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Father, we thank You for granting this school a victory. As the Biden administration pushes harmful ideologies, we pray that You would protect every other school across the country.
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A Christian school in Florida recently earning funding for its school lunches despite refusing to recognize Biden’s changes to Title IX.

From Fox News. A Christian school will be able to keep getting government funding for lunches, even though it does not abide by the Biden administration’s change to Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Grant Park Christian Academy of Tampa, Florida, filed a lawsuit against the administration and Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried for threatening to pull school lunches for low-income students because of its religious affiliation, but two days before a hearing was set to take place, it appears the issue has been resolved.

Attorneys for state and federal officials said in a Friday court filing that the school’s application for funding will be approved, with a confirmation of “the school’s religious exemption” to the rule, the Washington Times reported.

“It shouldn’t have taken a lawsuit to get the government to respect religious freedom,” said Erica Steinmiller-Perdomo, the school’s attorney from Alliance Defending Freedom said in a statement published by the Times. “Grant Park Christian Academy treats every child with dignity and respect and never turns away a hungry child….”

Are you encouraged by this victory? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Elisabeth Wales on Unsplash)

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LauraLee Aguilar
August 11, 2022

It will take MANY more cases just like this all over our country to ignite enough momentum and pushback to save our next generation’s precious children from the intrinsically evil agenda marked against them. Prayer and Action will be our saving grace. The knowledge that, like Elijah and Elisha, the armies of Heaven are on our side and are steadfastly set against the evil forces and demonic entities that are steamrolling insidious policies through our nation’s schools, athletic programs and government agencies. God has exposed all so we can clearly see what we are fighting against. We call it by name and call Heaven’s armies against it. God has already won, we need to walk in the victory His sacrifice on the cross has purchased for us for all eternity. May we all come into agreement to save our children! “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6) – Let the Body of Christ, the church, BE that millstone, Lord. Amen!

Herb Johnston
August 9, 2022

Thank you Lord. I hope it is more than just a token win. Lord help us and help me to continue on in the battle and not grow weary and while doing.. let this small victory be the hole in the dike that let’s God’s River of healing throw through and break through the evil barriers to sanity and Godliness in America.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

    LauraLee Aguilar
    August 11, 2022

    I love, “break through the evil barriers to sanity” – that is exactly what He is doing. Exposing the evil and bringing us back to “sane” truth.

Nancy Bryda
August 9, 2022

The ekklesia has been given authority for bringing thy kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven. The devil does not have the authority and the Kingdom is here taking its rightful authority backed by heaven. Third heaven authority trumps second heaven illegitimate power. America is and will be saved. We wear the star of David marshal’s badge and I declare there is an army of deputized marshalls in America exercising heaven backed authority. Jesus is the King and we the people are under His ruling authority to bring His will here in America.

August 9, 2022

Thank You, Father for providing for Your children. We appreciate how You care for us. We thank You for Your grace, and providing for our needs! In Jesus Name

August 9, 2022

Thank you for this victory, Heavenly Father.

And thank you for the mighty state of Florida which continues to give hope to Christians and patriots all across our country!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!


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