I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 4 minutes

I recently received word from a prophetic intercessor, Madeline James, who had a dream about President Trump. Upon hearing her dream, the Lord reminded me of a dream I had several months ago that was similar in nature. In conferring, we felt led to release this call to prayer for the President as he makes alliances and deals with other nations of the world.Ā 

From Madeline James

Recently, I had a dream concerning President Trump and his relationships with other nations in trading. We need to pray for him to have the right counsel around him and use wisdom in these trade deals. In the beginning of the dream I found myself in a massive cargo ship gliding along the ocean. The colors of the boat that stood out were red, white, and blue. Suddenly, the ship hit some type of severe turbulence causing the ship to go all the way on its right side, then quickly rotated all the way over to its left side before it went back to being upright on the ocean. When the ship was turning from side to side, everything was being turned upside down and flying around, and I didnā€™t know if I would survive the turbulence.

The scene shifted and I was sitting with President Trump at a table watching T.V. The news was on reporting about the U.S. trading and shipping routes and the U.S. Navy. The news showed a route in red starting off at the northwestern part of Africa all the way through the Middle East. I began to tell Trump emphatically, ā€œWhy would they show this on the news? They are giving away our position to our enemies.ā€ Trump did not respond but stared intently at the T.V. as he was thinking about what his next move would be.

After having this dream, I woke up with a call to pray for President Trump and the United States concerning the Navy and sensitive trade deals. I believe the cargo ship represented the United States. The ship went through a severe patch of turbulence that caused everything in it to be shaken and turned upside down. The Lord is alerting his watchman to pray so this turbulence can be avoided or lessened. I sense this possible turbulence is connected to the trade deals Trump is conducting on a global level, more specifically to Muslim nations as the news depicted.

I felt led to reach out to Wanda Alger for further counsel and discovered that she had a similar dream several months ago concerning the need to pray for the President as he deals with other nations. In conferring, we believe Ezekiel 27 & 28 gives some insight to this prayer assignment for President Trump. In these two chapters the Lord chastises King Tyre for trading with nations He did not authorize. The wealth King Tyre gained through his trading caused pride to rise in his heart. We need to pray for President Trumpā€™s heart to be humble and tender before the Lord with wisdom to know which countries to connect and trade with.

When Madeline told me this, I shared a similar dream where I was taken into a board room where President Trump was speaking. There was a discussion about some major developments that were taking place. I saw him hold up a map that had circles all over it, indicating key areas that were being targeted and needed to be considered. The President wanted me to see this and was urging me to consider the ramifications of decisions being made. Because there were no specific details indicating a particular time or event, I understood this as a call to pray for him as he is processing ongoing intelligence as Commander in Chief over this nation.

I believe there is a correlation between these two dreams concerning the need to pray for President Trump as he makes decisions on a global level. The actions he is taking concerning other nations, especially his trade deals, will open or close doors in the spirit that will directly influence the United States. These are not just economic deals, but spiritual transactions with spiritual implications.Ā The trade deals and alliances he makes with other countries will either align us with other sheep nations or compromise us with goat nations.

All the nations will be gathered before him, and He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. (Matthew 25:32)

In both of these dreams, it was prophetic watchmen who were given access and invited to pray for the President concerning these alignments. He needs our prayers for divine wisdom and supernatural strategies in dealing with the nations of the world. He needs prophetic insight to see beyond the natural realm in order to rightly detect any hidden agendas and motives that are counter to Godā€™s purposes.Ā His God-given ability to make deals and accumulate wealth must come under the Lordship of Christ and righteous rule in order to secure Godā€™s blessing over our nation.Ā This is a critical issue that needs prayer as President Trump considers trade agreements and international alliances.

The tossing of the ship in Madelineā€™s dream also brings to mind the Scripture in James 1:6-8 that speaks of being tossed to and fro when one is double-minded. In Trumpā€™s dealings with other nations, we can pray that his faith in God is secure and free from any conflicting doubts or ambitions. In my dream he was not only open to our prayers, but earnestly desired them. His invitation gives heaven the legal access to govern through him with wisdom that carries the favor and blessing of the Lord. Even in his desire to make America great economically, let us pray that he has the eyes of an eagle, an ear towards the throne, and a heart that is fully submitted to heavenā€™s agenda.

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Tammy Saddler
April 4, 2020

Just Please consider this. When you Pres. Trump decreed Easter that America would get back to work=that was powerful! God loves bold decrees! He would have moved-I am certain. I knew when you spoke it ,something BIG would have happened! Do it again! Don’t Back Down now! Why did you? Stay BOLD-watch for unwise and ungodly counsel pressuring you. You may have a rat in the house again. Dr. Fauci-could be receiving benefits on the side? Be wise! Do not become another political puppet-you are the best President. You have authority-don’t cave! Pray for wisdom and that God will remove any ungodly counsel from your presence. I pray for you at 8 p.m. nightly.

Mrs D
November 15, 2019

I thank You that You have opened and expanded U.S. trade throughout the world. May we recognize that the greatest ā€œcommodityā€ we have provided is our Christian heritage. Thank You for the missionaries, Christian teachers, evangelists, prophets and others who have been inspired, empowered and sent by You to bring a message of hope and redemption to the lost. Father, I thank You that when our trade has become unbalanced with ā€œproductsā€ that are of a defiling nature, You churn the waters and increase the wind until the right cargo and balance are attained. Father, we confess, ask and receive Your forgiveness for trading items and ideas which exploit and/or corrupt others and we choose to deny access here to other countries’ items and ideas that would exploit and/or corrupt us. For our leadership at all levels, we call forth the wisdom, insight, discernment and strategies they need to ensure that we are not unequally yoked with others whose motives are nefarious and/or perfidious. And, in our own personal ā€œtrades,ā€ may we deal with others honorably, uprightly, honestly and give of our best output. We thank You also for patience so that trade negotiations occur at the pace and with the content and objectives which You quicken within the hearts of the people involved at all levels. We call forth those negotiators who love You, whose minds have been renewed, who listen to and obey Your directives with an eye to expanding Your Kingdom. May Your glory continue to increase as You bring restoration and renewal to all as Your people demonstrate the reality of being created in and walking in the authority of Your Spirit and image. We worship You, most High GOD. In JESUS’ Name we pray. Amen.

Karen Secrest
November 15, 2019

When there is a serious financial glitch looming, the Lord leads me to Isaiah 23 as my indicator to intercede for this country.
The financial markets have been unstable for several months even though you don’t realize it because of the visible activity like the building boom.

The Lord desires eternal vigilance as we draw closer to Him for Wisdom.

Sally ray
November 15, 2019

I am praying. Praying too that God will awaken all the Body of Christ to pray for our country who is on the greatest attack of the enemy She has ever been under and I am 79.

    Debby O
    November 15, 2019

    I agree Sally. The attack is vicious and prayer warriors must come together and humble ourselves before the throne of God. He has called us for such a time as this.

Christa Ferreira
November 14, 2019

World renowned prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj prophesied almost 20 years ago in a conference held by Sister Gwen Shaw, Endtime Handmaidens and Servants, that he saw a dark cloud coming out of Saudi Arabia and moving towards Europe. He called the Church to pray intensely, because otherwise, all of Europe would fall to Islam! At that time, there were no signs at the horizon of war in Syria, severe conflicts in Lybia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran. But this prophecy shows that Saudi Arabia planned and orchestrated all this for Europe to open up the borders to receive Muslim refugees. Among those, lots of terrorists came, and millions of economic migrants, all Muslims, who weren’t refugees at all. Neither Saudi Arabia nor any other Muslim country received them. On the contrary! Saudi Arabia threw Muslim refugees into jail! They never gave a penny to help rescue or sustain these people who were their brothers in faith. The only thing they have been giving money for, is the construction of mosques in Europe. The single intention of all this was from the beginning, to take over all of Europe for Islam! The Saudi strategy for the US was the launching of Obama, a Muslim, to become President, although he was not born in the US. He was born in Kenya, as he himself admitted (only at the end of his second mandate. The fake birth certificate he had presented as having been born in Hawai, had been manufactured by Photoshop), but the mainstream media never commented this, nor any actions were taken to impeach Obama, despite of the fact that he became President illegally, and any document signed by him, had to be annulled.
I know as a fact that Islam is very closely connected to the occult, and that high satanism is practiced by the country’s leaders in rooms below the Kaaba, the supposedly holy stone in Mecca, thousands of Muslims go to every year and walk around repeatedly.
President Trump made a very dangerous deal with Saudi Arabia, to sell them high calibre weapons, because they say that Iran is their enemy. This is a purely religious conflict between different branches of Islam. But Saudi Arabia supports the terrorist group Hamas whose leaders meet with the Saudi political leaders and participate in these satanic rituals! So where does the American war machinery go to when sold to Saudi Arabia? We definitely need to pray for widom for President Trump in trade deals, with any of the Muslims countries. Islam only obliges Muslims to be honest and keep promises, treaties, deals, contracts made with other Muslims. Islam permits and even encourages deception and lying to non-Muslims, they call ‘infidels’. Intercessors, please look up the following site which exposes the subject of deception and lying in Islam and cites the scriptures in the Quran: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/taqiyya.aspx
Turkish President Erdogan, after having succeeded in the withdrawal of American troops from Syria and the lifting of the US sanctions against Turkey, broke the cease-fire agreement, and ordered the Turkish airforce to bombard a Christian town and surroundings in Syria where Christians live. The breaking of commitments made to ‘infidels’ is perfectly acceptable in Islam. President Trump needs to know this and other Islamic doctrines pertinent to politics and trade deals. So please pray that an expert on Islam, preferably an ex-Muslim who holds a university degree in Islamic Studies, but then converted to Christianity, instruct the President on these matters! Remember that the Palestinians didn’t keep any of the promises made in the Oslo Treaty, while Israel kept all, not receiving anything in return!

November 14, 2019

I travel to London a lot and have heard about the UK’s problem concerning the WTO’s court ruling in favor of the United States. The UK distilleries will be punished by fines that the EU itself should be responsible for. I’m not a whiskey drinker but while watching Parliament talk about the damage that will result to whole towns,in one case, 1,400 people in 1 small town, will lose their livelihoods when the tariffs go into effect. President Trump is having to deal with such intricate issues as this and only wisdom from God will guide him so that his decision will not turn friend (UK) into a foe. I pray for the Lord to intercede in this matter in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Rhonda Adcock
November 14, 2019

I am an intercessor! God told me 3 years ago that I am a watchman. I read and study on ā€œwatchmanā€ as much as I can. I have to share with ones that will listen because I have not known who to share with before.
I was awakened a few years ago in a startle. I listened & heard no dogs barking, so I knew there wasnā€™t an intruder. As clear as a bell, I heard God say, ā€œTheyā€™ll get you in the silicone.ā€ I sat there overwhelmed, then finally I laid back down. That morning, I wrote it in my prayer journal. It wasnā€™t silicon, it was silicone. I do not have implants or such. I do not work in technology. Still, I was told very clearly. If anyone reading this is prophetic, please put it with your gift. Who was that for? Our country? I believe God is telling others.

Patty Roberts
November 14, 2019

I was amazed by the greatness of our God to alert intercession for our President. Father God, I stand in agreement & prayer with brothers and sisters who are seeking wisdom for President Trump , but also grace to receive heavenā€™s plan & purpose for our nation. Continue to guide us Holy Spirt in uncharted waters. Amen

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