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Jesus, we are grateful for the way our nation is set up with a balance of powers and two + political parties. We pray the people still are able to vote with integrity and that the elections will hold the current administration accountable for all the radical and unconstitutional actions they have made. Send a sweeping message and new blood to Washington after the fall elections Nov. 2022. Send righteous leaders to run for office and help them to win.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the midterm elections draw closer and closer, many Republicans are preparing for what happens if they win. One such Republican, Rep. Darrel Issa, aims to use a victory in the midterms to hold President Biden accountable with a legion of “watchdogs.”

From Breitbart. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who was chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform during former President Barack Obama’s scandal-ridden administration, told Breitbart News exclusively that Republicans are “preparing” for an oversight onslaught after the midterm elections in which they will hold President Joe Biden accountable.

Issa, whose high-profile battles with Obama included the IRS targeting scandal, the Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal, the Benghazi terrorist attack scandal, and more, said after the 2022 midterm elections many new faces will join the ranks of oversight veterans like himself and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in the halls of Congress. Issa memorialized his efforts in a book titled Watchdog, and predicted in an interview with Breitbart News that legions of new incoming Republicans will follow his example in future such battles with Biden.

“We’re going to have 60 plus new Republicans take this majority and many of them have only watched on C-SPAN,” Issa said in an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU) in central Florida late last month.

”You’ve got to believe that Congress’s other duties pale in comparison to being a watchdog,” Issa said when asked what’s his advice to the incoming members who want a piece of Biden. “Yes, we make the laws, but of course laws are meaningless if agencies create rules or ignore the laws and just do what they want to do like they have with FISA warrants or the way the EPA has twisted and tormented existing laws, or the president has issued executive orders that he had no authority to do. We’re the appropriators. We determine every penny that gets spent. But if we don’t look at whether it got spent the way it was intended, whether there was waste, fraud, and abuse, or whether they completely ignored the law and spent it the way they wanted to, then we have nothing. So I can look at every part of our jobs and the things we know that are important to Congress and say none of them matter if you don’t follow up with oversight. That’s my lesson to the class I came back into Congress with and that will be my lesson to the 60 to 100 new Republicans that I believe are going to want to do just that. They’re going to want to hold this president accountable and they’re going to understand that he’s been basically looking at laws and appropriations as a starting point, not as guidance from Congress.”

Issa noted that Republicans are currently “preparing,” laying the groundwork for the coming subpoena wars that will begin in earnest early next year when the GOP—assuming Republicans win the House back—retakes the committee gavels in the House and possibly the U.S. Senate. The man who sits in the spot he did back then before the 2010 midterm elections, House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. James Comer (R-KY), and others like Jordan and himself and Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)—the chairman of the Republican Study Committee—have been laying the groundwork for subpoenas already….

“We can’t understand why they’ve made decisions to abandon Ukraine. We can’t understand why every single person who’s being thrown out of the military for not getting the COVID shots, even if they’ve previously been given religious exemptions, are being denied and they’re being denied it on forms that are identical in every case. What we don’t understand is who coordinated that? Who made a decision to ignore religious freedom? Who made a decision to trounce the First Amendment in a way it never has been done before? We’re going to have to ask that series of questions, get some answers, and then ask more questions. We’ll follow where that leads us to get to the truth because the American people need to know who really made that decision to destroy what we would consider 240 years of tradition and religious freedom….”

Oversight, Issa argues, could make the difference between which party wins the White House in 2024. He argued that the work he, now former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Jordan, and others did on the Benghazi scandal—and more broadly the Hillary Clinton email scandal—may have made the difference in the 2016 presidential election because the public was more informed about Clinton than people would have been otherwise….

Share your prayers for accountability in our government below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Dima Langemann on Unsplash)

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March 21, 2022

The democrats have a majority now and has done nothing to benefit any American, including their own constituents! FATHER GOD let YOUR people vote in higher ratios than ever before. I bind all of the illegal shenanigans that was in the 2020 election; and I especially bind illegal aliens from voting in JESUS NAME! Let the poll workers be honest and obey all election laws on the books in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Rose Rocha
March 20, 2022

Lord, my prayer is that whatever party takes majority. That these individuals realize they are there to serve the American people who elected them. And not become career politicians. Let them be led by your Holy Spirit Lord. So, the mandate that this country was founded on – that are in the constitution is allowed, such a freedom of religion etc. And in God we trust. I pray in Jesus’ name.


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