I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask in unity for Your might hand to bring righteousness and justice to our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This morning at 2am (9th November) I was suddenly awakened and was somewhat overwhelmed by the presence of God. It was unusual to say the least and then thoughts began to race through my mind, and I knew that God was speaking to me. These were the following:

  1. I instinctively knew that the battle over the President and his administration was demonic! Yes, demonic, and that principalities and powers in dark places were seeking, with everything at their disposal, to overthrow Donald Trump.
  2. I also was aware that the Holy Spirit is calling upon the Church to work with God in prayer and intercession, now more than ever, in order to resist this assault by dark demonic powers. This call to prayer is more urgent than that which went out before the elections.
  3. I was shown the life of King Hezekiah who fell desperately ill and even the prophet Isaiah came to him and declared,ā€ Set your house in order, for you shall die and not liveā€ (Isaiah 38:1). Hezekiah was a good King and did what was best for Israel and his people and upon his urgent intercession, God relented performed an absolute miracle and gave him 15 more years (Isaiah 38:5). I felt that the Holy Spirit was clearly saying that, because of all that Donald Trump has done for Israel heaven is going to relent and a great miracle is about to happen confounding the proud and arrogant who have fought so hard over the years to remove him from power.
  4. I began to ā€œargueā€ with God as it were, like Abraham did of old concerning the destiny of Sodom, and intuitively held up before Him the fact that His character is such that He will and must bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her (Genesis 12:1-3). Donald Trump has done more for Israel than any other President in history; the God of Israel must and will respond if we pray. This is His invitation.

Upon driving to work, I phoned my son Daryl to tell him what had happened to me in the early hours of the morning. He was encouraged but didnā€™t say too much. When I got to my office at the Church, I asked the Lord to confirm this encounter by another revelation given to someone else of credible Christian character. I reckoned, if God really did speak to me then He wants me to say something and I needed confirmation.

In the course of the morning I suddenly received a message from Daryl that he had received a notification from Eric Metaxas whereby he endorses a revelation from a ā€œheroic leaderā€ serving in the Underground Church in China to the effect that:

ā€œRighteousness and justice will soon prevail in America.ā€
ā€œSatanā€™s hidden agenda to destroy America will soon be exposedā€ā€¦and that,
ā€œGod will swiftly change everything soon.ā€

Needless to say, this is exactly the message given to me in the early hours of the morning. I am passing it on to you as encouragement and fuel for urgent prayer.

(Excerpt from Malcom Hedding. Article by Admin. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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November 17, 2020

I pray God of Abraham do a mighty work for truth and discernment for America.

November 16, 2020

Father God, You know how many are praying and not just for our own country but for the whole world. We thank You for the prayers all around the world being said for our country and for the future of our nation and the world. LORD, we know You are in control. We repent of not persisting in prayer and for way too long tolerating the evil we saw around us, though it grieved many of us as it did Lot. We repent of apathy and for taking our eyes off of You. LORD, our sins have gone over our heads. Even now, brothers and sisters in Christ are giving up hope and turning from praying for Your help and intercession. LORD, we need and thank You for encouragement. Thank You for helping us to stand strong and see the deliverance of our GOD! Please encourage President Trump to stand strong and not give up. Thank You that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life and You will keep revealing truth! Please help us all to draw close to You, grow in Your grace and knowledge and continue to share Your Good News with everyone. Thank You LORD for Who You are and for what You will do. Amen.

Vicki Lang
November 15, 2020

I also believe that America is under attack by Satan and has been for quite awhile now. I have been praying for Donald Trump.

November 15, 2020

As I was on my way to Church this morning, my eyes rested on several trees that were bent and blowing in the wind. I then heard in my spirit the Holy Spirit say that that is what is going on now. The trees represent the earthly kingdoms that are all bent, crooked and out of shape because of the sins of man. The Church has allowed satan to take control of these kingdoms while we were napping, i.e., family, church, business, media, entertainment, education, and government in America. America was to be different and charged with taking the Gospel to the nations. All of these corrupted kingdoms were complicit in the great deception that we are witnessing and have been for some time. However the depth of the corruptions is now being revealed to the true Body of Christ who is warring to win these kingdoms back to their real purpose. We need to simply take back our authority in the Name of Jesus and decree and declare what is to come. Speak what God says, believe on what God says, and do what God says. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Together lets decree and declare the Word of God, not doubting but believing,

Mona Colwell
November 15, 2020

I received a vision from God on November 8th confirming the war raging with God and Satan, was comforted by God that words spoken the previous day – the path is narrow – and President Trumpā€™s actions to rest on the Sabbath – were signs to the world to know that God is in this battle for us.

November 15, 2020

When I saw the written confirmation from Eric Metaxas in this post from Malcom, my eyes did a double take as the scripture the Holy Spirit has continually been reminding me of over the last couple of months has been Psalm 89:14 which says Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne; Mercy and truth follow your face.

God’s Word is truth and He watches over His Word to perform it. As we continue to press into God in prayer and intercession in the manner of 2 Chronicles 7:14, I have also been declaring Psalm 89:14 and have continued to ask God to bring out of darkness into the light all wickedness in our nation and to judge it, so His righteousness, justice, truth and mercy would be restored and the people would know this was a supernatural move of God and His name might be glorified and the people would rejoice and turn back to Him. Glory be to God!

November 15, 2020

Towards late October I submitted numerous prayer petitions for this election in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina. I visited church websites and studied the counties throughout these states. It was an eye-opening experience. Some churches that called themselves Christian had rainbow flags and were “gay friendly”. Others did not mention being pro-life but just social justice focused. I rebuked them in Jesus Christ name and prayed for repentance and that they preach the Gospel instead of new teachings that satisfy itching ears.
At various points I thought Iā€™m so tired and really should stop. I start my days with prayer and always end with ā€œLord give me strength to do your willā€. The Lord gave me strength and the Holy Spirit sustained me in order to finish the task. The election is not over. The Holy Spirit has been guiding me to keep praying and to tell others to do so as well as the plans of the enemy are to destroy this nation and world. They want to shut down churches and will start persecuting the church and unveil a one world church that focuses on social justice and climate change as the most important issues facing ā€œChristiansā€, the wolf in Rome is key to that agenda. Other parts of the plan are equally horrifying re: economic, social, and changes to our law system. Now is the time to repent and be steadfast in faith and prayer!! Precious Blood of Jesus Christ wash over this nation and world. Merciful Lord thwart the plans of the Enemy. Holy Spirit strengthen and guide us. In Jesus name I pray.

    Laura Dominick
    November 15, 2020

    The two churches in my small town also have rainbow signs out front – it vexes my spirit every time I drive by them. Those pastors will face the Lord one day and will have to answer for that – He holds them to a higher standard because they are to be good shepherds. I pray their eyes are opened and that they repent. By refusing to call out homosexual acts as sin, they are not loving those who practice it – and they are calling God a liar. Everything God hates should be called out as sin so that we can repent and turn to God’s ways.

Dan Allison
November 15, 2020

I believe this. I pray that God will help us in this mess.

Guy Gibbs
November 14, 2020

I am disturbed with the first result of the 2020 election. I feel that God is ready to give Americans another chance to correct a serious problem. We have seen an effort to keep Donald Trump from a second term as President and to make changes in the Federal Government. Our Constitution was a result of Godā€™s influence on the first Congress and the fact that very few changes have been attempted makes me feel that we need to protect the great document that has produced the greatest country the world has ever known. I think the Democrats want to change that document to make America a communist nation that would give our government absolute control of individual lives. That would give a small number of people the ability to do run a country that is a tribute to the creative spirit God has given each of us as citizens to share with others in the country. We canā€™t allow the anti-American attitude to destroy Godā€™s creation.

November 14, 2020

Yes, “This call to prayer is more urgent than that which went out before the elections!”
The LORD wants to show his glory in how HE willunravel all evil schemes..turning everything on its head (Isaiah 29:16). But things will look bleak, beyond all human capability, totally impossible, so that only HE will get the credit…
Meditating on this, the LORD brought to mind this passage.

I Kings 18:33-40

33 ā€œFill four jars with water and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood.ā€ 34 And he said, ā€œDo it a second time.ā€ And they did it a second time. And he said, ā€œDo it a third time.ā€ And they did it a third time. 35 And the water ran around the altar and filled the trench also with water.
36 And at the time of the offering of the oblation, Elijah the prophet came near and said, ā€œO Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word. 37 Answer me, O Lord, answer me, that this people may know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back.ā€ 38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said,ā€œThe Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God!ā€ 40 And Elijah said to them,”Seize the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.” And they seized them. And Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon and slaughtered them there.’

Rich Riegel
November 14, 2020

we will keep praying with you lifting our President & his people & our nation before our Holy God

Gloria A Robles
November 14, 2020

I’m so thankful for God alerting the intercessors to call others to prayer. Thank you for sharing, I sense the urgency in this message.

Lori J
November 14, 2020

I have been in prayer for months in repentance for our nation. As a nation, we have “uninvited” God in the life of our nation, we have cheapened the value of preborn life. Perhaps most distressing of all, the Church has silently allowed this to happen. We deserve God’s judgement (leftist agenda), but I pray for His mercy (2nd term for President Trump). I continue in intercessory prayer because God has NOT told me to stop. This past week, I sensed He was telling me “Does your faith only stand when life goes your way? SHOW Me your faith. Keep praying!”

Scott Singletary
November 14, 2020

Thanks praise JESUS!

Help us JESUS!

November 14, 2020

May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him. As smoke is blown away by the wind, may you blow them away; as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God.

But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.

Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds — his name is the LORD– and rejoice before him. Psalm 68:3-5

    Pat Barnard
    November 14, 2020

    Hi Patricia,
    My name is Patricia also. I want you to know that Psalm 68 was the Psalm I opened to on Friday 11/13. I believe that God will Arise and scatter His enemies and the righteous will be glad and rejoice.

November 14, 2020

Our Father in Heaven
Let freedom and truth give us victory,
In the name of Jesus Christ

Ken Laurion
November 14, 2020

Keep praying. Keep praying. In her blog post titled, “Make America God Again” Jill Steele stated that God told her we are not to “wonder or worry – HOW…” God will fulfill His promise.


As I was praying this morning and reflecting on this prophetic message given her, God flooded my mind with two passages from scripture: the first was the account of Achan’s sin in Joshua chapter 7. The second was the account of Ananais & Sapphira in Acts chapter 5. The overwhelming similarity between these two accounts is that God exposed and dealt with the corruption without a single witness aside from Himself. Let us continue to pray over the events that are unfolding, but do not lose heart when people say, “the ballots are all intermingled; there’s no way to discover the fraudulent ones” or “it’s too late, things are taking their course” for God will do what God has declared He will do in a manner and time that brings glory upon Himself regardless of the evidence that man can see or reveal or the actions man takes to either hide or expose.

    November 14, 2020

    It will be like a miracle to us and GOD WILL GET ALL GLORY \o/HALLELUJAH\o/
    I was soooooooo low yesterday…I just could not seem to get prayed through.But today I feel His Victory!! The devil is trying to get us to turn but we will not break ranks…a brick in one hand to build with and a sword in the other to fight with…just like Lance Wallnau says. VICTORY IS IN THE HANDS OF THE BELIEVERS…HE IS BRINGING UP AND EXPOSING AMERICA’s STINKY PLACES TO BRING THE LIGHT OF HEALING…HE IS FINISHING WHAT HE STARTED…HE IS NOT LEAVING US HALF WAY THERE….THIS TIME IS TO STRENGTHEN OUR FAITH IN HIM AND IT IS BINDED US AND THERE WILL BE EYES OPENED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE. I keep seeing certain young zealots on the other side opening their eyes to truth and doing an about face. It will happen watch and see. God still does miracles!! All Glory To Him alone and we will be His people and we will be upgraded in faith and power…HIS GLORY IS GOING TO SHINE UPON US AND WE WILL BE FILLED WITH THE JOY OF THE LORD AS OTHERS’ HAVE THEIR EYES OPENED TO SEE TRUTH!! Amen BLESSTHEM WHO CAN’T SEE RIGHT NOW …THEY MIGHT BE THE VERY ONES WHO TURN TOWARDS GOD AND LIVE \o/ GREAT IS OUR GOD LIKE THAT!! HAā€¼ļø

November 14, 2020

When God had no one to stand in the gap, God Himself arose and clothed Himself in righteousness and did battle for righteousnessā€™ sake. I was so blessed to see Trump marches across our nation today. We are a group of believers in Godā€™s truth, righteousness, and justice. We stand with our God who is ready to do battle for us.

Isaiah 59:12
ā€œFor our offensesĀ are many in your sight, and our sins testifyĀ against us. Our offenses are ever with us,ā€ØĀ and we acknowledge our iniquities: rebellionĀ and treachery against theĀ Lord,Ā turning our backsĀ on our God,inciting revolt and oppression, uttering liesĀ our hearts have conceived. So justiceĀ is driven back, and righteousnessĀ stands at a distance; truthĀ has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. TruthĀ is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. TheĀ LordĀ looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm achieved salvationĀ for him, and his own righteousnessĀ sustained him. He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmetĀ of salvation on his head; he put on the garmentsĀ of vengeance and wrapped himself in zealĀ as in a cloak. According to what they have done, so will he repay wrath to his enemies and retribution to his foes; he will repay the islandsĀ their due.From the west,Ā people will fear the name of theĀ Lord, and from the rising of the sun,Ā they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breathĀ of theĀ LordĀ drives along. The RedeemerĀ will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,ā€ declares theĀ Lord. ā€œAs for me, this is my covenantĀ with them,ā€ says theĀ Lord. ā€œMy Spirit,Ā who is on you, will not depart from you,Ā and my words that I have put in your mouthĀ will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendantsā€”from this time on and forever,ā€ says theĀ Lord.

    November 14, 2020

    I continue to marvel at how relevant the Word of God is to this situation. Thank you for sharing this!

    The fourth verse of The Star-Spangled Banner says:

    Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
    And this be our motto – “In God is our trust,”
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Our cause is just. In God we trust. Our flag will wave for God’s glory.

November 14, 2020

I began asking the Lord to give me his perspective on what is happening and show me the truth of what is going on. Iā€™m so amazed at what God is telling me in my daily readings. This jumped out at me a couple of days ago right after that prayer. šŸ¤ÆāœļøšŸ™Œ Exodus 9:15-16

15Ā For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth. 16Ā But I have raised you up[a] for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Praise the Lord that He shares His plans with His children! God is working while we are waiting, Church! Revival and an outpouring of His Spirit is coming like never before in our lives.

Lois Taritas
November 14, 2020

ā€œFor our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.ā€. Ephesians 6:12.
Father we stand with our armor on and fight alongside of you oh Lord our God almighty!
Thankyou Father we are praying to Victory! I pray Psalm 91 protection over President Trump and Vice President Pence and administration. You are making the foundations and systems aligned for righteousness and truth! I pray the Senate House and Executive offices would align with your word truth and righteousness!

Rhonda Van der Dussen
November 14, 2020

Praise God! That is so encouraging! Yes, more committed than ever to believing prayer!!!

November 14, 2020

The Lord says to pray for that one person who is polat opposite to yourself. Bless them with a prayer you would pray for your most beloved. Ask Him (The Lord God) to be Father to that person you’d rather see take a fall and ask if Your Heavenly Father will rebuke the enemy holding them, heal them and set them completely free in Him. Let Daddy bring the discipline both to that one you think needs a smack down and to also discipline us. It is not easy but we as Christians are only Christians if we do what Our Lord tells us to do. He says…love and pray for your enemy…that one who always seems to push your buttons and make you want to clinch your fist and scream. I know I am not the only one who has that certain one who makes you want to bite a nail in two. Even if you are seeing things perfectly right and their way of thinking is really messed up…God says to pray for them and as you ask for Him to be Abba God…He knows how to get through where there seems to be no way through. He got through to Saul on the road to Damascus and he was seething on his way with nothing but death and destruction on his mind…but then JESUS AS A GREAT LIGHT INTERUPTED HIS JOURNEY AND HE WENT TO THEHOUSE OF JUDAS(that is interesting) then he EMERGED FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAS REDEEMED!! SAVED HEALED DELIVERED AND ON FIRE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD… PAUL REDEEMED FROM OUT OF THE HOUSE OF JUDAS (that is very intriguing) God says leave the disciplining to Him…PRAY FOR MERCY FOR IF IT WERE NOT FOR HIS GRACE WHERE WOULD YOU BE…ALSO PRAY FOR CLARITY AND CLEAR SOBER HEADS FOR ALL OF THE CHURCH…CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR GOD TO BLESS AMERICA AND BE THANKFUL THAT HE IS STILL WORKING…HE NEVER EVER STOPS WORKING THROUGH HIS CHURCH HE IS WORKING A GREAT WORK THROUGH YOU AS YOU SEEK HIM AND PRAY. AMEN Know you God that He is Good to the just and the unjust and always extends Mercy. There are those who are caught in the trap and don’t know how to escape. Pray for the laborers to go forth. Amen

November 14, 2020

Amen! May God expose light, truth, peace and unity onto our nation and may 2021 be the year our country brings the Lord back into our homes and hearts!!

November 14, 2020

Here I am Lord\o/ I will pray what You want me to pray. Father, just point my prayers through Your Word and I will pray until You tell me to pray another way or tell me to stop. I will have full confidence in You that that which You have begun You will also FINISH. I praise You Alone my Lord Jesus for You Alone Save me and wash me clean from all unrighteousness. Here I am Lord…I will trust in You lean on You BELIEVE AND LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART MIND AND SOUL \o/ Blessed be Your Name forever šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„J E S U SšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ”„

Mary Lawless
November 14, 2020

The Lord has been impressing on my heart about how President Trump has done so much to bless Isreal and God will honor that and bless America. America belongs to God. Our founding fathers, those that wrote the Mayflower Compact, made a covenant with God. We broke covenant with God, but we know God is a covenant keeping God.

Ben McDonald
November 14, 2020

I am standing on this word with you. I will as well ask God to confirm what was said.

God is good and in control.

November 14, 2020

LORD, thank You for using the Democratic Party’s alleged takeover as an instrument to unite Your people to pray, fast, mourn, travail for Your prophetic words to be fulfilled just like You did with Daniel in the 9th chapter.
Forgive us all our sins.
ROUT out all the hidden deeds of the demonic as You did using a HORNET to drive the enemies of Israel to defeat in Exodus 23:27-30, Joshua 24:11-12, and Deuteronomy 7:20-24.
Strengthen those in the front line in the courts and investigation as You did Joshua in Exodus 17 as Moses kept interceding to victory.
Bring sudden breakthroughs as You did for David in 1 Chronicles 14:10-11. Go before the Trump team in every state: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona and fight the battle in advance as in 1 Chronicles 14:14-15.
The Battle for Justice and Truth and Righteousness is Yours based on Your mercy.
Please give us mercy as You gave victory in Joshua 10:8-11, Joshua 23:8-11, Judges 4:6-7, 14-15, Judges 8:10-12, 1 Samuel &:10, 2 Samuel 10:18-19, 2 Samuel 22:15, 2 Chronicles 14:9-14, Psalm 18:14, and Hebrews 11:32-24. We declare Isaiah 40: 31, Passion Translation over all the intercessors and all the staff on the frontlines: “But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up.”
Uproot and rip out all the tentacles of deception embedded in the election process in America and replace it with Your Truth, Righteousness, Justice and Mercy.
We ask all this knowing You hear our prayers and answer them based on 1 John 5:14-15, NAS, “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.”
The Holy Spirit in Romans 8:26-27 and the Lord Jesus Christ of Hebrews 7:25 stand with us before Your Hebrews 4:16 Throne of Grace and Mercy and pray in agreement with all those around the world interceding for America at this time. Thank You for Your Ephesian 3:20 answer exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think in Jesus’ name. Amen. It is so.

    November 14, 2020

    Yes oh Lord You are making us stronger clearer and Your Light is burning brighter…we have all confidence in You Alone…who else has the Word of Life? The greater things coming from Your Body which stands in agreement with Your Word. We are not a defeated people for You call us More Than Conquerors…we do not have to be beaten down broken down walked on run over nearly destroyed to wake up…we can see the Glory and The Goodness of God and thank The Lord for the BURNT OFFERING OF JESUS WAS SUFFICIENT…AND WE NEED NOT ADD ANY MORE SUFFERING TO HIS SUFFERING FOR OUR SALVATION \o/HALLELUJAH\o/

    Shirley p.
    November 15, 2020

    Elizebeth, so profound! Bless you for giving this wonderful bouquet of scriptures to grab and hold firmly as the bride of our faithful Lord Jesus, our bridegroom!


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