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Father, we pray that You would move in Biden's heart. Change his administration, God, into one that will honor You and lead America well instead of one that exists to punish political opponents.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Instead of governing justly, it seems that President Biden spends most of his time punishing political opponents.

From The Federalist. It is going to be hard to forget the spectacle of President Joe Biden “celebrating” the passage of his woefully-named Inflation Reduction Act while the stock market plummeted in real time, dropping nearly 1,300 points Tuesday while Biden crowed about his great achievement. …

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


But then this is also an administration that outrageously claimed, during an historic border crisis, that it is doing more to secure the southern border than Trump ever did, raided the home of Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) for having an unapproved opinion about the 2020 election, and falsely stated that grocery prices have been “essentially flat” despite a new consumer price index report showing a 13.5 percent increase from last year. And that was all just on Tuesday.

Watching this sort of thing play out day after day, week after week, you start to get the sense that the Biden administration and the Democrats are play-acting at governance, that this is all a shoddy pantomime of what competent leaders might do or say. …

If Biden and the Democrats do not have much interest in actually governing, they have a keen interest in using force against their political opponents. That part of their agenda is very real; it consumes their attention and energy in a way that addressing inflation or the border crisis does not.

Hence the recent surge of subpoenas from Biden’s Justice Department for people associated with former President Donald Trump and the events of Jan. 6. The DOJ has now charged more than 870 people in connection with the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, and it is becoming obvious, in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid, that Attorney General Merrick Garland would like very much to indict Trump. …

Without an indictment ahead of the midterms, it seems Democrats might have to settle for airing the next installment of their Soviet-style Jan. 6 hearings. …

Whatever the committee ends up doing, rest assured it is part of a larger effort to go beyond mere political theater and use the levers of government power to ensure that Trump cannot run again, that his supporters are under investigation, and that anyone who disagrees with the regime about the last election has a target on their back.

How are you praying for the Biden administration and those who it is persecuting? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Barbara Odom
September 23, 2022

Lord we know that evil is being planned to affect the Nov election to skew it in favor of the Democrats. We stand as a body of Christ AGAINST this wicked scheming on their part. Tear down any demonic protection they have, expose their plan and destroy it. Protect our election from their fraud and manipulation. You alone God are able to stand in the gap for us. We will do our part to pray and vote, and we thank you for doing your part to fight on our behalf in the heavenliness! Let your chosen leaders get into office to turn this nation back to you!!! Amen!

September 22, 2022

Pray that the patriots and God loving people get into office in November along with our prayers for the people in our nation to be set free from the spirit of witchcraft. We must declare and decree this now!!! Take your authority in the spirit!

Matt Knighton
September 21, 2022

POTUS crows about his “great achievements” in the same way that crows crow while snacking on road kill. The time will come when Mr. Joe Crow will find himself “eating crow.”

Isaiah makes it unavoidably clear: “[The Lord] judges the great people of the world and brings them all to nothing. Like flowers, they hardly get started, barely taking root, and [God] blows on them; they wither, and the wind Carrie’s them off like chaff.”

Let us pray for the wind of God — for the withering of injustice and the awakening of the Church . . . beginning with me.

Mary D'Angina
September 19, 2022

Pray for the sake of the love of Christ. This president and his administration need to be removed. Asap. Pray for God’s righteous judgment to come upon them speedily, to convict them to reflect upon themselves, and repent and be saved and be forgiven.

James Legg
September 19, 2022

The left is attempting Recolonization through Inculcation.

September 18, 2022

I am praying gor God to move on Biden, administrators, and for Gods hand to move mightily in this season.

September 17, 2022

The Lord God is God. There is none like Him. He is the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. God is not a respecter of any man. He is Almighty God. He is King of kings and Lord of lord. Let all who call on God’s name turn to Him and confess our sins that He may remember mercy and grace. Let the arrogant be not ignorant of the knowledge of the Lord for he is an abomination in God’s sight and will not be left unpunised. ( Prov 16:5.) We boldly come to you as your children, oh Father God. Turn and shake and shake again and shift the arrogant and the wicked like chaff separates from the grain. Manifest your power in the finished work of the Lord Jesus. Cause the minds and the hearts of those who deal with your servants with wickedness be renewed. We look to you, oh Lord. Command your mighty warring angels to shake them that they may know that You alone are God and there is no other. Visit them in their sleep and give them dreams that will cause them to fear you and turn back to you, Cause them to repent and be reconciled to you as you did of Nebuchadnezzar. If it be your will, hear our prayer and manifest your answer for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Hear our prayer, oh God. Amen.

Barbara Wildner
September 17, 2022

I pray father God now that the christians that voted for the Biden administration would repent turn from there blindness in the spirit and they would come to you Lord and request what should be done in the 2022 election Pray to block the legislation to kill more babies in the womb and also out of the womb.

September 16, 2022

I am a cradle Catholic and can say that, Biden (who claims to be a devout Catholic) is, in fact, an apostate as he makes this claim while pushing the abortion envelope further than any of his predecessors. I have no sympathy for this man as his life /free will choices have always opted for mammon over God. He will face eternal justice, accordingly.

Rev. Wendell Owens
September 16, 2022

“We the People” are the true power in the USA.

What politicians fail to remember is that Americans are Not, dyed in the wool, born & bred, Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. We vote our conscience & faith. WE VOTE OUR PATRIOTISM!
If we elect you and you pass stupid & silly laws that harm our children’s future, take food off our tables, higher cost of living, burden us with higher taxes, defund our police that keep us safe, refuse to enforce the laws against rioting & burning of our business’s, flood our borders with illegal aliens & give them better benefits than us, harm our ability to make a living & provide for our families, diminish our constitutional rights to bear arms, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, then we will send you packing where you can get a job at the carwash and be oppressed just like every average citizen is.
You are not the Boss, you are not the Elite, you do not know what is best for us,,, WE Do, because we live it every day of our lives!
Do not expect us to allow you to receive a lifetime income because you served us for one term, or even a dozen terms. We sent you there to serve Us, and you were paid well for it. You did us dirty by lock stepping with your party passing ridiculous laws that only caused us the real Americans more debt & taxes. Why? all to attempt to benefit your sustained power & re-elections.
Rest assured, we Americans have been watching, taking notes, and nothing you have done has gone unnoticed. Therefore, these Mid-terms elections will be our “Boston Tea Party” and You will be absent from our congress.
“He/She that sows to the wind shall reap a whirlwind” as the Gospel so adequately states.
God is our sovereign, & We the People are the power, never forget that!

Jamie Hotelling
September 16, 2022

“ If my people who are called by name would humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and pray, then I will heal their land.” Let us not be weary in well doing, but continually pray and cry out for God’s mercy and His justice to reign in our nation. Truly we are in the end times where “the love of many will grow cold “ But I trust in God who changes the hearts of men. Believe and declare “ His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven !’

Victoria Z
September 16, 2022

PS to my previous comment: i also suspect that he intends to bankrupt our social services systems with them in order to raise taxes on the middle class to make up for it with socialism being an alternative that inflation weary people would agree to in lieu of higher taxes. Lord hear our prayers and thwart the plans against our nation devised and caffied out by the elite and their puppet politicians

Victoria Z
September 16, 2022

I believe that Biden’s handling of the border allowing vasts number of illegal immigrants in and processing them with freebies such as food and shelter is a plan to eventually offer them citizenship anfd gain more Democrat voters. The Democrats are close to Communism in their desire to censor free-speech-type-information and control the people, as well as subdue Judeo Christian snd Muslim religions, etc.

Father only you know tge behond the scenes hidden agenda of this border crisis. Intervene and let it backfire on those who devised it anf continue to leave it unchecked.

We thank and praise you and receive your response to our prayers as well as your help to stir up more intecessors to pray according to your will on tbis issue

September 16, 2022

Amos 5:24 says “Let justice flow like a river and righteousness like an everflowing stream.
I pray this daily for our leaders. Let God bring the justice and judgement as He sees fit.
If you are doing what is right you will be blessed! If not then let the evil be overturned!

Grant Windholz
September 15, 2022

Wicked, evil behavior. Our Lord God HATES dictator minded people who operate in this way because they act in demonic ways, trying to punish contenders. Biden is playing GOD in his weak, feeble mind of his. The president has NO IDEA who he is up against and what he is doing!!!

September 15, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will change the hearts of those who ignored your commands… Please show them this is earthly world. Just a blink of an eye, they all will perish…So do the right things. I pray in Jesus Name…If today they hear your voices, hardened not their hearts!

pat dipalma
September 15, 2022

for a heart change and repentance of his evil ways and the raising of his son Hunter and the favor toward Beau, his service and death fr cancer, Sen Biden’s dependence on evil handlers and the fraud of the last election to be uncovered and justice served.

Priscilla Meyenburg
September 15, 2022

Let not your heart be troubled believe in God, believe also in me. Perilous times shall come, is the last days Father? 2 – Timothy 3;1-4 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful, unholy. Father when we read these words and see the persecuting words come forth from the fake president without any thought of how the words sound and the harshness that spews hate. God I know many have prayed for him and it has not reached his heart. He is very harden and hates America. The political dark spirited is ruling his heart, or whoever is playing the Biden role. Father God the roles that are coming forth is this agenda is of a communist nation mentality. God these traitors are doing exactly what ended in WORLD WAR 2, nothing but false accusations coming forth, despisers of God, lovers of pleasure, highminded, JESUS I pray that you guide us through this without fear, lead us how to pray, give us wisdom with our words, because we are covenant partners with you, YOU ARE The Most High God above whom loves us as well as we love (YOU) HIM. God clearly speaks in Chapter 1:1 to those that obtained Faith with our Savior Christ Jesus all we need to do is ASK God for his blessing to keep us standing strong. Most of the Left do not know God, they do not understand about SALVATION and what it means because they surround them selves with lies and have allowed the dark spiritual demonic spirits guide them or else? They live in a state of fear they do not know what they are doing. We as believers need to pray Luke 23:24 for both sides of that are representatives and speak Life to both, the life Jesus gave us as he hung on the Cross. We need more of Gods precious, marvelous words spoken by the Master himself. Mark 10:29:30. Jesus it gets hard when they the Left want nothing but sin to abound in America. Jesus we want none of the radical, pushed agenda we are putting on our Armor, shield of Faith and speak words as believers we are awaken from complacency we will fight back with Gods words. WE are very grateful that you have given us Grace once again. I (we) Thank you for turning this nation around, no one but you can sort through this mess we are in. I ask you and decree that we, the church will involve ourselves in every level and facet of government, releasing the authority you gave us. It’s about time we are powerful with our prayers, and the blessings you gave us. Father, in Christs name we Thank you.

September 15, 2022

The Lord is teaching me that He has so much mercy for our enemies. Yes, He is exposing their evil, and yes, I’m very frustrated that he isn’t bringing evil down, but I’ve been realizing that Gods mercy and Grace is much more patient than I am. I do pray earnestly for many of our leaders to have a Damascus Road experience and I’m trying to evaluate my motives for pure prayers. Just imagine if ONE had a real turning of their ways. What a platform to speak they would have!!

Linda k Rice
September 15, 2022

I am praying for mercy and justice,

Cathy Rae
September 15, 2022

I am very concerned about the direction our country is taking. The lies from the Politian’s and the media are Satan at work indeed. God is here, he is standing at the door that let him in (we instigated the unlocking of that door…some repentance should be going on) If you listen closely to the media it sounds like the majority of the country wants a Socialist/Marxist/Communist government (words are being recreated to make us feel good). Real lawlessness is being totally ignored…and the very people that create disaster point and say we didn’t do that…you did that. I do not believe that the majority of the country wants 1 party rule and if they do then I am really concerned because we escaped and created America for our belief in freedom of religion and having our own bible….but where do we escape to now?
Now voting is approaching. The media has already set up an enemy and even contributes money to get candidates from the opposite party elected as they feel they can beat them. How evil is that game…and it will get worse.
But maybe sadder is that so many voters are just trying to survive and take care of their children…put food on the table. They want to be responsible but they do not have time to research these lies (from both parties I will add). They do want to be responsible and will vote but when they see the ballet and the names and are unarmed with information they pick what they hear and see the most (media). They think “Oh I recognize that name, I will vote for them”….or here is my Union ballet with all the answers. Satan is smart and the people that are filled with him are evil and they know our weakness.
We got here by evil people put in places of leadership from the smallest groups that we take for granted. Every position of service to the people is important from City Hall to the President. Evil has infuriated our PTA, Board Rooms of city government to Corporations.
How can we fight this. Yes, pray…I will always pray and I pray for Gods will and have faith that the right outcome will come. But I think he expects a little more. So what could we do…..Vote…..and vote for the right candidates. But I don’t have time to research! I think there should be 3-5 (or more) of the most important issues presented to all candidates and each ballot should not have just their story and listing of credentials and heartfelt goals but the answers on where they stand on our most important issues. If elected they should sign an agreement that they will be fired and replaced if they do not show great efforts to meet those goals.
Alternative to that would be for people to get in groups and each person pick one candidate and do the research on 1 candidate or proposition and share that information with the group.
How ever the story ends, I know that I am electing Christ our Savior as my representative.

    pat dipalma
    September 15, 2022

    if you remember gilda radner fr Sat., Night live picking up on that BALLET. She would have us laughing! the word is ballot which is not a laughing matter. then Gilda would conclude after her rant oh NEVER MIND!

Herb Johnston
September 15, 2022

Dear fellow intercessors, – I have been praying with Dutch Sheets and other conservative Christians for a long time now that the current evil regime would be removed.. and reports are as we have seen-,as well, – that many Corruptions and unlawful and evil actors and even worse in our government are being exposed.. much corruption is being exposed.. so if we’re going to pray that Biden and his cohorts see the error of their ways it must be prayed secondarily.. the first prayer must be that he is removed from office and that his minions are removed from office and the puppeterring hand of globalist control that is in the backs of the American government-,must be removed as well.. this makes much more sense.
Lord, – I come before you today praying and believing that you are working in concert with the prayers you have allowed us to pray- as a conduit through which you work to continue to expose and remove the corrupt biden regime-, and Associated evil legislators in Congress and senate.. and in all the governor’s office and mayor’s offices across america.. now as an addendum to that- I pray that as this process continues.. and the Revival continues to Blossom and spread in America- that these evil.. people.. who do not really even qualify as public servants.. will be forced to see the error of their ways-, and repent of their ways.. and come to salvation.. but in the process- will be removed.. from office- in that Godly servants can be reinstituted into those offices.. at the same time I am consciously aware that we as citizens-, need to continue to nurture the effort that has been growing, to populate City councils and school board meetings Across America as we rise up to become the citizen Grassroots legislators in our City’s, towns and states-, that we were originally intended to be.
Thank you Lord for this-, and all that you are doing.. to answer our prayer to save america.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

    Roxanne Rice
    September 15, 2022

    Thank you, Herb, for sharing this. God has been directing me for the last couple of months to pray in this same way. It is essential for the survival of this nation that these people be removed from office, and the sooner the better, before they can do any more damage. Their hearts–many of them–are so hardened they may never reach salvation. This nation can’t afford to wait for them to repent.

Rodney E. Post
September 15, 2022

I am praying that the Biden Administration will be exposed for all that they are doing about the sanctity of life, about causing our inflation and high prices, about moving to make our country a socialist country and about they have used the law department to attack their opponents in ways they never should. I pray this will turn our nation back to being a nation under one God. Our children, gand children and great grand children face a very difficult time if Biden and cohorts are reelected!

Dear God, please bless America again as you have so richly done in the past.

    Kathy Nodolf
    September 15, 2022

    Amen.Thank you Lord for always hearing our prayers. I have been praying that God will change their harden hearts. I am so worried for our children, grandchildren, and so on… We are seeing more crimes, inflation, and other undesirable new laws (Illinois…to let 1/2 people of all kind of crime out of jail!) Where is the limited? When is going to be like before where gas is $1,87? Please Lord, make swiftly change their hearts or change their jobs. Amen. I pray in Jesus name. Blessings our Lord.

    September 16, 2022

    Not only exposed, but that people in positions of power will see and act on this information, from grassroots to the top. There’s been a lot of exposure, and then nothing done. May this exposure and renovation of our leadership gather momentum like a snowball rolling downhill.

Brenda Kemp
September 15, 2022

I am praying that the spiritual blinders be take away. That he will hear and see the voices and faces of the aborted babies across America. That he would confess his sins before it’s to late

September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022

I have struggles praying for a president that we know, without reservation, was placed into power fraudulently & criminally. But I ask God to help me do so and then my desire is to be obedient… so I end of praying because God helps us to be obedient. For anyone struggling, I suggest you do the same.
Realistically, Biden has compromised so much over the last 5 decades that he is totally desensitized. His belief is that since he is president, he is basically untouchable. That kind of thinking comes about when a person loses track of who really is in charge. Losing fear & respect of God is a dangerous place to be. That’s where Biden & hundreds or thousands of his administration are right now. They’re lost and it shows in their governing. Their leadership is anything but the leadership that God desires & expects. Anything established (the election & inauguration) with deceit, fraud, criminal acts, lies, etc. (from day 1) will not be blessed by God. It’s that simple. That would be contrary to who & what God is. But God can still direct the hearts and minds of lost people or people given over to evil.
That’s what we must remember. God is greater than any individual or their actions. Greater than any negative headlines. God still sits on the throne – even if it doesn’t look like it.

Nancy Bryda
September 15, 2022

Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. Vengeance is of the Lord. Salvation has been presented to Mr. Biden and help him to receive it. Repentance is encouraged. Deliver him from evil and help him repent. HIs time on Earth is short.

Erin Woempner
September 15, 2022

I do pray for the President. He needs the Lord Jesus. I pray that all evil that has come from this administration will be overcome by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

A. G.
September 15, 2022

In addition to praying for Mr. Biden and his family, we are praying for those who have the most influence with Mr. Biden and the individuals in the Biden family to have a REAL honest-to-goodness Holy Spirit experience with the King of Kings that they come to saving faith in Jesus the Christ. Regardless of how these prayers are answered, God is still in control!

Zoe Ella
September 15, 2022

Biden is the one in the news. Keep an eye on Kamala Harris. She is relatively quiet, but even more draconian than Biden, and is the one to succeed him if he is declared senile/incompetent, which some in Congress are trying to do. She is also a candidate of choice to replace him as a candidate. Pray that we be spared her governing.

    Karen Melton
    September 15, 2022

    Kamala will not govern any more than Biden has! Biden is a puppet for others and he is only a face for the news cameras. It will be no different for Harris. As Joe says the economy is thriving, Kamala says the border is secure. I have to laugh! I do wonder, though, are there people who really believe this? The “rulers” of our nation will not change even with Biden’s removal until free and FAIR elections take place and an agent of the LOTD is placed in the White House!

September 15, 2022

Unfortunately, the Left and the Biden administration will bring tyranny despite knowing their wrong doing. Good news is they’ll push forward GODs foretold coming!

Karen Michelsen
September 15, 2022

I am willing to pray and I do pray for Biden’s salvation. However, I believe that because he is not legally holding office, he does not have God’s anointing to be President. That anointing remains clearly with the man who won the election, and whom the Lord has chosen to be POTUS. I believe this temporary time of tyranny is being allowed to wake up the American people to the painful reality of the depths of corruption in our government and elsewhere, so that when God makes His move to free the nation, the people will be determined to never let this happen again. The Church must wake up to the reality that we are to be influencers for good, not those who are influenced by evil. Apathy is not our friend.

    September 15, 2022

    What you wrote is very accurately stated. God’s blessing or favor cannot be established if an individual(s), under oath….has manuevered themselves and/or others (into a position) through lying, deceit, fraud, criminal activity, etc. In respect to leadership or governing, the accountability for such is greatly increased. (To whom much is given, much ‘will be required’).

Paul Klemesrud
September 15, 2022

Conviction fills their minds and hearts and the Fear of God would be upon them in the decisions they are making having hellish consequences That the Love of God the Biblical standards God wants in our govern would be revealed top them and convict them to change!!! If they dont change God somehow would evict them from office both Biden and Harris!!!

Henrietta Conway
September 15, 2022

I pray that our Heavenly Father will change Biden’s heart, but not only him, there are so many behind him that celebrate dishonesty and coverup of the truth. They claim what is not true to be truth! They will say or do anything to get their desired result. Oh Father God, what happened to integrity, dignity, honesty? Then there is greed that You hate where we have compromised our values. We let China gain a foothold of strength when they use slave labor to make things cheep and we support them. In our country we compromise our values for profit. I pray for the hearts and minds of people who are acting in ways that are so far from Your will, for all of us to see the evil of our ways and for repentance and sincere effort to change those evil ways and to seek Your will and to seek help from the Holy Spirit to make new creations out of all of us so that Your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven! In the precious name of Jesus I pray! Amen! I’m certain that the border crisis, the energy crisis, inflation, the threat of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, drug and sex trafficing, would all begin to turn around if we all made godly, Holy Spirit directed choices and decisions. Father, Have mercy on all of us! 🙏✝️😊. Our elections would be honest as well if we put You and Your will first, Father! Help us fight this spiritual battle in the Name and will of Jesus!

Barbara McDermott
September 15, 2022

Dear Lord, get the bad people out of office, in Jesus’ name

Pucci Coker
September 15, 2022

I soooo pray for God to open the eyes of the Biden followers and see just how his actions are truly hurting the country abd not see or here the way the media manipulates their linguistic presentations to dupe the minds of even the learned ones! Please Jesus , please I ask YOU to intervene and save our country if it is your will ! Show us what we need to do to make your name rise up again!

September 15, 2022

We need to be praying that the people of this nation will come out in droves to vote, and vote righteously. What is happening in this nation makes me sick to my stomach. We just have to trust that GOD has made a way through all of this, and that evil will be exposed and the people will be sick of it enough to stand up and say NO MORE!!!! Too many people have blinders on and can be bought by incentives that are hurting this country and over all not helping them be responsible with their own financial affairs. They need to have the deception removed and to have their own hearts exposed in order to pick the greater good for the people of the USA and for future generations, than just about their own comfort.

September 15, 2022

We should be praying Jeremiah 11:9 – 14 because the people in power in out Gov worship Baal.

9 Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them. Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors. 11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. 12 The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. 13 You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’

14 “Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.

    Barbara McDermott
    September 15, 2022

    There is a remnant of God’s people that have not bowed to idols. For those and His covenant relationship with the early believers and this nation , He will judge the evildoers, but He will have mercy on this nation and the righteous. Thankyou Lord.

September 15, 2022

Don’t you realize that Biden has puppet masters? There are a whole legion of people up to the Bank of International Settlements that are controlling him.
We need to be praying that the whole evil system is brought down, and that I rightful President Donald Trump be reinstated.

Jacquelyn Miller
September 15, 2022

Punishing political opponents: Sounds all too familiar.
Here we go again, but this time, we won’t stand for it.

Richard (Rick) Clarke
September 15, 2022

A prayer for everyone that is in agreement:
Avinu, Malkeinu, Yeshua-Yehovah’; our Father, our King, our Savior – The Great I AM who was, is, and forever-more will be!

Elohim Shephtim Ba-Arets – God the Judge of all Terra and Earth.
We ask for Your permission to enter into Your Appellate Court in Your Courts of Heaven this day to appeal a decision of our Supreme Court of the United States of America.
(Permission is granted.)
In 1962 our Supreme Court voted 8-1 to eliminate prayer from every public school. The executive head of our government, our president, affirmed what he considered to be our responsibility that we must follow that decision; and the king of our social media-entertainment also confirmed that decision. That was not the will of the American people, but we did not rise-up. We said nothing. By our silence we accepted to be led by a lesser power and authority in our lives, a false god – our government and mass media.
Yeshua-Yehovah’, we denied Your Presence. We denied You as our God!
We confess that as sin. We repent. We forgive those that caused, and perpetuated that abomination and everything that flowed from that evil seed that was planted. And we ask to be forgiven by the Shed Blood of Yeshua for not rising-up with courage, faith, and trust in You, Yeshua-Yehovah’. When we denied You, so much evil flooded our society, or nation.
National Stats Show dramatic shift After 1963 – Prayer in schools

We ask by Your infinite Love and Forgiveness and by the Shed Blood of Yeshua Ben Yosef that the decision by our Supreme Court be overturned in Your Appellate Court of Heaven and that the Satan, Lucifer, and his followers be denied all power and authority to pursue their evil intent.
We ask that the angelic hosts be commissioned to publish and proclaim Your verdict among all creation and that our country be restored by the power and might of your proclamation and by your infinite Love and Forgiveness and the Shed Blood of Yeshua, our Lord, Redeemer, and Savior. We thank You, Yeshua-Yehovah’.
May all Creation appear in the Courts of Heaven to give witness to Your infinite Love and Forgiveness, to Your Glory! So Let it be.
We ask in Your Court of Cancellation that every consequence and ramification of our sins be cancelled and we ask that all that was lost and stolen by the Satan be restored 7-fold.
Again we give thanks!

May the Peace of Yeshua’s Love be with you and your family,

September 15, 2022

I don’t believe that Xiden is fully human and I do not pray for him. I pray for the patriots in the fight against all evil. I believe that a lot of people are controlled by nano bots and whatever else they’re putting in the shops and the air and the food and everything else. I believe that if they do not have a connection to God they are not going to wake up. I pray for those that are just brainwashed and that we can still reach because I know our Father in heaven is trying to save every single soul that He possibly can.
I believe that in 2016 we were asked to wake up and a lot of us answer that call. I believe our Father knows who will decide to remain asleep and instead cling to the world and when all of His are saved, He will act. I welcome any teaching that others know to be true because I do not claim to know it all. God wins and God saves and He is our only hope!

September 15, 2022

Biden was NOT elected. to my view, for Christians to act like this is a legitimate presidency when it IS NOT, is going along with the enemy of our souls. Biden himself said right after he put himself into the White House, “I have the best team ever to steal an election.” Even he acknowledged that the election was stolen!!!! and people ignored that statement. Being an American means that everyone HAS to fight to help the nation remain a REPUBLIC. Tyranny is not an option.

Jo Benson
September 15, 2022

21 The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. (FATHER, Former Vice President Biden’s heart is in your hands;}
2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts. (we ask that YOU help him examine his ways.)
3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. (LORD, that Joe Biden and Merrick Garland will do justice and deliver right judgements.)
4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin. (FATHER, we agree with your WORD on what YOU say about a high look, a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked-all which is sin.)
5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want. (FATHER, look at what this regime is doing.)
6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death. (FATHER, YOU disapprove of fraud, theft, and lying.)
7 The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment. (FATHER, YOUR WORD speaks and decrees. We pray that Joe Biden, Obama, Susan Rice, and Merrick Garland repent for what they have done against YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and to America.)

Gene Oyler
September 15, 2022

Father God, we appeal to Heaven for President Biden and his entire administration agents to send a Damascus encounter with You. Holy Spirit convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment. Lord if they harden their hearts to Your love then You know best how to remove their power & influence.
Waken Your Church to revelation of who they are (Ekklesia) and the power they have to legislate with You. Let God arise and His enemies be shattered.

September 15, 2022

The fact that we are living and remain unraptured means that we were specifically chosen to serve “for such a time as this”. We follow the standing commands of our High Prince until He gives us further orders. Of course our great commission is one, but also, to pray for those in authority, humble ourselves before God, seek His face, resist the devil (he WILL flee). I do not agree that we should just accept that these prophesied tendencies will come. Instead, as long as we have breath, we must resist and fight with the weapons of our warfare which are not carnal. Mighty God grant, I pray, your Bride with wisdom, discernment, courage, and valor. May we do exploits for you God in this enemy territory until you call us Home. Put in each one of us, Your Church, an understanding of our particular place “on the wall”. What is my M.O. (military occupation) in this war, Lord? I am just a mother and a grandmother, but I serve The God of the Universe and I know that You do not share Your glory with any other. Tear down the strongholds in this poor man’s life. You can yet use him. No one is beyond Your reach to build up or to remove. You have given us everything we need to stand in these last days after we have “done all”. Ultimately, the battle is Yours, but please Lord, don’t let us miss our moment. Then we will recount our exploits on the plains of heaven, rejoicing in our part of Your victory. I remain Your warrior child.

    Gene Oyler
    September 15, 2022

    Yes and Amen. Keep being a voice for Gods principles here on earth. We are to enforce Gods word in our world until He comes!
    Your not alone!

    Barbara Janicki
    September 15, 2022

    yes, as long as we have breath we should be putting on “the full armor of God” from Ephesians six and doing whatever it is that God calls each of us to do for such a time as this. May we not shrink back and miss our opportunity for God to use us for His good purposes, and His purposes are always good. You have inspired me to be sure I have found and taken my place “on the wall” and to remain there faithfully serving until God sends me elsewhere. Thank you! glad to be working on the wall with you! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com – post, “put on your oxygen mask”

Carolyn Guggenheim
September 15, 2022

I pray that the Lord would replace those in power who are doing their best to subvert His plan. If this is His Plan, I pray for mercy on our Nation.

September 15, 2022

Biden and his administration are demons that possessed them and the others that control behind the scene. Therefore repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! The wages of sin is death, but the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 6:23

james courtney
September 15, 2022

the old saying our country is going to hell iin a hand bag.it doesent sound like he knows anything about God and his word. he needs to ask God into his heart and get on the right road. he doesent seem to know any thing about God word. i pray for our leaders every day.

S von R
September 15, 2022

Biden’s ‘ironfist of government’?? Aaaahahahaahaahahahahahahahaha
He is not in charge! He is the face on the BS pile. Who ever is running the country now is is to be feared!
God, I pray that you protect and guide us from this evil presence that seems determined to destroy AMERICA.

Dewey W Whitworth
September 15, 2022

All of this IS A PLAN ! They must be thrown out ! I pray Psalm 2, Psalm 75 and Psalm 110 over these people BEHIND the curtains, joe biden is a shill, the weasel out front. If any of you are offended by my comments, ask the Lord if I have a clue as to what is happening. The poster below mine does !

Jim Vandegriff
September 15, 2022

God’s prophets have already prophesied J.B.’s ultimate rejection of Christ & his demise. His removal from office is the only remedy to stop his evil ways. In light of Revelation 20 would you pray for the Devil to repent?

Brian lynch
September 15, 2022

Once again, it is a situation where Biden is a stooge, a front man for the New World Order of the Globalist Elite. His handlers make all decisions, tell him what to say and do, etc. The spirits behind this whole movement are evil-the Globalist Elite are all Satan worshippers, and their agenda is to make America into a third-world nation. The terrible part of their actions include going after people and attacking their integrity. They do this with Gestapo-like tactics-raiding their homes, the dishonest Jan.6 hearings, and on and on. Anyone who does not line up with their policies, like Trump and Lindell, are a big threat to this”Administration”. They are SO afraid of Trump running again, that they will go to ANY lengths to ensure that this does not happen. Lord Jesus, You know all about this evil behavior. Despite the fact that we are living in the End Times, we need You to intervene in the affairs of men. PLEASE, do not abandon us to our own devices. Apart from You, we can do nothing in this world. We so need for good to win over evil. Thank You, Jesus

    September 15, 2022

    You’re right. We are living in the end times. People just don’t seem to realize, however, that these things are going to be happening just prior to the Lords return.. The events we are seeing today are like ocean ripples stirring up more and more right before the tsunami hits shore. You can’t stop them. They are the precursor or warning of what is to come. The same thing with the world events right now. These are the precursors of the tribulation period. We can’t stop them and frankly, we shouldn’t want to because they are telling us that our Lord is coming in the clouds soon and very soon! Get your house in order and don’t fear what is going on around the world. In fact, rejoice in the fact that you live at a time like this! Hold tight to the Lord. He will bring us through.!

    Barbara Janicki
    September 15, 2022

    agree completely with all you said, all true, thank you – they are afraid of Trump because he had courage and he stood up and called them out – but one person can’t do it all, we each need to speak up and do what we can, we must refuse to go along with this corrupt reign of terror, get our elections back, (they still seem to be able to cheat easily) they can arrest Trump – can they arrest 70 to 80 million Americans if we don’t remain silent anymore, if we stop going along just to remain safe? post “safe and sorry” – http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

September 15, 2022

All of Gods promises are yes and Amen

September 15, 2022

Just as they think saying you are a different gender makes it so, they think saying any false thing about the border or the economy or all things covid (shots, masks, etc.) or Trump or whatever else, makes it so–and evidently the Democrat base believes it. This is what a demonicly insane tyrannical government looks like. May the Most High be our Strong Tower.

    Barbara Janicki
    September 15, 2022

    Exactly – so true! We are being gas-lighted 24/7 by the media and those in power – what they say bears no resemblance to our reality. I can’t believe they can hold so many captive, compliant and silent with their words. Why don’t we believe our own daily circumstances and real life issues, things are not “fine” – why do we allow them to tell us that they are.? (if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth?) that seems to be working for them as far as controlling us, but problem is – it is still a lie. Everything they do is based on a lie (remember you can keep your doctor?) the lies about the virus, led to so many unnecessary, ineffective and actually harmful actions – including lockdowns and the vaccine mandates – decisions based on lies are always bad decisions and everything this government does begins with a lie – Jan.6 being a prime example and all the lies they continue to promote 24/7 about that, while ignoring all the vital issues citizens are dealing with every day. Prayers for truth to win out in every area, for hearts to be changed (only God can do that) and for this country to be saved from the damage they are doing daily. and for people’s eyes to be opened so they will stop believing the lies put forth. Lord make us wise as serpents and harmless as doves. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Connie Segeleon
September 15, 2022

The Lord says to pray for our leaders. I am praying that our leaders start obeying God’s word.

Christine Rhyner
September 15, 2022

There’s been a great degradation of human character as Jesus prophesied there would be, and Derek Prince preached about. I pray for God to bring down low the corrupt and to raise up righteous leaders of great courage. I pray the Psalms for God’s justice for the persecuted & for those whom have endured the bearing of false witness against them. I pray for their protection. I pray that if any persecutors or corrupted can be saved, God’s Holy Spirit will pour down upon them, convicting them of sin, of righteousness & of judgment–while there is yet time. I’m thankful for your article from 9/13, with a directive to forgive these people who are so thoroughly power mad, greedy and hateful of our Constitutional rights and people who worship God and value those rights that were inspired by His Word. I have to remember my own sins which would have consumed me had it not been for God’s kindness & mercies, otherwise it’s much more difficult to forgive them. God has a master plan no man can thwart. We will have a one-world government, religion & currency, and all nations will turn against Israel. We’re watching things begin to fall into place before the Great Tribulation. That doesn’t mean we cannot pray for God to extend His mercies, and we are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. America’s in a bad spot with a growing number of anti-Israel politicians and universities. America’s in a bad spot with leaders zealous for dead babies up to birth–because they’ve become a commodity for big dollars, and the bigger the baby that is slaughtered, the bigger the money. America’s in a bad spot with the militant transgender movement, demanding others embrace it. Lord, may the people of this nation wake up and rise against (peaceably & prayerfully) such wretched filth! For me, it’s also important to remember that this administration is controlled by the influence of people such as Claus Schwab, George Soros, and even Obama, all Marxists, all intent on destroying this miracle of a blessed, prosperous nation. For these, I pray that God will deal with their haughty spirits and puffed up pride, but also, I pray for their salvation.

Barbara Baumann
September 15, 2022

Bind the forces of darkness, put them under the Blood.

    September 15, 2022

    Praying in agreement in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

    “The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name.” ~ Exodus 15:3

Toni Kushner
September 15, 2022

Let us examine our ways and let us return to the Lord for His compassion and mercy are new every morning. May the Spirit hover over the government leading them in righteousness . May his hand move for the people and bring justice.

Robert Powers
September 15, 2022

I pray for our LORD to show all those elected a righteousness path as they legislate and formulate policy and for those who won’t for a merciful Father to hastily remove them from all position of authority over us. Amen

Paul J Fishman
September 15, 2022

First pray for Kamala Marxist Harris. Pray for conviction upon her in her mockery. There is potential that she can be saved. The Lord has revealed that she is a potential follower of Christ in a radical way. Through her conversion and salvation it will upset the President and bring a shaking to his life so that he may then consider a change of heart. This is a strategy in prayer to use.

    September 15, 2022

    There was actually a prophetic word about her. Charlie Stamp prophesied this three year ago. She’d get saved and be a voice for righteousness

Shelly Christine Ristow
September 15, 2022

oh Lord rend the heavens and come down.

September 15, 2022

I, unfortunately, seem to be unable to pray for the Obiden Regime in any meaningful way. I need prayer that God would soften my heart for these people. My brain tells me that God loves them & wants them to repent & turn back to Him, but my heart just doesn’t get it!

September 15, 2022

The Jackal in our White House and all his political associates will go down in their pride just as the Titanic was sunk because of pride.

The same God Almighty Creator of the universe that parted of the Red Sea so that the people of Israel could walk through on dry ground and then swallowed up the pharaoh of Egypt and all his men, their horses and chariots lives today.
He can and He will save America and His glory will cover this land as the waters cover the sea. His mercy and his goodness will be shown to the ends of the earth
Believe for it and you will see it with your own eyes.

    Deborah Johnston
    September 15, 2022

    Amen, Susan! God is well able and never caught by surprise.

    September 15, 2022

    We need to pray for our current times Moses to come to a high place and stand with arms raised and not grow weary as we stand by him helping to hold his arms raised against this tyranny in the White House.

Liz Adleta
September 15, 2022

Absolute must watch asap: https://worldprayernetwork.org/prayer/wpn-prayer-call-169/ Expert explains what is going on in our nation in plain sight.

September 15, 2022

Praying for the removal of the Jackal Administration, both day and night….

September 15, 2022

In the Old Testament, God always allowed an evil King to govern a disobedient people who worshipped both the one true God and an idol ( just in case). We are a disobedient, double minded people and the only solution is to wholeheartedly REPENT before God and allow His wings to cover us through this dark period. Only He knows what is going on and His timing is perfect. And continue to pray that His righteousness and His justice prevail and pervade over the spirit of lawlessness in our nation. Amos 5:24 Let His justice roll on like a river and His righteousness like a never ending stream in our country.🙏🙏🙏

September 15, 2022

Praying like never prayed before ❤️🙏❤️🙏🇺🇸🙏

September 15, 2022

It’s a fictional world folks. That which is false is proclaimed as true by the world’s leader of democracy? Pray that Americans seek therapy if they continue to believe this man’s lies. Most of all, pray that someone who knows the Lord will share the gospel with our president and his administration. Then, vote in the midterm elections based on biblical values and truth.

Maria Fillyaw
September 15, 2022

Dear Father God Jesus Christ only you are in control of all. Lord God we pray your hand of protection over those that are being unjustly targeted and hurt. Dear Lord touch the hearts of those who are deceived and squash the plans of the evil one. In Jesus name

Cherie Shuvee
September 15, 2022


leonard malherbe
September 15, 2022

WE think – if the Hiuse goes Republican – they should select TRUMP, as speaker. Impeach Biden, Impeach Harris, being 3rd in line Trump becomes President, for 2 years at which time 2024 he can run for another term as President. You get rid of Biden, Harris and Trump gets 6 years in office.. It is all legal.

Lola F Pierce
September 15, 2022

Exodus 14- God is revealing HIS GLORY TO THE NATIONS-This battle will be won by the ground troops – on our knees – prayer & praise.

September 15, 2022

He is not President Biden. He stole the presidency from Donald Trump. Why are you addressing him as President Biden? He is not our president. Stop being so compliant. Please help us vote the democrats out of office and bring true republicans in. Otherwise, it’s all rhetoric.

Larry Cook
September 15, 2022

Biden is an animal. He serves Satin. He is the worst leader in the history of the free world. REPENT Joe for your time is near.

Elizabeth Williston
September 15, 2022

It gets so heavy at times
To watch our nation being destroyed drop the inside. We pray that God would change their hearts, bring then to repentance or get them out. Sometimes I’m excited to see how God is going to fix this MESS and other times just so burdened by it all. But I will never give up praying for our beloved America 🇺🇸

Jim Standifer
September 15, 2022

I M convinced it is in G ods hands, and it is a time for all good people to come rogether to save America.

Catherine Cooney
September 15, 2022

Now is not the time to fear or give in to our feelings of helplessness. Now is the time to act on the clear actions the Lord has given us in Matthew 5:44-48. God’s Word never fails!!


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