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Father, we thank You for the bills passed that Biden calls "anti-transgender." We pray that people like Biden will come to know the truth instead of supporting rhetoric and surgeries that harm people.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marking the International Transgender Day of Visibility, President Biden harshly criticized lawmakers and governors across the country for, among other things, “efforts to criminalize supportive medical care for transgender kids….” This statement comes on the heels of states like Arizona signing bills to ban transgender surgeries for youth.

From Daily Mail. President Biden on Wednesday tore into the ‘political attacks’ on transgender children coming from state legislators across the country such as Florida‘s so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.

‘Visibility matters, and so many transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming Americans are thriving,’ Biden said in a statement marking Transgender Visibility Day. ‘Despite this progress, transgender Americans continue to face discrimination, harassment, and barriers to opportunity.’

Biden said that in 2021 and 2022, states had proposed ‘hundreds of anti-transgender bills.  ‘Efforts to criminalize supportive medical care for transgender kids, to ban transgender children from playing sports, and to outlaw discussing LGBTQI+ people in schools undermine their humanity and corrode our Nation’s values.’

On Wednesday, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed a bill that would ban anyone under the age of 18 from getting gender reassignment surgery and limiting transgender girls from playing in girls’ sports….

Until two years ago, no state had passed a law regulating gender-designated youth sports. But the issue has become front and center in Republican-led statehouses since Idaho lawmakers passed the nation’s first sports participation law in 2020. That law is now blocked in court, along with another in West Virginia.

Since last year, bans have been introduced in at least 25 states, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. This week, lawmakers in Oklahoma also passed a ban….

On Monday Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that bans teachers from giving classroom instruction on ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity’ in kindergarten through third grade….

What do you think of these supposed “anti-transgender laws?” Share this article to raise awareness!

(Excerpt from Daily Mail. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Gail Thurman
April 4, 2022

We are created in the image of God. He assigned the gender that He wants us to be, and efforts to change that basic element of our personhood reveals a rebellion against the God who created us, and loves us. Children must be protected from wounding their lives via those who embrace a transgender ideology, for whatever reason. Could be that Big Pharm loves to see transgenders’ life-long dependence its extremely expensive ‘hormone therapy.’ Maybe Surgeons love the extra cash that transgender surgeries make available. Perhaps counsellors feel that their careers will be enhanced if they ‘go along to get along,’ and they dare not go against the societal current that fattens the pockets of certain ‘rich and powerful’ groups. True love for the individual, that honestly assesses long-term consequences, is sadly missing from the liberal push.

Sandra Redding
April 4, 2022

Thank you Lord for the wisdom of state legislators to recognize the harm that the transgender surgeries, treatments and lifestyle have done so far and will do to future generations. Your guidance in recognizing man and woman, made in your image, is opening our eyes and our hearts to do your will always. Praise to you, O Lord.

April 4, 2022

Lord, we REJECT EVERYTHING the enemy is trying to do to take over and destroy our nation! We call forth the FIRE of God to eliminate this evil! They are seeking to provoke You Lord, we know You will answer and they won’t be laughing when You do! We SPEAK and DECREE YOUR PURPOSE over EVERY CHILD in the whole world in Jesus Mighty Name! We come against the lies of the enemy that have been spoken over any child in Jesus Mighty Name! Let the plots and schemes of the enemy be completely burned to a crisp and expose and hold accountable ALL who sided with the serpent, ALL in Jesus Name! AMEN and SO BE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! They better think again about the game they are playing because You NEVER fail and they are messing with YOUR little ones!! Redeem the kids, this nation, and the whole of creation!

Ann Lee
April 3, 2022

Praise God for banning these confusing bills and policies from the liberal left. This is spreading misinformation and creating confusion among our children. The innocence of children should be protected.

Kathy Cook
April 3, 2022

What Biden is doing is murdering America. God made a man and a woman. There is no debate. If a person chooses to be gay, they have that right. It’s been them and God. Biden and tge demonic democrats do not have a right to condone Transgender transformation. May God have mercy. Father. I pray for your intervention in stopping this evil enemy 🙏

April 3, 2022

Better yet, how about a comment from Jesus. Speaking about the children, Jesus said in Mark 9:42 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.” I would hate to be that/those persons who would harm the children. They will pay for what they do!

C and C Nelson
April 2, 2022

Lord, we are grateful for leaders who understand that we must protect our children and their futures. Continue to give them deep conviction and wise guidance for each of their states. We ask that You would open the eyes of so many leaders that have been blinded to the damage they have or are doing to children by their compliance with hurtful and extremely damaging legislation. Save them from further deception and from making laws that hurt children in multiple ways. God forgive them. Raise up wise Godly leaders to do battle for our children. Amen.

Linda Simpson
April 2, 2022

I think our president needs help and prayed for.calling wrong right and right wrong.this is all bull.He is destroying our nations values!

Donna Prewitt
April 2, 2022

I’ve written to President Biden myself to express my sadness and anger over his position as our president trying to lead the country and the world down this terrible path of anti-God thinking and talk and action.
I pray that thousands of citizens will flood his office with their feelings. I have also shared my feelings with my Senators, even though I expect none of them to agree.

    TRUST in JESUS!!
    April 4, 2022

    This man is NOT the president! A thief is NEVER the owner!! He’ll be exposed soon because God reveals the truth and is the God of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS!! Sadly, that man doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Anyone who can kill babies in the womb probably doesn’t have any boundaries. Everyone needs to think of that when they vote. Being a Christian and democrat DO NOT MIX. Not saying you are a democrat, just stating truth. The AWAKENING IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our REAL president WILL be BACK by GOD’s MIGHTY hand!!! President TRUMP is God’s TRUMPET! God will soon play His Trump card! ALL this evil will soon collapse because God has His CHECKMATE coming!!! Think about the Egyptians CAUGHT in the Red Sea and they were seen NO MORE!! That’s where we are. God is hardening their hearts so He WILL REMOVE them! So get excited about that and pray about everything else. OUR KING REIGNS!!!!!!!!! Mighty King JESUS!! Hallelujah!

April 2, 2022

I praise God for the governors and state legislatures that are taking a stand against this radical agenda. May more actions be taken to protect God’s definitions of male and female.

Mildred A
April 2, 2022

Joe Biden has detached ear lobes. The photo for this story shows a man with ear lobes that are attached.

Rosalie Massie
April 2, 2022


April 2, 2022

I pray that more governors will sign bills banning Critical Race Theory.
This is ungodly and dividing our country.
The same is true for changing the sex of a person.
God is not pleased with these things.

Thomas J Meyer
April 2, 2022

I agree with Sharon Oestman, animals have more common sense than the men and women holding positions of power in our government. God’s Word says Righteousness Exalts a nation and sin is a disgrace to the people. It’s evident that Biden and his administration is wanting to destroy the American people, we need to impeach Biden and Kamali and replace them with junior high students who have more common sense and LOVE their country. Americans are awaking, our prayers will be answered by LORD GOD, in JESUS NAME, AMEN !!!

    April 2, 2022

    Impeach Biden, absolutely. And for so MANY reasons!

    Praying in agreement, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

Darlene Estlow
April 2, 2022

Father, thank you for states that want to protect children, who often change their minds about all sorts of things–including their unhappiness about the sex they were born with. Most children that are unhappy with their sex change as they grow if they are allowed to stay they way they are. I ask that you would protect our children from these things that make life-altering changes in their lives.

April 2, 2022

Joe Biden, deep in his mental sickness, clings to power in an equally sick way. Gender is not “fluid” and can’t be changed by surgery or political persuasion. Now, he has a SCOTUS nominee that can’t define what a woman is. So, where do the rest of us go from here?

Barbara Janicki
April 2, 2022

Language is so important, isn’t it? Is it “anti transgender” or is it “pro women’s sports” or pro protecting minors from body altering, life changing surgeries when they change their minds constantly about everything from their favorite foods, to their favorite music, heroes, best friends, favorite activities are constantly changing, – but we would let a child decide about permanent life altering surgery before they are at least legally an adult? It has nothing to do with being “anti transgender” – adults are free to make their own decisions in this country. This is about protecting children from themselves and harm, which we as parents do from the time they are born until they leave our care. This very vocal, very small minority is trying to dictate what other people choose to do, – you get to choose for yourself, not other people. Biological males should not be competing against females in any sport. That is simply common sense. Guess we will have to create a third category if males who are not successful competing against other males, decide to identify as women and compete against women where they can break all the women’s records in the sport and take spots on teams away from actual women. Title nine is now being nullified by this practice, which we all just watched take place in women’s collegiate swimming. Trans rights? What about women’s rights? This however, is only the surface manifestation of the real problem – mankind’s rebellion against our Creator God. We are the clay saying to the Potter, “I refuse to accept how You have made me.” We know God created us in His image and created us male and female. All the current gender issues we are witnessing now are part of our culture’s rebellion against God – wanting to be our own gods, determine our own genders, which we often can’t seem to do, hence “non-binary” etc. When our identity is no longer in God through Christ, this confusion and chaos regarding gender and who we are is the result. Only God’s truth will set us free from all the lies which hold people hostage to the transgender agenda. Prayers for all caught in this movement fueled by lies which preys on young children and takes away those few precious years they have simply to be a child before taking on the cares and concerns of the world. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    April 2, 2022

    Best summary I’ve seen yet. Identifies the ro0ot problem!

Sharon Oestman
April 2, 2022

I think we need to evict Biden and the rest of white house that is pushing transgender. God made male and female even Animals are smart enough to know that.

April 2, 2022

May God bless these governors for standing strong against transgender.
Pray God will work in Biden and the people directing him, hearts and minds that transgender is not from God but of satan. Thank you Jesus for your love and answering our prayers.

April 2, 2022

Good. That shows that God is moving, when those in authority criticize anything that’s a threat to their liberal agenda. Keep the anti-trans movement going.

Michael Priesbe
April 2, 2022

If all this “trans ” naming , pushing for acceptance would be considered a form of Child- Porn, the FBI would be obliged to begin monitoring the movement and lead an effort to QUASH it ! This attack on our morals in this country is a Marxist / Communist effort to bring the USA down. This amounts to Lady liberty in NY harbor dropping the torch held high in her hand.
Until this countries’ voting people SEE the leftist / Communist efforts to tear down the Shining Lamp that the USA has to offer, and vote the Leftist inspired leaders OUT of office, not much will change. This is how i see it.

Jean Berry
April 2, 2022

Father God, You created us male and female. All the attempts by this so called President and other legislators do not change Your Word! This entire issue is planned by the devil to destroy our children and youth, thus destroying our Nation! I pray that the Church will rise up and engage in spiritual warfare over this entire evil plot! I pray that the Governors and those other lawmakers who are standing against this assignment by Satan will prevail and that the Lord will give them the victory. I pray also that Biden and all others who have been deceived will be set free, saved, and that they will come to know the truth. In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

April 2, 2022

I am thankful for the ban because it is an indication that there are still some righteous people in this nation. All it takes is one righteous person for God to refrain from completely destroying a nation. The days of Noah are not yet fully upon us.

Marsha Bashor
April 2, 2022

I think it’s wonderful! Thank you Lord for the governors in Florida and Arizona for their stand on LBGTQ and transgenderism. I agree with Governor Ducey in banning anyone under the age of 18 to have any transgender surgery. And I applaud the other states for moving in that same direction.
The children need to be protected by law that they don’t do anything they will regret. The surgeries do not make them into the opposite sex only in physical appearance . I believe they are still the person God made them to be in the first place . Dear Lord this is my prayer, that these governors and other states will succeed in banning such procedures. And I pray that the Holy Spirit will move upon the children of our nation, and all over the world , to help them to realize that these procedures are not the answer, that only faith in Jesus as their savior is the answer. The Lord God is all powerful to help them become the person he has formed and intended them to be.

Rosalyn Stoner
April 2, 2022

Praise God that the evil of the transgender laws are being stopped. Praise God for those who are passing good “anti-transgender laws”. Continue to give them courage and strength to stand for what is wrong.

Terry Durnal
April 2, 2022

How dare anyone, a parent, teacher, or a so called president dare to even speak to a kindergarten child about their sexuallity. They are children, their minds can not even comprehend such things. This talk should be considered child abuse. What is going to happen to them when they are older and are finally mature enough to understand what has happened to them. Men competing in women’s sports is absurd, they’re men, they’re stronger, they’re quite capable of inflicting great harm to the women, girls they are competing against. Winning and getting attention is NOT or should not be the most important thing in the lives of these children or their desperate attention seeking parents.

April 2, 2022

Thank you Father for raising up warriors to protect our children and choose to leave them untouched as the beautiful masterpieces you created them to be. We continue to stand together and cover them with the blood of our Savior and speak death to this evil agenda. May God’s name be glorified in every state in our country and the countries around the world. Amen

Marla F.
April 2, 2022

It’s complete perspective. Because from where the majority of Americans sit we could say we’re being discriminated against by allowing transgender males to participate in women’s sports. It is an unfair playing field. It’s discrimination for biologically adherent girls. All the bills that have been passed are very balanced and rational. I do not hear anything but rational appropriate adherence to science and knowledgeable information. Even though my biblical viewpoint does not align with some of the language in the bills I do not see discrimination.

April 2, 2022

Thank You, God almighty for helping to put a stop to this insanity…Amen

April 2, 2022

There are only TWO GENDERS – MALE & FEMALE. The words gender and sex have two deffinite different meanings. Joe Biden is a moron and a disgrace to the Catholic Faith which he professes to be a member of. God help his soul.

joyce belland
April 2, 2022

It is absolutely essential to the survival of our country!!!!

John J
April 2, 2022

Two genders, MALE and FEMALE, one God, don’t settle for anything else

William Tobey
April 2, 2022

Jesus- Tear down any government, person or organization promoting transgender. It is evil & cannot stand against God and prayer warriors.

What is black is white! God made us male & female!

April 2, 2022

Throw a wrench in the enemy’s plan and get people saved along the way. We are created in the image and likeness of God. End of discussion. He does not make mistakes in gender. He created us uniquely the way He wanted us as He was knitting us in our moms womb.

Avalon B Rose
April 2, 2022

I say Yes and Amen to All anti-, transgender bills, thank God lawmakers are standing up for what is of God’s Righteousness, and prayerfully all 50 states will follow and stop this insanity in America in Jesus Name.


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