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Father, we pray against this senseless raid on our former President's home. Bring justice and clarity to this situation, God.
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After the raid of President Trump’s mansion, the FBI walked away with a napkin, letters, and other mementos. We must pray for justice.

From RedState. We are starting to get more details on what occurred during the FBI’s nearly 10-hour raid of Donald Trump’s home in Florida, though, it’s not the government that’s providing them. On Tuesday evening, Trump’s lawyer revealed that authorities didn’t even want to present a warrant, and when they finally did, the warrant had the probable cause sealed.

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As to what was seized, the list is illuminating, and not in a good way for the FBI’s conduct….

There were rumors many months ago that this is all that the National Archives was after. Not really important things related to national security or some such, which even still wouldn’t justify the raid, but scribblings on napkins and letters from heads of state. If this report is correct, that’s what the FBI carried out an unprecedented raid on a president for. 33,000 stolen emails put on an illegal server weren’t enough to raid Hillary Clinton, but the National Archives wanting a letter from Kim Jung Un was. The abuse of power is off the charts….

Even if the FBI felt it had probable cause to seize the materials it took, all it would have taken was a phone call and a few plain-clothed agents. Instead, the government chose to send rifle-wielding agents in full body armor to raid the premises of a former president, ostensibly for some dinner napkins….

How are you praying for President Trump in the wake of this raid? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from RedState. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Bettie Holscher
August 12, 2022

I spent 21 years in the military defending this country and the Constitution and now I have to see this type of act done by my own government. The government I swore to protect is failing me and the rest of the country. I pray every day for things to change so that we can trust again. I will continue to pray, fight, and uphold the country I love with all my heart and strength. God Bless this country and true patriots who love her and want to protect her.

August 12, 2022

It is obvious that someone other than Biden and Harris are running this nation. Pray that God exposes the evildoers and brings them to swift justice!! A leading Democrat said last week that it was time to get rid of the Republican Party! Garland treats a former POTUS like a common criminal! Please, Lord, step into the battle and expose the evil and save us from all wrong doing! Something is terribly wrong! Please expose it in Jesus Name!

Sue Tracy
August 12, 2022

Father what happened at Mar Lago was wrong, come to the aid of President Trump and send him your Devine help from above. We ask that surprise visits would end without just cause. Bring justice in this situation. Expose the truth.

Rose Rocha
August 12, 2022

Father God, my prayer is that the timid pastors and leaders of the church are no longer silent. How can we say we serve God, when we let the unrighteous rule. May more church leaders encourage their congregations to vote for righteous government leaders who promote biblical truths and show up for the mid-term elections. IJN

Darlene Estlow
August 12, 2022

Father God, I pray in agreement with many others for protection for President Trump and his family against lies and false planted evidence. I pray that everything planted by the FBI will be uncovered. May confusion reign in the FBI and truth beer revealed. Thank you Jesus.

Elle W
August 12, 2022

Lord, may no weapon formed against President Trump and his family, his true advisors and friends prosper. Shine Your light and bring forth truth in all these shenanigans that have happened to seek to frame President Trump. I decree discord and confusion into the camp of the enemy — may they each seek to protect themselves and turn on each other. May every stronghold that exalts itself against You and Your chosen people and Your anointed leaders be brought low. It is time for the feet of those who have set traps to be caught in those traps. May it be soon, even this weekend, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

August 12, 2022

Maybe FBI planted mechanisms to monitor everything in their home? Maybe they planted material to claim it came from Trump’s home? Oh Father God, please reveal ALL THE EVIL DEEDS of all participants in this raid on President Trump’s home. We thank you for showing America and Christians specifically what we can do to support President Trump and his extended family. And Father please give all the evil ones in government positions what they deserve for their evil words and deeds. They let “their own” “get away with breaking the laws and doing NOTHING about it. Their rhetoric isn’t on same playing field… what’s good for the Socialist Dem party isn’t good when it may happen with Republicans. Even so Lord God our prayer is for honesty and integrity and truthfulness in our nation with all people! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen❣️

Allena Jordan
August 12, 2022

Father, many of us prayed according to Tim Sheets prophetic words regarding files being uncovered. We know that these are not those files about which we prayed. Instead, the evil one took this step as an attempt at intimidation and distraction. Lord, it was a step too far. Display the hidden files You want opened. Expose, expose, expose. Protect the innocent. We will not bow to this intimidation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

August 12, 2022

Nothing was seized, because there was nothing there. The question is what did the fbi attempt to plant? FATHER GOD expose this illegal and crooked action for exactly what it was: another attempt to discredit President Trump and put him in jail! We bind this and decree that Nothing comes of this foolishness except that Merrick Garland and his boss Joe biden will hang on their own gallows they have prepared! They will fall into their own pit that they have dug for President Trump and us Americans in JESUS NAME! FATHER GOD please expose who planned this and who approved it and who executed this illegal action in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

August 12, 2022

Father, Jehovah Yahweh I pray in the name of Yeshua that you will continue to cover President Donald Trump and his family in the Blood of Jesus and that no weapon of evil formed against him by satanic agents from the kingdom of darkness prosper against him as we battle for him in prayer by the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name.Amen!


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