I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would expose the deeds of these shady groups. Eradicate the divisive ideology of CRT, God, and restore unity to our country.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As CRT and other radical ideas pop up in schools, it is important to know where they are coming from and who is funding them.

From The Federalist. A decade ago, when an Obama-era initiative called “Common Core” convinced 41 states to give up control of their education standards, it was infamously the result of a massive influence campaign by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Now, with America’s K-12 landscape being turned upside down by “equity” initiatives that divide children by ethnicity and devalue rigorous academics, the culprit is much the same: Gates and other philanthropic foundations.

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That’s a takeaway from the two years I spent poring through educational and financial records for my new book, “Race to the Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education.” These philanthropic foundations are perhaps the most powerful and least understood force in American politics — and a key node in moving critical race theory from academic papers to society. Pick any radical racial initiative in your child’s school, and it is likely to tie back to the Ford, Kellogg, Gates, Annie E. Casey, MacArthur, or Surdna foundations.

Take the 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones’s 2019 New York Times series-turned-grade school curriculum. It might never have seen the light of day if not for the MacArthur Foundation….

Making it even creepier, far-left foundations have converged through a group called Arabella, a for-profit company that brings them together alongside groups like the American Federation of Teachers union….

Arabella is the same group that The New York Times conceded in January has led Democrats to dwarf Republicans with the “dark money” leftists publicly denounce. One tentacle of Arabella, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, spent more in 2020 than the Democratic National Committee….

But these groups have been sowing the seeds of critical race theory in obscure educational bureaucracies since long before you even heard the term. In 2013, New Venture Fund, one of Arabella’s most important arms, outright paid for the creation of a federal government entity, the “Equity and Excellence Commission,” which pushed for a return to 1970s-style bussing….

What do you think these groups and their shady actions? Share this article to raise awareness of what they are doing.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Canva)

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June 22, 2022

As a retired public school teacher, in about the year 2000, I began suggesting that parents move their children out of public schools to private Christian schools or to be homeschooled! I moved my 2 children out of public to be homeschooled in the early 2000s and I taught them using a Christian school Curriculum! In the late 90s to early 2000s, we had Goals 2000! One of the goals was for teachers to persuade parents to hand over their 2 through 4 year olds to public pre-schools for indoctrination! In meetings it was discussed that public education wanted children from birth to 12th grade to influence their upbringing! Through committees we were told to influence families to not send their children to private daycares, but to public preschools! I began urging parents to send their children to private Christian daycare and NOT to the public schools! I still taught in public to tell students the truth of many of their lessons! Indoctrination has been going on in some public schools since the late 90s! Today the radical teacher’s unions, federal, state, and local want teachers’ dues so they can contribute to Hillary Clinton’s and other democrat campaigns and every wicked and vile group out there including CRT and homosexual groups! Please parents, start your own charter schools, or private schools, or homeschool your children using Christian Curriculums. Churches will help you! FATHER GOD please give parents knowledge as to what is being taught and encouraged in their childrens’ schools and strength and wisdom to correct wrong teachings or to pull the children out of public education while they still can in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Sal Quezada
May 31, 2022

Father, we pray that You would expose the deeds of these shady groups. Eradicate the divisive ideology of CRT, God, and restore unity to our country.

Barbara Janicki
May 31, 2022

No matter what name they give it, CRT, Social and Emotional Learning, or anything else – it is evil at its core, it is based on a lie and it is divisive, lying and division are both tools of the enemy of our souls, the devil. Our identity is in Christ, not in our skin color as CRT teaches young children. CRT comes out of Marxist theory, which is atheist, so of course this is destructive ideology, anything apart from God is. Ironically CRT is spun as something that promotes understanding among people, which is a lie – it creates division often where none existed until its introduction. Our children should be protected from this poison before their hearts and minds are damaged by it. Prayers for this evil to be exposed for what it really is and taken out of our schools’ curriculum. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

raleigh b Robertson
May 31, 2022

i pray for the truth to be told and published ( especially in our churches ), it’s way past time for christians to be active in politics to let the world know that God will always be in control even if we fail him by being silent and not standing up for what the bible teaches


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