I Prayed have prayed
Father, we lift up the Supreme Court Justices before you today. Protect them, God, from those who wish to harm them. Give them the courage to overturn Roe v. Wade in the face of this opposition.
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Supreme Court Justices, Pro-life activists, and churches are all being threatened. We must pray for peace and safety in our nation.

From LifeNews. The Department of Homeland Security has released a very concerning new report showing that radical abortion activists plan to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their law clerks once the decision overturning Roe v. Wade is released. The report indicates these pro-abortion extremists will also target churches and other places of worship with violence and vandalism.

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The last two weeks have seen a shocking amount of pro-abortion violence following a leaked U.S. Supreme Court draft ruling that overturns Roe v. WadeRadical abortion advocates across the country are engaging in violence, firebombing pro-life groups, vandalizing and disrupting churches, forcing pregnancy centers to close and staging intimidating protests outside the homes of members of the Supreme Court….

But a new DHS report indicates their lives could be at stake once the draft becomes the official opinion of the high court.

According to a Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by Axios, “Law enforcement agencies are investigating social-media threats to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their clerks, as well as attacks targeting places of worship….”

CBS News reports that many of these threats have been made online on social media and are currently being reviewed by law enforcement agencies…

Several churches have been vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti since the Supreme Court leak, including a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado, another in Fort Collins, Colorado, the Catholic News Agency reports; and a third, the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Houston, Texas. A Tabernacle also was stolen from Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church in Katy, Texas.

Police are investigating arson at two pro-life organizations in Wisconsin and Oregon, as well as vandalism at several pro-life pregnancy centers. Pro-life advocates also have shared videos and reports of being assaulted by abortion activists at rallies and events. And abortion advocates have threatened to bomb a church in New York City.

The protests are technically illegal in Virginia and the abortion activists should have been arrested.

According to the Code of Virginia, “Any person who shall engage in picketing before or about the residence or dwelling place of any individual, or who shall assemble with another person or persons in a manner which disrupts or threatens to disrupt any individual’s right to tranquility in his home, shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor….”

Federal U.S. code 1507 prohibits individuals from protesting with the “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer … in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer.” Violators face fines and/or imprisonment of up to a year….

Since the draft ruling was leaked, pro-life advocates also have been the targets of arson, vandalism, assaults and threats all across the country.

At least two pro-abortion groups have been calling for churches, especially Catholic Churches, to be the target of abortion activists’ outrage. And one group posted the addresses of the Supreme Court justices online to urge people to protest outside their homes.

“The leaked draft memo that states the Supreme Court has struck down #RoeVWade is an ATROCITY but It is not yet law & doesn’t have to be, but what they plan to do & will do if WE don’t stop them. Rise up! & RAISE HELL!” the group Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights wrote on Twitter….

Polls consistently show that most Americans support stronger legal protections for unborn babies than what Roe allows. LifeNews highlighted 11 recent polls here. A new Rasmussen poll shows more Americans want Roe v. Wade overturned (48 percent) than want the ruling to remain in place (45 percent)….

How are you praying for the Supreme Court Justices? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from LifeNews. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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June 14, 2022

Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over the Supreme Court Justices’ their families and anything that concerns them. Amen.

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil globalist plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the coronavirus pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

May 21, 2022

Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing

May 21, 2022

Jesus please expose the whistleblower.
Give each judge boldness and strength
to face the left and the craziness of those with a wicked plan to scare them.
I pray that they would seek you for their final decision.
Protect them and their families from all harm!
In Jesus Name I pray.

Renee McMichael
May 21, 2022

Father I pray you would use the actions of these protestors to turn against the abortion movement on our country. Expose the for what they are and open the eyes of more Americans to the horror of abortion. I pray also Lord that you would lead the residents in the communities where the justices reside to stand up for them. Make them hold their local law enforcement agencies in Virginia and Maryland accountable for not doing their job to protect them.

May 21, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms and sovereignty in every country, island, territory, and nation, worldwide.

May 20, 2022

FATHER GOD YOU are the same yesterday, today and forever! Please handle and completely shut down the protesters and protect our justices, just as you protected Jehoshaphat! Send YOUR angels to surround and protect the justices and their families in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Send YOUR angels to fight in this battle! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

Hessie Harris
May 20, 2022

If the Justices, their families or property are harmed in any way, Biden and Garland need to be impeached.
They can provide more than adequate security for those people. The threats being made should be investigated.
If they were against Biden they would be immediately investigated, and his security detail and provisions heightened.
What those protestors are doing is against the law. They have no right to mob outside of the homes of the Justices.

The DOJ and FBI had no problem protecting Congressmen and women at on January 6th. They also followed up on threats made against them. They rounded-up people that were not even there.

Does Biden expect the nation to believe that with all the security at his disposal, he cannot protect the Justices and their families. His and Garland diabolical intentions are on display for the world to see. They want at least one Justice to be harmed or killed or a member of their family. In the alternative, they , want at least one to be so overwhelmed that they resign. That way the Communist-In-Waiting could assume her seat and hopefully the proposed ruling can be overturned. Follow up on that and the rule of law will have been destroyed. There will be Civil War. Biden’s authority, Garland’s, and none of the members of Congress, our judges, or that of any of any individual occupying a position will be adhered to. Biden, Garland and their acolytes are dependent upon the reticence, fear, and respect for the rule of law to render the citizens unresponsive. Biden and Company who are not being responsive to the danger will find themselves also in danger of physical harm. If the Supreme Court goes, the Presidency goes, and so does Congress.at the hands of outraged citizens. Then the country goes. The very laws they rely on abusing will no longer protect them. Reliance on an outraged, disorganized, disoriented, and depleted military will be misplaced.

Darlene Estlow
May 20, 2022

Father, remove the spirit of fear. May those who are fearful see your presence and protection. I pray for the army of your heavenly hosts to protect the Supreme Court, justices and clerks, churches, pro-life pregnancy centers. Bring confusion to those who plot awful deeds. May the justice department fulfill their duty in stepping in to stop these horrendous threats and deeds. We praise you because you are our shield and defender. May we not be slack in praying for peace and righteousness in our nation. May our justices stand firm in their support for the life of these pre-born human beings, for life and righteousness. We praise your name for hearing our cries.

A Johnson
May 20, 2022

Every attempt by the wicked will come to nothing. Fear not! The only fear is a reverential fear of God. Who says vengeance is mine I will repay.

May 20, 2022

Father, we pray that you would protect our nation–the United States of America–Israel, and the rest of the world from the globalist scheme of the World Health Organization. Preserve our sovereignty worldwide, Lord, and keep our freedoms, rights, and other liberties safe from those who wish to take them.

May 20, 2022

Our powerful Sovereign, You are the force that can nullify the threat of the enemy. We are in a spiritual battle and none but Jesus can save us. Your mercy, Lord, Your mercy be upon us as we continue to be battered by the wind and waves of this violent storm! You are not asleep, You are fully aware of all that’s going on – not only in this physical world but the spiritual one as well. You command the winds and the waves and they HAVE TO obey Your voice! Bind the spirits that are controlling these evil behaviors the way You command the wind and waves, and send them to the abyss! Protect souls from their evil intent, for You are Almighty God. You are able! You are willing! You are worthy of ALL PRAISE! We pray all this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ our gracious Savior!

Robert H
May 20, 2022

Holy Spirit protect and bless the men and women who overturned a totally unconstitutional law!
50 years is enough and time to turn the tide with jubilee ! Now to work on states! Go to 40 Days for Life and get involved in powerful peaceful prayer.

Daylynne Starr
May 20, 2022

We must pray for our police forces where ever these riots, are taking place, to arrest all rioters. If these threats aren’t stopped against the Justices legally, there will never be another legal court trial again.
And many judges will leave the courts, these people are not threating this case, they are threating the justice system in our country. This is an extremely serious problem, it could mean the end of our legal system.
GOD SAVE AMERICA. But our prayers for action against the rioters could save our country.


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