5 Things to Know About Kamala Harris’ Faith Engagement Director
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5 Things to Know About Kamala Harris’ Faith Engagement Director
Presbyterian minister, Reverend Jennifer Butler, has been named National Faith Engagement Director for the Harris/Walz presidential campaign.
Her job will be get-out-the-vote efforts to “churchgoers” in battleground states. She specifically mentions targeting Catholic voters in Michigan and Wisconsin, and Mormons in Arizona.
Butler’s worldview contrasts starkly with a biblical worldview. Will her efforts make a difference in the presidential election? We’ll see.
Here are 5 things to know about Jennifer Butler.
1. She is a longtime liberal, progressive activist.
In 2005, Rev. Butler founded the advocacy group, Faith in Public Life, whose mission is to advance the “moral imperative for a just, inclusive and equitable country.’ They lead campaigns for causes such as immigrant rights, voting rights and LGBTQ+ rights. This organization has received millions of dollars from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
“Inclusive” means special rights to the left’s protected victim groups and “equitable” means giving these groups tax dollars to make things equal.
She served as Chair of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership in the Obama Administration. According to her own website, she has spent “the last three decades strengthening and rebuilding the progressive faith movement.”
She also seeks to target white Protestants in the mainline churches – Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, and her own church, the Presbyterians. These denominations have discarded biblical worldviews on family, marriage, gender, and life issues.
During an interview with MSNBC, Rev. Butler said that “Christianity has long been used to justify the oppression of others.” In announcing her role with the Harris campaign, she never once mentioned “sin”, “salvation” or “gospel”, but she did mention Democrats and the Democratic Party 19 times. She appears more interested in the health of our “democracy” than in the salvation of souls.
In a talk to the Democratic Socialists of America, she claims that people with a lust for power and the power of the state have been “distorting the message of Christ for their own ends.” There is certainly truth in that statement, but I don’t think she applies it to the Democratic party.
She sees her role as a minister and political activist to “help people hear the voice of true Christianity that is about freedom for the oppressed.”
2. She supports abortion.
According to Rev. Butler’s interview in Rolling Stone, “Extremists have sought to use religion as a tool to dominate women’s bodies, but Christians have a long history of being in favor of abortion rights.”
Outlawing abortion, Butler said, violates biblical principles that say women deserve respect and should control what happens to their bodies. “Being anti-abortion was always a fig leaf for racism and anti-regulation/taxation agenda,” she admits.
She called the overturning of Roe v. Wade oppression justified by Christianity and primly declared, “That is not my faith.” She says the Harris campaign is specifically wooing “evangelical women” who support abortion.
3. She supports the LGBTQ+ agenda.
Rev. Butler claims that members of the LGBTQ+ community are exactly the type of marginalized people Jesus would hang out with today. She may be correct. But where she states her belief Jesus would not judge them, she appears to forget Jesus’s words to the women accused of adultery, “Go and sin no more.” (John 8:11)
She is in full support of same-sex marriage and for taxpayers to fund health care related to their gender identity. She believes Scripture-based opposition to the LGBTQ+ lifestyle is bigotry and accuses Republicans of using religious liberty as a “weapon” to pass discriminatory bills against the LBBTQ community… like banning gender-affirming care for children.
4. She believes Christianity has been “hijacked” by white supremacy.
In her words, white Christian nationalism is a threat to democracy, faith, and Christianity itself. She calls it a “deliberate attempt to conflate religious identity with ethnic and national identity, to say that America is a nation that is founded by and for white Christians.” She also labels America as an imperial cult and a greedy, bloodthirsty beast.
Christian nationalism is often the label the progressive left uses to attack conservative Christians who hold to a biblical worldview. Many conservative Christian pastors believe that it’s an attempt to intimidate and silence Bible-believing Christians.
Christian nationalism, in her mind, is behind conservative views on gay marriage, banning puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgeries for minors, overturning Roe v. Wade, state abortion bans or restrictions, and restricting sexually-explicit books to protect children.
Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann says that being labeled a Christian nationalist shows that Christians are standing up for biblical values. Here at IFA, we constantly pray for righteous leaders who seek the will of God for our nation and would propose laws based on God’s view of morality and justice, which is at odds with the progressive faith movement of America’s mainline churches.
Reverend Butler appears to be more committed to her social justice, equitable agenda of leftist social policies, than she is to advancing the gospel of the Kingdom of God. For example, she believes it’s impossible to follow Jesus and not embrace Critical Race Theory. This philosophy states white people are oppressors, black people are victims, and there is no forgiveness.
As Christians, we are called to interpret politics through the lens of Scripture, not a socialist/Marxist/liberal agenda.
5. She believes in religious freedom “for me, but not for thee.”
Religious liberty is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution in two ways – by preventing the government establishing a religion, and by protecting the free exercise of religion. It’s this free exercise that Rev. Butler appears to have a problem with.
She labels Bible-believing Christians as Christian nationalists and claims we are a threat to her religious freedom. She calls for the end of “Maga Christianity that threatens all our freedoms”, and she believes the Harris/Walz is just the ticket to do this.
Yet, is she concerned for the religious freedoms of grandmothers arrested and imprisoned for praying outside abortion clinics… or florists, bakers and photographers fined and run out of business for refusing their services to gay couples… or teachers fired for not using preferred pronouns… or concerned parents silenced when speaking out against the woke indoctrination in their public school, or churches fined for staying open during COVID, or the FBI investigating Catholics who worship in the traditional Latin Mass as potential terrorists… just to name a few examples.
Religious liberty means people do not have to compromise their biblical values and beliefs in order to conform to culture or government or apostate churches and leaders. In America, religious freedom covers all people and faiths equally.
Let’s pray for Reverend Jennifer Butler.
Dear Lord, we pray for Reverend Butler that she would open her heart to truly and daily believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Break Satan’s chains of blindness and deception that keeps her from the knowledge of Your truth, especially what Your Word says about life, marriage, gender and the sinful nature of man. May she have a powerful Damascus experience, and like Paul be blinded by the light of truth. May she hear your voice calling her name and may she repent.
Lord, in Your grace, may she escape the devil’s snare of lies and be overcome by Your goodness and truth. May she take every thought captive and make them obedient to Christ. Bring her into the fullness of life in Christ. We trust in your mercy and cry out for all apostates to return to you. We pray this for her and all false teachers in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Redeemer, and Lord. Amen.
With God all things are possible (Matt 19:26). Share this article so others will pray for this influential woman.
Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=99844899 and Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
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Is it appropriate to call someone Reverend when they are not?
I agree we need to pray for her. But it sends a mixed message to call her Reverend.
Thank you Father, that through Your Son, Jesus Christ, all who believe in Him and confess their sin, will be saved. Our prayers, now, go up for the true redemption of ALL who are deceived, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Bring them to Your Gracious Salvation through Christ! Thy Will, alone, be done! We ask it Jesus Holy Name, Amen.
I am amazed that she even has a Faith Engagement Director. This person is obviously as deceived and mislead as Kamala herself. Lord, you are separating the wheat from the chaff. May Your will be done for these two women. They obviously are in dire need of deliverance. Thank You, Jesus.
Lord, pour out your goodness that leads to repentance on Jennifer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
When I began to read this article about Kamala’s faith & her liberal Pastor I felt fear, then remembered where that comes from, the devil; I rebuked him in Jesus’ powerful name. I continued to read & prayed the great prayer for Kamala’s spiritual leader! I felt a strong anointing on that powerful prayer & I will wait to hear about her wonderful salvation experience!!
May TRUTh and may be within her as she exposed from within. The article was very good
A very good and informative article, thank you for taking the time. God Bless Toni
Dear Father, I pray she wakes up and turns from her wicked ways before it’s too late for her, in Jesus’ name………
Excellent article and prayer direction, Belinda!
Butler is in lock step with two (at least) goals of the communist party USA as read into the congressional record in 1963:
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
Joining in prayer for her and our nation!!!
I don’t believe Kamala Harris cares about those of us who are christian, her behavior telling those young men at her rally that they were at the wrong rally is totally disgusting to me and my family, I will not be voting for her ever.
Thank you, Belinda. Yes, I pray for God to change her heart.
Thank you, Belinda!
Pray for Missouri, that believer will rise up & vote down Amendment 3, the horrific abortion amendment. Pray for pastors to be will to proclaim truth & inform their congregations of this evil.
Thanks for your article. Wolves in sheep’s clothing has been around for centuries. Good news: Judgment is mandatory, but mercy is opinion. None will escape it. Lord, provide the discerning spirit among your people in the midst of so much corruption in our generation.
At death’s door those who were supporters of “inclusive lifestyles” will see the exclusive rejection instantly. “Depart from me. I never knew you.”
This woman is not a believer in the only true GOD our Lord Jesus. She is a political operative that pretends to be a Christian Minister. However I would expect Harris to have this type person on her demonic team. Liars and deceivers. I pray the spirit of confusion overwhelms the Harris camp. Let the legions of angels go against them and defeat them.
This so-called “Christian” is actually operating under the spirit of Anti-Christ spoken about in the Bible. It’s about having a concocted religion, essentially creating your own form of Christianity, which is actually not Christianity at all. She shouldn’t be acknowledged as a member of the Church nor should anyone espousing what she believes in! If you’re a Christian, one agrees way more with the platform of the Conservative Party than the Liberal/Progressive Regime in charge of the Executive Branch of government. It’s time to call spades spades, and when that’s done, vote Trump because he is the man God is using while any Radical Leftist Candidate can only be of Satan.
Reverend Butler seems to be making disciples of herself, not of Jesus
LORD have mercy open eyes, and spirits. People, Christians not be mislead.
I’m a Christian conservative.I just want to share that there are 2 kinds of Presbyterian, the PCA is more conservative,the same with Methodist , the Global Methodist is conservative.
When the Son of Man comes…He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Matthew 25:31-33
How can she follow Jesus and still spew these lies. I pray she stops her wickedness. Women are not to be ministers as she would know if she wasn’t led by the devil.
The first obvious thing is that she is a female reverend. If she heads a church, that’s wrong by 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus (by our original and most accurate version, the 1611 KJV).
From one sin (like disregarding/disobeying Scripture) can spring many, as we see with Butler. And someone should research how many female -or “female” -reverends/pastors are lesbians and/or transgender women and/or favor -even officiate- same sex weddings- not to mention having the list of 5 points in this article apply to them. Seems like there are a whole lot.
In Jesus Name we declare Jesus Christ God’s only begotten Son of God, His blood, His Word, His Covenant, & Holy Spirit that the false teachers especially Jennifer Butler! That their altars be torn down that their positions be seen as disgusting lies anti Jesus! And we declare no more deceit against the righteousness of Christ! The body of Christ is strengthened & made mature & ready for God’s purpose & His Kingdom come. Amen!
Heavenly Father, our dear Abba, expose the false teachings of the Presbyterian minister, the Reverend Jennifer Butler, who has been named National Faith Engagement Director for the Harris/Walz presidential campaign, to all those who hear her message. Bring her claims and understanding of Your Word from the the darkest pit into to the light of Your righteousness and truth. I now pray the Apostle Paul’s written word to the Romans: “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who create divisions and obstacles contrary to the teaching that you learned. Avoid them, because such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites. They deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting with smooth talk and flattering words.” [Romans 16:17-18 CSB] In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.
Oh my. Kamala just keeps leading the USA deeper and deeper into the sewer. Can’t the ppl see this and not vote for her? She makes every wrong decision she can. Please dear God, deliver her from our government and don’t allow her to preside as our President, in Jesus’s Name I pray.
All things are possible with God. Yes and amen to this prayer for Jennifer Butler. . Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
I dont think she should be considered a reverend , more like a satinist. will pray the scales to be pulled from her eyes so she can see truth. I am surprised by the many christians that are deceived.
Heavenly Father, I lift up Jennifer Butler to You. We know that it is by Your Spirit we are drawn to true repentance. We know that Your word is the double-edged sword that separates the truth from the lies. Please place on her a burning desire to read Your word of truth and as she does so, reveal to her Your forgiveness and love. Make known to her that Your word remains forever. Where pride of life and lack of wisdom are shown, replace it with the spirit of humility and the knowledge of You. Do what only You can do, Lord, bring her into true salvation. Thank You. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
This “pastor” or
whatever she calls herself is proof that the apostasy that Paul warned about is well underway. It’s difficult to understand why someone who is obviously illiterate concerning Scripture would even bother to make believe that she is a Christian, never mind a (ahem) pastor. She favors the death of babies by torture, perversion, and an overall totalitarian worldview. We are clearly in the last days and the evil one is mounting his final doomed assault against the return of Jesus Christ and a restoration of God’s order. Whether she is an undercover satanist herself or simply a lost self-righteous harridan will all come out in the end. I suspect the former…Harris certainly is…but that is God’s business, not mine.
Lord, IFA is too nice in my thinking heart–so fix me. She has rejected you so no person is going to change her in fact we cannot do what many do which is witchcraft prayers. We ask for Your strategy to bring her to her need for Jesus. She does not want to be told how to think, etc. (witchcraft) so we stand down to You, alone, to move her heart. We need better teaching Jesus in praying for the lost who are hard-hearted. Wow, even some of us in the church are hard-hearted Father. Tenderize us like Jesus, to be Jesus with skin on, give us Your words, Your timing and Your self-control that we may re-present You well.
It’s one thing to talk about what you think is right on one side but leave out another. For instance, I don’t see any report about so called Christian’s voting for tramp who says he has no need to repent and he lies. Whether you like one over the other, Christian’s don’t attack them with prayer. Do what the Bible says and pray they receive salvation, God Is not pleased.
In politics, we choose leaders whose platforms and record most align with Christian principles. Trump is clearly the better choice in this election. True Believers easily recognize this. Praying for deceived others like that Obama/Harris promoting apostate minister.
This must get out to every social media site! Hopefully, all of her “targets” Will see right through her and vote conservative. This woman, like Kamala and most democrats in government, are EVIL! Pray that she is unable to convince anybody to vote for Kamala.
Sorry, I could not keep reading the trash that this “person” believes!!!
I believe reading the Word of God would be much more beneficial!
I also believe that this tolerance to allow oneself to recognize such
trash as this even from a distance is a slap in the face of Almighty God.
Thank you Belinda for reminding us to pray for our enemies and not hate them. They are lost and ignorant and only the Holy Spirit can bring them to truth.
My definition of religion is “man’s attempt to create a god in his/her own image”. Interesting that the posted prayer with this article includes this idea – “those who have twisted your Word to meet their own desires and peddle a god made in their own image”. We do not need religion, we need relationship with YHVH through Yeshua His Son. We find that through the Holy Spirit revealed Truth of God’s Holy Word – rightly understood and responded to. Evil religious spirits are actively turning the institutional church into the apostate church.
Faith, equity, social justice, and so many other words have been hijacked and redefined in our current culture, and it should not be assumed that those who use them even know YHVH, Yeshua, Holy Spirit. By their fruit we will know them – and the five beliefs highlighted in the article about Jennifer Butler are rotten fruit. “Don’t delude yourselves; no one makes a fool of God! A person reaps what he sows.” Gal 6:7
Powerfully written.
Lord God, I also pray that you would “block the ears” of those that she speaks to about her version of the Bible. It is clear that she has not read the Bible through the works of the Holy Spirit. May her heart be opened to the Truth but Lord if she continues in her words, confuse her speech and jumble her words. so that those listening dismiss her message as false teachings. Amen
Also it is fair to assume that she is of the Presbyterian USA persuasion and not the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) which believes in the inerrant word of the Bible.
So democrats think it’s alright for their “ religious “ leader to try to persuade church members to vote for the liberal right candidate, but there are laws against other Religious leaders trying to guide their congregants during elections. Those religious leaders are afraid to even mention the election in church for fear of reprisals from the government!
At what point does God walk away from a person due to the hardness of their heart to suffer the consequences?
How can we decide when it is too late? We need to trust the Lord in that decision and continue to pray for that person. How many people are rejecting to gospel and yet come to know him at some later point; think of the Apostle Paul.
I agree, Darlene, that we don’t know at what point it is too late. But it is important to know that there is a “point of no return”. Every step away from God is a step closer to that point of no return. So today, as Hebrews warns “harden not your heart”! God Himself is gracious and merciful and wills that none perish, but we cannot presume upon that grace and mercy and live as though we will always have another chance. Our next moment could be our last. In a very real sense, God doesn’t define that point – we do by our repeated lack of positive response to His offer of salvation.
I read an article many years ago that stated there is or was an actual sign – Point of no Return – on a trail leading to Niagara Falls. It is a solemn warning, and I’m sure that if you are close enough to see that warning, you are close enough to hear and literally feel the mighty power of the falls. May those approaching that spiritual point of no return be shaken by Your far greater and mightier power, YHVH, and be warned.
answer: when suffering the consequences is a wake up call. If sufferring the consequences just makes them retreat even more into false opinions, so then, we see why the Bible said that God hardened Pharaoh”s heart. God did it by showing that He ,God was greater than Pharaoh’s magicians but Pharaoh just tried harder to be greater than God. Sometimes he would weaken and agree that God was Almighty but then he would return to his desire to be the only Highest Ruler. So god said in effect, OK have it your way. I gave you the opportunity to see it My way but you continued in your ways. So I hand you over to what you want: which is your way not My way.
Dear Barb, that decision is strictly up to God, He alone knows the heart. We, as His children, are instructed to pray for each other and our enemies. The latter is what most find nearly impossible to do, because of an inadequacy of Spirit to forgive. Forgiveness is only turning that person over to God for judgement and correction. We needn’t do more. Reconciliation is also up to God. But doing this simple thing, we no longer foster the desire to punish or judge that person ourselves…after all that’s what we want, to be forgiven and only for God’s mercy as well as His judgement alone.😇 Hope’s this helps.
Thank You, LORD for the bringing out into the light this agenda and the prayers to agree with, the encouraging and courage to continue standing and taking our place in Your body!
John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.
1 John 1:6 If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.
Matthew 24:23, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Ezekiel 33:9 But if you warn them to repent and they don’t repent, they will die in their sins, but you will have saved yourself.
Dear Heavenly Father, as Jennifer was being formed in her mother’s womb, You planned each of her days. Certainly Lord, not these? She calls herself a reverend but does not revere You. She claims to be Your representative but is representing the father of lies. Your Word is everything Lord, it is alive and active, it pierces, burns, breaks and captivates… creates. You called light out of the darkness before You created, will You do this again in Jennifer’s heart? Your Word will never pass away. Your Word will never return void. So in The Name of Jesus Christ, Your Word Who Became Flesh, please send her a Word of warning. May Your Word fill her with Godly sorrow. May she call out to You in distress. May Jennifer Butler repent and be saved, to know fellowship with You, the Creator God, Jesus the Savior and the Holy Spirit, who is enduring Truth. Amen
Beautiful and eloquent prayer. Father, we stand in total agreement with Susan’s prayer. You are an AWESOME GOD.
Have your way Lord. Amen
So much hate in Butler’s words and actions. This is what liberals and progressives do, claim to be righteous and then spread the hatred that satan has put in their heart. Yes they will need the blinding light of truth from God to free them from satan’s grip. Yet God did that for Saul who became Paul because God saw some good in Paul’s heart and that Paul would change once he saw the truth. With God all things are possible but His gift of free will He will not take back. He wants us to freely choose Him. I and others will pray for these self righteous haters but the choice remains with them. God’s will be done. Trust in God.
Lord, We know your love for pastor Jennifer is unending. You grieve over her deception just as over the prodigal son in your parable. Lord, I am overwhelmed by your astounding mercies and generosity toward your wayward children. Only you, Lord, know how to reach deeply into the depths of her soul to bring your Light and Truth to guide and lead her back into your Way. Lord, we repent for our hardness of heart toward our brothers and sisters who have lost their way. Help us to love and extend your grace and peace to all who have lost their way to your beautiful heart. In your precious name, Yeashua, our salvation
Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, and now the Catholic people are sharply divided.
Protestants have gone through major splits as the liberal people have left the Biblical world view for the cultural world view , “God is love n all go to heaven.”
Though we share a common name, Jesus knows who preaches His commands through His Words and the Apostles’ hearing Jesus’ Words with more exhortations in the Epistles.
Heavenly Father, you said that in the last days people will only listen to what their itching ears want to hear. Please cause the followers of Jesus to call out the truth!
Jesus, your first sermon started with, “Repent!…”. Let all hear and desire to give up all to follow you.
Father God, You are glorious & You are holy. Thank You for who You are & Your word! I pray for a willingness to hear truth enter Ms Butler’s heart & a desire to be transformed by Your truth begin to grow into a heart full of passion & fire for the will & ways of God. I pray for repentance, confession & total surrender to the Holy Spirit so times of refreshing may enter her life. I pray wisdom & discernment from above renew her mind & she separate from a desire to be like the culture of the day. May she be brought from darkness into the marvelous Light in Jesus mighty name.
Holy and Reverend is His name. The word reverend is used once in the Holy Scriptures in Psalms 111:9.
It is blasphemy to use it as a title for a human.
Christine, I don’t know if Reverend is blasphemous but in relation to Jennifer Butler, it certainly is. We are too casual with words but one day, we will meet the Author and know perfectly. He is The Holy One of all creation who blesses and rewards, according to His Word. Peace to you.
I agree, Christine. I will not use that as a title for any human being. Reverence belongs to YHVH alone. Jesus addresses this issue of titles in the Gospels. How sad that we as humans feel the need or desire to be “entitled”, instead of just being content with being “a child of God”.
Dearest Heavenly Father: Please open the eyes and renew people’s minds as only you can do. Expose the lies and things hidden as Jesus said you would in both Luke 8:17 and Luke 12:2 and 3. Convict each of those who at any point proclaimed to be your followers and give them strength and courage to turn their ways and focus back to you and YOUR word. We pray this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior Healer, Protector, Best Friend Ever — our Everything as we give you ALL Glory, Honor, Power, and Praise for YOU alone are Worthy to be Praised. Amen
Once again a cogent, well researched article that reveals truth and shows us how to pray! Thank you Belinda!
Obviously she chooses what she likes of scripture (Holy Bible) and ignores the sin that the Bible emphatically describes.
I do indeed pray for reverend Butler. A Damascus rd experience would be a wonderful miracle. However many compromised Christians never experience the true Gospel of our savior Jesus Christ. Her message is being used by Satan to send more people to hell through going to such churches than the are the bars on skid row. We are running out of time before the election so constant prayers are essential !!
Father may YOUR Kingdom come to America and may YOUR Will be done in America .. May our country STAY YOUR LAND!!!!!!! Hallelujah
Another wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Leader of a pack is what came to my mind.
““Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
Matthew 10:16 NKJV
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
II Timothy 1:7 NKJV
This Pastor should be Faith Director!
He’s African American and he has a warning about Harris for us all.
She’s utterly corrupt. Listen to this Black Pastor excoriate both her AND Obama.
Pray she never becomes President. She’s been VP for years. How come America is dying on her watch.
You are so right, Alton R. Williams, Pastor – this 6 minute clip of his message is a must listen to as well as a share.
Most Holy Yahweh, Let it be so that this message from one of Your Pastors be shared and multiplied as many times as You multiplied the loaves and fishes.
In Yahshua’s Name. Amen