I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect the freedom we still experience in our nation today. Please heal our land and give us wisdom of how to move forward.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Kirsanow, a partner with the law firm of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, and chair of the board of directors of the Center for New Black Leadership, presented his views at a week-long virtual conference held by theĀ National Association of ScholarsĀ (NAS), a nonprofit that ā€œupholds the standards of a liberal arts education that fosters intellectual freedom, searches for the truth, and promotes virtuous citizenship.ā€


During the NAS series titled, ā€œSlavery or Freedom: The Conception of America,ā€ KirsanowĀ refutedĀ much of the ā€œ1619 Project,ā€ the creation of Nikole Hannah-Jones, whichĀ claims Americaā€™s true founding date was 1619, the year slaves from Africa were first brought to the colonies. . . .

This is ā€œan all hands-on-deck situation,ā€ he warned his listeners:

Thereā€™s approximately 5,000 school districts who have adopted something like [the ā€œ1619 Projectā€] here in my home state of Ohio. Iā€™m involved in an effort to ensure that the ā€œ1619 Projectā€ is not implemented within our state school systems, even though it appears as if the state school board is on the verge of doing just that, having passed a resolution, promoting the ā€œ1619 Projectā€ ā€“ itā€™s just the first step.

Kirsanow explained what has concerned him so deeply about the project is that ā€œwe have seen the consequences of some version, maybe not a formal version of the 1619 Project, but with the critical race theory of the late ā€™80s to the present, and ā€¦ the Howard Zinn version of history.ā€

ā€œWe have seen what I believe to be a corruption of history, a distortion of history,ā€ he asserted, adding that Jones ā€œis using the tools of a 20th century form of oppression, to consciously, or not, present her version of, and that of many on the leftā€™s, version of slavery in the United States.ā€

ā€œAnd it is nothing more than sheer propaganda,ā€ he stated. ā€œItā€™s very ironic that they are using those tools that weā€™ve seen throughout much of the 20th century employed in some of the most repressive regimes, to give this glowing account of the valiant travails of Latin America, and there were valiant travails of blacks in America, but they give it a primacy thatā€™s not at all supported by facts.ā€ . . .

ā€œThe strangest thing about the essay is the claim that transplanted Africans and their descendants were the key to American greatness,ā€ he said. ā€œUnfortunately, it would be nice if that were true, but itā€™s not true. Itā€™s inaccurate. Itā€™s propaganda, maybe itā€™s kind of feel-good propaganda, but itā€™s propaganda nonetheless.ā€. . .

Kirsanow said, for example, Democrat presidential nominee Joe Bidenā€™s recentĀ claimĀ that a black man, and not Thomas Edison, invented the light bulb, comes from an ā€œalternative universe.ā€

ā€œIt demonstrates how the effort to put race and slavery at the heart of the American story has the potential to destabilize our understanding of our country,ā€ he explained, detailing his primary concern about the 1619 Project:

What makes it worse is, this is something thatā€™s being introduced into curriculum, K through 12. Itā€™s one thing when you do it in college, and maybe with somebody who already had an established foundation, where a student has to adequately interpret what theyā€™re being told. But, when fresh young minds are exposed to this, thatā€™s something completely different. So, as with other progressive revisionism, itā€™s likely then when you start at K through 12, that this will become the story of the American founding or the story of America within a generation, unless thereā€™s significant pushback. And, again, that means all hands on deck.

Kirsanow said he has seen many people appear before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, ā€œand the essence of the 1619 Project has been spewed forth ā€¦ and adopted almost uncritically by many of my colleagues.ā€

Observing the gross distortions in the project, he quoted Jones as stating in her essay that 400,000 of 10.5 million Africans were sold into slavery in North America, or what ultimately became the United States.

ā€œBut that begs the question, what happened to the remaining ten million?ā€ he asked. ā€œAnswer: at least four million of them we know ended up in Brazil, which is not part of the United States of America ā€¦ slavery in Brazil, you might remember, wasnā€™t ended until 1888, even later than the United States.ā€

Kirsanow noted Jones ā€œdoesnā€™t seem angry, by the way, at the Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery.ā€

ā€œAll her anger seems to be directed toward the United States, and obviously that gives away the game,ā€ he asserted, adding Jonesā€™ focus is ā€œmyopic, and it is, in essence, anti-white. It has anti-white rage suffused throughout, and it prevents her from having a perspective, or sense of proportion with respect to slavery.ā€ . . . .

He observed as well that ā€œdespite the numerous cruelties of chattel slavery, the African population here in the United States, somehow grew dramatically from natural increasesā€:

Again, this is not to diminish the horrors of slavery or to excuse anything. This is a matter of perspective. Perspective is important no matter what horrors we may be talking about because we want to get it accurately, because it informs the manner in which we deal with these similar matters now and in the future. If we get it wrong, weā€™re gonna get everything wrong, or much wrong. So, 400,000 are important. By the time of the 1860 census, however, there are almost four million slaves in the United States, and nearly half a million free blacks. So, the injustice and cruelty of slavery didnā€™t extinguish the African American population.ā€

That population in the United States, he said, ā€œgrew significantly, even during the antebellum period.ā€

While Kirsanow emphasized slavery is ā€œa horrific institution,ā€ he nevertheless stated the ā€œ1619 Projectā€ even ā€œgoes beyond that and intends to distort things.ā€

ā€œIt could make a much greater impact if it stayed within the confines of accuracy and the truth,ā€ he said, adding that Jones ā€œtends to prefer American history as a long, slow struggle between racist, oppressive whites and valiant, noble blacks. Thatā€™s how everyoneā€™s characterized, and thatā€™s not how human beings behave.ā€

Kirsanow criticized Jonesā€™ tweet, nowĀ deleted, in which sheĀ saidĀ it would be ā€œan honorā€ for the current-day violent riots in U.S. cities to be known as ā€œthe 1619 riots.ā€

ā€œNo, it wouldnā€™t be an honor,ā€ he asserted, drawing attention to what has occurred in America of late:

After we have a black president, black CEOs, lawful discrimination has been outlawed for 60 years ā€“ there are discreet instances of racism and discrimination, no doubt ā€“ but this country has done incredible progress in eliminating vestiges of discrimination, to say that we should call this the 1619 riots? Iā€™m just going to reserve comment on that. Let me just say that I think when you hear commentators and politicians throughout the land, speak favorably about these riots that says a lot about them, and says absolutely nothing about the history of this country.

Viewing the ā€œ1619 Projectā€ along with the broader category of critical race theory, Kirsanow said these efforts are ā€œone of the most significant attempts to propagandize history that we have seen in at least my lifetime.ā€

ā€œAnd itā€™s been lurking in the weeds for a while,ā€ he added. ā€œYou know, weā€™ve seen some elements of it, but now we have it full throated, itā€™s being shoved down our throats, with the willing assistance of many in the academy and, definitely, many in the media and, of course, politicians who find that it is politically useful.ā€

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Dr. Susan Berry. Photo Credit: Dreamstime.)

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Sandra Kersh
March 11, 2021

I have seen 1st hand in 4th grade the introduction of 1619 Project propaganda. The videos present the story we were all taught and periodically the word FALSE is injected across the screen. A British accented man then corrects the narrative. What got my attention was his tone and manner was mocking and smirking at history as we were taught.

March 11, 2021

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Dear Lord, please show us the way to thwart off plans of the left to propagandize history. Please show the right people how to stop this 1619 project dead in its tracks. Please Lord, lead our great nation founded on Godly principles to implement curriculum that teach the truth about You and the USA. Thanks God! Amen!

Trudy Jerdsl
March 11, 2021

Certainly it’s time to recuperate the Christian education movement

September 20, 2020

My husband was just talking to our neighbor who has taught history at our local high school for 37 years. If his district selects the 1619 project, he will resign. Heā€™s beginning to clean out his many displays from his room.

Lord, the enemy is relentless to cause as much chaos and dissension, hate and bigotry as he possibly can before you return. You are Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace. Confound the 1619 project, we put on the armor you provide us and ask you to rebuke that deceitful liar, that evil serpent, and send him and his coverts to the pit where he belongs. We pray for Nikole Hannah-Jones. Open the eyes of her understanding. Give her a 180 turnaround on this project and a testimony. May she refute every word. Release her from the grip of the enemy. You are not willing for any to perish. Raise up more voices like Kirsanow to speak the truth. Open the eyes of parents understanding to intervene in their childrenā€™s education. Thank you this COVID time for allowing parents to be with their children. Help them to find the truth and teach it to their children. Remove the wicked from our educational system and replace them with individuals of your choice. May your truth go marching on! Glory, glory, hallelujah! We pray this in Jesus name, Amen!

    September 21, 2020

    Father GOD, we now see what the enemy intended when prayer was legally eliminated from the classroom. Ultimately the enemy’s end game is to distort that this country was founded for the purpose of exercising religious freedom. May those that know the truth be bold enough to teach it; may Pastors (black, white, yellow, red, mixed) have the courage to speak the truth about the history of AMERICA; may parents and grandparents supply the children with the correct information so that they won’t be deceived.

    America has a spiritual purpose and foundation which we cannot and will not allow the enemy to usurp in Jesus NAME.

September 20, 2020

Propaganda! The weapon of the wicked!

Oh, Father God, I pray that the Bible will be brought back into the schools of America, that little children could learn to know The Truth that will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

September 20, 2020

Lord, please alert local school boards about this and give them alternatives for their school districts that do not gloss over the evils committed by America but do not give our youth a twisted view of a nation of sinners saved by grace.

Barbara Hesch
September 20, 2020

I thank God that we have a President who loves this country. He has already developed a plan to counter this 1619 project, with the 1776 Commission. He just announced it and I pray that it will help to bring some healing to this great nation. I’d like to express my thoughts about people who don’t like this country. I would like to ask them why they are still here? For every single individual who hates America and should leave, there are probably hundreds who would love to come and take their place.

Lawrence Unger
September 20, 2020

First, know we are in the midst of a mighty spiritual war!

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV

Second, what are they, the wicked and evil doers, doing:

6 They pile lie upon lie and utterly refuse to acknowledge Me,ā€ says the LORD. Jeremiah 9:6 NLT

Third, how does God feel about this? The Bible leaves no doubt that God hates deceit. Three times in the book of Proverbs He states it bluntly. In Proverbs 6:17, 19 we read a list of ā€œsix things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him,ā€ and two of them relate to deceit: ā€œa lying tongueā€ and ā€œa false witness who breathes out liesā€. And Proverbs 12:22 echoes the theme: ā€œLying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight”.

What are we to do? Pray, discern and speak truth.

O Lord, my prayer is that the 1619 Project and all its instigators and proponents be fully exposed to their deceit and be “canceled” (bound up) in the powerful name of Jesus. And that proponents disclosing truth be loosened and protected in the powerful name of Jesus.

September 20, 2020

Father, for the sake of all children,present and future, please shine your light on this counterfeit and expose it for what it really is,twisted, distorted, etc….It is written: you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free…..
Wall builders with David Barton has the most accurate, authentic history of the United States of America. Check it out.

Caroline Eagan
September 20, 2020

Lord Jesus, help us for this is one of the steps that that the Nazis started to indoctrinate their people, which was through the educational system. Without your help dear Lord, we are helpless, please tear down these Marxist/Communist organizations in Jesus’ Name. Lord, please do as you did when the Philistines took the ark of the covenant and put it next to their god of dagon in Ashdod and it was fallen down and after replaced, only the body remained but head/ hands broken too. We know and stand on Your Word dear Lord and come boldly before Your throne of grace. Only You are The Only Elohim, the Only True God, Father of the the Only Begotten Son of God!!! Happy Rosh Hashanah, our dear Lord, for Only You are the True Lord of Hosts!!!!!!!


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