I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for truth and justice. We ask You to continue to reveal the truth about January 6, to correct any and all false narratives, and to bring justice where it is needed.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Although the news and our leaders denied it for years, a recent DOJ IG report revealed that the FBI was present in the crowd on Jan. 6.

From Fox News. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said there were more than two dozen confidential human sources (CHSs) in the crowd outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but only three were assigned by the FBI to be present for the event, while stressing that none of the sources was authorized or directed by the bureau to “break the law” or “encourage others to commit illegal acts,” Fox News has learned.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


Horowitz on Thursday released his highly anticipated report on the FBI’s Handling of its Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead Up to the Jan. 6, 2021 Electoral Certification.

“Today’s report also details our findings regarding FBI CHSs who were in Washington, D.C., on January 6,” the report states. “Our review determined that none of these FBI CHSs was authorized by the FBI to enter the Capitol or a restricted area or to otherwise break the law on January 6, nor was any CHS directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6.”…

According to the report, there were a total of 26 confidential human sources in the crowd that day, but only three of them were assigned by the bureau to be there.

One of the three confidential human sources tasked by the FBI to attend the rally entered the Capitol building, while the other two entered the restricted area around the Capitol.  …

“One FBI field office tasked a CHS to travel to DC to report on the activities of a predicated domestic terrorism subject who was separately planning to travel to DC for the January 6 Electoral Certification; a second FBI field office tasked a CHS to travel to DC to potentially report on two domestic terrorism (DT) subjects from another FBI field office who were planning to travel to DC for the events of January 6; and a third CHS, who had informed their handling agent that they intended to travel to DC on their own initiative for the events of January 6, was similarly tasked by their field office to potentially report on two DT subjects from other FBI field offices who were planning to travel to DC for the events of January 6,” the report states. …

Twenty-three of the confidential human sources present on Jan. 6 came to Washington, D.C., to the Capitol on their own. Of that group, three entered the Capitol during the riot, and an additional 11 sources entered the restricted area around the Capitol.

But Horowitz said that investigators “found no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6.”  …

“This report confirms what we suspected,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News Digital. “The FBI had encouraged and tasked confidential human sources to be at the capitol that day. There were 26 total present. Four entered the Capitol and weren’t charged, which is not the same treatment that other Americans received.” …

What did you think of this article? Share your prayers for truth and justice below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Tyler Merbler from USA – DSC09254-2, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=100214051)

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Kathy Emahiser
December 19, 2024

Father, you most definitely know what took place on January 6. We ask that you reveal the real truth. Thank you Father, in Jesus name amen.

Jean Majors
December 17, 2024

Lord, shine your light on the events of Jan. 6, 2021, so that the truth will be revealed in great detail. May the ones that acted wrongly be found and exposed and the ones that did no harm be exonerated of any wrong doing. I also pray that all involved in wrong doing recognize their error and repent, in Jesus name.

Erin Niedergall
December 17, 2024

Lord, bring these “law enforcers” to the end of themselves to bow in humility before You! It’s always a heart issue and we ask that you draw them to Yourself so that they may be saved and serve and honor and glorify You King of the Universe!!!

Rebecca June Spicer
December 15, 2024

Our most gracious God in heaven. We praise you for all that you do in our lives, we know that you are of good and want good for your people, Lord, we thank you for that, Lord we know that you take evil things that are done to your people and turn them into good and we pray for that Lord with all the injustice welt this and Obamas administration, and we know it’s that your Will will come out of all this Lord, I just praise you for that and I pray that these people that committed vile acts against your people that you have vengeance, Lord and that we see the vengeance in this day Lord I pray in your name Amen.

December 15, 2024


December 15, 2024

i think they probably “led the way” into restricted areas and into the building and the crowd followed. Father incriminating evidence be found. It seems like a slow return on our prayers but thank you for answering.

Roy Hagemyer
December 14, 2024

And does anyone believe the FBI? they have lost all credibility with American citizens.

December 14, 2024

We pretty well realised this at the time but not the numbers and we know the Dems blew it out of all proportion to try and disable Donald Trump whom they hated and NEVER LET UP ON HIM. It was so evil and at his Inauguration The Clinton’s and Obama’s sat STONEY FACED! Well thanks to The Lord God Almighty he knew the truth and saved him from death to give service again before America was irrevocably Marxist!

Thomas Nash
December 14, 2024

It appears from a distance that some people were looking for a chance to find something that could be used to hurt President Elect Trump politically and then the liberal press used the event to criticize president elect Trump for what happened, but many in the public did not seem to buy their criticism and that showed in the results of the recent election. I pray that the new administration will get to the bottom of what all has been going on and make a full report to the public. Many may not believe the report and this effort will possibly be criticized as revenge by some parts of the press, but it would be good to document all of the facts of the case and a majority of the people will probably believe them.

December 14, 2024

The headline of this article is inaccurate/misleading. There were no “FBI agents” at the Capitol on Jan. 6. As the article explains, they were “confidential human sources.”

Robert A. Best
December 14, 2024

Our current Government is as corrupt and evil as Satan. Praise the Lord that the American people woke up and elected the Right candidate. Now we must pray for him to stay safe and to be successful in rooting out these evil ones from his first day in Office! I feel in my heart that Pres. Trump is deeply involved in planning these things already! MAy God be with him!

December 14, 2024

No mention of Ray Epps caught on video inciting rioting. I want that investigated and exposed

December 14, 2024

The following email message is from Rebecca Lavrenz, the great-grandmother who is on house arrest for praying at and in the Capitol on J6 (read her entire story on her website provided at the end of this message). The entire truth about J6 needs to come out, the defendants exonerated, and the true criminals prosecuted!
J6 Praying Grandma!

Godly Again!
December 13, 2024

Below message texted to me from Mom (Rebecca)

and Shabbat Shalom!

I got to meet Jared Kastner, the young husband and father of two little girls, while we were both in Washington DC for our J6 trials last spring. Jared was sentenced on October 25 of this year to 5 months in prison after being charged and convicted of the same 4 federal misdemeanors as I was. Today I was made aware that he was recently notified that he is to surrender to begin serving his prison sentence, on December 23rd, a little over a week from now.

Really? Just 2 days before Hanukkah and Christmas? And knowing President Trump will be taking office in 4 weeks from that day?

Does that make you angry like it does me? I sure hope so, because all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, as English statesman Edmund Burke said in the late 1800’s. And if we feel no anger at this injustice, then we most likely will take no action, with our voice, our influence, or our prayers.

Mankind has always had to deal with evil, ever since Eve, and then Adam, chose to believe the devil’s lie about who God was and who they were, rather than God’s truth, and then acted on that wrong belief. A very sad day for God, for them, and for us.

Jared, like me, chose to act on the belief that something was wrong with the 2020 Presidential election results and the belief that we had a First Amendment Constitutional right to express that grievance at our Capitol on January 6, 2021, and even to enter the building when the doors were opened for us that day.

We both did or said nothing violent. We were only acting on the beliefs of our rights as citizens of the country we love and out of the courage we found in being righteous citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Jared’s attorneys have filed a motion to delay his report date and they are awaiting a ruling from the judge. There is still time to petition God for Jared’s judge to delay the time for Jared to report to prison.

Though Jared and his wife have been preparing for him to be notified of his date to surrender to serve prison time, it still doesn’t make it easy for a young family. Kaitlyn will have to take on a job while Jared is in prison to help support the family and I’m sure they will miss the emotional as well as physical presence and support of their husband and father.

But what I believe speaks more than the current difficulty, is Jared’s decision to look beyond his present day comfortability. He texted me the following after receiving his verdict on April 11th, ‘God has given me peace. I know for absolute certainty that I did not commit these crimes. If God will have me to suffer for telling the truth, so be it.’

What becomes of a man who will take this attitude under unjust actions by a corrupt justice system? Jesus says what will happen to such a man in Matthew 5:10-12, ‘Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs as the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.’

Jared’s decision to stand for truth in the midst of an unjust judicial system that wants to destroy the truth to propagate lies, even if it means going to prison, is leaving a legacy of courage, integrity and strength for his children, an example and inspiration to America’s citizens and for Jared, achieving an eternal weight of glory. (2 Corinthians 4:17).

The current administration and the DOJ who works for them, would love to destroy the rights of “We the People” to honor and uphold the Constitution and the God inspired 1607 and 1620 Covenants of this country. The enemy is always seeking to destroy what God ordained and has planned.

That old serpent the devil will use whatever means he can to try to destroy God’s plans for not only our country but for your destiny and mine. Like Jared, let us all keep standing in truth for our own destinies and that of our country. And, as Paul says in Galatians 6:9, ‘And let us not be weary in acting nobly and doing right, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’

Please pray for Jared, Kaitlyn, and their daughters, that God would give them continued strength and the support they need during this time. If you feel led to support them financially, you may go to Jared’s Give/Send/Go account (LINK) contribute for his legal defense expenses, or you can Venmo them personally (@Jrodk007).

When we are willing to be persecuted for righteousness’ sake by standing boldly for truth in the face of injustice individually and as a nation, then we will…

Make America Godly Again”


    Mary Beth S
    December 14, 2024

    I can’t just hit the “amen” icon on this one. I have to speak it loud and clear – AMEN!!!!!!

    I for one am sick of the debate about this issue. No human being knows exactly what happened that day, except perhaps that each individual knows about what he/she did personally. And no human being knows the motives and intent of those actions fully and accurately. For us to stand in judgment about things we do not know is presumptuous and unwise. BUT YHVH DOES KNOW! And again and again, I have asked Him to act in accordance with that KNOWING. I am sickened by the thought that many people have been unjustly accused and prosecuted of supposed crimes, when in fact they are innocent. I take comfort in Psalm 103:6  “YHVH brings vindication and justice to all who are oppressed.” I believe that Rebecca and Jared are among them, and I do pray for them and all others who have known such injustice to be comforted by this promise, and wait in faith for vindication and justice. I cry out for their families as well.

    YHVH also knows who is guilty of transgression against not just civil law, but more importantly – His Torah.
    2 Peter 2:9-10a  “So the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and how to hold the wicked until the Day of Judgment while continuing to punish them, especially those who follow their old natures in lust for filth and who despise authority.”

    Ultimately, each of us individually decides which side of the God coin we will experience – whether compassion and mercy, or judgment and wrath.

    Brenda Kelly
    December 15, 2024

    Thank you Rebecca!! You have said it well! I was just listening to Jared’s story earlier today! And of course I pray for you !

December 14, 2024

Scaffolding Commander
Restriction Fence Remover
South Door Opener
Pelosi refused National Guard
Capital Police Berg & Dunn
Welcomed in protesters
Baltimore Antifa BLM Buses &
Escorted by DC Police
DNC & RNC “Fake Pipe bombs”

Melanie Sellers
December 14, 2024

Free the prisoners now then

December 14, 2024


December 14, 2024

Why has it taken 4 years for this to come out?

Kay Bast
December 14, 2024

This was a planned event and if you are a truth seeker you will say that till the cows come home. If you have ever been involved in a protest you know that when emotions take over the brain things unplanned happen. I am sorry it happened and I pray that President Trump will pardon the people who are in jail, because that is totally wrong. If Biden was a true Christian he would do the pardon himself, but since he is in serious mental decline I doubt he knows what is actually happening. Just Pray and Pray hard that God in his wisdom will set them free.

Priscilla Depp
December 14, 2024

I want to know who the person on the scaffolding was who was encouraging us to come in closer. And where were all of our promised speakers? The crowd was wonderful, singing patriotic songs all day until around 2:00 when an unfriendly snake-like group wound its way through the crowd up to the front.

Susan Eddlemon
December 14, 2024

” Then rang the bells more loud and deep,
God is not dead nor does he sleep!
The wrong shall fail the right prevail,
And peace on Earth, Good Will towards men.”

December 14, 2024

We decree Psalm 85:11:
Truth shall spring up from the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven.
In Jesus’ name!

Sally Meredith
December 14, 2024

Dont cover up for the FBI. They are and have been corrupt and weaponized. Top people hated Trump and saw how they could “get him” to do wrong that day. Yay on Cash Patel coming in and cleaning up a once lauded org.

Ron Glenn Deere
December 14, 2024

This certainly brings more clarity!

Mo King
December 14, 2024

J6 was an orchestrated event to cover up a very questionable election. So many examples of fraudulent vote count to mention. One glaring example being the 9 semis loaded with fake ballots that left Flushing, N.Y., and delivered to a Pa Post Office Hub to be distributed nationally- presumably to swing states. One trailer alone contained 1,000,000 fake ballots!
J6 was all about stopping the Constitutional process of challenging the Electoral College vote process. The J6 Committee’s investigation was organized to cover up the fraud which was the start of the incursion by so many people into the Capitol building- the vast majority being innocent citizens.
Sound preposterous? The truth to all this is what we need; what good people want.

Rev Jake
December 14, 2024

The FBI infiltrates all terrorist organizations. This was no different.

    Mo King
    December 14, 2024

    And, many non-terrorist organizations like pro-life groups or Christian organizations.
    At times, they form a fake group that ‘look like’ a legitimate protest, (ex. Oath Keepers marching on LGBTQ crowd in Couer d’ Alene – all made up by the Feds).
    The FBI is out of control. J6 was no different.

    Carol Garrott
    December 14, 2024

    What? No, sir, they were not terrorists, but hard-working everyday Americans. This, too, was an example of lawfare waged against them as it has been against Trump. But God, in His perfect timing, is allowing this revelation to be revealed now (and those people from the FBI/government waging this setup – and that’s what it was – will likely pay a huge price for their evildoing in hell, won’t they?).

    Jesus, you have seen all of this and desire that all of us love you and each other, but you are not pleased with acts of hatred. Please hold the guilty accountable in this inexcusable act of unaccountable lawfare, including their holding the innocent ones in prison. But I pray that souls are being changed in this entire process.

    December 14, 2024

    Make no mistake Rev, J6 was a FEDSURRECTION to get Biden certified when Ted Cruz wanted to wait 10 days to certify.
    Unfortunately, the real terrorists are this so called “Administration”

Erilda Coleman
December 14, 2024

Father, we pray for truth and Justice to be revealed for the January 6th incident. May truth be revealed and justice served upon all those who denied & took away the rights and privileges of those jailed. Thus should never have been allowed to happen in our nation.

Dona Schmidt
December 14, 2024

Thank you for the article. It is still very confusing as to who instigated going into the capital. Where is the justice? With this information, now what? Will we see those who are in prison, for the last, almost 4 years be released? Prayers continue to be lifted up or those falsely accused.

Gloria Kuipers
December 14, 2024

God we ask for Your intervention in revealing the truth. Shed light which exposes the corruption in this government. Thank Yoiu.

Jackie Hardman
December 14, 2024

Time to clean out the liars and actually provide accountability and justice for the American people and particularly those J6 protesters who are still being held some still without due process. This is such a a travesty. There’s a new sheriff in town and evil better flee as it will be brought to light and ferreted out. God is hearing our prayers. Due diligence is needed. What is down is finally going to be reaped. Praise God for His unwavering truth and His justice. Hang tough J6, your vindication is coming!!👏👍

Michael Briney
December 14, 2024

We have been lied to concerning the January 6th incident. As we have suspected all along the FBI is in need of a complete overhaul.

Michele S
December 14, 2024

Heavenly Father, we are thankful that Your truth has a way of always coming to light. We pray for more of Your truths as this new administration comes into office, and that those who have chosen not to speak the truth will do so in the end. Ultimately, we trust Your timing in all things.

May Your ways always be our ways.


Shellie Maheu
December 14, 2024

Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST that the truth is being revealed. LORD GOD, I pray for justice for those in prison from January 6. I pray that those that are truly innocent will be freed when President Trump takes office. I pray your biggest warrior angels stay encamped around the people in prison there from January 6. And please keep your angels always surrounding President Trump, JD Vance, Elon Musk, Robert Kennedy, Benjamin Netanyahu, the justices of the Supreme Court, all of President Trump’s cabinet, and all of their families too. I pray everything that the wicked plan fall fruitless efforts to the ground, and all lies continue to be exposed, in the mighty matchless name of our risen Lord and savior, the one true GOD, JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth of the Holy Bible. AMEN

John Jameson
December 14, 2024

If anyone is guilty of rioting, its BLM that burned down many parts of major norther cities from coast to coast. Billions of dollars in damage, with multiple lives taken, and not one in prison. The few that did get arrested their bail was paid to get them out by Hillary. Waters, Pelosi, and many other high ranking democrat officials, and nothing else was said, they all got off Scott free.
On the J6ers, needlessly killed, was 4 in total, with one being shot in the neck, Ashley Babbitt, by a dc cop Byrd who was never tried or lost a day’s work. Another eas beaten to death by dc cops outside the building. While hundreds were sent to a dc gulag with no bail or court dates set, just for being there and many are still there. Pelosi was ask by Trump many times that the national guard should be there, days before the incident, but was repeatable refused.
Trump after making his speech that day ask for those there to protest peaceably. This was a setup from the gitgo, by the fbi/doj and far left democrat congress men and women.
Its truly a shame what the democrat establishment did and many need to be put in those gulag just as the J6ers have had to put up with since that day. It was far from a insurrection as the left likes to say. You want to see a real insurrection, look at what happened in Syria the last week or so, good or bad, that was a insurrection.

December 14, 2024

Pray that righteous and Justice will prevai on what happened on Jan6, Let every man be a lie and God be true; truth SHALL PREVAIL 🙏

December 14, 2024

This is not at all surprising. The reason there was a protest was because of the 26 FBI agents involved. I they are the ones who should be considered domestic terrorists they incited the riot. They need to be in prison as well as Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray.


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