I Prayed have prayed
God, thank you for revealing the plans of the enemy to undermine the teaching of civics and history in our nation’s public schools. Let Your truth prevail, and curricula written and implemented that unite Americans, protects our students, and honors our founding principles.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Civics Secures Democracy Act is dangerous legislation that enables the teaching of CRT and SEL (social-emotional learning) in every public school in America. Its passage would set back all the progress made by hard-working parents who ran for school board positions and won and minimize the effort of hundreds of parents humiliated at school board meetings for daring to speak out against CRT or SEL.

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Here’s the history behind this terrible bill.

In 1916, public schools began a long descent into the abyss of the non-education of our students as American citizens with the introduction of social studies drawing content from the whole of human experience. The result of not teaching citizens to respect and protect our republic is currently visible. Many of our citizens have little knowledge of how the American government works and often do not appreciate the genius of our founding fathers. In 2018, an Annenberg Public Policy Center survey found that 68 percent of Americans could not name all three branches of government.

A more recent Pew Research poll revealed a strong distrust of the government, with only 16% of whites, 24% of Blacks, and 9% of Republicans who currently trust the government to do the right thing on policy issues and challenges.

To rectify the lack of civic knowledge, six senators (Chris Coons, D-Delaware, John Cornyn, R-Texas, Mark Kelley, D-Arizona, Jim Inhofe, R- Oklahoma, Bill Cassidy, R-Louisiana, and Angus King, I-Maine) reintroduced the Civics Secures Democracy Act for the second year. Unfortunately, the bill neither teaches civics nor does it secure our democracy but instead funds an open door for the promotion the liberal agenda of the Biden administration and its Department of Education.   

Knowing that the federal government cannot federally mandate curriculum in any of its 97,568 public schools, nor can it force any school to offer classes in civics or history. But there is a way around those “state” hurdles and thereby teach America’s students all the programs causing issues at school board meetings like Critical Race Theory, Sexual Identity, Social-Emotional Learning, and Globalization. That path is to offer grants to a state’s branch of the DOE, liberally compliant nonprofits, institutes of higher education, and research grants to liberal institutions. The bill clearly states, “To authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants to support educational programs in civics and history, and for other purposes.”

The bill generates over $7 Billion in grant money. During a hearing for the previous submission of the bill, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona stated to Congressman Tom Cole that the Department of education could not mandate curriculum. He then admitted that the administration could issue specific priorities it wants grantees to include in applications for these programs.

The outlook for our students and our nation could not look more daunting as the Biden Department of Education (DOE), under Secretary Miguel Cardona, staffed with left-leaning bureaucrats, will process the grant applications and will look for grants that “close gaps in knowledge and achievement among students of different income levels, racial and ethnic groups, and native languages.” And will “improve knowledge and engagement for traditionally underserved students”- all educational jargon for CRT. The Action Civics will prioritize grants that give students advocacy projects like Black Lives Matter demonstrations and activism engagement.

The bills have listed a clandestine way the programs would pressure states to self-impose a federal mandate. Each bill includes a testing component administered by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). This national test assesses how states are doing in teaching basic knowledge and skills. This information becomes public knowledge and is available for scrutiny. Also, future grants to states could depend not just on how well their students did on the history and civics portions of the NAEP, but also on the state’s willingness to participate in the testing process and thereby be considered for future grants.

We must pray that this Civics Secures Democracy Act will not pass.

It is imperative that those concerned act as quickly as possible, as the Civics Securities Act may be brought before the Senate for a vote as early as August 2022, before Congress dismisses for summer break.


About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School, and Decrees for Your School. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. For additional information, go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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July 9, 2022

God, we ask You to EXPOSE, REMOVE, and DESTROY EVERYTHING that is NOT of You! We know this crap is NOT of You and we NEED YOU to INTERVENE right NOW in everything to save the children, the future generations, and the whole of creation! We want to fulfill our purpose and we want our kids to fulfill theirs, so Jesus is lifted up and glorified, receiving His total reward for His suffering! HELP-SOS!! Holy Spirit COME because if You don’t go with us then we can’t go, we NEED YOU NOW in Jesus Name!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blast the enemy with Your FIRE!!!!!!!!!

Zoe Ella
June 30, 2022

It may be time to homeschool. Many families choose to form pods of approximately five families, with one parent working 10 hour days in order to get one day off per week to teach the pod children at home. That is only one way people work things for homeschooling.

    TRUST in JESUS!!
    July 9, 2022

    That’s a good idea for those who aren’t able to easily homeschool on their own! Thanks for sharing!!!

Romance Garcia
June 30, 2022

Father, I repent on behalf of this nation. We have become people who are only interested in things that give us temporary pleasure. We no longer fear you, Lord. I ask you to forgive us. Purify this nation with the blood of Jesus. Turn our hearts away from different idols that we have created as a nation and individuals. Help us to walk in ways that honor your Holy name. Give us leaders that will lead us towards you and your word. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Marsha Bashor
June 30, 2022

God help us! I pray to you the almighty God that this bill will not pass in Congress when it is brought up to vote upon. Please protect our children from being indoctrinated by CRT and SEL. Find and make a way to have this bill defeated. Move upon the school boards to realize the danger our children are in. Move upon the six senators who are proposing this bill for the second time, let them realize the error of their ways and that they too are being deceived by the enemy. Let there be a revival in our Senate and our House of Representatives, sweep through with your Holy Spirit and cleanse these two bodies of their iniquity. Thank you and praise you almighty God in Jesus’ name. Save our children!!

June 30, 2022

Please pray for the Colleges of Education in the north Texas area and the Universities as a whole. Many of them are endorsing the propagation & indoctrination of Socialist, Marxist agendas to prepare teachers and are trying to get other programs to do the same. CRT and white supremacy are advanced along with social justice agendas that define such in ways that are antithetical to God’s Word. Those who do not embrace those values are accused and confronted in various ways. Students feel as though they are no longer learning how to teach, but rather are being pushed to embrace an ideology that is different from what they believe. These types of agendas are also being advanced in educational leadership programs and organizations that support such programs and research. Rather than seeing through an assets-based, positive approach, they believe their role is to disrupt the system and stop any voices that disagree with them. Thank you for your prayers!

Allena Jordan
June 30, 2022

Logistically, just why would schools need a grant to teach these subjects? Which schools are being targeted? Those in poorer communities???
Keep federal money out of schools. Father, provide enough funds for schools to function entirely at the local level. We’ve allowed the federal government into places where they don’t belong. Lord, we want to take back our schools for You and Your glory. I ask You to do what needs to be done to kill this bill. Let righteousness and justice and goodness prevail in our school systems everywhere. Amen.

Barbara Janicki
June 30, 2022

Another example of giving something a totally deceptive name (like calling what is pro-death, pro-choice). “Securing democracy” will not be accomplished by teaching lies, how ironic to think that teaching children to hate their country would promote democracy. Lies enslave – truth sets free. Taking government money leaves us beholden to their dictates. Homeschooling, private Christian schools will be the answer until through school boards and parental involvement we can have our voices heard and responded to in the public school arena and effect change and provide protections from CRT, gender teachings/indoctrination and the 1619 project. No wonder they don’t teach students to read anymore – easier to control and propagandize a population if they can’t read things for themselves firsthand, but have to rely on what others tell them is “true.” Better to read the Bible, the Constitution, biographies, any book, for yourself than rely on others’ opinions of it. Praying this legislation does not pass and that people are not fooled by misnamed efforts to further propagandize our children. Truth must be taught even in this post-truth era. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

June 30, 2022

Father God,
Thank You for Your love for children. In order to protect them from lies and deception, I ask You to defeat the Civics Secures Democracy Act in our federal legislature and the Department of Education. I lift up the senators who introduced this bill and ask You to cause them to withdraw it. In the name of Jesus protect the children and our nation. Amen

Debra Shipp
June 30, 2022

Father, God, bless each and every parent/grandparent with your wisdom to teach, guide, instruct our children in your way, Lord. Smash down the rhetoric being pushed on our most valuable asset. Give us the courage to stand against this narrative and train up our children in the way they should go so that when they are old, they will not depart from it. In Jesus’ name we pray and all glory to you is given. AMEN!


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