6 Lies and 1 Truth at the DNC Convention
Ronald Reagan and the Divine Plan
Win for Voter Integrity Law
Who Are God’s Chosen People?
Testimony: God Still Answers Prayer—Even in New York!
6 Lies and 1 Truth at the DNC Convention
Over four nights this past week, Democrat leaders, politicians, and the party’s superstars spoke about their vision for America’s future. Sadly, many lies were told about the state of the economy, the border, crime, and more. It was a challenge to pick only six.
Lie #1 Exposed: Trump did NOT call Neo-Nazis ‘fine people.’
The sitting president, Joe Biden, spoke late on Monday night and once again trotted out his old lie regarding former President Trump. I hesitate to even mention it, but when a lie is repeatedly told, even when one is confronted with the truth, that’s a deliberate sin. Biden lies when he says Trump called Nazis “very fine people” after a Charlottesville, VA, rally protesting the removal of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s statue. Trump did not. What he said was, “Those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
Lie #2 Exposed: Trump will NOT declare a national ban on abortion.
Beginning with Joe Biden on Monday night and ending with Kamala Harris on Thursday, speaker after speaker issued this stern warning to frighten women to the polls: “Trump will declare a national ban on abortion.”
Trump takes credit for appointing Supreme Court justices who were part of the majority overturning Roe v. Wade. His position on abortion today is that the states should decide the issue. He has repeatedly stated that he will not sign a national abortion ban if reelected. And for pro-lifers, it was a sad day when the GOP’s platform dropped its call for a national abortion ban, which had been in the platform for 40 years. The platform states:
“Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life. We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and the Democrats are proposing a federal law to codify abortion with no limits which would overturn every state ban or restrictions. And the DNC allowed Planned Parenthood to set up a mobile trailer to offer free abortions and vasectomies.
Lie #3 Exposed: Democracy is NOT dead if Trump wins.
This is a common lie that Kamala Harris and the Democrats truly believe. In President Obama’s speech, he lauded Joe Biden as an “outstanding President who defended democracy at a moment of grave danger.” Or, as President Biden said in his speech, “When we came together in 2020 to save democracy”… by electing Joe Biden. Now, Biden is saving democracy once again by dropping out of the race and anointing his V.P. as his replacement. Without a single primary vote and a healthy propaganda campaign by corporate media, Harris is the Democratic presidential nominee. Is this anointing the new democracy?
If the people cast more votes in November for Trump and he wins the Electoral College, then he is president. That’s the truth of democracy. But it’s hard for Democrats to let go of this lie because in their minds, democracy means voting Democrat.
Lie #4 Exposed: Republicans want parents to retain and exercise the right to protect children from sexually explicit books.
Both Michelle Obama and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called out Trump and the Republicans for their love of book banning in their DNC speeches. This is a lie. A few Republican states have passed laws saying sexually explicit, pornographic, or indecent novels should not be available in school libraries where children under 18 can see them.
The New Republic listed the top 50 banned books in schools, most of which promote the LGBTQ+ agenda, including Gender Queer, All Boys Aren’t Blue, I Am Jazz. Two Boys Kissing, Lawn Boy, and others. When concerned parents at school board meetings across the country stand up to read these books’ pornographic passages, they are shut down because the material is too explicit to be read in public. This is not “banning” books. This is protecting children from pornography. These books are still available to purchase or borrow from the local public library.
Lie #5 Exposed: Trump does NOT want to ban IVF.
Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois went all in on what she calls Trump’s “anti-woman crusade.” She accused Trump of not being satisfied with banning abortions but will come for IVF next! IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. It’s where a baby is conceived in a petri dish, then the embryo is placed in the womb. Oftentimes, more than one embryo is created, and the “leftovers” are frozen in liquid nitrogen or destroyed. Since Christians believe that life begins at conception, the disposition of unused embryos has become a moral issue.
Tim Walz also repeated the lie in his speech. Weird, since Walz falsely claimed he and his wife had their children through IVF. Harris went as far as saying Trump would ban birth control.
But Trump supports IVF. “Under my leadership, the Republican Party will always support the creation of strong, thriving, healthy American families. We want to make it easier for mothers and fathers to have babies, not harder!, ” he said. And the Republican platform is clear on this as well: “We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”
Lie #6 Exposed: It’s NOT a new way forward.
Kamala Harris capped the DNC with a long list of lies and half-truths and promises of what she would do on her first day in office to fix America’s problems, stating that it’s a new way forward. But, she and her fawning media appear to forget that it has been the Biden-Harris Administration in charge for the past 3 ½ years that has decimated the middle class and working class. Even NBC reported Harris didn’t say much about how she’d be different than Biden. Out with the old, in with the old.
Harris also said this whopper, “I believe everyone has a right to safety, to dignity, and to justice.” Not everyone. For Harris, the unborn have none of these rights. Pro-lifers praying in front of abortion clinics have none of these rights. Americans who have been raped, molested, or murdered by illegal immigrants have none of these rights. Parents of transgender children and parents speaking up against the LGBTQ+ agenda in schools have none of these rights. Political opponents have none of these rights. Victims of the BLM riots have none of these rights. And Christians are quickly losing these rights too in the Harris new/old way forward.
But all the lies at the DNC are overcome by the Lord Jesus. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
One Glorious Truth
On the second night of the DNC, media darling and former first lady, Michelle Obama, took to the stage and declared, “America, hope is making a comeback!” Perhaps she has forgotten that these “hopeless” times Americans are facing come four years into Biren-Harris running the economy, opening the border, and dictating by executive fiat.
Now it appears Michelle is placing her hope in the Harris-Walz ticket to restore the hope that has been lost… and NOT in her Savior, Jesus Christ. To put your hope in politicians of one party or the other is idolatry. Our government is not the solution to America’s problems and should not become the hope of the people. Isaiah 33:22 clearly outlines the three branches of government in which we should place our hope: “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king, and it is he who will save us.”
No matter the lies, the darkness, the evil we see and hear and feel around us, we are still so blessed because our hope is firm and sure. Hope doesn’t need to make a “comeback” for the Christian because hope never leaves us or forsakes us. As Edward Mole’s inspiriting hymn reminds us…
Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
His oath, his covenant, his blood support me in the whelming flood;
when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand.
Let’s live that… as Christians and witnesses of Jesus first, citizens of our country second, and then as Spirit-led voters remembering Daniel 2:21, “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
The hope of the people of God must always remain in our Savior Jesus. How can we pray?
We are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. God calls us to participate in this earthly government as citizens, to pray for our leaders, and to speak truth in the presence of evil.
We pray for godly wisdom for our political leaders, especially Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, Donald Trump and JD Vance, RFK Jr and Nicole Shanahan, to promote and uphold moral and righteous laws, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).
We thank the Lord for His truth and the confident hope He gives us.
We are witnesses to our neighbors of the glorious hope of salvation, redemption, and sanctification that is available to everyone who asks. It is in the power of the gospel to do what politics can never do: rescue the sinner from his sin and change his heart to do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:18).
We pray for the many moral issues being addressed in this election. May we as people follow God’s truths and righteousness in determining our nation’s course.
We pray the lies and schemes of the enemy are exposed in the light of God’s truth. May we be strong and courageous to do what pleases You and to accomplish great things as a nation in Your Name.
We pray that we never fall into despair, but remain steadfast in the truth and hope of God’s sovereign will.
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren.
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How lovely it is to know that our Holy God is on His throne and has our future in His hands.
As an evangelical Christian, I am saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ my Savior, my risen Lord, no matter who is elected president. I will honor Him by voting for Republicans whose values most represent mine. May the USA return to God !
Thank you…Amy, Amen
Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The word righteousness in this passage is not referring to an individual’s right standing with God but to a nation that adheres to God’s righteous standards as found in His moral la
Father, step in,,,,, In Jesus name… Amen
I hope and pray that #4 “Republicans want parents to retain and exercise the right to protect children from sexually explicit books” is NOT a lie. Parents absolutely should retain and exercise their right to protect children from inappropriate explicit books, and all other forms of media. Lord, help and enable to them and other concerned citizens to do that and be the protector of children’s hearts!
What nobody seems to be talking about is that Kamala Harris avoided all the critical issues that Trump has clearly articulated. She said nothing about electric boats vs sharks, nothing about low flow toilets not flushing it all down, nothing about steam vs electric carrier catapults, with wind power you can’t watch TV when the wind isn’t blowing, she took NO position on Hanibal Lecter. We know where Trump stands on these vital issues, where does Kamala stand on these issues???? It is so difficult for a Christian to know who is wise and is deserving of the vote.
You have forgotten the really worrying one. Trump has warned us that electric aircraft would lose power if the sun went behind a cloud. Why does she not say what she will do about that? Will she give Mr H Lecter the Congressional Medal of Freedom, as he is on Mr Trumps list?
I thank Abba Father that the truth of the Lord will always win out. It may look like the lie will prevail, however the scripture days there is not lie of the truth ( I john 2:22). As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ we stand and speak the truth. I pray that the American people will seek Abba Father’s will and not man.
As disciples of the Lord is the anchor of our souls and it is only found in Jesus, the Christ our Lord.
2 Timothy 2:19
(New King James Version)
19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
Ephesians 6:1-3
(New International Version)
6 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”
SAFETY Act, was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom….It will prohibit school districts from requiring staff to disclose to parents information related to a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and will protect school staff from retaliation if they refuse to notify parents of a child’s gender preference.
If you think this is republican biased information, this is from a CNN 10-7-2021 article :
Glenn Youngkin wasted no time turning a comment made by his Democratic opponent, (Terry McAuliffe), into an attack ad aimed at invigorating base GOP voters and parents.
The moment came during the second and final debate between the two late last month. “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,”
Glenn Youngkin won for good reason, there were parents that found out about Mccauliffes policy beliefs, who were voters that were also democrat alongside republicans, that did not like that when finding out, what Terry Mccauliffe was trying to push, which was not biblical regarding families and parents …and it’s no coincidence that Gavin Newsom and Terry Mccauliffe, both Dems had identical stances there on parents rights being undermined, then you have the topic of supposed book bans….in Florida, just as in other states, families had found out the kind of sexually explicit and not only immoral from a biblical sense but also behavioral mainstream standard-wise topics, that just a number of years ago, would’ve been considered shameful just publish and have the nerve to celebrate such topics in books….and so much so that even now, currently when parents, went to schoolboard meetings, the schoolboards tried to censor parents from reading the material back to them, because they knew it was that bad…then what did the Democratic activists claim? That Ron Desantis tried to push a don’t say gay bill…it’s not that at all…everybody has freedom of conscience and within the bounds of the law, to conduct their own personal lives….but it is not right, for parents, to have politicians try to keep them uninformed about things being taught or environments being exposed to or for procedures to be encouraged that many times are irreversible and end up sterilizing perfectly healthy individuals who are just starting out their lives…and contrary to the values, care and authority in the roles that parents have in their kids lives, even the faith of the parents and their families….these things do matter and are not half truths and there is a party currently that is pushing alot of these things unfortunately….if there are people that have been praying to God about various concerns in America, such as these things and especially for people to be saved, don’t you think that that is a good thing and not something to be upset about
The democrats are against religion & want to be bald to control all people . The world will perish under their leadership. I pray to god this will not happen
Marie ‘against religion’ you say. What does Ms Harris’ Baptist pastor say about that?
Hey Guys !!! My reply is to the replies and not to this well-written and well researched article . 2corinthians 10:4 we all know but fail to do. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds ,casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God …”
This does not describe hours on our knees asking our Father to do something. Ephesians 6:12 describes we actually wrestle with Satan and his minions to overcome his plans of supremacy. These verses are the handle of our sword to offensively drive evil from our land !!
Armor up my friends!! Satan we bind you and your followers with the powerful blood of Jesus. The word of God which does describe your existence also describes the power we have over you as believers in Gods son Jesus Christ.!! You must leave our land , you must silence your lies and deception for Jesus is Lord. Father may eyes be opened to his manipulation . My our eyes reveal the mighty Angel armies which are camped round about us. We take our place as warriors among these Angels and march to VICTORY!! Ha ha Hallelujah!!!
Excellent presentation.
Thank you.
May lying lips be put to shame.
May You, Lord, keep Donald Trump alive.
Who cares !! I don’t care if it’s Popeye running on th republican ticket. That is not at issue here. What is at issue is the fact that each party has made it clear where they stand . Anyone with a saving knowledge of Jesus and expecting to spend eternity with him CANNOT vote the democrats ticket . Plain and simple. And if you’re a Christian and don’t vote you are supporting killing babies and allowing a 6 year old boy to decide if he wants to be a girl!!!
Simple as that!!!
That child will have an X chromosome directly from its mother. This new person is part of its mother no matter who or how it came to creation. This new person also has a life that God wants to be a part of and use to enhance his kingdom. This new person will be loved by God as much as any human ever created !!
May God bless you and keep you!!!
I don’t think Bob above said that!
May we live and follow all divine truths in Jesus holy name!
I pray God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will do a mighty work within Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and that they see the light of Jesus and pursue honesty, truthfulness, righteousness and faith in our Lord.
I further pray that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will come to our aid in turning this nation back to Him just like our founding fathers built our nation’s foundation on Biblical principles of Judeo and Christian values – one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. We all must pray NOW for this nation.
Right on!! Glory, glory, Hallelujah!!!
The truth is marching on!!!
Thank you for condensing this convention down to these 6 points. Soooo helpful!! Jesus reigns!!!
I went to county fair wearing a MAGA hat and visited both party booths. I asked the demoncratic folks about what was their party’s platform of what their agenda for next 4 years was should they win in November. They had no idea, but handed me a flyer about how the current federal government sent some money to Arkansas to help shore up our highway infrastructure.
Lord, send forth Thy light and Truth to establish National awakening before elections. Amen
Thank you for the report. I think Kamala had a lot more lies in her last night of DNC speech.
Excellent article and encouraging end- thank you for pointing us to the true hope in the Savior!!!
Amen And Amen again we agree on all of this.This country has been ruined way toomuch!!!!!
I urge everyone to watch the full documentary called “Let Me People Go” It is powerful.
I also read the Democratic Party platform. Talk about upside down world! In the platform, they actually claim that Trump is the one who wanted to defund the police and that the Democrats support a stronger police force and are in support of safer communities!!! I live near the Twin Cities, and witnessed firsthand how the Democrats – Mayors and Governor Walz – did NOT support the police and how the city is much, much more crime ridden today than prior to 2020 and the Georg Floyd incident which was manipulated to bring about division and racial discord.
The Democratic Party platform is a prime example of doublespeak and political fantasy. They have truly left the world of Reality behind.
I am sorry, I can’t stand the misleading half tuths here.
I saw the speech where Trump referred to the racist mob as “fine people”, I saw when he told the proud boys to “stand by and stand ready”.
He is no Christian and I am having doubts about the true intent of IFA aside from wanting money and power.
James Talarico knows the true intent of Christ and the intent
of Christianity.
In defense of Belinda’s reporting, she is accurate. Please watch the footage in context, particularly at the 2:00 mark.
Wolf K you are misguided in your thinking
IFA is here to pray and led us to pray for righteousness and truth and fairness in our county
The democrats have totally gone off the rails! They are anti God and anti Bible in their platform. They basically promote 2 things:
Killing the unborn and trans gendering our children
They have proven the past 3.5 years they have NO policies to help the average American
They actually hurt us ALL by letting criminals, drug cartels, and sex traffickers into our USA
They have caused our food, gas, and housing costs to an all time out of control HIGH
Anyone who DOES NOT vote for Trump cares nothing about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Wolf k. Did you see President Trump’s entire comment in context–or the “abridged version” in the biased commentary afterward? (I watched both and saw the difference. He most certainly did NOT refer to racists as “fine people.” Watch talks intact to get their context and you will find a lot of conservative speakers are not really saying or don’t really mean what they are made out to mean after going through liberal censors.
We must pray for the Lord to intervene and stop the steal. The voting machines must be taken out or we will lose 2024 just like we lost 2020 and 2022. God still reigns and He alone can stop them through our prayers and petitions. God bless America Again!
Mr. Martin, you say That’s because liberal courts refused to hear cases in which multiple eyewitnesses with signed affidavits were prepared to give substantial evidence of massive fraud. And you wouldn’t have heard any discussion of the possibility of fraud after December 9, 2020, because that night Big Tech–in one flick of a switch and with only one night’s notice–shut down all mention of irregularities, much less outright criminal activity, affecting the outcome of the election. In one night, 8,000 conservative and Christian blogs and websites, some with tens of thousands of followers, disappeared and are still gone, including mine. The fact is, there was almost nothing BUT fraud in the highly influential swing states in those two elections.
Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT department of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonard SpA, testified in sworn testimony before the Italian Federal Court that “on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, [he and others] undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. Defendant stated he. . . utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite of Fucino Tower to Frankfurt Germany. . .” Since computers using Dominion software at many U.S. tabulating centers were (illegally) plugged into walls, it was easy to switch the actual numbers.
States refused to allow forensic audits of Dominion tabulating machine results even though one of the designers of Dominion software himself said swing states “all exhibit vote tally change patterns that reflect manipulation.” Another expert said voting machines are so vulnerable “it took an 11-year old girl 10 minutes to hack one.”
Security cameras in Atlanta caught 4 hours of illegal vote-counting, people running hundreds of thousands of ballots through tabulating machines during hours when official poll workers had been sent home. At 4:42 a.m., a WI machine recorded a spike of 143,279 new votes, almost all for Biden. At 6:31 a.m., a MI machine recorded a spike of 143,224 votes, 94% of them for Biden–in a single minute, which a statistician testified was “STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.”
Other experts testified to “glaring anomalies:” Trump won 18 of the 19 “bellwether counties; won 12 million votes more than in 2016 (the largest voting increase for an incumbent president ever recorded); got the largest share of non-white votes of any Republican in over 60 years; gained 14 House seats–and didn’t win? They concluded this was ‘HISTORICALLY, MATHEMATICALLY, POLITICALLY, AND LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!”
I watched 10 hours of the MI State legislature listening to expert witnesses and eye-witnesses with signed affidavits testify to what they had observed in Michigan’s 2020 election alone. I will see if IFA will let me fill another “comment” space with what I transcribed from that 10 hours of documentation but the video itself was rendered “unavailable” on my website by the Google/ YouTube/ Facebook/ Instagram and Twitter Thought Police in their Great Free Speech Purge of 2020.
My first sentence should read, “Mr. Martin, you say, ‘There was NO ELECTION FRAUD, per every court case heard to date!’ That’s because liberal courts refused to hear cases—“
Re demonic Kamala Harris and tampon Tim, why would you pray for anything but their removal. I pray God crushes them and all of their cursed followers. They are demonic REPROBATES. They are not going to repent, nor are they going to do anything good. Praying for their removal!! In whatever way God deems!
It is practically impossible to share the individual articles with anybody. The Mail Share in your site is useless. It would be a blessing if we could send the specific articles. Thank you.
My husband does so regularly, Beatriz, so I’m not sure why it is not working for you. You might seek help from someone.
Question, How many Lies did you report on RNC ?
I believe IFA did a good job of reporting what was important for us to know and it wasn’t a whitewash – case in point, revealing the way in which the platform policies were determined, that wasn’t very inclusive. What lies needed to be reported on the RNC? They certainly didn’t seem as apparent to me, as those of the DNC. Perhaps your comment is more political than spiritual.
I would repeat, “What lies?” Mass Deportation Now signs are an opinion. If people are in the U.S. illegally they should be deported, in my opinion because their actions in entering our country were illegal.
No, I don’t! I am a citizen of the USA. I honor God’s Torah law, and the laws of my nation as He commanded.
I appreciate this post! I was getting very upset while listening to all the lies! I’m happy to know the truth is being supported here. Thank you! And thank you, Jesus.
Amen to the prayer posted in this article! I love that believers can join together and pray in unity!
I certainly resonate with Jennifer’s reply. After the 2020 ‘election’ results, I, too had a vehement reaction, though not one of anger. I was dumbstruck at the outcome and felt totally bewildered and disoriented, giving my pain to the Lord. In February, 2021, the Lord spoke these words clearly to me: “I am dismantling the Democrat party – and they will do it to themselves!” Many times over these past years I have brought this word back to the Lord in prayer and wondered, ‘When, Lord?’ Now is the time. Psalm 109.29 illustrates this ‘dismantling’ for us: “Let my accusers be clothed with shame. And let them cover themselves with their own disgrace as with a mantle.” (NKJV). This week’s DNC was a demonic celebration of the evils enumerated in Roslyn Brown’s post. There was no hiding the evil, shame and disgrace on display. They have ‘joyfully’ thrown aside any mantle of goodness or morality!
Father God, I pray for your mighty deliverance of Americans who have been deceived by the Democrat Party. Open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, from the power of satan to the truth and righteousness of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Raise up the hearts of Christ’s inheritance, sanctify us by our faith in Jesus. Forgive America of our sins, which are many, and sanctify this nation to be your light to the world. Amen!
Amen and amen✝️
Even a Kennedy could no longer stand with the Democrats
They are not the JFK democrats anymore. They are extreme radicals trying to overturn the very foundation this country was built upon
Dear IFA. Please scan for typo’s before sending. Misspellings such as
“…years into Biren-Harris running the economy…” cheapen what you are communicating.
Thank you for fighting the fight.
Praying fervently.
AUG 24, 2024
6 Lies and 1 Truth at the DNC Convention
Lord, we pray that all lies and falsehoods will be exposed. We pray for strength and courage to do what pleases You in our voting and for our government We pray that You would be glorified in America today. Lord god expose them and have the people respond appropriately in their votes,
I askin Jesus’ name
The Bible says that the devil is a liar and the Father of all liars
We as believers have been given the authority over Satan and his dark kingdom we need to take a stand against him and his kingdom and bind all lies in the government and the false prophet of the media because our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the spirits of DARKNESS!
That influence them.. JESUS gave us that power as believers the Church! Let’s use it and take a stand.we are called the ARMY OF GOD in scripture a nation army doesn’t just set back and do nothing but they defend the nation we have to ask our king Jesus what He would have each
One of us do in our part to fight for our nation and His world He created then step out as His mighty ARMY in the natural army
Everyone is trained to do A certain job, we need to find our place and obey the Lord and fight against the darkness in the spiritual and natural.!
Democrats are corrupt sick people!! Lies!! Take an overall look at our beautiful country… Dems dont see whats happening but God does……
Thank you so much for this article. We needed to be reminded that God is in control. Great article!
I really appreciate this article in reminding us as believers that The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King. He will save us. Isaiah 33:22. Putting our hope in politicians more than God is nothing less than idolatry. It is so easy sometimes to look at the natural and put our trust in what we see…but our faith tells us otherwise. Faith is a substance of things hoped for and an evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1
Even though we do have a responsibility to stand on the principles of God, and vote accordingly, we must put our hope and joy in the outcome of what God has for us as a nation. Back in 2020 when they stole the election, I was so angry and frustrated that that could happen. I couldn’t even watch the news for a month and I was so done with politics. But when I calmed down and continued to seek the Lord, I realized that He allowed that to happen for a reason. Back then I could not see it, but now I see it clearer. Realizing that we as a church need to wake up, and put our thoughts and attention on 2 Chronicles 7:14…then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land…and then recognizing it starts with me to do some soul searching, I am now in a better place mentally and spiritually. And I’m very hopeful that our Lord is hearing our prayers and is going to be glorified in this next election. Already seeing amazing miracles happening in these last few months around the world has built my faith and hope on Jesus Christ… And Jesus Christ alone! He is alive and well and still on the throne and in total control of this world!
The Lord told me the same thing after the stolen election, after I too, took a breath and calmed down. He had to allow this so that the evil could be exposed. And what evil there is! No one could have imagined how far and deep the evil is. But God.
You’re right—God is hearing our prayers. We need to encourage ourselves in Him and the miracles He is performing in our Nation every day.
Amen. Thank You for exposing the lies and for putting the emphasis where it should be.
Lord, we pray for Your Holy Spirit to convict our hearts of sin, of righteousness and of judgement to come. I pray for every person who claims to be a believer to look for Your direction and cast their vote. God raise up those who are endeavoring to honor You as they lead this nation. Bring down those from power and authority who are in rebellion against You. Lord, may we strive to be one nation under God.
I pray this prayer for our nation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. amen
I pray every morning for all of this and for a Holy Ghost Spirit Filled Revival to spread all over this Nation and the Whitehouse ASAP hallelujah Amen.
Thank you, Belinda, for so clearly numerating the lies of the enemy. God is our hope, not man.
…sooo many lies – so little time…
Faithful Father –
You a-r-e our Judge, Lawgiver & King. (Is 33:22) We acknowledge You & Your perfect will for our precious country in these upcoming months. Please help us guard against/expose all the lies of the enemy. Let us remain steadfast in Your Truths and stand in the gap for those that are swallowing the lies. Open eyes and ears, we pray! Actions (records) speak louder than any words. Thank You for Your Holy Word and Holy discerning Spirit during these challenging times.
What privilege it is and an amazing time in history to pray for our beloved USA🇺🇸
Just got this and it is perfectly in sync with my prayer time this morning..
Thanks you for this article and call to prayer!
Here are the six things that our God hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Well that about sums up the entire convention.
Thank you for this!! So well written …God’s truth and will prevails🙏✝️
Great article, Belinda. It is interesting to see how many lies that the Dems spew forth, especially how they think that lying about President Trump, and his policies, will benefit them in any way. At least he HAS policies that he will enact if elected; Harris, on the other hand, has none, other than a radical agenda that she is trying to cleverly conceal. This charade of being a moderate is deceitful and dangerous for the deceived and mislead people who think that she is wonderful, and can do no wrong. Lord Jesus, I pray that You will make a way for Harris’s true motives and agenda would be exposed, and that ALL Americans will see them for what they truly are. Thank You Jesus. are
Your analysis is spot on and remains so because our enemy is still the deceiver and the father of lies. Join me in regular prayer according to John 16:7-8, that God releases the Holy Spirit whose job it is to convict the world of its sin, that only Jesus grants us righteousness, and of the judgment that is inevitable without salvation through Christ!
Psalm 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path for our nation. Amen
Father we declare Your promises over our nation are yes and amen!! Thank you that your promise’s over our nation will not return void in Jesus name, amen
The Devil is a liars. He has lied so much that people don’t believe him. Remember the boy who cried wolf.
Father we thank you that in you we have HOPE. In you is our living and being. We pray your WILL over our nation, our elections, and our lives. As intercessors we stand in the gap for those that are as yet unrepentant and ask for forgiveness in their behalf as well. Those of us that love you, humble ourselves before you admitting what a mess we have made by getting away from you and your word. Please Father, forgive us. We call out to you and repent of our sins. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Father please heal our land. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and Praise for you alone are worthy to be praised. We worship you Father and pray that all will return to you for we know you do not desire for any of us to be lost and perish. We pray in the Mighty Name of JESUS. Amen
Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life”. He is the Savior of all- all nations and individuals. Harris, Walz, Trump, Vance , RFK Jr. are not saviors but tools that can be used by God in their positions in government to lead a nation.
So what is the purpose of government in leading a nation? From https://www.standingforfreedom.com, “essentially, governments are responsible to uphold a basic and universal moral law by restraining the evil impulses of human society. They uphold this basic moral law through civil law, which is necessary to set parameters on the power and limit of government and define proper behavior for citizens. We see from biblical examples that in the absence of law violence and bloodshed increase (Gen. 6:1-6; 9:5-6; Eccl 8:11). We also see that in the absence of law, fraud, coercion, and economic oppression increase (Ps. 82:2-4; Dan. 4:27). Hence, a biblical worldview affirms the basic necessity of law and its enforcement mechanism, the state.”
I see nothing from the Biden/Harris administration that have upheld laws that protect US citizens or that resisted human immoral impulses. If anything, their administration pushed for more human indulgences and lawless behavior (not repaying debt, not following immigration laws, releasing criminals during Covid, forcing people to lose jobs with vaccine mandates, lying about statistics to make the administration look better,… I could go on but won’t). Have we seen fraud and coercion and economic suppression in the Biden administration? Absolutely! Have we seen the fallout from this administrations immigration policies? Absolutely! Will it be more of the same with Harris/Walz? Absolutely- because there will continue to be the lack of moral
fiber and deception that defined America under their administration.
This post on the lies perpetrated at the DNC is only a snapshot of the evil within. The DNC set up free abortion clinics to murder unborn children last week in the name of freedom for women and the DNC promotion of their platform. Let that sink
in. How can any administration say they are protecting its citizens or upholding biblical morals when it leverages the murder of preborn US citizens to garner votes from women in need of support? With this activity alone, the DNC has shown us their black heart so believe them and what they stand for.
Is/was Trump without fault or sin? No. Was his administration perfect in upholding moral and civil law? Probably not. But again- no president or their administration will be a savior for US citizens individually or collectively as a nation. Only Jesus is Savior and I pray in repentance for the US and for his mercy. Jesus is the only one that will save us individually and our nation collectively.
The platform of the DNC and the truthful record of its promotion of amoral activities (as defined by scripture) during the Biden/Harris administration make it clear that Trump is the only candidate that has the best chance of leading in a manner closely defined by scripture as I see no evidence the current administration has done so.
That is the truth always prevail, period .