 2024

I took was disappointed with the too down steamrolling of the new platform., and the shift in the position on life. You are so right. America cannot be great if it is not good.

Mark Meed
July 29, 2024

This is spot on. I recall a sidebar during a teaching I heard decades ago when the speaker referred to a politician of the time saying “I greatly respect him but he didn’t die on a cross for anyone.”

Patti Cabrera
July 29, 2024

Excellent perspective, and so we continue to pray.

Bea edwards
July 29, 2024

Let God ARISE indeed!

veronika ertis
July 29, 2024

Excellent, insightful . . as Christians it behooves is to prioritize ” principles over personalities”

Lori Meed
July 29, 2024

Jumping up and down and cheering Cynthia! Thank you for saying it like it is! We need to love the Truth though it cuts. It will then cost us and then cure!

Paul Dyer
July 29, 2024

Amen to let God arise!@

Jeannie Huppert
July 29, 2024

I pray, & in Tongues. Haven’t had church fellowship due to a physical problem. I’m doing as much as I can; but what “bothers” me: HOW can we (can NOT) change hearts & minds of those people who are warped, deluded, had been lied to, believe lies, don’t know how to get out of the messes they “inadvertantly” got themselves into, etc. Only God Can Change hearts, minds. I’ve downloaded IFA papers: I’m praying them. What else can we do? I witness on a social platform; any phone calls I get that I don’t know if they’re saved or not. Like many others, I NEVER nightmared that things would happen, “devolve” like they have. 1 of my neighbors put up a new queer flag. She’s approx. 20, living w/father of her toddler. That flag did NOT “make my day”.

    July 29, 2024

    Continue to pray for and be kind to your neighbor.
    This is His will.

Carleton G Rhinehardt
July 29, 2024

I find this piece to be very unique in that, we do fight a spiritual war and if we ignore it we will perish. Our country as had Israel fallen into the trap and we need to get out of it and that can only be done by God Himself. God punished Israel severely for only half the crimes America has been committing. This is from us not staying focused on the most important issues of any country Politics and Religion.

In 1992 I wrote a piece concerning what is happening today. I never thought I would see some of the things that are happening in my country, the Free and home of the Brave. We must engage in (Bible Based) Godly activities and duties according to the Word of God and not be taken of the path by every person that comes your way declaring they are a Christian. Thousands call themselves Christians yet they are not producing the fruit. Some and I believe Trump is one has made that change in life and is carrying an anointing that only God can provide. He would have never survived any of this if he did not have God’s covering on him.

Yet he is not our savior, and more and more I am hearing him say that is the fact but God has his back and he is using it to the fullest. But it takes more than that to overcome the troubles we face today. Jesus and all of His angelic warriors are at the ready to assist when they find able God fearing bodies to work with. Those who have trained skills and abilities to be guided by God to overcome these troubles. We must engage and we must be willing to do as Jesus instructs us in Luke 14:25-27. God is not looking for martyrs but for Warriors that can overcome the evil of this world. Gods strength is sufficient for us to overcome. WE MUST STAND AND HOLD OUR GROUND! Or we will lose our nation.

Lynn Alston
July 29, 2024

I agree that we must look to Jesus first, the author and finisher of our faith, vote the Bible and continue to pray for our country and for those who are deceived by the enemy. The Bible is clear that none of us is good, no, not one and that we have an obligation as Christ followers to pray for all people (even those who oppose God that they might be awakened to their spiritual condition and so they might also put their trust in Jesus and be saved). I do pray for America to be saved and for America to be Good Again, in the hope that as we continue, we can be salt and light to the current and next generation and we can all pray that God Makes America a Great influence in the earth again.

Hala Whitley
July 29, 2024

She is right on. In order for our country to prosper, we must return to Jesus. He modeled love perfectly and told us to do the same. He is the only one who can make America great again. We must also endorse Godly men and women who value Biblical principles while standing firm for what is right. All leaders need our prayers now more than ever. The soul of America is at stake. Indeed this battle is spiritual and I can see the attack of satan every where. Sad that our current leaders follow the radical agenda to bring our country down. One thing for sure, each of these leaders have a soul and need salvation. They will be judged by God Almighty. I pray for God to open eyes of the blind, open hearts to his salvation plan, and ultimately save America. We stand at a crossroad. Judgement is coming to America for her iniquities. I truly believe that God has given our nation a time to repent just as he did for Ninevah. World wide events and signs in the heavenlies point to the coming of our Lord. Let us wait with patience and rest in hope because what our nation sows, she will also reap. I pray for the upcoming election in our country. I also pray that God uses Trump and Vance for his ultimate purpose. I’m praying for a divine intervention in our wonderful nation.

Josephine McInnis
July 28, 2024

We must listen to what the Bible teaches.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

Kathy Emahiser
July 28, 2024

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we come against all demonic forces that will try to attack President Trump. Wherever, he goes encamp your angels all around him and his family. Turn the hearts of those practicing witchcraft and open their eyes to how they are being deceived by Satan. Reveal your truth to them via laborers and give them personal encounters so that will know that you are real and they are being deceived by Satan. I ask this in Jesusā€™ name, amen.

Sue Robison
July 28, 2024

Very great article. Thank you very much.

Terry Durnal
July 28, 2024

Without God, who created this world for His glory. We are doomed by our own hands. No man can save us or our nation. We must humble ourselves and seek His very face to forgive us and save our world! Stop making evil good and following ā€œ the feel good societyā€!

July 28, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing this because I think so many Christians who are Republicans have focused more on a man than on Jesus Christ.

Cathy Sue Bernsen
July 28, 2024

I completely agree. Pres Trump is not the Savior.;Yes he can be used as a tool fore redirection. But only as he agrees to allow Christ the lead.

Coleen Bane
July 28, 2024


July 28, 2024

Christians pray for GOD’S Will to be done then fuss and whine when their own will is not done! America has a Constitution that when it is adhered to for all Americans, makes America free again! A free for all America is a Great America! I’ve read the republican platform and I thought it was great! It does not mention abortion because that issue was restored to the states because of States’ Rights in our Constitution! Abortion is no longer a federal government issue as it never should have been! FATHER GOD please Bless America in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    July 28, 2024

    Actually the platform is terrible and the way they gutted it is terrible. They stabbed Conservative Christians in the back when there was no reason to do so. Just as slavery was not a states rights issue, neither is abortion. The right to life is an unalienable right that should be protected at all levels. No state has the right to enslave or kill a human being. When states don’t protect unalienable rights it is the role of the federal gov. to do so.

    Jacque P
    August 12, 2024

    Hello I read it too and I didn’t see anything about abortion or marriage. I will look further to see if it is in fact on their platform. That idea is disturbing. I pray for the dishonesty stops. The democratic party is very destructive. Under this administration our border’s are not secure, abortion up to 9 months=murder, men wearing skirts in the military which once was noble, thanks obamination, same-sex marriage. We must trust God over man because God Almighty plays 2nd to NONE! I pray God’s will be done and that He thwarts every demonic plot to steal the 2024 election. Lord deal with that wicked liar Harris, she’s deceptive, wants to depopulate the world, unarm us, she would absolutely continue the destructive biden plot, and she does not support Israel. I pray this in Jesus name Amen!

July 28, 2024

Thank you for your insight regarding what is the right thing (making America good again). Morality is the power of a nation that prospers. This is made so obvious as we read through the history Israel. And remember God never changes. Unfortunately people and society’s do!

Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a [a]reproach to any people.
Proverbs 14:34

Barbara Pleva
July 28, 2024

Yes Lord, please turn this nation back to you so that we can be good and so that we can be united.

Bonnie Brown
July 28, 2024

Amen, Cynthia! Very well stated and a strong call to arms! The Armor of God, that is! Let us pray unceasingly!

July 28, 2024

Thank you giving us perspective!

Paula Sparks
July 28, 2024

I agree that no one person can “save” America. We must be praying and speaking truth as we go along our lives. The lack of truth and lack of humility is killing Americans. Unless we turn back to Christ and pray for His kingdom to come, His will to be done, we will be totally lost. However, we must also realize that we deal with a government, and if Christians turn government over to unbelievers and don’t vote on policy platforms, we are turning our nation over to evil. We must vote, and we must realize that no party is perfect; but there are some policies that are totally evil (abortion, LGBT…) and if we do not vote against these, we will be slaves to them.

    July 28, 2024

    And.. in fact, voting is only the beginning. We are a ground up self-governing Nation that has long not been involved in that way. So the more patriots and Christians get involved in their local communities and learning to be part of creation of legislation and holding different offices in their local communities the more influence we will have. It suggested movie is a documentary by KrisAnn Hall, titled, the Non-Compliant Movie. When the time was appropriate.. our Founders utilized civil disobedience in a Godly and patriotic way.. and here we are today. And, this incorporates the involvement of Christians Patriots citizens, hopefully all one in the same.. in their local communities. Voting really to me is the icing on the cake.. because if we’re just voting ..we’re not involved

Linda S
July 28, 2024

Thank you for speaking out from your perspective from the inside of the political realm. Youā€™ve nailed it – our King is Jesus, and America needs to turn our hearts and wills to Him to become good.

Patricia Fogle
July 28, 2024

I completely agree with this article. Ultimately our eyes must be on Jesus as the only one who can redeem this nation from sin and degradation. Make America ā€œgoodā€ again can only come as each personā€™s heart is cleansed from sin and our nation returns to God and His word.

Patricia Donahue
July 28, 2024

Yes, and amen! The church must change. Criticizing and condemning our opponents is not God. We MUST show the love of Jesus, Mt.5: pray for those who persecute us!! No other way is acceptable to our Father!! He died for all, they are manipulated by Satan. We must PRAY,PRAY, PRAY if we want to see victory this fall. We cannot promote God and act like the devil!!

Jeane Whiteside
July 28, 2024

Thank you. I had a bumper sticker made that decreed ā€œyou must be born againā€. ā€œ make America better than sheā€™s ever been. ā€œā€Jesus is Lordā€. We absolutely must be still and know He is God so we can hear distinctly to pray effectively. Iā€™m still Lord. Let me hear

July 28, 2024

You make a tremendously important point and one that troubles me deeply. As one pastor has said after being criticized for supporting the Republican candidate, we Christians are going to support those whose policies and priorities align with our Christian beliefs, and not just because of who they are or who they belong to, just as we reject those who violate the foundational principles of the Judaeo-Christian world and seek to destroy Western Civilization.

So, let us remember that although man is imperfect, fallible and easily tempted, we must remain true to the core civil and criminal beliefs that align with Christian beliefs and behavior. If the party that we support moves away from them in pursuit of, as you say, to win at all costs, the party is losing its claim to represent Godly behaviors, and are in danger of compromising the basis of why we support them.

I know that America is not New Jerusalem, we are not without fault or failures, and that we strive to live at peace with all patriots who swear allegiance to our Constitutional core beliefs, without forcing our religious beliefs on others. But if we want the blessing of God and the removal of evil and corruption from our nation, we have to admit we have strayed from Godly principles and we will be rejected by God as an apostate nation, headed for the dustbin of nations who put man before God. The hope of victory we feel is so close will evaporate if we fail by compromising the major principles of the Judaeo-Christian beliefs for political power. As people who acknowledge and believe in a Spiritual world that affects our physical existence, let us never forget that in this fallen world, Satan is always looking for a way to throw us off his trail and have us settle for less than God commands.

Allena Jordan
July 28, 2024

Psalm 68
Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered;
Let those who hate Him flee before Him.
2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away;
As wax melts before the fire,
So let the wicked and guilty perish before [the presence of] God.
3 But let the righteous be glad; let them be in good spirits before God,
Yes, let them rejoice with delight.

It is time for us to stand up for Biblical principles just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego did before the king. From Dan. 3:

13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in rage and anger gave orders to bring Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego; then these men were brought before the king. 14 Nebuchadnezzar responded and said to them, ā€œIs it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the golden image that I have set up? 15 Now if you are ready, at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, flute, lyre, trigon, psaltery and bagpipe and all kinds of music, to fall down and worship the image that I have made, very well. But if you do not worship, you will immediately be cast into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire; and what god is there who can deliver you out of my hands?ā€

16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to the king, ā€œO Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.
(This is how they replied. Let’s make it ours.):
18 But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.ā€

July 28, 2024

Weff said.

Heather Greenwood
July 28, 2024

Thank you for this powerful message. We must stand on Christ, the solid Rock (Petra), while all around is shifting, sinking rhetoric. God bless America. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

July 28, 2024


Father, unite all true believers, in heart, mind, and goal, that we would be one in you. May Your plan for our nation come to fruition through the power of unified prayer.

July 28, 2024

Almighty God our Father,
Please forgive our sins and heal our land.

Ellen Hoffman
July 27, 2024


July 27, 2024

She nailed it! If life itself doesnā€™t matter, WHAT DOES??????

Marcia Rutherford
July 27, 2024

Excellent! Excellent piece! Ms.Dunbar’s “in-the-trenches” years of experience in politics, her excellent training, and most importantly, her strong Christian faith, qualifies her to speak from this knowledgeable perspective about the state of our nation and its future.
Pastors of churches in America need to call believers to corporate, deep repentance for our sins – including Christian neglect of our involvement in government. We are reaping what we have sown….and our children/grandchildren will reap even worse consequences if we do not return to our Constitutional Republic built on the Truth found only in God’s Word.

July 27, 2024

Excellent perspective and reminder. Let God arose!

Theresa Lintz
July 27, 2024

We cannot Make America Great Again if we don’t Make America Good Again

Rebecca Collins
July 27, 2024

Right on!!!

Christi Carter
July 27, 2024

Wow! Agreed

July 27, 2024

“But my GOD shall supply all my need according to HIS Riches in Glory by CHRIST JESUS!” I am so very glad that my GOD revealed HIMSELF to me in my kitchen about 33 years ago when I was alone! Then HE isolated me at my job where my boss did not give me work for about 30 days and I began in Matthew and read the entire Bible except about 3 small books during this time! That was about 36 years ago and since that time I have read the entire Bible through many times! I even hosted a Bible study for about 2 years where we went through the Bible many times as a group! I learned that our HOLY SPIRIT will teach us through HIS WORD and I learned the Ways of GOD! I know that I know; that I know that I am to support Trump! My GOD supplies my every need including directing my path and ordering my steps; which means I know who I am to support or who to turn away from! Folks stop being tossed about with every wind of doctrine! Stop listening to every voice except HOLY SPIRIT! I’ve seen many wishy washy Christians because they are not in their Bible! FATHER GOD please speak to YOUR children! Let them get in their Bible and turn off every spoken or written voice except YOURS! Let them hear and know YOUR Voice so they won’t obey the voice of strangers or the devil or demons! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    July 28, 2024


      July 29, 2024

      How do we know?? Just consider the alternative! Trump is the only vessel we have to even begin to turn America around. We must start somewhere!

Rosie Higuera
July 27, 2024

Prayer first and repentance for the nation, we must return to God. Only God can indeed save and redeem us. Praying for the church to rise up in every sector of society and uphold God’s standards and do things God’s way.

Gloria Green
July 27, 2024

Excellent article. Only God can save our nation but we must be informed and vote for the candidate that most closely exhibits a biblical perspective. In my view, it is almost always a Republican.

    July 28, 2024

    Dear Gloria–please research what the NEW GOP party now endorses–it is NOT BIBLICAL. Those days are gone-Trump changed the GOP PLATFORM. (Read the exact words and compare to some of the Democratic Party!) Where is abortion approved in the Bible? Did God ever bless those who “passed their children under the fire”? What is same sex marriage approved in the Bible? Where is praying to other gods EVER ACCEPTABLE? STAND on the WALL for our nation for REPENTANCE and for THE WORD of GOD to be found again, just like in the days of King Josiah. Pray for BIBLICALLY BASED, STRONGLY ANOINTED CHRISTIANS who will NOT COMPROMISE God’s WORD to be girded, guarded, guided, anointed and PUT, BY OUR MIGHTY GOD, into their POSITIONS.

    It is a FALSE PREMISE that we ONLY have two choices–the pro death agenda of the Democrats or the new pro-choice, pro gay marriage and pro pagan prayers of the NEW GOP.
    CALEB–without ANY COMPROMISE and willing to pray to PAGAN GODS, and who are willing to serve to TAKE BACK the LAND ACCORDING to GOD’s PLANS for our nation. We need the MIND of CHRIST via HIS WORD. THAT is the PLUMBLINE, dear sister, NOT the NEW TRUMP GOP PARTY PLATFORM. Pretty please look into what the new party is endorsing with a fine tooth comb. CHOOSE JESUS–for HE ALONE BLED for you. NOT any politician.

      July 29, 2024

      Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face! We have to choose Trump because he’s the only strong leader to destroy the left lunatics. The abortion issue was returned to the states where it belongs. Trump did not write the legislation on this issue. Wake up! The Supreme Court has decided the Immunity, Abortion, Docs Case, and we have to win by not picking and choosing when it’s a crucial election. We have to win the battle, then win the war!!!!!! Don’t be blindsided by fundamentalism. Trump and BB are going to rule again together to save Israel and America. Thank you God!!!

Glenda Donate
July 27, 2024

I agree with the commentary from Cynthia Dunbar. It is refreshing to read testimony from someone who shares my thoughts and prayers. My continued prayer is that God will speak to our nation in new and distinct ways to turn our hearts to Him and not to politicians and political solutions. My prayers also request that Father God will give Christians courage to stand and make our voices heard in a kind, thoughtful, intelligent way that honors Him.

Deb Hawkins
July 27, 2024

So very well stated..put no man on a pedestal. That is reserved for The Father. If Americans do not return to putting the Father first, no man can make America Great again without him. We will continue to see judgement. We šŸ™, we stand, we share the great commission.

Jean Bednar
July 27, 2024

Thanks for this perspective from Cynthia! Food for thought and prayers!!

Philip Akonom
July 27, 2024

This is exactly what I have been hearing from the Lord in my spirit in recent days! I lament the vitriol I have witnessed even between believers over political differences, such that fellowship is broken. I am reminded of the promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will join the correct political party, espouse the correct policies and candidates, and vote accordingly, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” …wait, that’s not what it says at all, does it?

John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. Adams and other Founding Fathers believed that the success of a democratic government relies heavily on the virtue and morality of its people. They argued that without a foundation of moral principles, the structures and laws of government would not be sufficient to maintain order and justice.

I think the message is clear to the church: Don’t stop praying!

July 27, 2024

We don’t ever want to make it about personality but about who is aligning themselves most with God’s heart as revealed in His written Word – the sanctity of life, His design for male and female, who will lift His name up in the public square, who will protect our children from Satan and his schemes to steal, kill, and destroy…To me it’s very clear, and I hope it’s very clear to the vast majority of others. God used men to help His children – e.g. Moses, David, and even King Cyrus with the wall of Jerusalem being rebuilt. Mt 6:10 “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

    July 28, 2024

    AND yet all of them were flawed individuals..
    There is none perfect but King Jesus..Yet HE uses us..flaws and all…

Leslie Pimental
July 27, 2024


July 27, 2024

I like the article. Good food for thought.

July 27, 2024

AMEN to Cynthiaā€™s eye-opening truth. I still believe that ā€œ greater is He who is in us than he who is in the worldā€. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. His Word is our rule of law. Repentance and revival in the Church first. Godā€™s scriptural values and purposes our driving purpose. Where are we imitators of Christ in our personal and corporate lives? ā€œIf My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray; seek My Face and turn from their wicked (ungodly) ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.ā€ 2 Chron. 7:14. I seek the heart of Christ in all things for myself.

Lydia B. Miller
July 27, 2024

Thank you for sharing the article!
There is truth that America has been morally on a decline.

If we keep our eyes on Jesus, He has not given up hope as have some .
There is still hope, God is still birthing hope in many of us. We are His salt and light.

Our battle is not in vain, He hears the prayers of the righteous, if we saw in the spirit, there are still many spirit fill saints who worship Him and God is birthing revival in this nation.
it is sad if all you see is evil, Is your focus on too much on what the devil is doing, please stop glorifying the devil, he loves when you talk about what he is doing. I know many Christians who love Jesus , and I know of many churches whose congrgations are worshipping Him in spirit and Truth. In my community their is a 24 – 7 prayer and worship meetings and even the young people are involved in it and they even pray for people in politics and for revival in this nation.
Most certainly many lost souls that need saved, but God has not given up hope for AmericaWe don t always see with our natural eye what God is doing in politicians, but God is drawing men to Himself and His Holy Spirit is convicting human hearts.

Keep praying for our battle is not flesh and blood but powers of darkness in heavenily places.

Lets not speak doom and gloom, but speak about His marvelous powers and miracles He is performing not because we deserve it, but cause of His love and mercy!
His light shines in the darkness and the enemy runs and hides!
And deliverance draws nigh to both the republicans and Democrats!

    July 28, 2024

    Thank you for drawing us to the light..not the gloom and doom..we keep praying and God will restore and bless..He blesses even when we are not perfect as He keeps reminding me as a perfectionist..I do not have to be perfect just keep growing as He leads

Lily F
July 27, 2024

You hit the target in this commentary. I a, so glad to hear someone stand for truth and righteousness. God is our source who gives us wisdom, understanding, ledge and strategies from heaven. Thanks for speaking the truth of what is desperately needed at this time.

July 27, 2024

I whole heartedly agree Cynthia. Thank you for fighting for Godly principles. I do believe President Trump has been chosen by God to turn this country back to Godly principles. I saw a man humbled and changed because this assassination attempt. We need to pray for him for wisdom and safety and for God to protect his family. I see God reaching out to protect his people and turn America back to a God fearing, God honoring, God serving, God proclaiming nation once again.

July 27, 2024

MAGA should be Make America Godly Again. We canā€™t be great unless we are godly.

    July 27, 2024

    You are a Christian right? Then you Make America GODLY Again! Trump represents all of America; many of whom are not born-again yet! This is why we pray so the unbeliever can come to know CHRIST! This is why we witness, so the unbeliever can come to know CHRIST! This is why we support righteous candidates, so the unbeliever can come to know CHRIST! FATHER GOD please send laborers to YOUR people so that they can be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS Might! Let them get in their Bible and Trust YOU no matter what it looks like in JESUS NAME! Amen!

      July 28, 2024

      Exactly..you are so right..He is not running because he is perfect..he is running because he loves this country and all the people..God will take care of those who don’t know Him

Glenda Hand
July 27, 2024


July 27, 2024

That was a very important commentary and the ending was so fitting in that we donā€™t want to make America great again but rather make America good again. America has lost her way. Letā€™s agree in prayer and ask God to make America good again,

    July 27, 2024

    Letā€™s pray to our God to Make America good again.

Rev. Barb Haynes, RN, MSN
July 27, 2024

I agree. We don’t want to risk a cult of personality instead of a party of those who embrace what are Christian conservative values. I find that every candidate is jumping on the MAGA bandwagon to such an extent that they have all muddied the waters–it’s impossible to distinguish what their real priniciples are.

July 27, 2024

Amen! Watching from Canada and I keep saying we must not trust in a man but in God, keeping our eyes fixed squarely on our Creator!
We have a similar situation here. Pierre Poilievre looks like the candidate to save us next year but I am keeping my cautious eyes on the one who sees and knows all!

    Deborah roisen
    July 27, 2024

    We must trust a man of God to lead us away from all the wokeness, Look a the Olympics now hideous trans making fun of the last supper. God have mercy on our country

      July 28, 2024

      Tr7mp is a man of God even though a flawed one jjust like we all are
      But he is the best we’ve got

Glorya Hammers
July 27, 2024

When deToqueville came here he was impressed with our churches and the emphasis on righteousness. He concluded that we were a great nation because we were a good, righteous nation. If we lost, gave up, our righteousness we would no longer be a great nation.

Shirley Welch
July 27, 2024

We need to register to vote if we have not, and then be sure to vote for the candidates who believe in our freedoms that are God given. Remember that politics and political candidates are never perfect. Vote for the candidates that you feel best represents family and family values with which you believe. If we don’t vote, expect evil to win again. Pray! Pray! Pray!

    July 28, 2024

    Just as our founding fathers were not perfect but God used them to begin our Great republic which has lasted over 200 years
    President Washington said we would have 3 great trials..1 was at the beginning..1 was the Civil War and 1 is now..fighting for our Great republic to remain intact

Margaret Nezhadpour
July 27, 2024

Prayer must be our foundation. Revival of the Body of Christ and awakening of the spiritually ā€œdeadā€ are imperative! The King is coming and there are many yet to be saved. Having said that, policies are a key revealer of character and must be considered. We have ā€œflawedā€ humans running for and manning all positions of authority. Sometimes the choice is the least flawed. I am so grateful that God is the One who truly raises up and removes leaders.

Margie G.
July 27, 2024

I could not agree with Cynthia more. Our country is so far gone that no politician can fix it or make it great again. It’s going to take our Almighty God to turn this around. It’s going to take the humble prayers of the saints to move his Hand and rescue our country. All eyes should be on our Great God and His Son Jesus. If not, we are going to be very disappointed when whoever gets elected can’t turn this country around from it’s destructive path.

July 27, 2024

So well expressed and so Scriptural. Thank you.

Judy Kennedy
July 27, 2024

I agree with Cynthia. Praying ā€œGod make America Good Again!ā€™ Help me to do my part!

Melinda Johnson
July 27, 2024

Outstanding commentary and evaluation of our situation spiritually. ā€œNot by power or by might, but by My Spiritā€ says the LORD. Amen and AmenšŸ™

Carol G
July 27, 2024

Cynthia, thank you for your giving us your personal history and thorough analysis, which made me breathless. You are God’s light shining through the darkness of today’s sickened society. You have invigorated/energized us to continue fighting the good fight, to repent for the nation, pray for revival, and intercede wherever it is needed. Judgment will come upon the church first, so let us be found to be worshipping our gracious and forgiving Lord and working for His Kingdom.

Jesus, give us insight, direction, and courage as to our role(s) in helping usher back goodness into our nation. You don’t want to hear crickets, you want us claiming back territory that was stolen. Use me, Lord to fight the spiritual battles and minister.

Becky Brown
July 27, 2024

This article hits the nail on the head.
We are concerned about the same lack of humility and dogged adherence to First Principles will sink our country and our party.

July 27, 2024

“For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; it is HE who will save us.”
Isaiah 33:22

I agree, we need to vote for the policies that most closely align with God’s Word. To the Christians who are sitting on the bench, not getting involved…NOW is the time to get off the bench and VOTE for Godly principles! Do not be silent…let your voice be heard!


M. E. Moore
July 27, 2024

Thank you for speaking these truths. My father was involved in our local government as a “city father” for several years in upstate NY. I was both illumined & disheartened by the workings of “politics”. Though he served his constituency honorably, his honesty lead him to step away from service because of those who held office for financial & political gain and NOT to serve the needs of our community. Politics can be a very dark & deceptive world.

July 27, 2024

Thank you Cynthia Dunbar for helping us be aware in your graciously informative Style. I do so enjoy watching constitutional corner with Dave and yourself.
I as well have experienced what you are describing in your article about not being able to criticize a public official. There is a rumble Channel which is the platform of the man named in Kim Clement’s 2015 prophecy about Donald Trump..that is Clay Clark. My criticism in response to whatever the subject matter was that day on his program,( in recent weeks) – which is named the Thrive Time Show.. which started out primarily as a business education Channel.. until Clay Clark and general Flynn started the Reawaken America Tour- which is now quite well known..-,was that president Trump is in error for his involvement with the experimental gene therapy- and taking a huge donation from Pfizer -,and for being weak on abortion.- and I said that he needs to own up to that and declare it and trust that God will be there with him-, as all of us have to trust the Lord in our time of testing. So I thought that it would be okay to you know make a statement without being harsh or tearing someone down-, which, in my comment I tried to be very careful and really walk on eggshells about how I said it… except I found out.. that sadly, that wasn’t good enough.
I found myself very shortly thereafter blocked from the comment section of the Thrive Time show. That was heartbreaking for me because, as an ardent follower of The Reawakening America tour.. I was mesmerized and so encouraged and so devoted by and to the lineup of great and loyal American Patriots of all stripe and talent and skill set that were in the trenches fighting against the globalist in every possible way.. from every perspective one can imagine.. starting one month after the starting date of the reawaken tour- which was in April of 2021.. I began watching and saw every show for about the first year- and then may have not seen exactly every one after that..but became aware of every guest that was on-, and visited their platforms.. and they were my family in patriotism.. and I had just started coming here to IFA for prayer as well,..and was also following Ark of Grace Ministries and of course as we know Give Him 15-,with the man who is really my online Pastor..Dutch Sheets.. so that was my safe zone.. my somewhat, – I guess -,online living room to pray in-, and to get involved in signing petitions with other platforms and related things as well. So when this happened..getting blocked here in recent weeks.. which has finally been resolved.. it was very hard for me to accept that,-,as I know it is wrong. And it was just this morning the 27th of july, when the technician called me from clay Clark’s Thrive time show.. saying “yeah well sorry about that we just you know go through and if we find any anti-trump comments we take them out”. So I apologized and said “I understand” and didn’t try to you know qualify myself,in any way but.. the lesson here is that many compromises, I believe.. are made by us in Humanity.. in our walk, even if we have made it a certain distance and thought we would never do that.. then it happened. So.. – I still believe ardently that Trump was here for such a time as this..and God placed him here.. actually as much because of his imperfections..the same way as Cyrus was- you know, out there in his behavior. And I will confess that if there were someone else to vote for, that had not been involved in those two areas I mentioned.. the shot.. and not standing firm on abortion, I would vote for them, – I do not trust RFK because of his being married to a leftist..and the influence those people have had on him in the past. Even though he is presented as a constitutionalist.

Sandy Grogan
July 27, 2024

I agree that focus on one man being our hope in America is dividing our country. God alone is our hope in this country.
Prayer for Godā€™s Best for this country is a scary prayer because we need complete cleansing and God may need to mightily move on this country to cleanse us. The hatred and name calling is not uplifting and is infantile. the greed for money is rampant. my bumper sticker says ā€œ look to God not Govā€.

Becky Usry
July 27, 2024

We’re in a time when the antichrist is trying to break through, but he who restrains will restrain until he be taken out of the way, II Thess 2:7. I suspect that Donald Trump will become that restrainer, based upon his actions as President the first time. We must follow Jesus, but Trump is the only man with the strength to lead our nation and restrain the spiritual wickedness in the world. But when Trump’s reign ends, we absolutely must be following Jesus.

Shaun Fulks
July 27, 2024

powerful, and true, and godly! thank you that you remind us all to look to God and Christ, not a political party or a political personality, but God. To look inside our own hearts with true discernment and repent and follow after Christ more closely ourselves in all aspects of our lives.
ā€œIf my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.ā€ II Chronicles 7:14

July 27, 2024


Mark Pino
July 27, 2024

I agree. And I think most of us do. I think our concern is we see politics like sports as a win or lose proposition. But in particular politics which has a bigger impact on society and on every one of us. Well I agree that our party is possibly making some shady changes, there’s still a night and day difference between us and the other side. You probably be hard-pressed to hear the name of God mentioned in the Democrat convention, but we will see. And yet so many misguided Christians still vote for them. I think we need to make issues the focus and not personalities and definitely not make Trump into a Messiah, he is clearly an example of someone fighting against the lies and against the swamp. I guess that fight is as big as life itself because there has been corruption in government since the dawn of man or since there was government, there was even corruption in the ranks of the Old Testament patriarchs. Nobody besides Jesus has ever been exempt from sin. I think we need to keep fighting and speaking out for what we believe and not surrendering an inch to the devil or to the Democrats. They have become the party of Satan. True our enemy is Satan and not people that they need to be exposed because they currently have all the powers of this earth on their side right now, the rapidly degrading culture, the weaponized government, the media, public education, big tech, big pharma, etc.

Anyway thank you for your article. We need a million more people like you. And we need the church to be more involved not less involved in political things. When we separate politics from our spiritual life and everything else it’s really a false dichotomy. It’s all part of the same picture.

Geraldine Gazzara
July 27, 2024

To the point and to be taken very seriously! God bless us all.

Elizabeth Enns
July 27, 2024

Cynthia, thank you for taking the time to write this article. As someone who is also very involved, I believe that you are spot on. We must stand for truth and continue to fight for righteousness but our eyes must be on the Lord and our hope firmly in him alone.

Barbara Janicki
July 27, 2024

yes, yes, yes – thank you! Policies and principles over persons and personalities is what we need to pay attention to. And we need many people serving in all levels of government – we all need to be involved in returning government to Godly values and ways – our hope cannot be in one man, unless that man is Jesus of course. One man cannot solve our problems for us while we remain silent on issues of corruption, abuses of power and the things that dishonor God in our culture. Thank you for this article- http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Dina Augustin
July 27, 2024

This plarform sounds more political than Of Christ heart. What is your agenda? .

Roland Boyce
July 27, 2024

Principles and polocies over party aod personalities.

America cannot be great unless America is good.

Donna Spiegelman
July 27, 2024

Amen to that! If our country and the world donā€™t turn back to God; we are forever lost!

Robert L. Mitchell,lll,D.D.S.,
July 27, 2024

Well said

Georgianna Buhler
July 27, 2024

Excellent article! Thank you for presenting a balanced perspective. Couldnā€™t have said it better. Praying that Holy Spirit give us His divinity revelation and insight how to walk through this time

July 27, 2024

There Have been more and more cautions from Holy Spirit about what appears a shedding of Biblical principles as the only guarantor of a win

I am praying for a reality check on who is in charge. There seems to be speakers trying to convince us that muddied waters are palatable..
May God Arise

    Monica Haberkamp
    July 27, 2024

    Quote: “I am praying for a reality check on who is in charge.” Are you speaking of who is in charge of Intercessors for America? I have been feeling more and more like this platform (IFA) is getting to be a political platform than a humble prayer platform. I did not feel like that when I first joined. I so agree with your statements.
    I think Cynthia’s statement need to bring us back into line. “We cannot Make America Great Again if America is not good. Unfortunately, the politics of the day have proven that we are not.” If God has left America to it’s sinful devices, then we need to know how to pray the way our persecuted brothers and sisters know how to pray. Let’s get off the bandwagon and back onto God’s grandstand as we pray.
    I’m praying I not be blinded by the American-Christian worldview.

      Mary Beth
      July 27, 2024

      I think Karen is referring to the RNC, and the platform they presented – the concessions made presumably to ensure a win in the elections.

        July 28, 2024

        … and,.. possibly.. the blending of the Stance and or values if they exist-, being compromised along the way.. to where it has become the uni -party

July 27, 2024


Deborah Graham
July 27, 2024

A beautiful article with a solid Biblical focus. Please Lord turn our eyes upon you, the author and finisher of our Faith. This war isn’t accomplished with the weapons of flesh and blood, but spiritual weapons that you have given us in your Word. Please help us all to be Your Mighty Men of Valor and secure our nation for God Almighty’s purposes. In our Holy Savior’s Name, Jesus Christ.

Joseph Blanton
July 27, 2024

Given the GOP’s shift away from the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage, intolerance of respectful disagreement makes the GOP a different flavor of the same brand of ice cream as the Progressive Democrats. Our Constitution was forged in the crucible of debate and discussion. To abandon this principle is to move closer to a dystopian totalitarian form of government. America needs to repent and return to Christ Jesus, and it must begin in the heart of those who are born again in Christ. That is the only way for America to be great again. JDB

    July 27, 2024

    But not through biden. He is more of a puppet than anyone..that’s how he got to the top

July 27, 2024

2 Thes 2:11 NIV

For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

I agree with everything Dunbar is saying, I di not grow up in a political household but I have always been a Christian conservative.
We must always remember to ask God what direction to go on every major decision in our lives! For He alone has made our path. Even when we are choosing a partner or spouse, always as God, ā€œIs this the person you choose for me?ā€ ā€œIs this the person you want me to vote for?ā€
Ask, and you shall receive!ā€
Thank you for your article! Just know you are not alone in your beliefs!

Skye Alison
July 27, 2024

Amen wholeheartedly to this!

Arlene B. Muller
July 27, 2024

A few centuries ago a man named Alec DeToqueville embarked on a pilgrimage to the United States to discover the secret of America’s greatness. His conclusion was that America was great because of the goodness of it’s people & that America ceased to be good, America would cease to be great. I suspect that this gentleman did not take into consideration our many sins, faults & imperfections, such as slavery, but he apparently found some fundamental goodness in our founding principles & in America people seeking to live out a commitment to love GOD, love our neighbor, & follow the Judeo-Christian ethic.
Whenever I hear or see MAGA/”Make America great again” I return to the words & observations of Alec DeToqueville. Therefore, it is essential that our primary purpose should be to MAKE AMERICA GOOD. Greatness is fleeting. I would rather see our country become renown for our goodness, which has eternal value.

    July 27, 2024

    President Lincoln, through Gods Will, ended slavery because this nation was built on ā€˜Freedomā€™ for all !
    We know who won the battle through Christ our savior!

      July 27, 2024

      Before Lincoln, our nation was the third nation in the world, to outlaw slavery.

July 27, 2024

Glorious Gracious Father, Creator of heaven and earth forgive my lack of involvement, for sleeping on my night watch, for cowering under the pressures of social norms and public policies. Forgive this nation for abandoning its stand for marriage as defined in Your word and for sacrificing our children at the hands of sex cultā€™s. Send Your clarion call to awake Your bride. No longer can we recreate while the enemy gathers to make plans for destruction. Turn our focus from the cares of life (seeds amount the tares) to the call to be salt and light in the earth. Call Your people to repentance, to turn and stand up for truth, to engage. I submit to Your counsel knowing that the nation that once upheld a covenant with You and Your people has abandoned its purpose for existence as depicted in Romans which say, ā€œWhat is revealed is Godā€™s anger from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who in their wickedness keep suppressing the truth; because what is known about God is plain to them, since God has made it plain to them. For ever since the creation of the universe his invisible qualities ā€” both his eternal power and his divine nature ā€” have been clearly seen, because they can be understood from what he has made. Therefore, they have no excuse; because, although they know who God is, they do not glorify him as God or thank him. On the contrary, they have become futile in their thinking; and their undiscerning hearts have become darkened. Claiming to be wise, they have become fools! In fact, they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for mere images, like a mortal human being, or like birds, animals or reptiles! This is why God has given them up to the vileness of their heartsā€™ lusts, to the shameful misuse of each otherā€™s bodies. They have exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, by worshipping and serving created things, rather than the Creator ā€” praised be he for ever. Amen. This is why God has given them up to degrading passions; so that their women exchange natural sexual relations for unnatural; and likewise the men, giving up natural relations with the opposite sex, burn with passion for one another, men committing shameful acts with other men and receiving in their own persons the penalty appropriate to their perversion. In other words, since they have not considered God worth knowing, God has given them up to worthless ways of thinking; so that they do improper things. They are filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and vice; stuffed with jealousy, murder, quarrelling, dishonesty and ill-will; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God; they are insolent, arrogant and boastful; they plan evil schemes; they disobey their parents; they are brainless, faithless, heartless and ruthless. They know well enough Godā€™s righteous decree that people who do such things deserve to die; yet not only do they keep doing them, but they applaud others who do the same.ā€
ā€­ā€­Romans (Rom)ā€¬ ā€­1ā€¬:ā€­18ā€¬-ā€­32ā€¬ ā€­CJBā€¬ā€¬

Fortify us with the faith of Abraham, ā€œFor even though he was past hope he trusted that he would indeed become the father to many nations, in keeping with what he had been told.ā€ Rom 4:18. As our nation is sacrificed on the altars of cults without our consent we join the heroā€™s of our faith who trusted GOD AS ONE WHO GIVES LIFE to the dead and call the nonexistent into existence. Abrahamā€™s trust did not waiverā€¦ He received the promise based on trusting so that it may come as (Your) Godā€™s free gift, a promise that is relied on by all the seed, not only those who live within the frame work of the law, but those with the kind of trust Abraham had. By trust he was given power as he gave glory to (YOU)God Rom 4.
We Put our hope in the Lord, He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let Your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in You alone. Ps 33:20-22In Jesus name. Amen

Thomas P. Carter
July 27, 2024

Cynthia….. Thank you for sharing your heart, experience and God-sent wisdom, Sis. I couldn’t agree with you more. Principles/Policies vs. Personalities/Character. We all need to be praying fervently for our leaders & for God to send Revival & Spiritual Awakening to America. Our Lord is our Only Hope for needed healing of our land. …..brother Thom šŸ™ (1 Tim. 2, 2 Chron. 7:14)

    July 27, 2024

    Well wouldn’t it be great if good wins over evil? It’s quite simple really, we are in a spiritual battle between good and evil. Vote for Good and that’ll be great!

Lynn Lombard
July 27, 2024

The article was truly enlightening! America must be good before she can be great again. May God arise!

Carolyn Hill
July 27, 2024

Yes! You’re right. As I listened to a political rally for ‘our’ side this week, I thought, “This is nothing but rhetoric.” Then I realized we’re just not good. The speaker and all of us. Make us good again, Lord.

William Demlow
July 27, 2024

Well said, Cynthia. May we never lose sight of the “forest” for the trees. We are, first and foremost, citizens of God’s kingdom. We submit to His authority and desire to follow Him as His Spirit leads. I join in your prayer: Make America good again. Amen!

Linda Rice
July 27, 2024

Comments from Rees Howells in the chapter on Battle of Britain:

“The only thing I am afraid of is that I should miss God’s will. Many people are afraid of consequences. I must be clear on this point, for God says, ‘If it is the consequences you are afraid of, don’t come to Me for protection.’ There is a great difference between a selfish fear of consequences and wanting God’s protection because you have a work to carry out for Him. Have you really got victory?”

Are we praying for a Trump victory to protect our lifestyle or to guard global peace so that gospel doors remain open? How do we purify our politics when the Church remains so self centered? Putting the cart before the horse is a fruitless strategy.

Tanya Williams
July 27, 2024

Thank you for sharing your experiences and your thoughts on where we are today. I agree with much of what was written. However, I disagree with your emphasis on the Republican party platform and MAGA. The truth is the body of Christ has ceded ground of the culture in America to the enemy, over decades. It will take time, intention and effort to change that. We do not live by the dictates of a party platform. Its not an oath we are required to swear fidelity to. We live by the Word of God. Finally. MAGA is an economic mantra created by a businessman. If the red hat triggers offense in you, that is a heart issue that should be taken to the Lord.

    Susie Schneider
    July 27, 2024

    I donā€™t feel that Ms Dunbarā€™s comments reflected offense. Sounded like Wisdom to me

Kathleen Higney
July 27, 2024

This is excellent! Thank you so much.

July 27, 2024

Thank You Cynthia for your thoughtful and timely missive. What is going on is so way above politics, as our Nation is in a Spiritual Battle for its very soul. The citizens of this Nation need to go to the highest possible place with our cry; bypassing the politicians and come together in asking the LORD for HIS ALMIGHTY help to get out of this mess that “We the People” have placed ourselves. The only true way to do that is through PRAYER; asking for help from the ONE who stated that HE is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE!! I know HE is guiding us now, but if we just come together as a people to leverage our PRAYERS, I believe HE will deliver us into something greater than we have seen in our lifetimes using the time, talents, or treasures of HIS people that HE has given each one of us for HIS GLORY. We just need to come together in PRAYER and ask HIM. If we join together in those PRAYERS, I believe HE will show us before we vote who HE wants for HIS reasons and purposes to lead us. I TRUST in HIS ALMIGHTY guidance. It is through one dramatic event and the after effects that HE has shown me who some of those folks already are!! What incredible perfect leadership, when you really go ALL THE WAY to the TOP in PRAYER, and ask for HELP!!

Robert Turek
July 27, 2024

I was impressed to see this article on ifa, I found it refreshing and very well done by Cynthia. This really brought to light for me the fact there truly are good Christians that occasionally run for political office that are going to give voters a candidate with a Biblical perspective as a better option. I may be printing copies to my Christian brothers and sisters when they are becoming overwhelmed as this Presidental cycle of campaigning heats uo. Thank you again ifa for what I consider a great article on political activism and a great time to release it. Bob T

Virginia Drastata
July 27, 2024

Cynthia, thank you for a powerful writting. I agree with you, “Look to the hills from where comes our help” We must learn to love and stand strong on our faith for it is God who will give us what we need, may we seek His face and not His hand and strive to walk it out . God id our refuge and our strength in all kinds of troubles. ” Thank you so very much for this article. To God be the glory and honor. Lord bless you as you do the work you are called to do. and I shall do same.

Amethyst Johnson
July 27, 2024

For someone like me who’s parents were completely non-political. I would like you to write more about step by step actions that can be taken to be involved in a meaningful way to be salt and light in the political realm.

Sharon Patterson
July 27, 2024

Thank you for expressing the heart of the matter with piercing truth. I agree we must follow through the way Jesus has taught us to fight in the spirit against the intense strategies of the true enemy.

Brooke Powell
July 27, 2024

I wholeheartedly agree with Cynthia’s sentiments and views.. This was well written. It would be nice to have a little more practical steps. I have been contemplating how exactly to respond. Leaving the Republican party has definitely been an option. I would do it after the election, but it does make me want to separate myself from them. We have definitely lost our way and the original intent our founding fathers had. If I don’t leave the party, then what are my options to fight back? It’s sad we have to fight our own party. So having some practical ideas would be helpful.

Chris Eller
July 27, 2024

Excellent reminder that we must stand on principles first and put our trust in God. I want to share this will all my friends, both liberal and conservative.

Tony Perone
July 27, 2024

Yes! As DeTouqville declared early in American history, ā€œAmerica is great because America is good.ā€ He came to the view not by listening to political speeches, but by visiting churches and hearing fiery, Spirit-led pastors preaching Godā€™s Word. God is goodā€”all good, and He is our All in All. Believers can pray a MAGA move of Godā€”Make America Good Again.

Sharon Guyer
July 27, 2024

Thank you for reminding us not only of our responsibility as Christians, but also of the importance of godly principles and that Jesus is Lord over all !

Albert Smith
July 27, 2024

This weeks update got me re-evaluating.things.. Can’t think.of anything wrong with MAGA as a political slogan. Also think most American Christians are probably praying MAHA which is make America humble again. I’ll let the theologians kick that around and stop right here.

Emily Lynch.
July 27, 2024

We must trust in our Heavenly Father alone. We must have supernatural intervention. We fight for our nation but much more importantly we fight for the Kingdom that cannot be shaken.

July 27, 2024

I agree with this article. I tried to warn my friends not to make Trump a god to be worshipped. Heā€™s a man and is under Godā€™s guidance when he serves. You cannot put your trust in an earthly ruler. The Israelites and everyone sine them has chosen to make gods of everything in violation of the first commandment. We must remember that this is Godā€™s world and he is in charge. Pray that he will grant our petitions for a man who will serve Him and us as He intends but do not try to make man your God.

Brian Lynch
July 27, 2024

This is an excellent article, Cynthia. It so clearly indicates that we need to turn back to Jesus in this nation. I pray for the spiritual climate in this nation, as this is what is the crux of the issue. As Christians, we have a solemn responsibility to take authority over ALL of the evil spirits that are influencing and taking people hostage in our society. This is the main issue in America today. When something is happening in the natural, you can bet that something much bigger is going on in the supernatural . Right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, I take authority over the demons who have perpetrated evil, ungodly influence in our society. I drop the sword of the Spirit upon the head of Leviathan, ungodly evil spirits, deception, and apostasy. Thank You Jesus. Satan, you are a loser and a liar! Go back to hell where you belong!

Nuella Luther
July 27, 2024

LORD, Thank You for leaders that are dedicated to YOU. Judges, Congressmen, and Governors. Please give them wisdom and discernment to overcome the evil that has penetrated all levels of authority in this nation.

I am ashamed of how Bibi Netanyahu was treated, Give him courage and strength as You did Joshua, his battle is too great!

May TRUTH reign over our nation. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I pray AMEN

July 27, 2024

I agree and will pray as such. What a excellent perspective.

Gregory Miller
July 27, 2024

Let God arise and the spiritual enemies be scattered. Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father .

July 27, 2024

She is right

July 27, 2024

Striking the biblical definition of marriage Disenfranchises God from our platform. ā€œWhat is revealed is Godā€™s anger from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who in their wickedness keep suppressing the truth; because what is known about God is plain to them, since God has made it plain to them. For ever since the creation of the universe his invisible qualities ā€” both his eternal power and his divine nature ā€” have been clearly seen, because they can be understood from what he has made. Therefore, they have no excuse; because, although they know who God is, they do not glorify him as God or thank him. On the contrary, they have become futile in their thinking; and their undiscerning hearts have become darkened. Claiming to be wise, they have become fools! In fact, they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for mere images, like a mortal human being, or like birds, animals or reptiles! This is why God has given them up to the vileness of their heartsā€™ lusts, to the shameful misuse of each otherā€™s bodies. They have exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, by worshipping and serving created things, rather than the Creator ā€” praised be he for ever. Amen. This is why God has given them up to degrading passions; so that their women exchange natural sexual relations for unnatural; and likewise the men, giving up natural relations with the opposite sex, burn with passion for one another, men committing shameful acts with other men and receiving in their own persons the penalty appropriate to their perversion. In other words, since they have not considered God worth knowing, God has given them up to worthless ways of thinking; so that they do improper things. They are filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and vice; stuffed with jealousy, murder, quarrelling, dishonesty and ill-will; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God; they are insolent, arrogant and boastful; they plan evil schemes; they disobey their parents; they are brainless, faithless, heartless and ruthless. They know well enough Godā€™s righteous decree that people who do such things deserve to die; yet not only do they keep doing them, but they applaud others who do the same.ā€
ā€­ā€­Romans (Rom)ā€¬ ā€­1ā€¬:ā€­18ā€¬-ā€­32ā€¬ ā€­CJBā€¬ā€¬
We cannot win a moral battle with compromise. Compromise is what edged us into this postmodern Marxist era like a frog in warm water. Without someone holding the line society continues down the path of self destruction becoming more and more desensitized by the depravity. Compromise leads to more compromise as society accepts more degradation to a point that the basic fabric of society which is the family unit where marriage is no longer defined between a man and a woman. Any union other than the union God has defined for mankind is aberrant and sterile for the purpose of fulfilling Gods first commandment and therefore unfit for procreation. In this case, we can no longer fulfill Godā€™s first command to go forth and multiply. We have set ourselves up to be a people without a future, having no platform to sets forth the biblical definition of marriage. Never in our nations history have we completely abandoned Gods design for marriage. How can God honor us unless we first honor Him?

Sharon Van Dellen
July 27, 2024

Profound words of wisdom with much experience.
I am in total agreement.

Susan Kirsch
July 27, 2024

In this election year we are not voting for a perfect man but one I believe chosen by God. Trump cannot save our country only our repentance which brings about a revival will. We must pray for his safety, for this election cycle around our country, and for eyes to be open to the deception. Most importantly we must pray for the church to wake up out of complacency. Jesus did not tell us to be church goers and have a nice life but to heal the sick, preach the gospel and make disciples. It is more and more apparent we are fighting for the spiritual life of our country and our posterity. Letā€™s not lose our focus because of a platform.

judy hansen
July 27, 2024

I wonder if we could make some signs – MAKE AMERICA GOOD AGAIN -Ben Carson mentioned in his speech about how our nation was good that ‘s why it is great. I PRAY WE GET BACK TO THAT.

Kathy Bahrke
July 27, 2024

Thank you. I agree with you. I continue to pray for all those in authority, those wanting to be in authority and for our country.

Debra L Shipp
July 27, 2024

My MAGA shirt reads, “Make America Godly Again” which is my prayer as well.

    July 27, 2024

    My prayer for our nation is MAKE AMERICA HOLY AGAIN. Then it will be prosperous safe great successful and blessed with the favor of God.

Eleanor Haggard
July 27, 2024

Thank you for taking the time to explain your background and prospective. I could not agree more. The goal is to win God’s approval in everything we do so that one day we will hear His “Well Done.” Your suggestion to change MAGA to “Make America Good Again” is excellent. Only God is able to do that. Yet He is pleased to use each one of His children who know Him to accomplish it. We can know Him. In fact, we can know God better all the time. We will understand His ways and those principles if every day we ask God to help us understand as we read and seek to obey the Word of God, the Bible. If we are struggling to do what He asks of us, we can pray for His forgiveness and also ask for His help to want to and also to do or have the power to walk in His ways. He is so merciful and forgiving when our heart is loyal to Him i.e., will\ing to turn from our evil and pursue His ways.

May God bless you! And may God give many more Americans a heart to love Him. Then as a nation we can be good again.

Judy Brooks
July 27, 2024

So well put . Thank you, Ms. Dunbar for putting my thoughts into words. He (Jesus) has to come first. In the end nothing else will matter.

July 27, 2024

I thank God Most High for His Divine Wisdom, Understanding and Insight given to this intercessor who has shared this with us.. This article is in alignment with Proverb 2 and I pray we will “hear” what the Spirit is revealing.

I pray we will repent for any sinful attitudes, etc. and truly focus on The One True Messiah of the world who can save a nation in a day. Our relationship of love and obedience to The One True Living God is our most valuable relationship there is.

I pray we will indeed consider the candidate’s principles and policies more than their personality and party.

Steve Gordon
July 27, 2024

Well said, Sister Cynthia! “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” (Pr. 25:11) Your testimony brings up so many great memories for me. I went to work for CBN in 1982 as a computer-programmer when I was 22, newly saved and newly Spirit-filled. What an amazing time to be working at the largest ministry in the world at that time. I called it “The Glory Days of CBN”. I soon had close friends who were students at Regent Univ. (CBNU back then) and was personally mentored by Jose Gonzalez, who was the first Hispanic graduate of the university and who went on to teach public policy there. I got involved with the Freedom Council PAC and was on the prayer team for Pat Robertson’s presidential campaign (’85-’86). I have seen the same forces at work, the same tensions between being church-minded vs. Kingdom-minded, etc. Your analysis of our current situation is spot on. I pray that many IFA readers take your message to heart and focus on the real source of answers for the USA — The Throne of God! Intercessory prayer is where the real action is, so to speak. Pastor Larry Lea once said, “If an intercessor was to get elected president of the USA, it would be a demotion.” And that we will “pray in” many more godly, Kingdom-minded leaders to run our government the way the Lord and our founding fathers originally intended. “The battle belongs to the LORD.”

Darlene Tracy
July 27, 2024

Amen & Amen!
Then His people recalled the days of old, the days of Moses and His people- where is He who brought them through the sea, with the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who set His Holy Spirit among them, who sent His glorious arm of power to be at Moses right hand, who divided the waters before them, to gain for Himself everlasting renown, who led them through the depths? Like a horse in open country , they did not stumble; like cattle that go down to the plain, they were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord. This is how you guided your people to make for Yourself a glorious name
Some trust in chariots , some trust in horses , but we trust in the name of the Lord!
When we humble ourselves , pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways – then He will hear from heaven , forgive our sin and heal our land

July 27, 2024


July 27, 2024


July 27, 2024

Almighty God have mercy on the USA. Help our nation to humble itself and pray, turn from its wicked ways. Help our churches to preach courageously the uncompromising word of God. Help us win this spiritual warfare. Jesus is the answer to our nationā€™s woes. Revive us, O Lord!

July 27, 2024

I could not agree more. About 3 years ago the Lord gave me a design for a yard sign that reads, ” Jesus is King, He makes America Great”.
He impressed upon me to get it printed. I did. I passed them out to those who would place them in their yards. I even sent IFA a picture of me holding the sign.
We need Jesus. Only He can save the lost in America. America is great because it was reverence for Jesus and His ways that got us here. However, when our laws are changed from godly to ungodly laws, His hand of protection is removed . The vacuum is then filled with evil .
The only way to effectively get out of this mess is to humble ourselves & repent . Praying for His mercy and grace and a national move of Holy Spirit to wash over us and bring us back from the evil place we have landed as a nation.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Pamela Derrer
July 27, 2024

I agree!! For years, years,years, our government, people have been deceiving, lying to the people of the US. We have allowed people to use money as a way to control the US.
Money is their god.
But I believe God’s children have been crying out day and night, night and day for Jesus to rule in America, also in the world. I believe that Jesus is moving now, actually He never stopped because His desire is for everyone to know Him as Lord and Savior.
But Jesus had trails and tribulations on earth and we will, too. Our people need to repent and turn from. Their wicked ways. We are praying for our nation, we are a nation created by God, under God’s authority. May Jesus move quickly, Holy Spirit, move quickly, in the US, to do , obey, God’s will, to give God all the glory and honor, and praise. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

Michael Bethel
July 27, 2024

Any area of life that a Christian abandons involvement becomes new territory of the enemy.
I remember when I was around 12 years of age (many decades ago) having an elderly woman in church tell me that good “Christians don’t get involved in politics.” I’ve come to understand that this statement came from the enemy camp (not that she was necessarily of that but had fallen for that lie.)
Other areas that have been abandoned by Christians that have had enormous impact are science and education. As the scientific community was taken over by men who declared there is no God and created their own god of evolution from billions of years of accidents (which science has actually unequivocally shown to be false yet they still deny it) it is taught as truth in our schools.
Now our children don’t know where they came from or who they are so it is much more difficult for them to find their way home and they remain lost and vulnerable to even more lies having not been taught the Truth.

JoAnn Davis
July 27, 2024

I totally agree with all you have said here in this article. No one person can make America great again only God can do that and president Trump has voiced those words more than once!! Thank you and God Bless you.

Richard Jude Spurlin
July 27, 2024

Beware of false prophets and their empty words. Ronald Reagan was not the patriot that people believe; Ronald Reagan was a globalist and NAFTA was his pet project which he spoke to during a November 13, 1979 national broadcast announcing his presidential run for president in 1980. (https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/ronald-reagan-announcement-presidential-candidacy). Ronald Reagan was not the patriot that people believe and he did not hasten the collapse of the Soviet Union because it was imploding under its own weight and could not even provide basic necessities for its subjects which Reagan leveraged for corporate welfare to his cronies in the military industrial complex. Ronald Reagan was not the fiscal conservative people believe and he more than doubled the national debt, from $900 billion when entered office to more than $2 Trillion when he left, with corporate welfare to his cronies in the military industrial complex and tax breaks for the wealthy. Ronald Reagan was not the patriot that people believe and he funded and trained Al-Qaida while grossly misleading the public by falsely calling the “mujahadeen” (literally “holy warriors”) “freedom fighters”. Ronald Reagan was not the social conservative people believe and he signed into law the first no fault divorce while he was the Democratic governor of California. Beware of false prophets and their empty words.

    Pamela Derrer
    July 27, 2024

    I agree! Thank you for revealing the truth about
    R.R. May Jesus move quickly in the US and may we become, one a nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and justice for all

July 27, 2024

Amen! You& you alone Lord God Almighty!šŸ™šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ™āœļøšŸ™

Virginia Roberson
July 27, 2024

Thank you, Cynthia, for this Spirit-filled exhortation! Help us, Holy Spirit, to engage the mind of Christ that is in us. Oh God that You would rend the heavens and come down. We must do Your will Your way! Truly, America canā€™t be great again until America is good. And that cannot be without revival, spiritual awakening, and repentance. God help Your Church.

Sheila Barber
July 27, 2024

Wow this is a good kick in the rear America needs to hear and do a checkup from the heart up! We have lost our way. People are so fed up with the nastiness, character assassination, billion dollar industry called politics, I feel like throwing up every time I hear ā€œdestroying Democracyā€. Ignorance abounds because the church left education to government. Left teaching morals and principle to gov too. These days, tickling ears on Sunday morning instead of stomping on our toes, is ā€œworshipingā€. ā€œLetā€™s not offendā€ is the phrase more often heeded than ā€œThy Will be Doneā€. I could go on and on. We are in trouble. Man cannot save America. We need a Divine Intervention for her.

Grace Morris
July 27, 2024

Psalms 125 verse three. The sector of the wicket will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous so that the righteous will not apply their hands to injustice. The whole chapter is good. And thank you.

Peter Watson
July 27, 2024

Probably the best coherent analysis of the War in which we find ourselves. If anyone thinks Trump and the Republicans are the answer, they have asked the wrong question. America must repent and that through prayer and fasting of the Bride of Christ. The Enemy knows how to fight. We appear to have forgotten both how and why we are to.

Jeff mongrain
July 27, 2024

I agree with you on all points. We must focus our attention on Jesus to get us through this time.

Marcela Schott
July 27, 2024

That is so well said!! Thank you for speaking the truth with boldness. We must re-focus and re-align ourselves with God so America can be saved! Excellent article

July 27, 2024

I agree. Whatever the party was a few years ago it is not the same. Is it time for them to make changes?

Laurie Young
July 27, 2024

Heavenly Father,
We ask that You would make America Godly again. šŸ™šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ™šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ™

July 27, 2024

Jesus I love you. I trust you and know that your will for us is always GOOD. I pray your will over my life and over our entire Nation. I pray that every Christian who claims to be your follower will vote and will vote with your commandments, laws and precepts in their hearts and on their minds. Please help us get people that you know may follow your will into positions of authority. Ones that you can use as you work things for our good. Help us rid our land of those who exalt themselves above you. Help us fight against the spiritual demons invading our nation and let us all be still and KNOW that you alone are GOD. To you be ALL Honor, Glory, Power and PRAISE. You alone are so worthy to be praised. I adore you and look forward to your soon return when I can walk, fellowship and pray with you in the Garden of Gethsemane. I love you with all my Heart, soul, spirit and mind. Amen

Mildred Hall
July 27, 2024

Good prayer challenge for repentance and revival to start in the heart and then it will spread.

Butch Grusing
July 27, 2024

I wish I could go back to the day when I voted for a certain candidate regardless of their party. However when the candidates vote 100% with their party, I must vote for the party which shares the most of my Christian values. Settling for 80% of the right thing for me is better than 100% of the wrong.

Audrey Barnett
July 27, 2024

This is very true and necessary wisdom that every Christian needs to not only hear, but to understand-put into practice-and teach others!! I support every word and pray that this kind of change will clone about hastily!!

July 27, 2024

You are exactly right. When Godā€™s truth is transcended for power, we have entered into the place of being conformed to the world instead of transformed. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

ā€œif my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.ā€
ā€­ā€­2 Chroniclesā€¬ ā€­7ā€¬:ā€­14ā€¬ ā€­ESVā€¬ā€¬

July 27, 2024

Your Vote is your seed!
Have it posted IN HEAVEN!
We need to save America from the Marxist Socialist & Communist!
Pray Seek Ask Knock!
We The People, our DUTY is to vote for YeHoVaH’s value,
A Biblical Worldview of
Why are hunters, fishers, and Christians NOT REGISTERED AND VOTING?


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