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Father, we pray that You would stop the CCP and any of its affiliates from purchasing our land and spying on or interfering with us. Empower our leaders to take action, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Considering our tense relationship with the CCP, we absolutely cannot let them purchase land, especially not near a military base.

From Fox News. Fifty-one Republican lawmakers are sending a letter to three of President Biden’s Cabinet secretaries warning that national security is threatened by a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked company’s efforts to buy farmland near an Air Force base in North Dakota.

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Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., led the letter with 50 of his colleagues to Secretaries Lloyd Austin, Janet Yelle, and Tom Vilsack about the land acquisitions near North Dakota’s Grand Forks Air Force Base by Chinese manufacturer the Fufeng Group. …

“According to the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, the Grand Forks Air Force Base has exceptional intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, making the recently purchased land the ideal location to closely monitor and intercept military activity,” the lawmakers wrote.

“The presence of a CCP-affiliated corporation near a military installation potentially undermines the integrity of our high-capability military bases, jeopardizing our strategic interests,” they warned.

Gimenez and his Republican colleagues warned that the CCP-linked firm “will have potential advantageous opportunities to perpetrate espionage, including actions and activities carried out under commercial cover or auspices.”

Heritage Action vice president Garrett Bess told Fox News Digital the “threat from the Chinese Communist Party is the most critical and consequential international threat that the U.S. faces, and CCP acquisition of land, particularly near U.S. military installations, is an immediate risk to America’s national security.”

“Eliminating this risk requires an aggressive plan to prevent and punish malicious land use that threatens U.S. interests,” Bess said. “We applaud Representative Gimenez for asking the Biden administration tough questions and pushing them to adopt a more aggressive posture against the CCP.”

The Republicans also said they “are concerned about the precedent this land purchase will set and its ability to serve as the model for our adversaries to encroach on American security, particularly through purchases of farmland in our congressional districts housing several military installations,” such as Homestead Air Reserve Base (HARB) in Gimenez’s Sunshine State district.

“At a time when the United States is engaged in great power competition with China, we must utilize every tool at our disposal to protect and defend the integrity of our military and national security, maintain military dominance, and maximize our global military readiness,” the letter reads. …

Gimenez and his colleagues called on the department heads to “take effective action in addressing the potential national security risks that appear to arise” from the acquisition. …

The CCP-linked farmland acquisition is far from the first land buy by the Chinese government and the purchases have been heavily scrutinized for the national security risks presented as they have been approved under both the Biden and Trump administrations. …

What do you think of this farmland acquisition? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Federico Respini on Unspalsh)

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October 26, 2022

I don’t know but doesn’t selling land to our enemies considered treason? We can’t have just anyone in this country making land purchasing deals with China.

October 5, 2022

There’s too much behind this that we aren’t seeing, nor do we know. Why would they allow China to buy land especially near our military base if the evil going on in Washington already has another agenda. How stupid can some of our leaders be. We must bind our faith and prayers together to ask our heavenly Father to intervene in this situation. America can be saved from itself with enough prayers going up for this nation. China cannot be trusted. They hate our nation and what it stands for; especially our freedom. That is my hope that our Lord will intervene for the praying church.

October 3, 2022

I think it is a calculated move by the CCP to gain usage and eventually control of our Military forces via espionage and intervention of our Military maneuvers at a time great tension between USA and China! The US should put a halt to it immediately! China already owns far too much of our land, Companies, and Hotels, Hospitals etc.!

October 3, 2022

Sounds to me like they aren’t protecting and defending anything by letting the CCP move right into our country. It’s all talk, and then they let demonic forces take over every aspect of our society.


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