I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for this ruling in favor of prayer and free exercise of religion.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

David Kubal, President and Chief Executive Officer of Intercessors for America, a 501(c)(3) ministry organization dedicated to seeing God’s purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience, made the following statement today after the Supreme Court Announcement in Coach Kennedy vs. Bremerton School District:

“I am pleased that the Court finds that the First Amendment protects the speech of people of faith, and the right to express that faith through personal public prayer.”

“As the nation’s largest prayer ministry, we at IFA are encouraged by the Court’s recognition that our freedom of personal public prayer is equal to the freedom of any secular speech. And that the Court in their opinion that the government cannot punish or suppress those who exercise that right.

“I appreciate Justice Neil Gorsuch’s majority opinion, who explained that the government or any government entity has no right to suppress this religious observance:

‘A government entity sought to punish an individual for engaging in a personal religious observance, based on a mistaken view that it has a duty to suppress religious observances even as it allows comparable secular speech . . . 

A government entity’s concerns about phantom constitutional violations do not justify actual violations of an individual’s First Amendment rights.’

“We will continue to exercise that right to pray—for our families, for our communities, for our leaders, and for our nation.”

Post your prayer of thanks to God for this victory for the Constitution and free expression of religion.

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Karen Buckner
June 28, 2022

Amen, Lord, You are forever faithful! We are so thankful for these victories that encourage us to keep asking, believing, and persevering in prayer…You always make us to triumph in Christ Jesus!

Matthew Stachmus
June 27, 2022

God you are so good. Despite all the darkness and the evil agenda of so many in our time, you once again proven you are sovereign. Thank you for giving our Supreme Court the moral compass to follow truth and defend faith with the decision for public prayer, to dismantle Roe vs Wade and place it onto the ash heap of history, to defend school choice in New England and the second amendment in NYC. Thank you for men of courage like Coach Kennedy, a Marine who has proven to be Semper fi to His Lord.

June 27, 2022

Holy Father you alone are all worthy of praise and honor. Thanks be to you for the decision today for free expression of prayer.

June 27, 2022


Kathy Emahiser
June 27, 2022

Oh thank you so much Father for touching the hearts of our supreme court justices to vote in favor for our religious freedom. I further thank you for answering the prayers of your children. You are an awesome, on- time God. Again I thank you Father.

Karen Domengeaux
June 27, 2022

I thank you Abba Father that Truth, and justice is prevailing in America as the Ekklasea and righteous remnant prayed, fasted and stood in repentance and faith asking forgiveness for the sins of our nation and that justice would be served. We are forever grateful to you Lord of Host for hearing and answering our prayers and granting us the Victory. Thank you Holy Spirit for for being our Teacher, counselor, comforter, INTERCESSOR, advocate strengthener and standby. To God be the glory always and forevermore! Amen!

Monica A Jarvis
June 27, 2022

Father God, I thank you for protecting our rights to pray publicly. Thank you for your faithfulness to your people. You are an awesome and faithful God, worthy of all of our praise and adoration.

June 27, 2022

Praise God and thank you Justice Gorsuch for standing on our Constitutional Rights. We can have such peace and order if we simply follow our Constitution that the Lord set up with our amazing forefathers. I am rejoicing with tears. This and roe v wade are extremely rewarding and encouraging in such dark times. Thank you Father in Heaven for Your ways and will being done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen

June 27, 2022

Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!!!!

jason ferrell
June 27, 2022


June 27, 2022

Praise Jesus!

June 27, 2022

“God Turn It Around” sung by Jon Reddick is the song I am listening to right now. The lyrics are timely… “I am calling on the name that changes everything.” “God turn it around; God turn it around; God turn it around” “Breakthrough will come in the name of Jesus.” The Supreme Court has rendered a breakthrough for Coach Kennedy and all Christians. Praise God for the court’s decision to protect freedom of religion and prayer in a public place. A great awakening is upon America. Thank you God. You heard our plea for justice. Now, bind our hearts and prayers together for the good of your kingdom. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Earl McInnes
June 27, 2022

We praise God for this great Victory over the ever-encroaching evil that would suck every bit of goodness and morality out of our land and culture.

Sherry Braud
June 27, 2022

Thank YOU GOD! So many people had to be in place, (by divine appointments) and so many people had to pray to our HEAVENLY FATHER to bring this about. We must continue with these prayers, for we know satan and his cronies are not quitters!
Thank you IFA for this huge ministry. Thank you Pres. Trump for your divinely appointed role in this.

June 27, 2022

Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord!!!!!!

Elizabeth Miner
June 27, 2022

Our God reigns! This past week has week has been so consequential in proving the power of prayer. Thank you God!

Petronella Maramba
June 27, 2022

I am from Zimbabwe and am very excited about this decision and what is currently taking place in the USA. To me this and the reversal of the Roe vs Wade decision signifies a return of the country back to God. As Christians in Zimbabwe, we continue to stand in prayer with you.

    Sherry Braud
    June 27, 2022

    Thank you so much for your prayers. May GOD bless your country.

June 27, 2022

Thank you Father, for hearing the cries of your servants and for your faithful response by moving the Supreme Court of our United States of America to make another courageous decision in accordance with the constitution You so graciously gave to our land through our founding fathers. Please bless each member and their family with that which only You can give, peace, joy, protection, love, respect and grateful countrymen . In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Carol Grenz
June 27, 2022

Praise and thanks for God’s intervention through people to protect freedom of religion.

Diane Sandoval
June 27, 2022

Praise the Lord for these great victories of overturing Roe v Wade and for Coach Kennedy and our right to pray and exercise relifious beliefs. May the Lord repay him for all he’s lost and let this be the new stand for praying in schools or wherever we go.

I pray for our Supreme Court Justices to continue to stand for the Constitutionn and also for their protection against the plans of the enemy. May the Church rise up and be Jesus to the world.

God bless you Coach Kennedy for standing through the fire.


Kathy Bolam
June 27, 2022

I also give praise to God for this monumental decision by the Supreme Court. It is sad and even makes me angry that some judges misinterpret the Constitution which states that the government cannot establish a specific religion. It should be understood that we have the freedom to express our faith as we see fit. Coach Kennedy is to be looked at supporting our Constitution and I admire his courage and strength. Keep up the good work to all who support IFA.

Kay Hall
June 27, 2022

I have prayed for Coach Kennedy and I am so thankful that he can continue to pray for his players. Thank you justices for the decision to allow Christians to have free speech. God is working in our nation!

Christine Martha
June 27, 2022

Thank you Father! You told us to ask for wisdom and we have asked on behalf of our Supreme Court, and you have given wisdom to them freely! Faithful, faithful God!!!

Elder Paula Tolefree
June 27, 2022

Father God
We thank You for allowing us to see that You are there when we cannot be and that is in the mind of Your People reminding of Your Holy Love and how the Devil, Satan tried to get them to kill off their offspring so there would be nothing good left but what he is trying to P-L-A-N-T. God thank You for Planting Your Seeds which is Human Life not Satan Dead seeds. God You are over all the Living and we have to war to survive our mentality of keeping Your Love and Your Presence within our minds, bodies and souls and spirit. Bless Your Holy Name. Amen

Roxanne Rice
June 27, 2022

The tide is turning! Thank You, Lord!

Maria Thomas
June 27, 2022

Hallelujah! Roe vs Wade toppled and now our right as Christians to pray in the public square. Go God!!! Keep praying y’all God is @ work in our nation bringing us back to one nation under God!


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Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

Dave Kubal
IFA President
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