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God, we pray that you would grand our leaders wisdom. Show them, Father, how to best handle the complicated situation facing our country. Empower them to make the best decisions for both our people and the believers in Ukraine.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

With gas jumping up to near record prices, many wonder if and when our government will react with policies that help stem the rising costs. Interestingly Elon Musk, maker of luxury electric vehicles, calls for US energy policy that could negatively affect his own company—for the good of the nation. 

From The Daily Wire. Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk said late on Friday that he supports increasing domestic oil and gas drilling to offset energy problems that the U.S. is facing due to policies from the Biden administration and the war in Europe.

“Hate to say it, but we need to increase oil & gas output immediately. Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures,” Musk tweeted. “Obviously, this would negatively affect Tesla, but sustainable energy solutions simply cannot react instantaneously to make up for Russian oil & gas exports.”

Musk’s tweet comes as energy prices have been a problem under Democrat President Joe Biden, and there has been widespread support to cut U.S. imports of Russian oil in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

“A broad bipartisan majority of Americans think the United States should stop buying Russian oil,” Reuters reported. “Some 80% of Americans – including solid majorities of Republicans and Democrats – support the measure….”

When asked this week about whether continuing to buy Russian oil was effectively “financing the war” in Europe, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to downplay it, saying, “it’s only about 10 percent of what we’re importing….”

Russia’s second largest oil company, Lukoil, which employs more than 100,000 people and produces a sizeable portion of the world’s oil supply, has called for an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine….

“Lukoil shares listed in London have lost roughly 99% of their value following the invasion,” CNN added. “The oil giant is already facing calls for a boycott in the United States, where there are 230 Lukoil gasoline stations owned by American franchisees.”

How do you think our leaders should handle this situation?

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 11, 2022

I have a soft spot in my heart for Elon Musk. I watched an hour+ interview with him on the Babylon Bee and near the end they asked him to accept Jesus as his Savior. It seemed to me he did! Since then I have been paying more attention to him in the news. It seems he has more of a heart to helping people and not just living for himself. I remember the first time I raised my hand to accept Jesus in a church. Then it was quite awhile later that I realized what I actually did. The surrender was gradual. I have been praying for Elon Musk. Thank You, Heavenly Father for this man who you gave Your Son Jesus for, as for all who have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Continue to draw him closer to You. And, oh, by the way, please take care of this lack of oil and gas problem in our United States. And all the ramifications of it. All Glory be to YOU, LORD!!

Richard Lofton
March 11, 2022

I am praying for truth. Do you really think the richest man in the world got there with truth. That said, there is a very high cost to manufacturing electric vehicles. One of the major costs is FUEL. This rich man (God Bless him anyway) is losing money due to fuel prices. Think about it.

March 11, 2022

As I read earlier, our military power is greatly effected by our economic power.. it doesn’t take a genius to understand the importance of not being dependent on foreign oil !! Wisdom Father please grant your wisdom to our leaders this day in Jesus name.. Hallelujah

    Daylynne Starr
    March 14, 2022

    Dear Brother Bob —
    Wisdom for our leaders would only be necessary if they bought the oil from Russia without knowing what they were doing.
    The horror of this situation is that stopping our oil production here (which has made us the top country in the world) was part of their
    plan to ruin our country and go into communism. Why would anyone want to do that?? So they could “own” the country completely and keep all the money for themselves. Right now they are making the banks do terrible things with our savings, where they can take money out any time they want. We are in a horrible
    situation. Our Country needs to be SAVED to the Christian country God made us, where we are all free to lead our lives as GOD intended for us, as His children. God Bless you for your prayers
    for our country, exactly what the Lord wants us all to do.

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