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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would change the hearts and minds of all the Disney employees. Help them to use their platform for good, not to spread antibiblical falsities.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Disney has spent the past decade gradually pushing their own LGBTQ agenda. Recent videos of top-level employees show that LGBTQ themes in Disney media will only become more prominent. At the same time, Disney parks have dropped greeting guests with “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.” Disney is embracing and promoting an unbiblical view of gender and sexuality . . . to children. And just a few weeks ago, Disney+ added content rated TV-MA to their streaming platform. Their agenda is clear. What will Christians do?

From Breitbart. Leaked video from Disney’s “Reimagine Tomorrow” summit reveals top-level employees openly discussing the company’s push to include more LGBTQ+ content in its ever-growing library.

Released by Christopher Rufo of City Journal, one video featured executive producer Latoya Raveneau casually talking about how the company encouraged her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” when she became an employee….

Another video released by Christopher Rufo featured Disney corporate president Karey Burke speaking as “a mother of two queer children – one transgender child and one pansexual child.” Burke discussed the company’s desire to include more “queer leads” in its creative content.

The videos come amid Disney declaring open war on the state of Florida over its Parental Rights Law – what radical LGBTQ activists have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

LGBTQ representation in children’s shows has been on the uptick this past decade, beginning in 2014 on the Disney show Good Luck Charliewhich featured a lesbian mom couple. That was later followed by the Disney show Andi Mack featuring the first teenage gay couple on the network. Disney later broke new ground with the release of Onward – the studio’s first animated movie to feature an openly LGBTQ character….

Fox News reported “Disney parks are axing gendered language such as ‘boys and girls’ in their park greetings to promote gender inclusivity, according to video of a company executive.

‘We’ve provided training for all of our cast members in relationship to that. So now they know it’s ‘Hello, everyone,’ or ‘Hello, friends,” Disney’s diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware was heard saying in a video conference call recorded by City Journal’s Christopher Rufo.”

How are you praying about Disney’s agenda? Will you continue to support Disney+, channels, parks, merchandise? Please share in the comments.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Teddy Österblom on Unsplash)

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Nancy Wooldridge
May 11, 2022

I have not supported Disney for a long time. I do not appreciate them putting witchcraft in children’s movies!

Lori Bollig
April 12, 2022

Cancelling Disney channel. Unbelievable what they are doing to young minds. So sorry to hear this as they used to be trustworthy. No more Disney.

Lori Bollig
April 12, 2022

Cancelling the Disney channel. Unbelievable what they are doing to children. Not trustworthy with young minds anymore. So sorry to hear all this.

Virginia Linville Hindman
April 4, 2022

I will not be supporting Disney in any way with its new LGBTQ agenda as its aim for promoting diversity. It is now far from family friendly and is part of the “Woke” Community. Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave! I will, however, be praying for its leadership, employees, and environment to be one who upholds godly principles. We need to pray for revival for our nation, and let it begin with Disney and the other corporations who are laying the ground for a one-world government and Marxism. God is in control, but God reminds us through his word that “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” Also, He reminds us through His Word what happens to those who hurt little children!

M Anderson
April 4, 2022

We have 2 great grandchildren who will not see Disney channel or Disney + at our house any more. We are appalled at what is happening threre and will no longer support them with our money. God be merciful to us. May everything we say and do bring you glory. Please break sin’s hold on this corporation.

Cyndi Schnase
April 3, 2022

We, as Grandparents, have stopped our Disney + channel so that it’s not available to our grands when they come over.

Jack Debay
April 2, 2022


Dorothy Glover
April 2, 2022

I have not been a supporter of Disney products for many years. After watching numerous episodes of “My Little Pony” (Rainbow!) I began to see where Disney was heading. My granddaughters have outgrown those characters and don’t share their movie/tv viewing with me as much now. I really don’t know what is being downloaded into their spirits.
The same with the witchcraft that is so prevalent in Disney. Of course, the old fairy tales had witches who always were defeated.
The girls’ parents know where I stand. It is their responsibility to protect their precious daughters. I cover the four of them with prayer, which is much more effective than “nagging.”

Vincent R Syracuse
April 2, 2022

I wil no longer support anything or anyone that has Disney’s name associated with it. Disney is as of right now banned from my household.

Diane Wardell
April 2, 2022

I’m not surprised about Disney but angry that “we” didn’t have a voice in stopping all the witchcraft on Disney. Sjo with open gates they enemy comes in like a flood. With all of the gender changes who is setting up whom in the temple and declaring themselves to be God? “We” will still remain complicit in all of this if we continue to support Disney in anyway.

April 2, 2022

Defund Disney.

Sara Reed
April 2, 2022

I am truly upset at the Disney company in their efforts to promote the gay agenda. I will not buy their merchandise for my grandchildren, nor encourage their visits to the parks.
I will pray for company executives to come to know Jesus Christ personally.

April 2, 2022

I took my children to Disney many years ago, I am so disappointed in what they are trying to do now. I pray that God will open the eyes of these people and will not support anything Disney.

Betty Scribner
April 2, 2022

It has been years since I have been to Disney world or land. I will not return and neither will my 12 children. We do not watch the latest Disney movies.

Paula DePerte-Main
April 1, 2022

Such perversion, God is very clear in his word with many scriptures one being, 1 Corinthians 6:9, also Leviticus 18:22-24, and I could give at least 5 more scriptures in reference to homosexuality. God is very clear here and when He repeats many scriptures on same subject this tells me this is very important. Mainly because it disrupts and dangerously threatens the sanctity of marriage and family. Which is very near and dear to God’s heart. Lord please i pray, wake up people especially our children how the enemy has them seduced with this temptation of homosexuality.

April 1, 2022

I just had to google and see what pansexual means!!! Oh my goodness what is next!!??

    April 2, 2022

    And this twisted Disney Executive is proud that her child is pansexual! ! ! And that her other child is transgender.

    This is just child abuse.

    I am praying for those poor, tormented children.

    Dorothy Glover
    April 2, 2022

    I never hear the term; I will google it, too.

Victoria Stoll
April 1, 2022

I am deeply saddened by what Disney is doing. Walt Disney would never have imagined that people who were not even born when he created Disney characters would someday so tragically distort what he had created. What used to be a safe place for children and families has now become a tool to bring more confusion and suffering into the lives of children as well as their parents. So sad about this unfortunate development. Disney products will be something I avoid purchasing or gifting in the future. I will pray for a change of heart in those who are in charge of Disney Land and Disney World.

Louanna Andralliski
April 1, 2022

I am sure this is not the World Of Disney Walt envisioned. I will no longer support or purchase Disney products or channels/media. We as Christians are called to stand for the truth of God’s word and the world he created – “male and female, He created them.” May God help us speak the truth in love to the thousands decieved by this false lifestyle. Satan can not create so he counterfeits God’s design and leads astray so many. Praying that the eyes and hearts of the corporate leaders of Disney be opened and turn to righteousness and Godly principals.

April 1, 2022

I have been a Disney fan since I was 7 years old but can no longer support them. It is no longer the same Happiest place on earth unfortunately.

April 1, 2022

They have been moving this direction for years. There is an occultic/ demonic layering to every they do and have done for years. It’s been subtle but is now out in the open.
Yes. We will completely boycott everything Disney.

C and C Nelson
April 1, 2022

Here is a very extensive list of Disney and associated companies / connections. Please share with others, churches, etc.


    April 1, 2022

    Thanks for the list.. very important to be United on this… in Jesus mighty name!!

    Paula DePerte-Main
    April 1, 2022

    Thank you for above web address of extensive list of Disney related companies.

C and C Nelson
April 1, 2022

I encourage people to plead boycott and all Disney movies, entertainment, holding companies, toys, etc. Please make your voice known through wise stewardship & spending. You must do some research to find out the extensive amount of “connections” they have but it’s worth it. They own ESPN – many people don’t realize that. There “diversity agenda” has spilled over to that channel. Turn off ESPN!. We are salt – make your stand known. When Disney starts hemorrhaging $$, that’s salt in a wound for them. Make a stand. Write to Disney via email or phone or letter. Let them know that, in certain & direct language, that going forward you ARE boycotting them in “multiple ways”.
Pray for them to have a change of heart through “any means” possible. Allow God to do the cutting work but it’s up to us to “act & be involved”.

April 1, 2022

It’s absolutely utterly disgusting and straight from hell . God destroyed sodom Gomorrah for less . People had better repent and turn towards God. Jesus said “ it would be better to have a millstone tied around their necks and thrown into the sea than to corrupt even ONE of my little ones “

Connie R White
April 1, 2022

I can only pray for a move of the Holy Spirit across America to bring SALVATION to cultural leaders such as these, Father, PLEASE raise up Spirit-filled writers, entertainers, jouralists, and performers who can retake our culture to align with Your purposes for our world.
As for me and my house, we will separate ourselves from Disney and all others who insist on pushing their agendas on us.

Jamie Hotelling
April 1, 2022

It deeply grieves The Lord when businesses like Disney follow a perverted path. Let us pray that those in leadership at Disney fall on their faces, realizing that they have sinned greatly against The Lord. Pray that their hearts would be pricked and their minds transformed by His Word. And bind the spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan that are rearing their ugly heads in our nation !

Katherine Lizardo
April 1, 2022

As heartbreaking as it is…I will have to boycott Disney.
No Disney+, no vacations, will be cancelling my DisneyMovie account.
Cannot in good conscience support the current social agenda.

Nancy Bryda
April 1, 2022

I decree a major boycott is here concerning this company, a major backlash from the populace and a boomerang effect for the evil to hit back hard due to God’s justice. As a Christian, there is no choice other than boycott and speak the truth in love. Perversion is not a biblical value. 2 Corinthians 10: 4 and 5 applies as this ideology is trying to exalt itself against the knowledge and truth of God and His word. Jesus took the keys of death, hell and the grave so Disney is no challenge for God almighty and his army here on Earth.

Neil Gipson
March 31, 2022

Disney was taken away from the Disney family by the corrupt satanic Nazi democrats and has been turned into a child sex trafficking and child sacrifice entity for their god’s Baal and Satan!

Patricia Voyles
March 31, 2022

Blessings., I partner with the American Center For Law & Justice. According to Jay Sekulow staff, Disney ownership is majorly owned by China. I believe this is some of the reason for what is allowing for these happenings.

Jessica Renshaw
March 31, 2022

Stunned. Sickened. Don’t know what to say but plan to boycott and to PRAY.

BTW, what does the rating PG-MA stand for? Parental Guidance – Mature Audiences? DISNEY?

Priscilla Meyenburg
March 31, 2022

I think it is about time there be a ban on visiting Disney at any location. They are corrupt and as Jesus exposes there will be some shocking things that be revealed. I lift up prayers to bind and take authority over the Baal, spirits that want our children, great grandchildren, & grandchildren. We must put on Gods armor and His Words in the Bible to pray these words to fight against the darkness. Jesus send your angels to help with the fight to help save the children. We stand in Faith, Gods truth, and His love he has for us and America. Jesus bring back the joy, your Glory, and the excitement about salvation. Jesus thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that administers our prayers to Heaven. Protect the children’s minds against the sins they are forcefully implanted in the Parents, Children. I ask in your Will these things be done to Save the children, Parents, Families from the darkness that surrounds us. God u are Good to love us and giving us second chances. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️Love u Lord

Roy McClure
March 31, 2022

Disney in all forms is dead to me and my family! I hope and pray that other families follow my choice. Our Country needs to follow and obey Gods word!

March 31, 2022

That is just ridiculous this agenda has gone way too far and needs to be put an end to. No more of this propaganda. We need to leave this out of kids entertainment and stick to boys and girls ladies and gentlemen. Let’s make this right and not allow this to spread for propaganda and to keep things for children appropriate and friendly.

March 31, 2022

There is so much deception going on in our world right now, and here is just another one. .. our children have got to be taught that this is not right. ANYTHING that does not line up with the WORD of God cannot be supported. If we support these programs, Parks, etc., we are telling and showing our children and grandchildren that we can pick and choose what parts of the Bible we want to stand on and believe, while we throw out other parts. God, forgive us and strengthen us to ALWAYS stand for You. Give these LBGTQ precious ones dreams, visions, and divine encounters, and may we, as Christians not judge them, but love them to Jesus.

March 31, 2022

I haven’t been to any Disney theme parks since 2004. I have no intention of ever stepping into another one. The radical LGBTQ community have taken something beautiful and turned into filthy garbage.

March 31, 2022

I will not support Disney is any way from now until they go back to Christian ways to that Walt started., he would be so disappointed in what these sick people have done to his name. Why are you feeding the children so much sex?!!! They shouldn’t be even thinking about such things. You’re stealing their innocence.

    March 31, 2022

    I agree with you and your judgement. I haven’t went there since I was 11 and my sister , nephew and friends went there last year and I don’t think they had that problem let’s tell them we want kid friendly and appropriate g rated not this stuff God bless

Pamela Faulkner
March 31, 2022

I will not looking have them Disney plus channel for my grandkids! Nor will we go to any of their parks

Colleen Feeney
March 31, 2022

I will not support anything Disney but will pray for them🙏

Craig Crosby
March 31, 2022

May your attendance fall dramatically as a consequence of your actions.

March 31, 2022

I was so looking forward to taking my 2 grandsons to Disney World. Not now!! We will be finding another place to have a family vacation. Praying for all the woke employees and companies. Hope they suffer financially because of the backlash!!

    marlene bickel
    March 31, 2022

    How about LEGOLAND in Winter Haven, FL ! You could check it out.
    My grandson loves going there.

      marlene bickel
      March 31, 2022

      God love them all, as He loves us. I hope they will come to know how much our Father loves them and that they come to know that love, repent of their sins and ask Jesus to come into their heart-be truly born again from above………..

Linda Fisher
March 31, 2022

As a mother who has spent way too much taking my kids and grandkids to Disney over the years, I am very angry. I really am interested in joining a boycott of Walt Disney World, where I just spent a week with m 4 grandkids and 2 great grandkids. Disney has crossed a line, and I’m not willing to accept the goals for an increasingly overt gay agenda.

Linda Simpson
March 31, 2022

This makes me so sad they r turning this park and their whole organization over to Satan and his destruction .How blinded

Sharon King
March 31, 2022

Terrible 😔
Walt Disney would be outraged to see and hear how far the original content and traditional family values have been trampled upon the “minority”
O Lord, open the hearts and eyes of the lost! May Your Truth & Justice prevail for the children and may people stand up for Your principles and values in all areas of life. Pour out Your mercy and grace for strength, endurance, hope, in this dark industry’s ugly and wrong lies.
In Jesus Name,

    C Walter
    March 31, 2022

    Sad to say, but take another look at My former hero, Walt

March 31, 2022

This is more than outrageous! Teaching small children that there is no sexuality. I hope people will not support Disney and they will be hurting their bottom line. Money talks and hopefully if their bottom line is hurt, they will reverse their agenda. There is a very low percentage of gays, lesbiens, and transgenders and why should they make the rules. God made male and female. That is what we stand on.

Laurin Hollander
March 31, 2022

Lord God, you created them make and female. Satan is the father of lies, it is all over the NT. I pray Lord God that the smudging of language and truth will be stopped in its tracks. That these people employed at Disney that think gender is fluid, which is a thought to destroy identity, will experience such an encounter with Jesus that there will be no denial or rebuttal as to the reality and ultimate destiny of who they are in the sight of God and who God himself is. May their eyes be opened even now to see the error of Disney’s doctrine. In Jesus name.

Paulette S Duffey
March 31, 2022

I will not support this. Walt Disney didn’t intend for this to be like this this is supposed to be for little children supposed to be for our children. A clean place, was not meant for adults. Actually as a Christian believer it shouldn’t even be for adults. And I have never been to Disney World and I’m sure not gonna go now. Christians need to start standing up also churches…

March 31, 2022

No, I will not support Disney’s agenda. They are part of the deep state and want to stuff an agenda down our throats that go against my religion. There are two sexes, and you can’t change one for the other. That isn’t how God works.

Hal Lundquist
March 31, 2022

Ok so I pray that Disney if they continue on this destructive path fails! Perhaps they will have to reevaluate or bottom out. Praying for such an agenda to me is like praying to Satan. The powers that be will only understand if their wallets are effected. Otherwise this disturbing assault on our children will grow and become even more destructive. I don’t see any of the movers and shakers at Disney seeing the light any time soon. There will be no epiphany sad to say save for the direct hand of God.

Huss Louise
March 31, 2022

it’s time for Christians to “vote“against this satanic attempt to take our children by boycotting everything Disney and with much prayer.

VK Steele
March 31, 2022

I used to support Disney when I was a lot younger. When I worked in Orange County, I used to go to Disneyland for lunch. Now, I am old and have watched the decline with sadness. I put away all my posters and prints and anything connected with Disney. Now, I am going to take out one of them – I need a prayer reminder – and add three names to it: Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. These companies control approximately 65% of the stock. We need a move of God in Southern California and it needs to touch people at the top. I want to see Disney transformed, rather than destroyed.

I differ from the others who have commented: I support Disney on one issue, a local issue. In LA, there are problems with developers and the politicians who support them and are supported by them, and often with property owners who prefer parking lots to historic theatres. Disney bought a theatre. The preservationists had many talks with them. Disney did a beautiful job restoring the theatre – a single auditorium with balcony. During the lockdown, they did restoration in the outer lobby. This does not make sense financially, not just the restoration, but the maintenance, the staff, the prologues or organ music, etc. My philosophy on movie palaces is: if you do not like the movie, enjoy the lobby – and support the theatre while it is open, instead of complaining after it is torn down. As I said, this is a local issue.

Yolanda Davis
March 31, 2022

I’ve read through a lot of the comments here on Disney and it seems like some of us are surprised. When the Lord opened my eyes to see, I was almost in disbelief as well. As an intercessor I began praying that the eyes of fellow believers would be opened. My Motto is “Don’t Hate, Educate”. So, my prayer today, is that you will do a little research on Walt Disney and through prayer ask the Lord to open your eyes to see truth. Then educate others, when we see truth, it’s easy to know what to do next. In a call to raise up intercessors for the Lord, He gave me this scripture.

John 17:17
King James Version
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

The “Word of God” sanctifies us, sets us apart unto Him. “The Word of God” is a discerner of the intents and motives of the heart. The truth sets us free, so when we pass on truth, those who serve truth become empowered by uniting in truth and light overcomes darkness.
When I learned of the practices of Disney, I was concerned on how to proceed. I was led to pray that the Lord would expose the darkness and reveal the truth to those being deceived as I had been. Glory to God, look at how many are beginning to see the darkness. When you see that the foundation of Disney has not been biblically based, it opens your mind to the concept of, what else have I been believing as truth, that has been deception. This caused me to pray from a different perspective, “Don’t Hate, Educate”, Father, don’t let me be deceived by leaning to my own understanding, teach me to acknowledge you in all my ways, and you will direct my path! In Jesus name, Amen!

As we empower the Body of Christ with Truth, we can unite and rise like an edifice to become one voice against the powers of darkness. Father, sanctify us by Truth!

    March 31, 2022

    Enjoyed your comment. Sad day for me (very recently!) to learn about the Real Walt….an abomination!

Anexsis Gonzalez
March 31, 2022

In reality there is no Magic Kingdom. The only true Kingdom is the Kingdom of God,
The author and finisher of our faith. All praise and honor belong to God. In Jesus name

Pat Taylor
March 31, 2022

Not having Disney in my home. Stopped watching the movies after Milan.

Rev. Ronald Roland
March 31, 2022

There is a reason all societies have “Sodomy Laws” – until they begin to degenerate and fall apart. Turning our kids into homosexuals is a prime agenda to dividing our society against itself. The homosexual platform will quickly destroy any society, and we have added the murder of abortion to it, along with the worship of any and all false gods, while rejecting and blaspheming our Creator, Jesus Christ.
America is on thin ice and the fires of the devil are melting it rapidly. If we don’t fight back strongly, now, confess our sins and return to our Christian roots, we are lost – and then the world!

March 31, 2022

“The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows (1Tim.6:10) NLT.
There is a lot in that verse, and “one” thing is for sure, the bottom line to Disney and its investors in this era, is money. A very effective method to put a monkey wrench in Disney’s agenda, would be for the estimated 100 million people that identify themselves as Evangelical in the USA, to cancel Disney anything; including their “Disney Plus” on line streaming service, cruises, and theme parks, as cute as Mickey and Minnie are. Just sayin!

March 31, 2022

Yet these same people say we are forcing God onto them? RIGHT. read Romans chapter 1 in the Bible. You people pushing this are only paving your way to destruction. Sad thing is you are destroying the young spiritually. Tell me again how you want to keep the children safe from pedophiles and such while you promote this AND promote murder mills (abortion clinics.) I pray our Lord and Savior opens your eyes before it’s too late. And you so called parents especially need to wake the flip up. As the Holy word of God states. Even so come Lord Jesus.

Shana Dee
March 31, 2022

Shouldn’t you rather pray that everyone with family values will know the truth about Disney and will abandon it completely?
Disney can’t operate if there is no incoming money. Once the “gays” have their hooks in something there is no turning back to make it good again. First you have to stop using the word “gay” to refer to homosexuals. There is nothing happy or joyful about them.

    March 31, 2022

    The Truth is Walt’s beliefs are at the root of this. We children of the 50’s were badly fooled.

Barbara Janicki
March 31, 2022

So sad, I grew up on Disney fairytales/movies – the name Disney has been synonymous with family values, with something “safe.” So of course, satan would use this platform/name to infiltrate and to undermine the family and all it stands for, even to getting children to question their own biology and hence their own identity. Identity is key, we used to talk about having an “identity crisis” during different life transitions – and trying to “find oneself” was popular, meaning one was trying to find that right job/career – to find their purpose in life. But it never meant that one was confused about their own biology, they knew who they were. Evil hides behind and slowly takes over what was good, we don’t have to support this. I will no longer participate or purchase or watch anything Disney – it will require some vigilance – I may not be aware of all their holdings – but if money talks, one way I can speak up is not to spend my money on anything Disney. Prayers for those at Disney to speak up if they don’t agree with these new policies. May I think on “whatever is noble, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” I will let this be my challenge, to keep my focus on God and His ways, – and to that end, I, we all actually, have a duty to protect our children from anything that is not God honoring – and that now includes Disney. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    March 31, 2022

    Hallelujah & Amen my dear Sister! We as God’s Children, mothers, grandmother’s MUST take a firm STAND; I’m certain that my daughters, daughter in laws won’t, I have in my family the issues of same sex marriage which breaks my heart, BUT my FATHER GOD’S still in CONTROL,!!! Amen

March 31, 2022

Disney has not just crossed the line, but erased it and completely jumped over to the dark side. The only way to stop or reverse this trend is to hit them where it hurts, their profits. Forget everything Disney..

March 31, 2022

The Disney Corporation will never see another nickel from me or anyone in my family.

March 31, 2022


March 31, 2022

PONDER the GREAT level of Disney’s satanic deception and many others in these times that are like the days of Noah.

The Word says, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” = His will and divine order.

Remember how Toys R Us – DONORS and supporters of Planned Parenthood – went out of business? How deceived does one have to be to promote the murdering and killing off of potential future customers!

Take heed Disney, repent or be removed from the face of the earth! So now, they are doing the same. These liberal lunatic under the influence of satan woke ones are pushing LGBTQ+ onto children, the nations, etc.

Can two men be fruitful and multiple through sodomy? Can two women procreate? Can those whose identities have been stolen by satan by the transgender LIE-style who are literally sterilizing themselves? God is NOT the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33)!!!

The enemy is using them to BLOT OUT bloodlines through this evil agenda!

Each generation is called to marry and fill the earth and subdue it for God in the name of Jesus. Less offspring – caused by LGBTQ+ – means LESS laborers for the harvest of the lost. “Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few,” (Matthew 9:37).

Clearly Disney is doing according to the Word…they will reap what they have sown…

Psalm 7:15 – “He made a pit and dug it out, And has fallen into the ditch which he made.”

Psalm 9:15 – “The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made; In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.”

Psalm 55:23 – “But You, O God, shall bring them down to the pit of destruction; Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; But I will trust in You.”

They are digging a pit for their own destruction and can’t even see it. It’s called satanic mind blindness (2 Cor 4:4).

    Dale Wilson
    March 31, 2022

    An excellent commentary on what Disney is doing to itself. I saw a news article just two days ago that Disney Parks are now getting so prohibitively expensive that the average middle income family cannot afford to go anymore. This could be in and of itself a movement of God to bring this once great company to it’s knees financially.

    In an article I read many years ago about Walt Disney himself, I am of the belief that he would be absolutely grieved over what has become of his dream. It certainly was never THIS!

    Pray indeed that God will move in the hearts of those currently in power at Disney or, that HE will ultimately close it down! I pray for the former so that my grandkids can know one day what my family have known in the past about the ‘Wonderful World of Disney’

Ken McDuffie
March 31, 2022

Lord help us to have the courage and boldness to stand up for truth and righteousness in a wicked generation. May we speak truth to this deceptive situation in love and not with a hateful attitude towards anyone but according to Ephesians 4:15.
I think it’s time to stand up and speak out against this wickedness. We can’t be silent anymore- they are coming for your children and your grandchildren!!!

    Ken McDuffie
    March 31, 2022

    Btw- I will not be supporting Disney or any other of their properties and media outlets

Patricia Prugh
March 31, 2022

I will continue to pray that Disney has a change of heart in the very unbiblical direction they are going. I will boycott, everything Disney.
Thank you for sharing this information with us.

Paula Sparks
March 31, 2022

Our family dumped Disney years ago when they started having the gay pride weekend. We have so many “entertainment” avenues available that we do not have to support these perverted companies. Living in Florida people automatically think you have to be a part of the Disney environment. We need to have courage to vote with our dollars and with our feet. We just will not spend money on or patronize “woke” or activist companies when we are aware of them and we try to be educated and current. IFA is helpful for that. Thank you.

Peggy Slagle
March 31, 2022

We will not support Disney and its demonic practices. i will pray that Holy Spirit conviction will fall on our nation against all sexual sin/perversion/witchcraft in Jesus Name, and that our nation will be released from the grips of perversion. I pray that the love and sacrifice of Jesus will replace all perversion. In Jesus Name.

March 31, 2022

What a disgrace! Praying for them but in the meantime I’m boycotting their Parks and all of their movies. Furthermore, I’m passing along this information to all of my friends and relatives.

March 31, 2022

Walt Disney would be turnning in his grave if he knew what they did and what they are promoting as well as the rapid price increased, yes he wanted to make it a welcoming place for all cultures and promote love and friendship as well as peace as well as high caliber entertainment, and masterworks of art of their day but he also wanted a place for families foremost, not pushing an elitest accademic agenda on social engineering, and place that is the playground for only the rich.
walt loved history as well as making good on showcasing the best tech they could to try to inspire for the future, and he never got away from what is inherant to natural law.

Yolanda Davis
March 31, 2022

Not only does Disney support Gay Lifestyles, but it also supports the Occult I began noticing an extreme increase in the Occult being included in Disney’s programs and movies. The movie “Black Panther” included actual Occult or Witchcraft practices. In some review of their entertainment, I realized Disney has been encompassing the Occult in their entertainment for some time. I have been praying for the Lord to reveal to fellow Christians to open their eyes to see, that Disney’s entertainment and massage to our children is not very biblically based.

The scripture below tells us that “Our Strength” is in our children. We must open our eyes to see the strategy of the enemy to hinder our children’s belief in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Psalm 8:2
King James Version
2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

Arlean Love
March 31, 2022

I will not support Disney in any form or fashion, whether through TV or visiting the park. To do so is to be a partaker of their evil and wickedness! I pray for every staff, volunteers, and any affiliates of Disney that the blinders be removed from their eyes, that they come out of darkness and run into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I declare that they will no longer call evil good, and good evil; no longer will they put darkness for light, and light for darkness. May they know the Truth, and the Truth shall make them free, indeed. May they hear with their ears, see with their eyes to perceive, and understand from their heart the will and way of a holy God. May the walls of their wickedness come tumbling down and crumble if there is no repentance. Lord, have Your way; Your will be done, even now! Amen!

Johnny Rocket
March 31, 2022

After 38 years of attending Disney World parks, my family will no longer be vacationing there. Hopefully, their eyes will be opened. Until then, we’re out.

Margaret Ortiz
March 31, 2022

I am very sadden. I will do my part and not participate in anything concerning Disney. Let us join in this together. We must stand up for God’s truth! “Lord open the eyes of those that are being blinded by satan’s deceptions.” in Jesus’ name.

deborah enfield
March 31, 2022

As of today I will no longer be supporting Disney in any way. I am so sorry for the way they are going. I pray they will come to faith in Jesus. This is hurtful for all of us.

Timothy crary
March 31, 2022

THEY ARE 1 TO 3% of the population , why must the rest of the population have to bend over for them ,GET REAL!!

karina carvajal
March 31, 2022

This is so very sad. We must boycott such Dennis retoric

Doug Hoagland
March 31, 2022

It’s really sad that some children are being told to no longer describe themselves as boys or girls. Not only is this biologically unrealistic, but it is truly a moral dilemma, indicating the current aberrant culture of our nation. Even so, dear Lord Jesus, please come soon! I haven’t decided yet what to do about watching any Disney movies, but I will have to think very carefully about visiting their theme parks.

March 31, 2022

I stopped supporting Disney a long time ago!!

March 31, 2022

The fact that so many people think Walt Disney was a good man and think he had innocent intentions with this park and franchise all along is disturbing. This goes to show how well the enemy plays his cards. It takes time and trust for people to let their guards down and that’s exactly what happened with Disney. Sadly the only reason we are aware of these more obvious moves being made is Christian values but those who have loved Disney and do not have Christian values WILL be indoctrinated to accept these things that the “oh so innocent” and “beloved” Disney is promoting. PLEASE understand that this world is corrupt and the enemy comes as an angel of light. KEEP YOUR DISCERNMENT HIGH especially when exposing your children to things.

Victoria Z
March 31, 2022

a bit off topic yet, relevant
Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.

I read an eye opening article once staring that based on this verse it seems very likely that Jesus was tempted sexually in every way including herotosexuality and homosexuality, and yet refused sin, so he truly is LORD and conqueror over all, including all sin, and as such our union with him enables us to conqueror all sin. Thank you Jesus.

Ginger Verduin
March 31, 2022

Absolutely NO DISNEY in any way, shape, or form.

March 31, 2022

No to Disney if they make that awful move to hurt family values!!

D Jules
March 31, 2022

No Disney No movies.
No to anything that moves our country away from the traditional family of mother father son and daughter.
No. No. No.

Aubrey Snyder
March 31, 2022

How can I continue to support Disney when they oppose protecting young school children from being exposed to this sexual engineering agenda!? They WANT teachers to ask students about their sexual preferences at age 6? Seriously??
No, that’s not okay!! It’s not okay with me that public schools teach these concepts at any age!
God, please protect your people!
Schools are getting students thinking about this stuff and then persecuting parents by removing their children from their home to undergo gender reassignment! And many of these students are being bullied and lied to by the schools doing this. Families are being broken apart because we are letting it happen!

Thomas Herriman
March 31, 2022

I walked away from Disney and Ford Motor Co. When they had their first “Gay Day”. and other then praying for their repentance, have not looked back. I have repeatedly warned Friends and Christians about supporting this mess.

March 31, 2022

I think all we can do is pray to our Lord and Savior to change the hearts and minds of these people. They need to turn to God and make better decisions with their life and their soul

March 31, 2022

Basketball and baseball have rules, out of bounds lines and umpires/referees. Without these, sports would be chaos.
We have a rule book, the Bible. And a referee, God. Our society is becoming chaotic – no matter what you believe, just look around you and at the news.
Christians – please cancel Disney!!

March 31, 2022

I hope we Christians do not respond to Disney’s wokeness like we did when gay marriages were made law! We were silent on the matter – we did not stand up for the sanctity of marriage – the church remained mostly silent. Yes, we live in a free country, but we never should allowed them to call these unions marriage! Call it something else . . . but not “marriage.” What a slap in the face of God! The church cannot be silent any longer! God has given us a voice and we must use it in love and truth!

Bill Tobey
March 31, 2022

Walt must be turning over in his grave!

Until God fearing people stop supporting all aspects of Disney- This will take some research because the have infiltrated many many areas.

    March 31, 2022

    Walt Disney was the father of this corporation and a 33rd degree mason. He was a part of this agenda all along.
    But yes it’s a big web, the CIA also helped Walt buy the land to build Disney because they are also corrupt. Mk ultra and project paper clip and project mockingbird. So sad

      marlene bickel
      March 31, 2022

      Thanks Esmeralda, for bringing this out. I’m glad Almighty God is uncovering all the evil and that it is being exposed; not only in this organization but in all of them.
      As Christians, we need to repent for allowing ourselves and our children to be drawn into all this deception, luring us away from the ONE who loves us more than we could ever know; yet who loves us enough to allow us to make our own choices-good, bad and ugly–patiently waiting for us to return to Him……………..
      The Bible is full of many stories of God’s children loving Him and walking with Him in obedience, then sinning and doing their “own thing” and getting in to trouble, needing rescued and repenting and starting the process all over again………
      I’m very thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ, the Son the the Living God, who gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sin………………….to make a way for us to come to Him directly.

March 31, 2022

The devil is on a tear. God help us! God save our children in Jesus’ Holy Name!

Sharleen Wilkens
March 31, 2022

I’m praying for the eyes of the Christians hearts to be opened and just to say no about going to Disneyland letting themselves be entertained by these peoples who are blatantly coming against our King and His Kingdom. If we say that we are believers in the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His Redeemer Yeshua, Jesus Christ, then His commandments should be shown in us living by them. Not partaking of their idolitry and immoral ways.
Psalms 19
Father I pray that the Christians all around the world would stop partaking of all the ways of this Anti Christ ways.
In Yeshua our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Amen

joan plucker
March 31, 2022

What would Walt Disney think of these idiots destroying the clean fun we’ve all enjoyed attending w our kids? He would be a ashamed & sad @ what is happening to his dream business.

    March 31, 2022

    Read my above comment.
    This isn’t a new agenda it’s been the plan all along. His older movies aren’t as innocent as we thought either. Many were used for CIA mk ultra like Alice in wonderland and Pinocchio shows many disturbing things.

    Yolanda Davis
    March 31, 2022

    Hi Joan, please research Walt Disney and his brother. What appeared innocent has been deceiving for a long time!

March 31, 2022

Will never set foot on Disney property again. What a shame. It used to be a wholesome place for everyone but obviously they have taken the side of the evil one who is taking over our country, world and the souls of otherwise good people. Saint Michael , Cast into Hell all the evil spirits seeking the ruin of Souls. Amen

March 31, 2022

Mr. Disney would surely be disgusted if he knew what kind of wickedness has infected his company.

In addition to prayer, not buying or watching Disney movies is another way to show that Christians don’t condone Disney’s anti-Biblical views.

Karen Secrest
March 31, 2022

The public is becoming aware of the false foundation that has evolved. Th we harm we are seeing 8n attitude, pricing, construction is equally as detrimental as policy evolving. Do we allow the swamp to erode or take a stand again for Godly intervention in all entertainment.
Let us not be deceived but have ears to hear and hearts tuned to the Father

Victoria Z
March 31, 2022

Father, in the name of Jesus, I do not believe children need to see gay characters, heroes, or heroines in cartoons or children’s programming. I feel their young minds and hearts are not mature enough for this. I also believe that people who have embraced a LGBT lifestyle are a very small minority in the USA , I believe that you have given all human beings a free will to make our own decisions, your word says you made humans male and female, you made the first two in perfect health, but after the fall at some part in human history people began being born blind, deaf, crippled, diseased, etc. and so it might be possible that some could be born with faulty sex hormones without enough or too much reversed male or female hormones or bothered by deceiving spirits creating gender confusion. The bible does not seem to go into detailed specifics on this and seems to put homosexuality in a category of choice based on an unwillingness to keep you in our thoughts or serve you (Romans). Yet i do believe like all other sin and choices, humans make mistakes and humans can be redeemed and reformed and even changed (into a new creatiin) and healed by your blood so i pray that YOUR will regarding LGBT would be done on earth in our day, before our very eyes, even as it is in heaven for all of heaven and earth to see. If it is your will i pray you would clarify the LGBT truth to all through your Holy Spirit and science. I believe that you love the sinner but hate the sin and that is true of all sin, with none unforgivable except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and while that is not a license to sin, it is comforting to know that you are that merciful, and we pray above all that You would be glorified on earth in our day as the sole creator, the true and faithful healer and absolute deliverer from all sin to all who truly seek to be delivered from all their sins. I believe that human beings are all fallen, and raised by imperfect people, and live in a world with strong and diverse seen and unseen spiritual enemies, we are all guests in your world without a choice to enter this world or not, and as such we all deserve to be treated with love and respect, the bible says the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, some are trapped in deep spiritual emotional mental strong holds of sin which only you and your Holy Spirit can break, therefore again i believe we all deserve to be treated with love and respect, and to know our creator loves us unconditionally yet we ALL need him as our savior and to repent and come clean, HE (you) desperately long.to pour all the holy spirit, love, mercy, gifts and teaching we each individually need to restore each of us to our full Adam-Eve-like intended God-Human fellowship relationship with You and others, and i know you committed to do this through the blood and sacrafice of Christ, it is available, yet the church has also been in bondage to deep spiritual strongholds of doctrines of demons and seducing spirits and religion instead of relationship. Father Jesus showed the pharisees that it was not your will for the “adultress” to be stoned, that only those without sin can throw the first stone, and that would be you but you said you came to save not judge. So Father i pray that whole church finally learns this truth and puts the pointing fingers of judgment down toward all sinners, and particularly the LGBT community which have sadly been harshly judged and even hated by those who claim to be your disciples. Rectify this Father for the glory of Christ, that you would write in the sand before all eyes and teach all who claim to be yours, to put their stones and pointing fingers down. Father what a mess your beautiful world and creations have become, please intervene in our day before our eyes to glorify yourself TO and THROUGH the TRUE church of Jesus Christ, so that you may set the record straight and may all humanity see and know the truth and be able to choose you, unhindered, unrestrained by evil spirits or deceptive spirits, that your holy spirit would be poured out to preach and demostrate the TRUE and FULL gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the whole earth as it was in the early Church through the apostles. I pray that YOUR will be done on earth as it is in heaven regarding this, and we thank you for hearing our prayers.

Ezekiel 16:49 “Look, THIS was the iniquity of Sodom: She had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”

Father this surely sounds like todaysvchurch to me. Heal us we pray! Thank you.

March 31, 2022

I am so disappointed in Disney. This is not the same Disney, I raised my daughters on and was hoping with my 3 grandchildren. I was hoping for things to get better but they are getting worse. What can you expect when the president herself has children that are LGBTQ. I guess I will have to cancel my Disney Movie Club membership. Glad I have my own Disney library.

    March 31, 2022

    Disney has always had sexual innuendo and subliminal messages in their films. In the old black-and-white cartoon you can see Mickey inserting his d—- into the cheese, sex is written in the sky in the Lion King, Illuminati in the eye chart in a Donald Duck cartoon, etc. Walt was a mason and a pedo. This was always used against us subliminally and has progressed as Satan has eroded values throughout many means throughout the world. We need to get away from the tell lie vision and pedowood and get the kids outside and playing. They are after the kids! Indoctrinated in the schools has been going on for decades. This is wake up time! Get in the fight, any way you can, even if just by prayer alone, because Our Father is paramount and should be worshipped thusly. God bless!

      March 31, 2022

      Did not know this about Walt. Never caught this in the cartoons.

MV Fontaine
March 31, 2022

Will not support any Disney products that Mr Walt Disney wouldn’t which is ZERO! He’s rolling over in his grave. So sad. 😢

    March 31, 2022

    Walt Disney was a mason. He would support all this as well.

March 31, 2022

We all have the ability to vote with our doiiars. If you don’t agree with what Disney promoting then stop supporting them. Don’t go to their theme parks, don’t watch their movies, don’t purchase their products. If “christian” would stop financing Disney it would have a huge impact on their bottom line and cause them to rethink what they are promoting.

    March 31, 2022


    Vote with your dollar$, of course!

    I wouldn’t want children near the filth Disney is promoting.

Lauree Coleman
March 31, 2022

Great I AM, forgive us for allowing satan to infiltrate every aspect of our lives; for sitting quietly on the pews saying how much we love You and yet wanting comfort and to be bottle fed rather than taking a stand against the powers of darkness, fitted in full armor, always on the ready to do battle for You and Your glory. I praise you Father for never leaving us, for never forsaking us, as we tell others we are Christians and yet have no fruit. Father break our hearts which have become hardened so you can mold it and heal it, clean out our ears to hear the lies of the enemy we have spent too much time listening to, open our eyes to see the places we have allowed the darkness into our lives and to see Your truths which will set us free. Father we want to listen, we want to be obedient and we want to be great warriors to fight against the powers of darkness. We choose to humble ourselves before you, to turn from our wicked ways and to pray without ceasing. In Jesus name we pray.

Sherry Whitaker
March 31, 2022


Lynda Scripp
March 31, 2022

I definitely WILL NOT support Disney. I think the best way to combat this is for Christians & conservatives to boycott the parks. The only way things will change is in the pocket book. There is a lot to be said about “following the money “

March 31, 2022

At its inception, Mr. Walt Disney, wanted to create a theme park for all people’s. Being politically correct was not and should not be allowed. In the end it is all about a dollar.

    March 31, 2022

    That was more likely than not a lie. Disney was used to promote the satanic agenda from inception. Research Disney sexual Easter eggs. There’s a slew of them, not to mention the believing in magic slogan. It’s all evil, not innocent. Walt was a free mason and pedo. They’ve always been after the children in all ways!

March 31, 2022

Good Morning!
Although I disagree with Disney’s policy, it is my responsibility to pray for them – that someone would share Christ with them and transform their lives. Yes, the world is becoming more evil but, as believers, we can bring “light” into the darkness!

To God be the glory!

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

March 31, 2022

Mickey is a sorcerer. What about Disney has ever been god from a biblical perspective? We’ve been asleep and allowed this to take over our country. We must stand up for truth.

Sally H
March 31, 2022

This is sick. A huge affront to my Biblical principles of marriage and
men and women created in the sight of God. If Disney chooses to promote homosexuality in marriage, so be it. But I also have a choice, which is not to buy Disney products or promote Disney in any way to others in my circle of friends.

William Donahue
March 31, 2022

Dearest LORD, we ask of YOU, that YOUR AWESOME protection would cover governor Desantis and all who will be working with him to protect the children and parents against all evil. Also LORD, we ask that all Christians would come together to pray against this evil and that YOUR WILL BE DONE, in The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF JESUS.

Lydia Dunaway
March 31, 2022

No more Disney for us!

Lester Young
March 31, 2022

People who realize the false nature of the lies regarding the non-sex and unrealistic view of human sexuality need to intentionally not support any organization that promotes such illusions. I will not purchase products made by companies which promote this foolishness. Therefore, among others, I will not attend Disney facilities nor even watch Disney produced movies…even the old “good” ones because it financially supports the organization. We must pray for the God who is Light and loves truth to shed light on all of this fraud which is designed primarily to undermine a Biblical view of life.

Jodie Buzzetti
March 31, 2022

Evil is enticing all aspects of our culture with the goal of destroying it. The devil hates God and all that Christianity stands for. We must rebuke evil everywhere it exists & reclaim our Christian heritage otherwise America will continue to be under judgement. God will not be mocked & attempts to corrupt & kidnap our children for their sick, perverted agenda must not stand. We used to love Disney & had family vacations there. Not only has greed taken over this corporation but perversion.

Lurleen Worthington
March 31, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You will raise up courageous employees within Disney that speak out against this demonic force that is taking over a corporation that is supposed to be geared towards children and families. I have to believe that there are more people within the Disney organization who do not believe in this evil indoctrination. Please Lord God speak to their hearts and give them the wisdom, the courage, the strength to push back against this stronghold. Only You can provide us with means to carry out Your good and perfect will. In Your precious Son’s name Jesus, Amen

In the meantime, until we see evidence of the Disney corporation denouncing their plans to corrupt our children, my family will not be going to Disney. My husband and I had plans to go in August for our 25th wedding anniversary. We were planning on spending $10 -12,000 there but have now changed our plans. We also canceled our Disney Plus subscription.

Daryl Linkous
March 31, 2022

Sell your Disney stock and stop buying & watching their garbage people. It’s not that hard.

March 31, 2022

Big mistake Disney! Live by family values, die by family values!

Elizabeth Crouse
March 31, 2022

I am old but I am praying that parents find another outlet for their family.

Gloria Hamilton
March 31, 2022

I will NEVER SUPPORT DISNEY AGAIN. We as Christians have to start taking a stand even when it hurts or is not fun. The only way these companies will believe we mean business and listen to people is when we stop giving them money. Christians need to get back to truth of what God’s Word says, our human opinions do not matter, God’s truth matters and we need to stand for GOD”S TRUTH. We can stand in a loving way but loving people means we speak truth.

Paul J Fishman
March 31, 2022

Lord, We pray for protection of the children in Jesus name against the profanity and pornography Disney has planned for the children to abduct them away from their families. Please, Lord protect the children from being enticed into human trafficking that the pornographers and perverts are planning for their pleasure and death of this next generation. These children are our last hope for salvation in Christ before the end comes.

March 31, 2022

This is very disappointing. NO, I and my family and grandchildren will not support Disney. But we will pray for owners and workers hearts and minds to be transformed by the power of Jesus.


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