I Prayed have prayed
Awaken us, Lord! Call us to our stations for prayer. We seek You for wisdom, strategy and discernment in these days! Find us faithful in prayer.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

We all have election fatigue–yes, it’s real. And before I go further, I want to thank the thousands of intercessors who have faithfully prayed for and about the election this year.Ā  It was an amazing combined effort. Millions were prayed for on the map. Now we are faced with mass amounts of confusing information on the current state of the elections. Revelations are happening nearly hourly.Ā  Chaos creates confusion, distraction, and paralyzing inaction. The enemy thrives in chaos. Let’s bring some clarity and focus to the big picture.Ā  What happens if we pull back from praying with the same fervency that we had before the election?Ā  As I was driving to work this morning, I feel that the Lord gave me that answer and downloaded five dangerous results from the body of Christ stepping back away from the prayer battle in our nation. These five dangerous results also can be points of prayer.

Dangerous Result 1:Ā  Punishment or retribution against those who are ideologically different than the ruling elites in our nation

Jonathan Turley reports that a Democratic member of Congress, Rep. Bill Pascrell of New Jersey, is seeking the disbarment of about 12 of the attorneys who are participating in the election litigation efforts on behalf of the Trump campaign or conservatives. Some of the lawyers right after the election stepped down because of harassment and the cost to their practice of being involved. Michigan Representative Cynthia Johnson lobbies threats against Trump supporters, invoking action by “soldiers.” This same Representative attempted to doxx witnesses testifying about voter fraud in the Michigan hearings. We will see an increase in these kinds of actions and threats. We need to pray.

Dangerous Result 2:Ā  Inherent corruption will be embedded deeper into the recesses of government

One of the recent “wins” has been the dismantling of some of the deep state and its influence in our government and nation. It has taken great time and effort to unravel those webs.Ā  If we see a globalist-friendly leftist government take power, we can be assured that those who are burrowing into the fibers of our government will do so more deeply and more firmly. Some say that the surface has just been scratched over the past three and a half years, and with the recent revelations of corruption and shadow government actions within the FBI, for instance, we are learning just how damaging the deep state can be to honest and transparent government. We need to pray.

Dangerous Result 3: The danger of current and increasing Chinese influence and authority in our nation

The thread that was pulled in the search for election fraud has unraveled a massive network of Chinese infiltration and control.Ā  A video (that is being censored online) features a Chinese professor explaining that Beijing has “people at the top of America’s core inner circle of power.” We have seen the Communist Chinese government increasingly gaining control of facets of our nation. Most manufacturing in our nation is done “off-shore.” China is vigorously seeking to oust the U.S. as the standard monetary unit worldwide. China even has tentacles in Wall Street. There are key politicians who are compromised. Rep. Eric Swalwell had a romantic relationship with a Chinese communist spy–and even took her recommendations on staff hires for his government office. Swalwell served on the House Intel Committee–still does. Reports are that Christine Fang had relations with other politicians and officials. Georgia Governor Kemp met with the Houston Chinese Consulate, where he met with Li Qiangmin.Ā  Approximately 17 days later, he inked a deal for Dominion Voting Machines (owned by China). The Chinese article about that has since then been wiped. Let’s not forget Senator Dianne Feinstein who employed a Chinese spy as her driver for over ten years. The Chinese communist party employs tactics that seek to exploit the weaknesses of those they are targeting. A document shared by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo clearly states that. According to inside Beijing, China has been influencing American policies for decades through a special undercover network of ‘old friends’ who were at theĀ  highest levels of the U.S. government and financial institutions.Ā  Left unchecked, these instances will only grow and become more damaging. We need to pray.

Dangerous Result 4: Structural changes to the fabric of our nation’s culture and framework

We have seen the relentless pursuit of pushing radical agendas in our nation over the past decade. The “Change You Can Believe In” promised in the Obama administration will be unfettered in an Biden/Harris administration, heralding all-encompassing LGBTQ legislation like HR5 and the push to force girls to allow boys in locker rooms and transgender males to compete in women’s sports. Biden’s proposed Health and Human Services Secretary CA AG Xavier Becerra will shift the HHS back to advocating for federally-funded abortions and more. Single payer healthcare and mandated vaccinations are also favored by Becerra. Religious freedom for Christians will be greatly impacted in our nation. Christian schools could face crushing consequences from the government with threatened closure for not including LGBTQ agenda curriculum, and universities could lose accreditation for teaching biblical science on creation and pro-life biology. Another darling of the progressives are HR1 which will change election systems nationally, and of course the Green New Deal, which will impact every aspect of public life with the far-left policies. These policies will not just be bad law, but will fundamentally transform our nation. We need to pray.

Dangerous Result 5: National security risks at home and abroad

Bad actors are waiting in the wings for a vulnerable United States to falter. In fact, we see threats to our security increasing with the infiltration of China. There are reports that China is aggressively chipping away at our national security through technology, helping incite violence by funding Antifa and other groups rioting. China is not the only danger. Our nation is at risk when we are having to be focused on issues such as the election aftermath, and when our military and state department are more concerned with exporting ungodly values such as abortion and LGBT issues to other nations. We will see this vulnerability increase if we are not engaged. We need to pray.

Yes, we are all tired. But the enemy would like to lull us into complacency, using our exhaustion and the pleasant diversion of Christmas to keep us from engaging in needed warfare. Pray for one another as intercessors. Rest up, prepare for this as a marathon, not a sprint. We need to press on. Adjust your spiritual armor and keep praying.Ā  These battles our nation is facing will not be won without “air support.” There are many in our nation who are not even aware that America is facing a spiritual battle in addition to what we are seeing in the natural. THAT is where we are needed. Intercession for these times is key.Ā Here are four ways you can pray:

  1. Pray for the people behind these issues above. Pray for those engaged in fighting voter fraud, bringing lawsuits, testifying about wrongdoing. You can find a prayer guide that is helpful here.
  2. Pray for justice to break forth. My friend, IFA Contributing writer Gloria Robles shared with me that she has been impressed by the Lord that there is a spiritual battle for JUSTICE in our nation. “There is a shaking coming to the judicial system,” she felt Him say. Many of these issues have to do with justice at their core.Ā  Gloria has urged us to pray for each member of the Supreme Court and those in the Justice Department.Ā  She shares, “I don’t know what the shaking is that’s coming, but I’m praying that corruption will be exposed and removed from our judicial system. From the Supreme Court, district and circuit courts, even any corruption within the DOJ.” Ā Pray for each Supreme Court justice by name in your prayer time.
  3. Pray protection and wisdom for President Trump and other leaders who are seeking to root out corruption. We need to be like Aaron and Hur, holding up the arms of our front-line leaders who are standing.
  4. Pray for the Church. God created us to be salt and light. Pray His people would be awake, discerning, bold, and faithful. As Ephesians says, ā€œhaving done all, stand.ā€

Share below your impressions, strategies, encouragement, and scripture for the building up of the body and our efforts in prayer.

(Kris Kubal is the Program Director for the Intercessors for America. Photo by Canva.)


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Aurelia Jordan
December 26, 2023

Keep up the amazing work!

Donald sims
February 13, 2021

I trust God to carry us all the way.

Yvonne Metcalfe
December 28, 2020

Dear Lord, please save our republic from those who seek to destroy it. Give Christians a holy fire and encouragement to do right in difficult times, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

December 23, 2020

Daniel 6:22 Father, You sent your angels to shut the mouths of the lions, so I ask you today LORD GOD to send your angels to shut the mouths of those in the media who seek to devour President Trump with their lies. I ask you specifically LORD JESUS to put a stop to their slander and vindicate Your servant. In Jesus Name. Amen.

December 23, 2020

“The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall NOT want . . . ” Psalm 23

Thank You Father GOD that You hear the bleating of even the littlest lamb crying out to you from this vale of tears.
Hear our cries today, Dear LORD, and send help from on high to deal with the wolves who are worrying your sheep. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Anita Murphy
December 17, 2020

This is my second attempt to leave a response, the first flew off the computer “not finished” and so, I try again. I felt impressed with the words “precept upon precept, line upon line” and in Isaiah chapter 28 we
see and hear what God thinks about those who try to destroy what He has ordained for His glory. (especially
Verses 7-15). “But the word of the Lord was to them, Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little,” That they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and caught. Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scornful men, who rule this people in Jerusalem, (America) Because you have said “We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we are in agreement, when the overflowing scourge passes through. it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.”
Sure sounds like what’s going on now in America by those who are in up to their necks in lies.
Nevertheless God! And our prayers shall reach His throne, our cries for justice shall be heard as we wait
in joyful hope for the return of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. In the meantime we pray and hang on for a roller coaster ride such as we never imagined.
Blessings of His abundant peace in and through it all, Anita

Delena hulse
December 17, 2020

Amen! Have written down each thing to pray for daily.

Ray Biselliano
December 16, 2020

Thank you for all you guys do here, Brothers & Sisters! I agree with you in prayer over the Nation, President Trump, the legal team and The Church. The world is so lost. We need you Yeshua! You said “In this world you will have trouble but take heart for I have overcome this world”. Our lasting hope is in YOU OVERCOMING! With that, WE OVERCOME! Come Yeshua Come! This world needs you!

Winifred Ann Zimmerman
December 15, 2020

Thank you, Father, for allowing those of us who follow You, to know of what is facing us. Help us to remain faithful to You, to be salt and light, and to keep on praying for Your justice to rule and reign over this great nation. Do not let us faint. Your word says “They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint.” Keep us committed to seeing Your will be done in this nation of ours that You have given us.

December 14, 2020

Knowledge-Knowledge-Knowledge. If the people who don’t think for themselves would realize they are being
fooled by the left radicals and devious lying cheating democ[RATS], then you will realize in the very quick
future how you have been deceived. After all, 76 million voters realize the truth. Believe you me, dishonest
joe was probably lucky if he got 20 million votes. GOD bless the USA.

Jan Blake
December 13, 2020

The Holy Spirit has been impressing upon me the same message about remaining faithful and not losing heart. Our battle will be on our knees and is always more needed when our leadership is unrighteous and seeking to lead our nation astray. We will see His victory in small and large areas of conflict and we will be even more dependent upon Him to show forth His glory as He has done for hundreds of years in different civilizations. There will be new opportunities for His honor and glory to be seen in individual lives as well as corporately as we truly are the ā€œlight and saltā€ of the world and bring Hope to everyone we encounter.

Mary Jones
December 13, 2020

We have all agreed with the words of scripture that tell us, ā€œnot by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.ā€ (Zechariah 4:6b) I believe that all we are seeing now attests to the fact that God alone will get the glory of being seen as the one able and ready to defend His people. Now is the time to set up our Ebenezer, our stone of help, which recalls the place of the defeat of the Israelites in two battles against the Philistines; but it is also the stone of remembrance which reminds us of the faithfulness of the LORD as SAMUEL says, ā€œTill now the LORD has helped us.ā€ SAMUEL calls the people to repentance, and the people respond, ā€œDo not cease to cry out to the LORD our God for us that he may save us from the hand of the Philistines.ā€ SAMUEL offers a sacrifice to the LORD and cries out to the LORD for Israel, and by the thundering of the LORD the Philistines are thrown into confusion and defeated. (1 Samuel chapters 4 and 7)
LORD God, we set up our Ebenezer and return to You wholeheartedly as You give us power and grace to do so. We remember and will continue to meditate on Your faithfulness. We come before You in praise and thanksgiving for all Your goodness and mighty works towards us. Let the ā€œPhilistinesā€ be thrown into confusion at Your thunder and be soundly defeated. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

December 12, 2020

I have not ever been drawn to pray like I am during these times. I know it is not my selfish reasons that I pray, but the command God is giving me to obey and pray. I have wondered why I never give up. I just can’t. I have tried to settle down and get on with my life, but I know that I must keep on praying. Praying for God’s light to shine on the truth. I pray for hours a day. Before October, I prayed 10 minutes a week. I am thankful for this sight. Exactly at the moment I felt that I am at the end of my fasting and prayer, I saw this article and know it was shown to me by God. I am forever changed. I believe like never before. I know the best is yet to come. I await like a child awaits for Christmas morning. God Bless all the people who pray and are drawn to pray. No weapon formed against us will prosper. In God we trust. We will be victorious.

Shirley Stidham
December 12, 2020

ā€œHe listened to the groaning s of His people longing to be free….ā€ Psalm 102:20 TPT

Release the glory of Your presence into the nations, answering their longing for true freedom and they will never be the same. Even their leaders will be stunned by the fascinating way You answer prayer! – ā€œPrayers on Fireā€

Carolyn Mincey
December 12, 2020

Giving up is not an option.
Father, deliver us from unjust judges, and corrupt politicians at all levels of government, and in the church those who lead Your people astray. Show them to be in the wrong. I ask you to plead our cause and hear our grievances in Your courts in heaven where You judge and avenge us of all of our adversaries. Your eyes search for those that You can show Yourself strong on their behalf. I pray that You have found some. Have mercy on us and deliver us from all of our enemies. President Trump has boldly declared Your name in the nation after many have neglected to do so, even some in the church have failed to stand with You. Just as a door was opened in 1 Corinthians 16:9 (KJV) ā€œFor a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.ā€, You opened this door of opportunity to us to turn our nation back to You, and it did come with many adversaries, but You God are mightier than any adversary. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through You to the pulling down of strongholds. Father, many strongholds need to be pulled now in our nation now, today, as soon as possible. Show us the strongholds and teach us how to use the weapons You have provided to pull them down. ā€œBlessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:ā€ . Psalm 144:1 (KJV)
What the enemy meant for our harm, cause it to work together for our good, and to Your glory. You are our God and we will not have another. Dethrone their gods just as You did Dagon. We will not have another God, and neither will we be ruled by those who hate You.
Father trouble all those who trouble those You have put in leadership over our nation. Be an enemy to all those attempting to overthrow our government undermining our Christian foundation. Forgive those who say that they are Yours, but have forsaken You. Our nation is divided, but the church is even more divided. For the remnantā€™s sake, save us. For the residualā€™s sake deliver us. We do run boldly to the throne of Grace that we might find Mercy in this time of great need.
ā€œWoe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;ā€ Isaiah 10:1 (KJV)
None of these things are new to You. They are new to many of us, but not to You. As You delivered Your people from similar troubles in Isaiah 28:14-18, and Isaiah 59:4,14,15 from evil, deliver us who trust in You from these evils. It is Your kingdom we choose to exalt, and glorifying You is our goal. You gave us liberty and freedom because You answered the prayers of those who came before us. They looked to You and trusted You. We look to You and trust in You. They honored You and You honored them. We who honor You hope that we are enough for You to honor us as You did them and deliver us again from tyrants. Restore our nation to the foundation that You established it on. Restore the old landmarks and make us whole ā€“ one nation under God ā€“ a Christian nation.
Many men and women were harmed because they chose to stand for truth. ā€œYea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.ā€ Isaiah 59:15 (KJV) Restore their good names, and make them whole again. Avenge them of those who falsely accused them for it is written ā€œA false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.ā€ Proverbs 19:5 (KJV) ā€œ A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.ā€ Proverbs 19:9 (KJV)
There were those who did not call for justice or plead for truth, but we do and we do not trust in vanity. We trust in You. We do not speak lies, but we speak the truth in love to uncover those who conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. Thy will be done, and not their evil deeds.
Isaiah 59:4 (KJV)
ā€œNone calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.ā€
We ask for judgement to be turned around to go in the right direction and justice to come close, and for truth to stand up boldly in the face of every lie; and equity and all right things will enter, and be shown to be right.
Isaiah 59:14 (KJV)
ā€œAnd judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.ā€
I ask these things in the name of Jesus before whom every knee shall bow. ā€œWherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11 (KJV)

Leslie Vessey
December 12, 2020

This is not a battle for a nation – it is a battle for the world.
We are seeing an amazing increase of believers in unreached areas of Africa. In one village we work a witch doctor (yes that is a thing) came to Christ. We are praying for this man to now lead many away from oppression and darkness.
Where the darkness looms the light is ever stronger. Please prayer warriors dust off your Bibles where many treasures are and toughen up those knees.

“Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, And the strength of salvation; The fear of the Lord is His treasure.” Isaiah 33:6

Terry Montague
December 12, 2020

We are praying diligently, but should we not act as Joshua did – petition God almighty to act through our praises, march and after marching ACT!
It’s time to write the White House and demand marshal law be instituted so our military forces be brought to bear against the deep state, DOJ, FBI, CIA, Battle ground state governors, SOSs, AGs, election officials, MSM.
The supreme court is hiding behind technicalities and punting and refusing the presentation of fraud evidence.
It’s time for marshal law so military tribunals can take up our demands for justice.
Are you going to just sit there at home and let our country be stolen with no help in the natural?
Yes, we pray every day for hours, but we need to take action as well!
Joshua did not sit and do nothing to clear out the enemy from the promised land.
Time to write the Whitehouse.gov/contact
What does the Holy Spirit say?
Will you pray and act?
or just sit there!!

praying grandmother
December 12, 2020

Yes, I heard the word JUSTICE while praying. Confirmation.

Paul Bugajski
December 12, 2020

Let us remember that “we can all things through Christ who strengthens us”. Let us make ready for the coming divide between the “ruler of the kingdom of the air” and Christ’s Kingdom. As St. Paul writes in 2 Cor 6:
14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
ā€˜I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.ā€™
17 Therefore, ā€˜Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.ā€™ 18 And, ā€˜I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.ā€™

December 11, 2020

Father let us never grow weary in PRAYER!!! For this is a weapon against the forces of evil along with our Armor and the SWORD of the HOLY SPIRIT! We are to pray without ceasing and I ask that You Lord God continue to increase the number of prayer warriors who will pray pray pray without ceasing for Our President, this nation, Israel, our families and the BODY OF BELIEVERS!!!! Warriors NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!! Let us Fight the good fight until we get to the finish line… the day our Lord brings us HOME!!! AMEN!!

    Winifred Ann Zimmerman
    December 15, 2020

    Yes, my sister in Christ. Now is the time for all followers of Jesus to rise up and form a mighty army of prayer warriors! This is why we remain here: to fight against the evil one through our prayers for justice to rule and reign and for Christ to be lifted up and glorified.

Della Klinkebiel
December 11, 2020

Father, we are so battle weary but we know we must keep on fighting. Strengthen your warriors and enable them to use the weapons You have given them.

Paul Bugajski
December 11, 2020

Lord Jesus
Thank you for your divine mercy and for maintaining our President’s strength and faith; for keeping him and Mike Pence surrounded by Your people of holy fear. It is with great fear and trembling that we approach your Holy Throne as we worship You, and we love You and we thank You!

Please forgive us when we are “lukewarm” and become despondent. Please increase our faith and “help us in our unbelief” per your Holy Word.

Vivat Jesus!

Su R
December 11, 2020

I SOOO appreciate these encouraging articles from IFA to spur us on to more intercession with renewed resolve. It is so important for the Body of Christ to encourage one another, especially as we see The Day drawing near! Thank you so much for posting everything that you post!

Sue M
December 11, 2020

Timely and excellent exhortation and warning. Donā€™t stop now! Thank you for this article . Get a prayer partner besides online. One helps the other!

    December 12, 2020

    Yes! We need to be keeping a rear guard, and praying for one another!

virginia westwood
December 11, 2020

I am praying for Trump’s victory!!!

Elizabeth Petty
December 11, 2020

I am NOT giving up!! I am daily putting on the whole armor of GOD!! And then I am praying in faith and STANDING strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS might!! Ephesians 6:10

December 11, 2020

I choose to believe the voice of TRUTH!
This is the song for today!
Bless you all who faithfully trust in God through our Savior Jesus Christ. I love you all!

Phillip Stafford
December 11, 2020

Amen and Amen! May we never give up the fight on our knees before God! Jesus is the answer and only God can rescue this nation from this horrible set of circumstances that we find ourselves in. May God deliver us from the enemy Satan and thwart his plans for this great country that God gave to us. May we never shrink from the battle and not cease from praying for spiritual renewal. Thank you Lord Jesus for waking up your people from the spirit of complacency. Praise the name of our God, Jesus Christ! Amen!

Linda Lucas
December 11, 2020

I will keep on keeping on.

Mary Jones
December 11, 2020

I had a mental picture today of the Israelites gathered at the Red Sea. The Egyptian army was on one side and the Red Sea (a seemingly impenetrable barrier) was on the other side. God positioned His angel to go behind the host of Israel and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them protecting them from the Egyptians. God parts the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass through on dry ground and escape the Egyptian army which is destroyed as the waters that were parted for the Israelites now swallow up there enemy. (From Exodus 14)

God’s will for us is not thwarted by our enemies in spiritual places and those who are under their control. Neither are seemingly impenetrable barriers a problem for the LORD. As we move forward in the power and authority of Jesus, not looking back at the enemy but forward in our calling as intercessors those barriers will be moved.

“Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

December 11, 2020

I come to You this morning knowing that You are the source of all that is good. You are not the author of confusion and You do not ever change. You are in control, You are seated on Your throne, and You are not the least big upset or frazzled by the events of this day. You have already seen it. You know what it will be. You have gone before us and You pave the way.
I pray for our President and his family, Lord. Keep them safe in all ways. Make right the paths that are formed against them for evil. Stop the plan of anyone who would do them harm in any fashion. Make the proof of wrong doing on the behalf of others toward them so blatant, so obvious, so ridiculously apparent that no one can sweep it under the rug or hide it. Open the eyes of those who can’t see the truth to know that those plans are real and to bring those involved to justice. Throw open Your doors of mercy toward him and his family so that they will thrive.
Protect those of us who’ve never wavered in our faith of You to work through this man. He isn’t perfect and neither are we. But Lord, the schemes and plots need to be stopped in such a way so that Your glory shines through.
Lead us this day, to remain faithful to You, and You alone. Let us filter out all the trash being thrown out there and to continue to fight in our own ways for Your truth to be known. Lead us and guide us as we trust You daily and do not let the evil one win this battle in the Supreme Court or in the lives of Your people. Open eyes, Lord. Open them, so that Your glory be magnified and Your harvest be increased.
As we approach our Christmas celebrations, let us remain steadfast and in peace, knowing that just as You sent Your son to be born of Mary, You are still in the business of rescuing and saving Your people. Let us embrace the season with joy and peace, trusting You to be at work especially when we can’t see it.
Help us to glorify You in our actions and deeds.
In Jesus Righteous Name

December 11, 2020

This worship song came to my mind during prayer time yesterday. I hadn’t heard it in a long time, but the chorus, “Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God that is Who You are!” May it lift up the weary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJCV_2H9xD0

December 11, 2020

I was Awakened two days ago with the Song
“TO GOD Be The GLORY For The Things HE Has Done!

Hallelujah X 7!

This is our Victory Song from the LORD HIMSELF.

As the LORD revealed to me last month HE that sits in the heaven Laughs for they imagined a vain thing, that they are not able to perform. All of their plans are Thwarted. The LORD will have all if them in derision. Ambushment, they will turn on each other.

We won’t have to fight in this Battle, The Battle is the LORD’S.

Set you and stand still and see the SALVATION (Deliverance in every area) of the LORD.

As with Jehoshaphat let’s stay in faith & the prayer of Thanksgiving as we Praise our ABBA FATHER in CHRIST JESUS our LORD’S Name for

1. HIS Glory being manifested in the United States of America.

2. HE, Favoring out Land.

3. Our Land yielding her increase.

4. That we Praise the Beauty of HIS HOLINESS.

5. Praise the LORD for HIS Mercy Endureth forever.

6. Praise our FATHER that HE warns us the Church, not to turn again to folly or foolishness.

7. That we be on our Post, in our HOLY GHOST Orchestrated lane to run our race.
We have been in revival, repenting for our sins of Ommission and Commission and FATHER, has forgiven us. But now, As HE Stirs the Eternity, that is in everyone heart, to Awakens them, (the World Sinners) to JESUS The SAVIOR, we must Preach the Gospel, with Signs and Wonders following.

8. Once the people receive CHRIST. we must properly Disciple according to:
Hebrews 6:1-2.

We have been called to make Disciple not just converts.

9. Our work have really just begun. The next major event for us the Church, is The Rapture. Let’s work while it is day, less night come and no man can work.

10. I was told by HOLY
SPIRIT, to start a Leader’s and Believer’s Bootcamp in June, 2020. We just completed the Bootcamp. I was told to help the participants, to Examine themselves. We took our own Spiritual Pluse. We layed aside the weights and sins, repenting of them..

Also, I had to refocus and in some cases teach the Believers Bible Doctrinal Truths from Hebrews 6:1-2.

We must be ready to Properly Teach and Disciple the Harvest of Souls coming into the Kingdom.

We must be sure that a Solid Spiritual Foundation is layed, taught, understood and followed in all New Converts.

I have discovered that many older Saints were never properly discipled and that is why, some of them have no confidence in sharing their Faith.

Therefore we must be prepared to even disciple older Saints, if necessary.

As the Church, let revisit the Six Foundational Stones of Hebrews 6:1-2, and this we do because GOD Premits it.

We need to be Ready and Willing to do everything to Reconcile the World to our ABBA FATHER.

If I can help anyone to be certain, secure and confident that they have been properly Discipled according to Hebrews 6:1-2, with all Six Solid Spiritual Foundation Stones being laid,
please reach out to me.

We are One Body in CHRIST JESUS our LORD!

THE LORD is Awakening the World to their need of the SAVIOR. Lets Reap HIS Harvest
with joy and beautiful feet, lol.

IFA, thank you for all you do for us..

I love you all!

P.S. I did not intend on writing all of this.

Keep Laughing with FATHER GOD, because though hand joined with hand, the wicked will not prospe; but let’s pray that they Repent.


    Rhonda Martin
    December 13, 2020

    Teaching the Six Solid Spiritual Foundation Stones is a beautiful way to strengthen both old and new believers! Please share!

Bonnie Rowland
December 10, 2020

We must put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness & lift up.our voice to God. Pray in the Spirit. Magnify the Lord.Thank you Father in Yeshuas Name.

Vashti Monica FORD
December 10, 2020

Keep fighting in prayer. We cannot quit. I feel much of the delay is God’s way of digging out corruption at the root. Let’s watch and pray to “see the salvation of LORD”. I am encouraged.

Nancy Riley
December 10, 2020

The Light of Hanukkah gave us Hope today from the Supreme Court Case: Texas vs. Swing States.
With 18 more states joining in with Texas, word came this evening that the Supreme Court would
hear the case! Our prayers are being answered. Our GOD is a GOD of Righteousness , Truth, and
Justice. Our GOD is Sovereign. We know that going through these court cases will reveal the
evil to more and more people throughout the world.

Lord, we ask for clarity, interpretation, articulation, direction, and insight for all the attorneys in
court appearances, as they represent America and the search for TRUTH. Restore our values to the
original Judeo-Christian values in which our nation was founded some 400 years ago. GODS purpose in
this is to expose the evil. Let the shaking begin and bring our witnesses and their stories to the

Diana Swicord
December 10, 2020

Our God is almighty and He is not like anyone. He is all powerful and Hewill have His way. We raise a hallelujah to our God and declare victory through Him!!!!!

December 10, 2020

Dear Lord, you are always Faithful, always working for our good and your glory. We ask that you guide the judges who hear the case from Texas Father, that they would feel your presence and judge accordingly, in righteousness and fairness that cannot be disputed. Give them protection and wisdom for the coming years, Father that they may continue to do so Father. We pray against the evil of abortion, and against the evil of complacency in your church Abba Father. We need a touch from above and we need your help when we feel overwhelmed, when it seems too dark or hopeless, you are still God. You are still in control and you are mighty to save. I pray for supernatural intervention in the affairs of men that we may live in peace. I pray for Biden that he would know this time is not for him. Lord, those who feel they have won , I pray for a reckoning from your throne in heaven so people will see you, and your mighty power, and we will give you glory and praise because you are worthy. We love you today, especially at this time with the Celebration of your birth around the corner. You came to live here as a man so we could know you and trust you with our problems since you faced them all. Then you suffered and died to pay our sin debt and we , I am eternally grateful, please bless our land again according to your word and according to your will, we ask it in Jesus name, amen.

George Wei
December 10, 2020

This is a Christian organization that does not have to vouch its belief in God in politically correct terms. Be clear. These are efforts by Satanā€™s agents to erase the belief in our God from our culture. This is not just a ā€œpolitical ā€œ exercise. Weā€™re watching the battle between good and evil play out on out media screens. Satan appears to be winning, and many will not know God and will lose their souls forever.

Perhaps when understood in these terms Christians with a Biblical world view would remain more engaged in this battle.

December 10, 2020

As our Jewish friends begin to celebrate Hanukkah this evening, they are celebrating not only “The Festival of Lights” commemorating the miracle of 1 day’s worth of oil lasting 8 days, but their rejection of Greek restrictions that forced them to deny certain tenets of their faith, including circumcision, keeping kosher, and placing Greek idols in the Jewish temple, thus desecrating it. When the small number of Jewish fighters finally overcame the large number of Greeks/Syrians oppressing them (after THREE YEARS OF FIGHTING), they cleansed and re-dedicated the Temple- thatā€™s what the word “Hanukkah” means, ā€œrededication.ā€ Consider these quotes from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein’s book on Judaism, ‘How Firm a Foundation’:
“Hanukkah marks the victory of the few over the many, of the weak over the mighty, and of those with faith in God and commitment to religious freedom over the pagan tyrants of the world….were it not for the successful Maccabean revolt, paganism and Hellenism would likely have been imposed upon the Jews [from the Greeks they were living amongst]. Had that happened, the very foundations of Judaism might have been destroyed -and Christianity might never have come to be. In other words, if not for the miracle of the Jewish military defeat over the Syrian-Greek tyrants, there might be no Judaism and no Christianity in existence today.”
“…the verse, ā€œNot by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit [shall you prevail], says the Lord ofĀ hostsā€ (Zechariah 4:6) [is printed on many menorahs, and “it serves to remind Jews not just of the military victory, but of the ultimate triumph of God and the spiritual victory of the Jews over their oppressors…”]
“….As Elijah in his confrontation with the worshipers of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18), these [Jewish] fundamentalists declared that theĀ time had come for Israel to choose between God and Zeus…”

All this parallels our current situation- just as Americans are now choosing between a Free America based on its Judeo-Christian foundation, and a Socialist America on a foundation of false idols.
So, as those Maccabean Jewish people endured for 3 years til their battle was won, let us not grow weary in well doing, and continue to fight the good fight of faith, and pray unceasingly for those brave souls on the front lines of this battle for the soul of America!!!

    Bill Trask
    December 10, 2020

    We must remember, too, that God will accomplish his will regardless of who stands in the way. I don’t pretend to understand the intertwining of the ultimate sovereignty of God and the obligations of the church to pray, how our prayers play into the accomplishment of his will. However, I can take comfort in his sovereignty. As you eloquently note above, I also take seriously my obligation to pray – regardless of the circumstances. At the same time, I can stand on the rock and wield the sword. Thanks for your encouragement.

Pam Johnson
December 10, 2020

We must increase the strategy and impact of our prayers. Gather more frequently not less. Move into 3rd heaven warfare/worship and work with action groups in every state.

December 10, 2020

We must never, never, never give up praying for our country and against evil that is so rampant in our government, schools, etc. We are the foot soldiers and we must stand firm on God’s word and praise Him everyday for what He has done and will do. Raise a Hallelujah!

Tammie (TX)
December 10, 2020

The first thought that came to me in my waking moments today…a clear impression to PRAISE HIM. The Lord inhabits the praises of his people!! Our praise declares our confidence in Him alone, and keeps our focus where it should be, on His plans and work. Praying Psalms 145 and 146.

    December 10, 2020

    This has been my prayer ā€œstrategyā€, keep our eyes upon Yeshua/Jesus… look for Him, listen for Him, suit up in our Heavenly armor each and every day. Submit to Him, resist the devil and he will flee!

    Judith Knight
    December 10, 2020

    Thank you for this suggestion. There is so much healing power in praising our God when weariness tries to overtake us in this battle. Praise Him alone!

December 10, 2020


Christa from Portugal
December 10, 2020

Giving up? No way! When a woman enters into labor, it is a very long process that can wear her out completely, not to talk about all the pain involved. But it is right before the baby is born that she needs to push hard when she thinks she doesn’t have any strength left. If she gives up and doesn’t put out the tremendous effort required, it will already be too late for a cesarian birth, and the baby will most probably die.
We are in a situation like this now. A reliable source sent word of a “TREMENDOUS battle going on INSIDE of the Supreme Court with the liberals refusing to sit and hear the case… throwing the entire institution into chaos… which of course would cause it to get THROWN TO THE HOUSE – so pray against those evil spirits in the SUPREME COURT right now”. So pick up your sword and P U S C H through the lines of the enemy the same way Jonathan did just with his armor bearer with him, and the two of them defeated the Philistines. We are not alone. All of Heaven is with us, and also thousands of intercessors from around the world, like me from Portugal. Together, that baby will live and not die, and we will tell of the many marvellous things the Lord has done.

December 10, 2020

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!
We have doubled our “Pray USA” meetings, two per week.
This is so helpful!
Psalm 82
Psalm 84 for refreshment

December 10, 2020

Psalm 126:1-6
When the LORD brought back his exiles to Jerusalem,
it was like a dream!
We are filled with laughter, and we sang for joy.
And the other nations said, “What amazing things the LORD has done for them.”
Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!

The Lord is saying–IT IS HARVEST TIME. Keep planting.

Z. Nelly Hernandez
December 10, 2020

I am one of your intercessors and I want to leave a word of encouragement for you. On November 21st, the Lord gave me an experience as I was coming in agreement with brother Dutch Sheets. He was leading one of his prayer meetings in one of the contested Statesā€” I donā€™t remember exactly which one because the moment he started to lead us, I was in the spirit. I was speaking in my prayer language which he was encouraged us to do during the service. The Lord showed me in my spirit a massive rope made of 3 cords Coming from the Heavenly places down to the earth it was hanging or suspended from the air. I saw in my vision that the day was, grayish gloomy, and foggy and as we continued to pray and intercede for the nation, the rope started to untangle and reversing, untangle and reversing all the way up until I could see no further into the heaven-lies. The three cords rope became three singular cords.
The Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture that says that a cord rope is not easily broken hence why he was separating the cords as we prayed, making it three so it will be easier for his Ekklesia to break. This vision or spiritual experience was amazing and very encouraging to me. I have been sharing it with my prayer group on FB and with other believers and I wanted to share it here to encourage you to continue to pray because the Lord is on our side and He is listening to our prayers and Heā€™s shifting and changing thingsā€” the victory is ours if we do not give up. If we do not grow weary and wait to see the salvation of the Lord!
Be blessed.

Ron Greene
December 10, 2020

The prize is too precious to give up. We entered this fight to succeed, not to give up when the going got tough. Well, guess what; it’s going to get a lot tougher. Our fight is for the righteous principles that founded our once-great nation.

Our beloved warrior and President, Donald Trump, is in the middle of this fight, giving it all he’s got. Let’s use his example and join him. Rally around our President and our Constitution, or else What used to be America will look way different.

I will fight on my feet before I submit on my knees! There’s a saying that true peace can only be found in the midst of a storm. The storm is here. We must stand strong with determination in our hearts and God on our side. . .or else.

Mark Modjeska
December 10, 2020

Praying more fervently each day

December 10, 2020

WOW!! This article being published today–on the day that I and my prayer group were all sharing how battle-weary we are feeling…amazing! Just what we needed! Thank you!!

Corinne Wartenweiler
December 10, 2020

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne, O God! We know, therefore, that justice cannot be separated from Your righteousness Lord Almighty. We put on the breastplate of Your righteousness, Jesus. Boldly proclaiming the mighty Truth of Your Word. Amen

December 10, 2020

Thy Will Be done!

Oh Father in Heaven, our confidence is in You and not in anything or anyone else.
My Brothers and sisters in Christ, as we continue to be on our knees in gratitude for what Our Father has already done and being confident in what He is going to do, we must not be derailed by what the enemy is relentlessly trying to abort Godā€™s Will, but of course in vain.
Let not our hearts be troubled by what is seen and what is heard, but let us
rejoice in what is unseen in the hands of The Almighty God. Our Hope is in Jesus Christ, who said ā€œI will never leave you nor forsake youā€
No matter what the outcome of the election mess and whatever else is unfolding around it, we MUST remember God is in it, for it will culminate for His Devine purpose, and it IS GOOD !

The time is a minute to
midnight right now. Knowing this, The enemy is desperately working hard to occupy us, (believers) in his web of lies and fear of what ā€˜mightā€™ happen with the demonic agenda to derail us from our post in staying on course with The Lord as we should. Let us fail him and concentrate in our Fatherā€™s business instead i.e.winning souls for His kingdom while we continue to pray
For Godā€™s Will to prevail in the unprecedented but prophesied chaos the world finds itself in.
Is it me or is Time running out. Are witnessing a
replay of the time before Noahā€™s flood? You better believe it we are in the thick of it.
God is not God of surprises. He forewarns ahead of time giving a chance to everyone to repent and avoid the spelled out consequences He expresses to all so there is no ā€˜ I didnā€™t know ā€˜ excuses. Oh is that a loving Father or what!

Heavenly Father, supply us with the fortitude to be bold in spreading the good message of Hope manifested in Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who expressed His unmerited love for all hanging on cross!
Father God, We thank You and we trust You for You know what the end will be and it IS good and we rest in that !
Jer. 32:26 days :-
ā€œ I Am The Lord , The God of all mankind, Is anything too hard for Me?ā€

Therefore, fear not, my brothers and sisters, God is with us as we are travelling through the valley of the shadow of death, literally.

Let us all Keep the faith and wait upon The blessed Hope,our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will soon reveal Himself in the clouds to gather His own. What a glorious that day will be for those of us who Believe and a dreadful day for those who rejected Him.

Lord Jesus, come quickly!

December 10, 2020

When the praises go up
The blessings come down
God instructed the Levites to go before the children of Israel in battle to sing praises
Let us do the same…praising the Lord in advance for his deliverance!

December 10, 2020

Lke the chafe and wheat…
like dead and dry branches that are blown loose from a tree

Link Satan sifted Job and Peter..
Lord shake mightlety the halls of our justice system
And rid it of the dead and useless
Let truth sprout forward…and grow!

December 10, 2020

Father we are weary, but let us not grow lazy as we cry out to you for our nation and liberty. Give us stamina and determination as your children to cling to you, remembering that you live within us and that we pray in your power and not our own. Give us your clarity, bring to our minds important details we need to pray! Our lives and this nation are in your hands. Thank you for being a loving, merciful Father, full of grace and compassion for your children. Never let us forget that we are united in a spiritual battle which can only be won as we cling to you. Only through our Savior can victory be assured! Praise you Jesus and may you be glorified.

December 10, 2020

1 Peter 5:6-11
Be humble under Godā€™s powerful hand so he will lift you up when the right time comes.
Control yourself and be careful! The devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat. Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith.
And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever. All power is his forever and ever. Amen.
For all those fighting to save and defend our country!

    December 10, 2020

    Yes Father God, save our Republic. Satan has sent his sights on America & our Constitution. Father our Constitution was written with You at it’s center. Only a moral people can abide and thrive under this document.
    We can not allow those that would murder our unborn and attempt to deny medical services to the elderly to take control of this country. Those that cheated must be struck down Lord, we need Your help to defeat those that would side with China in all that they do.
    You see our Presidents heart Lord God, he is not perfect none of us are. But, his actions are right. Uniting the Middle East, stopping endless wars and standing for the unborn.
    Lord we humble ourselves to make this right.
    Thank You Lord
    In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen

December 10, 2020


I felt this song was fitting.

Laura Dominick
December 10, 2020

Psalm 121:1-2 “I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD who made heaven and earth! He will not let your foot be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber!”

My foot will NOT be moved! I am standing in faith that the Lord, Who delights to practice steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, has heard the prayers and repentance of His church and that He is moving to swiftly defeat this great evil that has infested our nation! All praise and honor and glory be to our Lord and Savior and King, Jesus Christ!!! Hallelujah!

December 10, 2020

Oh holy God, We pray for Chief Justice John Roberts and associate justices Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. Give them passion for justice. May they rightly understand all the issues involved in this election. Please give them the wisdom of Solomon as they decide the “remedy” for this fraud. Lord, I would be bold to pray for a unanimous decision that is based in the truth. Then, we pray for the response to their decision across this country. Bind the forces of the enemy that would seek to kill and steal and destroy. We pray for Your Holy Spirit to move across the land bringing conviction of sin, repentance and revival. May all who are blinded by propaganda have their eyes opened to the truth – and let this begin in my own heart. Lord, please let every evil intent be turned to good. As Haman’s scaffold for Mordecai, let any evil intended redound instead to Your glory.
In the strong and beautiful Name of Jesus we pray. Amen

    Laura Dominick
    December 10, 2020

    I couldn’t have said it any better! Amen, Lord Jesus!!!!! Let it be as my sister has prayed!

December 10, 2020

I’m praying psalm 23: 35:91: 2chron 20:20-

Patricia Moulton
December 10, 2020

Father, first of all, we honor You as our King, Lawgiver and Judge! You are our highest authority. We ask that Your will come in the United States of America once again in Your fullness of glory, power, honor and majesty. We lift up every target in Kris’ prayer entreaty to Your throne and court of heaven and plead guilty for the many transgressions and ask for mercy and grace, undeserved favor to come and awaken Your Bride on the earth to blossom in integrity, Truth/Jesus to show us the Way back to our position that He, Jesus, attained by His death on the cross that we have not yet comprehended. Align us like the stars in heaven that You maintain to shine forth in this season with renewed faith, hope and love reflecting You. All Hail the Power of Your Majesty, Glory and Presence

December 10, 2020

We are on the brink of disaster in our nation, but as Psalm 2:1 says “Why to the nations conspire and the people plot in vain” Verse 4 states “The One enthroned in heaven laughs: the Lord scoffs at them.” We, the Church are alive in this time in history to pray and to be the light in darkness. We must keep the oil of His Spirit in our lamps! keep moving forward Saints! Don’t give up!

Kit Hackett
December 10, 2020

Amen, forgive me Lord. I confess to you I have become weary. Trying, to keep my eyes on You, I renounce complacency.

Please renew me again. Help me to focus again. So many Nations are standing with us in prayer. Begging us to overcome. Break the apathy,Lord. Heal us again, you have remnants that have not bent their knee to BAAL. Revive us again. Our hope is in You alone.

Debby Lee Macchione
December 10, 2020

I read this after my quiet time with the Lord and a poem He gave me that hopefully is ok to share here:

To My Praying Church:

Do not back down
and do not renege
Stand firm as my watchmen
Stay awake to lay siege

Until all is uncovered
Until all is revealed
Until all is dredged up
Until all is unsealed

For Iā€™m moving & yes hearing
the voice of your cries
And nothing has gone past
My ears or My eyes

For this is My earth
The world I have made
My words have gone forth
I wonā€™t accept masquerades

I will tear down the masks
False pretense and pride
Iā€™ll remove those who scheme
with evil and dark lies

So stand as my watchmen
With fervency pray
My warring angels go forth
The truth will be displayed

For righteousness and justice
will lead again in this land
My church will go forth
Indeed they shall stand

But follow My lead
For what lies ahead
Remove every idol
Render all are now dead

For My Spirit will move
In a new glory, a new hour
Itā€™s not by man’s thoughts
ingenuity or power

So continue to seek Me
Donā€™t give up or give out
For My Spirit is moving
And thereā€™ll be a victory shout!!

Ā©2020 Debby Lee

    Kit Hackett
    December 10, 2020

    Perfect! Thank you!

    December 10, 2020

    Thank you for sharing. I needed this.
    I confess I have become weary.
    Isaiah 40:31šŸ¦…

    JD Schleifer
    December 10, 2020

    Beautiful.. Please consider putting this on facebook so others will see it.

    C J
    December 10, 2020

    So good Debby…
    Joining with you and praying in agreement, Mt.18:19!
    May Holy Spirit move in new ways that we could never have imagined. Hover over us, Holy Spirit, and flood our minds and our spirit for new strategies, prayers, and keys for victory in this season. In Jesus name.

    Mary Ellen Hale
    December 10, 2020

    Beautiful! Thank youā£ļø

Toni Kushner
December 10, 2020

I just finished a worship and prayer time and the presence of the Lord was energizing. My prayer for our prayers and intercessors is to come into His presence ” for in His presence there is fullness of joy”. The Lord gave me three words after the elections Stand, wait and watch. We are to stand in the faith given, wait for those who wait upon the Lord shall be renewed in strength and watch for the Glory of The Lord shall be seen. Like the prophet Habakkuk I say “LORD, I have heard of your fame, I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Renew them in our time make them known.” I wait for the Glory of the LORD to be seen for this truly is a time for the church to see the Hand of God move for the cause of Righteousness.

E. J. Ratliff
December 10, 2020

This completely describes my state of despair. Thanks for encouraging word.!!

December 10, 2020

Thank you Dave for continuing to be among the few, still in the battle, not giving up, encouraging us intercessors to stand strong and firm, and not give up praying. Here am I, one, among the many of you. We will not give up. Thank you for this article, showing us how to pray. I will be with the thousands, again this morning…praying. It is raining beautifully here in AZ today…refreshing. We need rain, not only in the natural, but in the spiritual. A sign of blessing. Glory.

Lynnette Hiebert
December 10, 2020

I have been praying that the saints will not fall back in their prayers. While we fasted, repented, and covered this nation in prayer before the election looking forward to a day of victory, that victory was stolen from this nation. I found myself crying out to God what went wrong that we were completely blind sided by the enemy,(for I do see this as a spiritual war). He reminded me that the God who watches over us neither slumbers nor sleeps.
While I truly believe that God is out maneuvering the powers of darkness, I am binding every dark thing and loosing every good counter fruit. This battle is not going to be over when this election is decided. It is just beginning so prepare ourselves for the long haul. God has this and He is calling on us to uphold him in worship. Let us devote ourselves this Christmas to the purest worship we can offer.

    Laura Dominick
    December 10, 2020

    Amen! I would love to see us all tear down the evil forces ruling in China, North Korea, Africa, Venezuela and anywhere else our brothers and sisters are persecuted! This has been a wonderful time to learn to be strong in spiritual warfare – let us never stop! Let us fight until all of our laws in America reflect the will of God! Hallelujah!

December 10, 2020

As the Disciples fell asleep in the Garden of Gesthemane when Jesus was suffering and needed them most, so we too are tempted to be “sleepy” at this critical time in our country’s history.
Please help us to encourage one another to remain vigilant, to stay active in praise and worship and prayer. In Jesus Mighty Name!

December 10, 2020

This election fraud issue is very much an attempt of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. It is evil, pure and simple. We must, as Christians, stand against the evil. We must take authority in prayer for President Trump, his administration, and his family. We also need to be praying for the President’s legal team. They need to remain vigilant, strong, and focused. We need to bind the attempts of the enemy to sow his evil and discord. We need to loose a spirit of honesty and integrity in this “election” being overturned. Truth must prevail in our nation. We need the belt of truth to be strong, and remain engaged in doing our part to bring this corruption and evil to be dealt with properly. In Jesus’ name we pray for our nation!

Betsy Nininger
December 10, 2020

Thank you for this article. You are correct in your assumption that there has been so much confusion. I intend to use these 4 prayer results daily

CM Brown
December 10, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You humbly, asking for Your divine intervention on the chaos that is rampant in the U.S. Please get rid of the evil and backstabbing that is going on, the corruption and the wrongdoing. You are all power, and all Mighty. We humbly ask for Your help.


December 10, 2020

Lord, give us renewed energy and help us to have a steadfast perseverance to continue praying and find us faithful in prayer. Help us to know how to effectively pray for our nation, leaders, church. and justice. Give us discernment and help us make the right decisions. I pray that our leaders would make the right decisions that is in the best interest for our country. In Jesus name, Amen.

December 10, 2020

2 Corinth 12:9

is sufficient for you

is made perfect in weaknesses

December 10, 2020

They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength and mount up with wings as eagles. Lord we await you!!!! You are greater than any enemy or plan!!!

December 10, 2020

Democratic Rep.Bill Pascrell seeking to disbar Pres. Trumps legal team is from NJ not NY. Anyhow the importance is to pray for this man with wicked intentions. Let every plan he seeks to put in place fall apart, his strategies and influence dry up. In Jesus name. No weapon formed against our election, the Body of Christ, our President and his legal team will prosper. Lord expose, bring justice, protect those defending our rights. Heavenly Father our trust is in you. You reign, You rule, You will be glorified. In Jesus name.

    December 10, 2020

    Thank you for the correction. It is important to get the facts correct because that is precisely what we are asking of this election process.

    December 10, 2020

    Thanks-we have adjusted our error!

Keely Villahermosa
December 10, 2020

Dear Dave and Intercessors,
On November 18, 2020 early in the morning on the west coast the Lord gave me a vision and a Word from scripture after I asked Him to show me what was going on in this election.
Isaiah 9:2-4 ā€œThe people walking in darkness have seen a great light, a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness. You have enlarged the nation and increased its joy. The people have rejoiced before You as they rejoice at harvest time and as they rejoice when dividing spoils. For You have shattered their oppressive yoke and the rod on their shoulders, the staff of their oppressor, just as you did on the day of Midian.ā€

I looked up the references to the day of Midian and they were Judges 7:19-23 and Judges 8:11-13.
Basically these verses talked all about the trumpets sounding, the jars breaking and the enemy fleeing. They also show a young man coming forward and giving the names of 77 officials, and 2 Kings being captured after the enemy panicked.
I felt in my spirit the jars were us, just common citizens broken before the Lord but our prayers are the trumpet sounds that confuse the enemy. I then saw in my minds eye humongous bins in the US post offices across the country filled with ballots, being hidden and awaiting disposal. These ballots all said Trump on them.

My prayer is Lord, as broken common jars before you, let our cry to you be the trumpet sounds that route the enemy, confuse their plans, bring out the names of 77 officials and expose 2 leaders (Kings) who have evil intent for your people and your nation of America. Expose the US Post offices that have been involved in fraudulent disposal or are still trying to dispose of legal votes for Trump. Bring justice Oh Lord just as you did on the day of Midian, in Jesus name.

December 10, 2020

This article is so ā€˜to the pointā€™-to give up now is exactly what the enemy of our souls is hoping for-and appeasement by backing down will not guarantee our safety-quite the opposite. To be blunt these folks know our names now (most likely) and to lose is not to go back to a quiet life or to peace-it is almost a certainty that there will be that knock on the door one night… it is happening now to many brothers and sisters in other countries and we are votes away from it happening here. The devil wants unlimited ability to receive the blood of the unborn in what amounts to sacrificial Baal worship, he wants to take Christian children and destroy their faith in God and the gender He created them to be. The devil wants to flood our country with citizens of other countries so that Americans are so diluted that there will never be justice again-and with surveillance systems being what they are there will be no free speech, no behavior not sanctioned by the comrades at the top of an illegitimate government. We just canā€™t lie down and give up.

December 10, 2020

Best thing you can do for your sanity is unplug from the media! Donā€™t watch the news, reduce/eliminate access to social media platforms and just concentrate on praying for all these needs. You will fell better and stronger, I promise! Keep praying…the time you save from eliminating all that propaganda you can add to your intercession. This battle is already won.

    December 10, 2020

    I completely agree with you. Looking for a favorable answer or even favorable news as it relates to the election or our prayers… can often distract us from time with God himself.
    It’s not wrong to want to see that but we must focus on the fact that it cannot be our priority.

Mary Jones
December 10, 2020

LORD, thank You that You are able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Thank You that You are not impressed with the power and strategies used against our country by wicked governments across the globe. By Your power and authority You place people in authority and You remove them from authority. Father, You alone save, and You never change. While the Chinese Communist Party plots against us, let them see the chaos and tyranny they had hoped to create here fall on their own heads. Turn its leadership on end and uproot their influences from our country. Expose lies and treasonous behavior against the USA and send it back to its origins in terror. We are Your people, and Your strong right arm saves us. You watch over those who fear You and Your steadfast love keeps us in perfect peace. We praise You! Let all Your people rejoice in Your salvation and see the defeat of our enemies!

“The LORD has bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations. That all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of our God.” Isaiah 52:10

December 10, 2020

These battles belong to the Lord, he is faithful and mighty to go before us and destroy the yoke of the enemy. The Father will bring his fist down and the enemy will be destroyed. Stay in the fight, give praise to the Lord and thank him at every victory. Remember, this will not be the final battle between good and evil. We are in it until the end. We need to decide that we will declare his word, his truth, and his faithfulness. Jesus said that our job is to believe in him, to know him, to keep close to him, resist the devil and he will flee. We are to agree with the Lord’s word, his truth. Take his yoke for it is easy and his burden is light. We will declare his strength, his faithfulness. He will take the enemy out, he will do what he promised, he will not leave us or forsake us, we are his children, we are filled with his light, his truth, his promises. No evil shall come near our tent. We are to speak his word over our nation, his word is the fire from heaven. In Jesus name we command the demonic influence to be removed, we command blind eyes to be opened, we command deaf ears to hear, we speak protection and peace over those who are in the middle of this battle, we command the enemy of darkness who are deceiving and stirring up trouble to be confused to turn on each other , and for the angel armies of our Lord to make a clear path to victory for this nation. We command the mouth and voices of the enemy to be silent, we command them to return to the abyss where they belong. We loose the power, the glory, and the protection from Heaven to this nation and into the battlefield. Thank you Lord that you have given us the love of the Father, the truth of your word, and the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to this mountain of evil and deception to be cast into the abyss. We praise you with our hearts and souls and minds, knowing that you are leading us into victory , from Glory to Glory, that you hear our prayers and you will not let us falter. All praise, and glory go to you! Amen!

    December 10, 2020

    Thank you, for the powerful prayer. As we join together in prayer. Blessings, of his truths that we stand on, trust in, lean on, rely on as we fight the good fight of faith in our LORD AND SAVIOR.

Anna McDaniel
December 10, 2020

We must pray in Faith NOT Fear!
I am so thankful for all the praying intercessors!
I am convinced that if we pray in conjunction with Jehoshaphatā€˜s mandate from God we will see results! He went into battle praising God:

ā€œEarly the next morning the army of Judah went out…On the way Jehoshaphat stopped and said, ā€œListen to me, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.ā€ After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising him for his holy splendor. This is what they sang: ā€œGive thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!ā€ā€
ā€­ā€­2 Chroniclesā€¬ ā€­20:20-21ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬

Yes pray praising God for breakthrough that has already come and will continue if we do not faint but endure to the end. Praise God!

December 10, 2020

Last night while praying I saw a glass wall. The enemy hit the wall with a force that should have shattered it…BUT God! Instead, it was the enemy that shattered and fell to the floor in pieces. The wall is the prayers of the saints that are having an effect in the spirit world. I encourage all to stay on your knees and don’t give up the fight.

Father God, thank You that You always hear our prayers and that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16 ). Strengthen, encourage, guide, us as we look to You. You are our refuge and fortress. It is in You that we trust. In Jesus mighty name, we pray, amen.

    Epifania Marasigan
    December 10, 2020

    amen. amen.
    What an encouragement! thank You Lord!!

    Laura Dominick
    December 10, 2020

    What a beautiful vision! Yes – a wall of prayers!!! Amen!!!!

Cindy Bennett
December 10, 2020

MANY are praying! We will not give up! Intercessors donā€™t give up. We keep praying. And our Faithful God is hearing our prayers, our cries. The enemy continues to come in like a flood, God raises a standard against him. We must not be overwhelmed by the constant barrage of things happening seemingly moment by moment. We must be encouraged by the Spirit of the Lord and by the Word of God not the news. Praying that our constitution will be upheld and that truth and justice will be upheld in our nation. Praying for all of the legal teams working day and night fighting for justice and truth to prevail. Praying for our Supreme Court as they hear the upcoming case brought by the state of Texas against the states conducting fraudulent elections Praying for every supreme court justice to be strong and courageous! Donā€™t forget to pray for our enemies. And most of all donā€™t forget to thank the Lord God Almighty for all He is accomplishing through this. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. We get to pray!

Deborah Sanders
December 10, 2020

Thank you for uniting the Remnant in prayer for this Nation. The only One who has dominion is the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai! No other! And ALL must bow down before Himā€”all people, kings, and demonic forces. We ask for the breaking of all who have proclaimed they are mightier than the Lordā€”all those who have proclaimed ā€œdominionā€! We ask for Your Presence, Your strength, Your mighty wisdom for Your leaders in govt, namely our President Donald J. Trump and Godly protection for them and Your people Lord. We ask that You Lord go before us in this battle against evilā€”the spiritual battle against dominion, the Illuminati, and the Deep State especially those forming the New World Order Church. We ask this in the mighty and powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.

December 10, 2020

Thanks for the ENCOURAGEMENT for us to CONTINUE PRAYING. It reminds me of Luke 18:1

December 10, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, I would like to take this opportunity to pray on these issues and to reflect on a dream I had early Monday morning, which I believe has meaning and I know you know about it, but want to share it with others through this prayer. In this dream, which lasted just moments, I saw a large, rough looking man standing in a darkened room, and he appeared to be repeatedly putting things in a white box sitting on a table. Around him all was darkness. Then my eyes were drawn to his arms, which were bare and muscular and completely covered from wrist to shoulder in what looked like tatoos of runes or some similar strange symbols, and I realized the objects he was putting in the box were pieces of paper, and at that moment I awoke and immediately knew these represented votes. I am still not clear on the meaning of this, and am sure some would say it was just a dream resulting from all the talk of election fraud, but I think it was a message that the fraud is real, and has a dark spiritual component. Lord, as I do every day, I pray again that you bless and protect everyone involved in fighting the good fight for our nation, to include President Trump, Vice President Pence, Rudi Giuliani, Sydney Powel, Bill Barr (who I believe is still on our side), and all the others who assist them. Grant them your wisdom and clarity in this time of confusion and deceit. Give them, and all of us who are praying for them, courage and strength. Lord, please bless also the people and government of the great state of Texas for spearheading this new initiative to expose the truth, and bless also all those states who have joined them. May their ranks swell, and may the majority of states take a stand against this evil deception. Dear Lord, please confound the efforts of those working against You and the good people of this nation. Though they seek to divide us and make us feel isolated, I pray that you will divide and isolate them. Expose their evil for all to see Lord, and let their evil house of cards fall. Lord, let your truth be known to those who are now deceived, and let those who are knowingly deceiving them come to justice for all the world to witness. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil. In Jesus precious name I pray, O Lord, Amen.

December 10, 2020

Yes Lord, by and through Your power and Your plans, we pray for all these and more with fervent Alleluia. We pray these
under submission to You and in Your power.

In, through and with You, our Savior Jesus Christ,


December 10, 2020

Ps 40:31 ..but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Ps 41: 10 so do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
I had a vision of Pres Trump. His hair above his ears near his temple were standing like that of an eagle swooping down on its prey, while his eyes were fiery, intent on taking on his prey. that time the Lord impressed upon me that Pres Trump has the strength and resolve of an eagle, the symbol of the USA. i was jubilant and encouraged to pray more for Pres Trump. i know its a way by which God encourages me to not give up praying for him: HE is his enabler, his strength, His discernment is upon him. the prayers of the saints make him FAITH-ful and stronger, more discerning. I also pray for his humility, to always give GOD the glory in all his endeavors and victories for the Lord.

Lydia B. Miller
December 10, 2020

Thank-you every one for praying!
I see a mighty army rising up, The body of Christ is coming together.
The warriors have put on their armor for battle, Jesus is our defender, our deliverer! He is the GREAT I AM!
We listen, we praise, we declare and decree that heaven will invade the earth.
God is pouring out His spirit on all flesh.
Keep praying. God’s ear is not too dull that He cannot hear, and arm is not too short that He cannot reach out to help us. His banner of love is over us, love is the fire that will keep our prayers engaged! God is an unstoppable fire. He is never weary, He is strong and ready for battle. Ride on His back, he has not given up on us!
In the middle of the battle, be still and know that ” I am God, I will do what I have said I will do.” Rest in Him, but stay engaged in warfare. Prayer is a weapon, it is a sword that will destroy the work of the enemy.
Many wonderful prayers , all manner of prayers, one very effective prayer is to “plead the blood of Jesus over people, plead the blood over the meetings. The blood of Jesus is a hedge of protection over Godly policies. Enemies run when we speak the name of Jesus, and mention the blood of Jesus, their plans come crashing down when Jesus starts breathing life over circumstances.
Keep hanging in there, sometimes it takes weeks, and month, but behind the scenes God is destroying the work of the enemy. God is never lazy!
What a blessing to serve such a great God who cares about our prayers!

    Epifania Marasigan
    December 10, 2020

    amen. amen.
    What an encouragement! thank You Lord!!

Mary Nadwodny
December 10, 2020

In praying over this I heard the Lord say, ā€œthe battle is Mine, the victory is yours.ā€ Breathe in the Holy Spirit, mount up with wings as eagles. He is renewing our strength. Rebuke the devourer. I know heā€™s attacking the Intercessors because I just got another cancer diagnosis. But I am emboldened and dressed in the full armor and roaring in battle. Victory in Jesus. Our savior forever.

    Paula McPhail
    December 10, 2020

    Praying for you now and asking God to completely heal you. Your words are a great encouragement to me and remind me that God fights for us. We will win in the end!

    December 10, 2020

    Mary, we rebuke that cancer in the name of Jesus! Jesus took the cancer into hell with him and gave it back to Satan where it belongs. You have the promise of his body and blood. You have a new wineskin and a new wine in Christ. There is no cancer in the body of Christ. You are his body, without spot or blemish. We come against that cancer and say be gone, sickness has no power of you, you have been made brand new!

      Mary Nadwodny
      December 11, 2020

      Thx for the encouragement. Blessings to you.

December 10, 2020


Pamela Derrer
December 10, 2020

I have NEVER stopped PRAYING.
God said that we will have trials and tribulations, but Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. God is faithful.
I know a person, who was praying for their son to come know Jesus as Lord and Savior. She passed away, but her son came into Donuts one day and told me that he received Jesus as Lord and Savior AFTER his mother died.
God bottles, keeps, our prayers as a sweet smelling aroma, and God does not forget.
God will answer our prayers.ALWAYS.
God is good and His mercy endures forever.
Keep on praying and be patient.
Thank you Jesus šŸ™ā¤ļø

Dorothy Ter Horst
December 10, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling corruption in America. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name amen.

December 10, 2020

My fervent prayer for the past few months: Save your people Lord, and bless your inheritance. Govern and uphold us now and always” I truly believe the USA is a Light to the World and that the Lord created this country as part of His plan…so of course the devil wants to destroy it. We have to each say “yes” to God to work through us in whatever way He choose… Even YES little ways like fasting for a day.

    December 10, 2020

    Amen, Lisa. Sometimes it is the smallest of things God does that have the biggest impact. So too will our efforts, small as they may be in the singular, have a great effect when joined through Christ.

December 10, 2020

Reading this article reminded me of a story my daughter shared with me while visiting the Ukraine. It is the story of “The Hill of Crosses.” (feel free to look it up) Basically it was a battle between townspeople and the Communist regime. It started out with a few crosses that were put up and plowed down. The townspeople put up more crosses, the regime plowed them down again. the townspeople put them up the third time with even more crosses. The townspeople won. Today, there are thousands of crosses standing on this hill.
Please church, don’t give up. The Name of Jesus is more powerful. “The LORD is the strength of His people, and He is the saving strength of His anointed.” (Ps28:8)

    Judith Knight
    December 10, 2020

    Thank you! Psalm 28 is good for my heart today.

Michelle Craven
December 10, 2020

Pray without ceasing and trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and lean NOT on our own understanding! Jesus, please hear the prayers of your people and show yourself strong! AMen

December 10, 2020

Just recently I heard the Spirit of the LORD say ā€œSecure the Republicā€. I have been praying and seeking further instructions from the LORD. Any comments?

    Penni Bulten
    December 10, 2020

    Securing the republic, (and thank God we are not a pure democracy!) requires upholding just laws and opposing, by peaceful civil disobedience if necessary, unjust laws. California and other states are continuing to disregard the First Amendment, there are states using executive power to choose electors, when that is a power granted to the legislature, and other usurping of power is present. If you live in a state that has used Dominion software, let your state legislature know you don’t approve, and why. If you live in one of the states that is being challenged, let your state legislature know what the Lord is leading you to tell them, too. (It is the legislative branches’ responsibility to choose electors, not the executive branch’s) Pray and post a guard, and speak truth to power, as Paul and the other apostles did. do it with grace and truth. God bless you for caring about the problems.

Dalen Fuller
December 10, 2020

AGreed we must be aggressive and pray pray pray – you can all join with me on a 24/7 prayer line I have been on since President Trump took office in 2016 and before he was sworn in – praying for our nation and especially for our president – 712-770-4340. 543555# – come on any time day or nite and join in our prayer as well as praying with IFA

Angelina Gicheri
December 10, 2020

Fear not the battle is not yours,the Battle is for the Lord the Mighty King of the Host.We will win in Jesus’ Christ Name

December 10, 2020

You said it ā€œwasā€ an amazing effort. I believe it should say ā€œisā€ and not have been an ā€œeffortā€. Iā€™m not trying to be critical. But NOW faith ā€œisā€! We should not be ā€œtryingā€. We should be doing what we should have been doing all along. Being doers of the Word and not hearers only. We must occupy till He comes!!! We must repent by turning from our compromise of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Me included! Let our commitment to Jesus be as His commitment to us! And let us be committed to each other, His body. Letā€™s be all inā¤ļøšŸ™ŒšŸ»

December 10, 2020

Father God, you are the Creator. You know everything…NOTHING is hidden from you. YOUR TRUTH is always right and good and is being revealed.
Praise God, Elohim!

Lord we PRAISE you for revealing such massive corruption in our land. Your prophets have spoken this and with more to come!
Brothers and Sisters, this is a huge blessing for us because we As a nation can’t ignore the depth of our sin and penetration by the enemy. Our loving and Merciful Abba, Father, is giving us a second chance! We have the opportunity to fix this mess! Let us Be energized and pray more! PRAISE God!
Let us get our second wind. Call out to our Loving Savior and Wonderful Counselor to help us pray in a meaningful and powerful way.
Lord we thank you for lifting us up, propping us up when we are weary. Put the very words in our mouths and the praise in our spirits and the love in our hearts to pray EXACTLY what is needed to save our nation.

Lord you SPOKE our Constitution into existence to be the very essence of a unique nation. Lord I pray for Pres Trump, His legal team, and all those involved in defending and fighting for that which God created. Cover them with a strong shield of protection. Give them divine Wisdom, discernment and courage.
I pray we remain One Nation Under God! Through the powerful name of Jesus we pray.



December 10, 2020

Lord, please forgive us for growing weary of the fight. We canā€™t do this on our own. We need the power of Your Holy Spirit to encourage and move us forward. We need to keep our eyes fixed on You! Lord, I pray each one of these prayer points. I pray that Your will be done in exposing and revealing all corruption and deceit. I pray that Your Righteousness Hand would crush the evil and restore justice and Truth. I pray that Your Remanent would rise up and stand firm as we raise the banner of Truth. I pray that Your will be done in this nation and all over the world! Maranatha, Lord Jesus come quickly, we pray in Your Name and in Your power! Amen

December 10, 2020


Lois Taritas
December 10, 2020

We donot give up, we keep fighting.
In psalms it says God laughs at his enemies who plan and scheme but it will not happen!
I encourage you yo keep on fighting with the Lord!
He is going to shake judicial system federal and state. We will win
So we put on our armor and fight.
Ill pray those prayer points.
Not by might or strength but by my spirit.

Carol Moyer
December 10, 2020

May God have mercy on us, on this nation, on those who work so diligently to expose the lies of the enemy and his demonic influences in our government. Iā€™m asking and believing that you will cause confusion in the camp of evil doers where they will begin to turn on each other to expose the deep states plan to change this nation into a godless nation. I pray for a hunger and thirst for righteousness and allow eyes to be opened to the Truth. I thank you for what you are doing and will complete even unto the day of Christ Jesus. Lord, there are more than 10 righteous souls crying out to you on behalf of our president and this nation. I believe that when this is all over, the world, not just our nation, will stand back in amazement at what you in your mighty power have done. I thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.

    December 10, 2020

    Yes, I am in agreement with this prayer! Lord, hear us and move Your hand! We humbly come before You and ask for Your mercy and grace! Pour out Your Spirit that many will come to You and seek refuge! Lord Jesus, You are our all in all! We need You! Forgive our sins, purify us and come quickly to receive Your bride! In Your Name I pray

    Lois Robords
    December 10, 2020

    I believe this, too.

December 10, 2020

And my God shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NKJV
Father God,
Your grace is sufficient for us.
Your perfect love drives out fear.
Your hope does not disappoint. Your kindness leads us to repentance.
Your Truth sets us free.
Your stripes heal us.
Your peace guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Your Gospel brings salvation.
Your favor is our shield.
Ps 5:12
Your Word sanctifies us.
Jn 17:17
Your righteousness protects us.
Your faithfulness is a shield and a wall. Psalm 91:4
Your Presence brings fullness of joy.
Psalm 116:11
Your joy is our strength!
Amen in Christ Jesus!!

    December 10, 2020

    Amen, amen, amen! Thank You for this beautiful prayer. I have screen shot it so I can pray it again through my day! Praise God for using His children to encourage and strengthen one another! Lord, we love You! We humbly come before You petitioning on behalf our ourselves, our nation and all of humanity. We know that none of this is a surprise and that You are Sovereign over all things. We know that You are working all things together for our god and Your glory and we have received the promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us! Thank You for knowing us, for knowing just what we need and for loving us with an everlasting love! To God be all the glory for You are Good and Your love endures forever! In Your Name we pray in confidence and in conviction…..Your Name, The strong and mighty tower! Your powerful Name, Yeshua! Jesus our Lord and Savior!

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord please help the president. If Trump is Your man then he needs Your help. Please provide the way,the truth and the life that we need with our national, state and local governments. Amen

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord please help in our justice system. We have people who are trying to do good and our hampered and people who are doing harm and are free to do anything it seems. Justice is more important than politics

December 10, 2020

While we continue to pray, I do believe we all need to continue to pray for the Church. We must not lose sight of our First Love, lest our ā€œlampstand be removedā€ (Revelation 2). My concern as I read comments from time to time on here is that folks sometimes flaunt pride in their prayers or revelation they have received. A dangerous after effect that could happen if this election does get overturned is a boastful response of ā€œmy prayers did thisā€ or ā€œwe preserve- red and won!ā€ God forbid no one receive glory but Him alone.
God, grant us hearts of humility to recognize that You alone ā€œmove the hearts of kings.ā€ Help us to realize that prayer changes our hearts and can change the heart of nation but also the heart of your Bride to long more for Your return. Teach us in this hour to ā€œrend our heartsā€ and not just our proverbial garments that You may rend the heavens in this hour and bring revival to Your Church. Prepare us to face whatever is in Your heart for us to face that we may be refined as gold with Your holy Presence. May we not take lightly Your holiness or the power of Who you are. Change us into Your likeness.

    December 10, 2020

    Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the the schemes of the devil. We are not wrestling against flesh and blood, we are in a battle for the very soul of this nation and it must be fought is the spiritual realm. I pray that the enemy will fall by his own designs and counsel. God is working on behalf of this nation so do not become weary in well doing for in due season we will reap if we faint not. Stand still and see his manifested glory prevail in this what seems to be a confused and chaotic mess. God specializes in miracles what seems impossible to man is possible with God. Don’t give up saints God is working! PTL!

    December 10, 2020

    I have pictured often over the past month+ and even previous to the election… God’s people on their faces in pure humility, reverence and thankfulness — for an election victory for the president. BUT that isn’t what was outstanding about the small vision. It was that the vast majority of thebody of Christ was finally giving God the glory and reverence that has been largely absent from the church.

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord please help with the domestic and international problems we have. Radical ideas pull down our security.
We need You God to protect us from those who would do us harm. Expose the truth and help

December 10, 2020

Lord thank you for the Holy Spirit and how we are helped in our prayers and worship of You.
Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit raises up Prayer Warriors , led by the Holy Spirit, to be filled by Him,hear Him, wait on Him, sow to please Him. Lord this battle belongs to You. May Thy will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. May Your children be found faithful. May Your Church repent, turn from our wicked ways and in Your mercy, grace and faithfulness would You please heal our Land.
Father You know how deep the curruption is in this World, the players behind it, the Spiritual battle behind them all and I pray Your mercy, Your plan of Warfare, your favor over our Judges and lawyers and that the TRUTH would set us free. May we meditate and believe Lamentations 3:20-26. Restore a Zealous, Scripture saturated spirit in all those standing in the gap for our Nation, for the unsaved, for truth to prevail, and to bring Glory and honor to You. In Jesus name. Amen

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord please help with people who want to change our country to a radical leftist way.
Changes are proposed that will hurt families and not help them. God please help us, we need You. Our people are deceived by ideas that are not in the best interests of our nation. May we seek You more and You will and Your values.
Shine Your light Lord.

Louis Reyes-Layne
December 10, 2020

The question we should ask ourselves is;”Is the God Who we serve, the author of confusion?” 1Cor. 14:33.

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord we need a government that serves the people not other people from other countries. May our public servants feel the pressure to do the right thing for our country. We need wise leadership, help us Lord and guide us. Amen

December 10, 2020

This is not the time to give up. Esther said “If I perish, I perish” and she took some risky actions AFTER she and others had prayed and fasted in sisncerity. The Democrats are getting exponentially bolder in their lies and outrageous activities. Breibart is a good alternative news source. In SHAPING HISTORY THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING by DEREK PRINCE (pages PAGES 61-62) Your founder, Derek Prince describes how he and a few other small prayer groups set aside one day to fast and pray for the Russian Jews living under Stalin’s communist rule after WW2. Stalin had planned a Holocaust of the Jews. Two weeks to the day after the prayer, Stalin died quite unexpectedly. The planned Holocaust against the Jews was averted, history inside Russia was changed. It can happen again with believing prayer coupled with fasting.

December 10, 2020

The fatigue is very real. We have all felt it. As tempted as we are to NOT rest, I want to encourage intercessors to be sure to get adequate rest when they can. That might involve a few more naps than we are normally accustomed to. But thoroughly exhausted prayer warriors are or can be easily distracted. So I encourage people to adjust some of the needed day to day chores and work requirements as they are able to. Be sure to prioritize what we must do over that which “can wait”…because that is an area that the enemy will attack in order to try and divert our “prayer attention and focus”.
Like my brothers and sisters in Christ, I too, feel the weariness but continue to ask God to supply the strength, passion and energy where / when needed to keep interceding for our nation.

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord there is so much corruption in national, state and local government. May all the corruption be brought to light. God please expose the truth and may justice be served.

Ken Budz
December 10, 2020

Lord please protect those who have a different point of view than the press of the radical left. May people be safe in their homes with their families and at work and when they move around.
I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Joan Richardson
December 10, 2020

I don’t know how many of us are connected to the alternate news sites, but there are plenty out there, thank God. Of course there’s NewsMax.com, ConservativeDailyPost.com, AndWeKnow.com, TheEpochTimes.com, and others. And We Know is a Christian news source that just posted a video that should wake up the church. If you choose to post this, it’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO5ORRtNvbw&feature=youtu.be [Copy and paste.]

I’ve been in a small group, praying for our nation, our President, elections, etc. for over four years daily. The Lord spoke to me yesterday, and I realized (it sounds bleak, but it really isn’t) that everyone must face death sooner or later, and it is better to die for a worthy cause than to die without reason. If we see beyond the veil, we don’t fear death like those who have no hope. The greatest enemy is fear itself. Only the fear of God should prevail, which turns us from evil. Then He becomes our Sanctuary. (Is. 8:12-18)

I’ve been through more than most and have overcome by faith in the invisible One whose power holds everything together. His life is everywhere. The word that reaches Him is in our mouths; that’s how close He is to hear us when we pray. He isn’t far off, as many of us imagine. No. He is as close as the breath it takes to pray.

I write books by the Holy Spirit. My first book sought God for the truth about His words. I have given it away as an online book, 22 chapters, written to unite the church and to restore her to the apostle’s teachings. We’ve been learning the Bible from men when we should be learning it from the Holy Spirit, its Author. It’s midnight now.

After The Union, He led me into some of His mysteries, and after the mysteries, He opened the Revelation of Jesus Christ to me. I doubt that anyone else has it; it’s quite complicated, but it was written to be revealed. I just finished writing it and very much want the church to know what’s been going on, where we are in history, and what is coming prophetically. Basically, we’ve understood, but there’s much more to it. I believe He gave it to me to prove the validity of His testimony, for the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy. It hasn’t gone to press yet, but with God, it might be printed and distributed in time for the church to read it.

If we win this battle against the enemy, it will be for the sake of a repentant church. If this is the fateful hour, we should prepare for the unexpected. These are very dark times, and deceptions are rampant. Our greatest scholars are confused because the devil is very decepetive. He plays with our gainsaying.

Here’s my website, should you choose to post it: https://JoanHRichardson.com

Cheryl Contratto
December 10, 2020

Please remove gInhsburg and add Amy Coney Barett.

Cathy Cutrell
December 10, 2020

Just to make sure people are aware the document that was enabled to me to pray for the Supreme Court and State Dept. under Gloria Robles section appears to be an incorrect document because it had Ruth Bader Ginseng in it.

Kathleen Halfacre
December 10, 2020

The Almighty God is the God of Truth, Not lies, He is the God of Peace, Not confusion, He is the God of Love, Not hatred, He is the God of Unity, Not division. The United States of America was established on our TRUST in God. Saints of God, WHAT HAPPENED?

    Joan Richardson
    December 10, 2020

    The deceiver assured the churches that they were all correct, and we blissfully fell asleep while the enemy sowed his seeds. Words are seeds.

      Kathleen Halfacre
      December 10, 2020

      This is why the REAL SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD need to Wake up and pray. God is not a man that He should lie. Nimbers 23:19

December 10, 2020

I heard Matt Hagee talk to his church about Christians fighting fatigue. He encouraged them to find joy in the Lord. Nehemiah 8:10 “The joy of the Lord is your strength”

I was extremely tired at the time that I was watching and his words sunk in. Ever since, I have been testing myself to remember that joy whenever I am tired and it has helped so much!

Hope this helps someone. Hang in there intercessors. The battle is the Lord’s to win. He will have the last word. Hallelujah!

Maria Teresa Panman
December 10, 2020

Is very important that as soon we open our eyes after some sleep to said Glory be then our morning OFFERING prayer. Then our Rosary then any other prayers, Loreto, Litany of the Saints, I call the help from The souls in Purgatory.
At least and Isaid the list for what I am praying, but added “your will be done” to confirm what we pray in: Our Father…
And all what we do, ordinary thing will be a prayer. And pray, work, and pray with your eye, hands, feet, with your ears, with our mind and every heart beat and keep praying because is our joy and will be forever our Eternal vocation. Pray for others… amen.
God bless our President Donald J TRUMP and his household.
Chaplet of Mercy and sing it if you want.

God bless you all

    Joan Richardson
    December 10, 2020

    But what does God say? ~ When they say to you, “Consult the spirits of the dead and the spiritists that chirp and mutter,” shouldn’t a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, there will be no dawn for them. (Isaiah 8:19-20 HCSB)


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