At a time when spiritual warfare is increasing on all fronts, I believe the Lord is calling upon believers to lift up praises as our primary weapon of warfare. In 2 Chronicles 20 Jehoshaphat’s band of worshipers went out ahead of the army in praise to defeat their enemies. The power of their song to the Lord totally confused the enemy and shut down the attack against God’s people. Their song was simply “Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever” (2 Chronicles 20:21). One of the smallest songs recorded in the Bible, and expanded in Psalm 136, defeated a huge host encamped against Israel – and they didn’t even have to fight!
We recently heard from one of our intercessors who confirmed this word with a similar call to “Sing, sing, sing” in the midst of our enemies. Here is what she wrote:
“As spiritual warfare increases throughout the world, intercessors can grow weary – but there is a way for us to fight and be refreshed in the Spirit at the same time. In Ephesians 6, the apostle Paul tells us how to put on the armor of God. But, in Ephesians 5, he gives us a huge clue to an often unused piece of warfare: singing His Word.
Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:18-20)
While praying and declaring the Word gets His sharp two-edged sword into the middle of soul and spirit, joint and marrow – singing gets to the heart of the matter. It revives the spirit. It refreshes. It strengthens. Singing in praise to our God calms our fears and anxieties and breathes life into a situation.
Though the airwaves are filled with Christian artists, it is time for us to pull out God’s greatest hits – as penned by David, the Sons of Korah, and Asaph. Singing Psalms directly from God’s Word stills us in the Spirit with sound theology, and praises the Lord in the way that we were called to operate – as one body, as one faith, as one bride.
After confronting a demonic spirit that was harassing him through witchcraft (see Acts 16:16-40), Paul was thrown into prison. While in prison, he did not complain. He and Silas sang hymns and prayed. About midnight, their prayers and songs were answered with an earthquake, broken chains, and the opportunity to convert their captors. What a great pattern of warfare for us to observe! Read what the Word says and put it into action through faith and love for our fellowmen who were created in the image of God and need to be set free.” (Shelley Hendrix McLaughlin, LA)
We would like to suggest that this Halloween, when witchcraft activities are high and our spiritual adversary tries to advance, we not only pray through Halloween, but praise through Halloween! We believe our collective voices lifted in praise to the Most High God has power to nullify every curse, hex, and demonic assignment levied against the people of God.
We are inviting intercessors to SING and PRAISE the Psalms from noon on October 30th until noon on November 1st. Over this 48-hour period, we are inviting intercessors to open their Bibles as much as they can to sing psalms and hymns located in God’s Word. Besides the 150 recorded Psalms, there are great songs of deliverance in Exodus 15, Deuteronomy 32, and 2 Samuel 22. We believe that our corporate songs of praise have great power to confuse the enemy, nullify demonic schemes, and clear the way for the King of Glory to come in!
If you would like to join in this initiative, please leave your comment below with any Psalms or songs that you would like to lift up to the Lord during these 48 hours. You may also want to call one other friend or gather with a small group of believers to sing and worship together during this time—share this post! Let’s declare the goodness of our God in the darkest of times and release the glory of His presence through our praises.
Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty – He is the King of glory. (Ps 24:7-10)
- Here are some additional articles we’ve recently published on spiritual warfare strategies during this season:
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So sorry. I didn’t Intend for that post to be a reply to your comment, but apparently touched the wrong spot on the screen by mistake. The music of hymns might not be attractive to you, but I think if you just read through the words of many of them, you will see they are solidly based on Scripture.
I was raised in a mainline denomination but it was not legalistic. I was blessed during the Jesus people movement to experience emotional connection with God, and praise choruses were a huge part of that connection. However, I have found that both types of music keep me in balance, engaging both my mind and my heart in worship.
Thank you for this timely word! Praising him always!Even more with the Psalms!
From Psalm 150 NKJ
Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the TRUMPet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the trimbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments 🎻 and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Thanks for posting this article! Singing & praising my way through this time for Jesus!
Thank you all for all of the ideas. I will be singing. PTL
Thank you for mentioning Shane and Shane Psalm 46 song. I found it on Youtube and i’m playing it on “loop”. It really “fits” in with King Jehoshaphat and he and all the people, praying, praising God, and TRUSTING Him, as 3 enemy armies surrounded him and the people. And GOD defeated all their enemies.
Today and hereafter, October 31st is a day of “deliberate” praise and prayer, praise God!
Praying and praising!!!
The assurance of victory to the saints is found in Isaiah 54:15-17 that no weapon formed against His people will prosper. Also In Isaiah 58 there is an admonition to refrain from judging.
Vs. 9. This is very important in defeating the enemy as well as proclaiming Christ’s victory with songs of praise.
One my favorite songs, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God!
Praying not only for truth and justice, but a spiritual awakening 11 Chronicles 7:14
Thank you God for the confirmation.May my spirit continue to he open to the Holy Spirit and thanks for your word which always shows me the way, truth and light.
A song I frequently use in times of warfare is “Raise a Hallelujah” by Bethel Music.
I love the old hymn A mighty fortress is our god! I’ll be praying!
Psalms 37:30-34
The musical group “Shane and Shane” have several CDs where they sing the Psalms. Our church played Psalm 46 over and over and over on Sunday. It was beautiful. You can find their songs on YouTube as well.
I agree and will keep music of praise and join you in singing Psalms and praise Him for He is over all. There is no power, authority or knowledge above Him! Praise be to God! Praise our King Jesus! Come Holy Spirit and move your people to follow You! In His Holy name, Jesus, Amen.
CD player on and singing praises!!!!
Three of us gathered at a home last Friday and sang hymns and choruses together. It was greatly encouraging for us, and we trust it contributed to God’s will being done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Holy, Holy, Holy is a hymn full of praise. If you can get hold of an old hymn book, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the great words of worship.
When I am alone, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Psalm 34 and Psalm 23 on YouTube Inspire worship.
I have more worship CDs than I can count plus listen to praise on YouTube they play in my car as I travel and in my house as I work or read and I go into warfare as I drive etc. And yes I too love getting with friends and worship but I don’t like the old hymms at all and would not care if I ever heard another. (they remind me of the dead legalist religion I was raised in) I do agree Brooklyn Ps34 is very anointed. Some of my YouTube favorites are Jackie and Stacy Baker Low and Fire, Jason Upton, Michael Ben David and other Messianic worship.
What a great and timely article. I’ll be singing in the spirit and praying. Thank you.