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Father, we pray that you would strengthen our Supreme Court. Move in the hearts and minds of our judges and empower them to make good decisions for our nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Thousands of intercessors prayed daily for Supreme Court justices during the 50 Days of Prayer for Life leading up to oral arguments in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health abortion case. Please continue your prayers now as the Senate considers Judge Jackson.

From WORLD. Nearly a month after Justice Stephen Breyer announced his plan to hang up his robe at the end of this term, President Joe Biden has decided on his replacement. Ketanji Brown Jackson is a Harvard graduate, former clerk for Breyer, and one of the youngest nominees at age 51. If confirmed, she would be the first black woman to sit on the bench of the nation’s highest court. As a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, sometimes referred to as “the second highest court in the land,” she is no stranger to high-profile cases, but her judicial track record has conservatives worried….

Jackson has never presided over a major First Amendment case. As a lawyer at a Boston firm in 2001, she filed a “friend of the court” brief supporting a Massachusetts law that established 35-foot buffer zones around abortion centers. She represented pro-abortion organizations such as NARAL Pro-Choice America to argue that the state had to insulate the centers from pro-life protests. The Supreme Court unanimously struck down the law in 2014 for infringing on pro-lifers’ First Amendment rights….

She is the only nominee since Thurgood Marshall to have experience in criminal defense, and in 2012 and 2021 senators spotlighted her role as a public defender. Between 2005 and 2007, she served as a court-appointed lawyer and was assigned to defend Afghan detainee and terror suspect Khi Ali Gul. Republican lawmakers asked whether she believed terrorists pose a threat to the United States. Jackson replied that her motions as a public defender represented her clients’ views, not necessarily her own. She noted her brother was serving in Iraq during the time she worked on these cases, giving her a view into both sides.

As an appellate judge, Jackson ruled in a number of cases involving the administration of former President Donald Trump. In 2019, she ruled that former White House counsel Don McGahn had to testify to a committee investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, despite Trump’s order for McGahn not to. In her scathing opinion, Jackson memorably argued, “Presidents are not kings.”

More recently, Jackson ruled against Trump’s executive privilege claims to withhold documents from the House subcommittee investigating the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol. The Supreme Court later affirmed that decision….

Heritage Foundation scholar Hans von Spakovsky called Jackson “probably the most left-wing ideologue that’s ever been nominated to the Supreme Court,” adding, “When you look at some of the decisions she’s signed on to, she doesn’t really care about the law or the Constitution, what she cares about are social causes and using her power as a judge to further this….”

Democratic leaders said they want a quick confirmation process, setting April 8 as a tentative deadline. They will need the entire caucus to approve Jackson’s nomination, plus a tie-breaking vote from Vice President Kamala Harris if they meet unanimous Republican opposition.

Here is what the Constitution says about the President appointing Supreme Court justices: “. . . .and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court”

Should Jackson be appointed to the Supreme Court? Share your thoughts in the comments.

(From WORLD. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 9, 2022

By constitution
A0pr BB

March 7, 2022


Celia Burns
March 6, 2022

Jackson should not be appointed to the Supreme Court. Republicans should not be intimidated by fear of being called racist. This is not about race, it’s about a radical leftist who has no intent to uphold the constitution.

Mary Aguilera
March 5, 2022

No, absolutely not.

victoria zee
March 4, 2022

Father in the name of Jesus, when Ketanji Brown has court decisions and judgments to make, please help her to make only righteous decisions, not catering to man or party or any group. thank you for the priviledge of asking and for hearing and answering our prayers

Theresa Mitchell
March 4, 2022

She was picked by Joe Biden so that says it all. He is not going to nominate anyone who stands up for the Constitution of America. Something is rotten in the WH.

Frances R Blazer
March 4, 2022

Please Lord, I pray for her NOT to be accepted as a Supreme Court Justice. And
most importantly for her salvation.

Steven M Miller
March 4, 2022

Ultimately if she gets approved and God has not appointed her for this position, he will remove her from it, because the people of God have decreed and prayed that only Righteous and Holy people can be installed into the Leaders positions from now on. That includes this position. As you will soon see all unholy leaders leave there positions of power.

March 4, 2022

No…she is NOT the right fit for the position.

Art R Zimmer
March 4, 2022

Certainly NOT! We do not need nor want more unjust justices to direct this nation; God has soundly told u He will not purge a nation
s si of bloodshed as is ABORTION and other crimes BUT BY BLOOD. Why put one like Jackson into that office who without question would promote more evil and invoke more judgment?:

Dave Trueblood
March 4, 2022

No! She was chosen for the wrong reasons. She was a purely political selection by an incompetent President being manipulated by far-left-liberal loons with half-brained agendas. She is most assuredly not the most qualified person for the job. The fact that she is black and a woman are her most agreeable and wonderful traits! It is only that she lacks any long running judicial experience and the fact that what past experience she has exposes many bad choices and questionable decisions when it comes to Constitutional law. Pray for GOD to bless and keep the United States of America!

ofelia claudio
March 4, 2022

Lord, have mercy on America! The Sovereign God “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding!” (Daniel 2:21) May God, in His infinite power and wisdom, block the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice who does NOT uphold His Word / Law as embedded in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Shpend Shyti
March 3, 2022

Appointing leftists in the lead of the Country it’s not good at all.
Going left is the best way to weaken USA and to facilitate the work of our enemies who are waiting that moment.
Socialism is a big lie, it’s a system of a rich and powerful ruling class against a weak, poor, defeated population.
Socialism is lack of motivation, proven totalitarian and obscurantist.
May Lord keep and save USA from this evil agenda.

Linda Simpson
March 3, 2022

No not at all.she would b a detriment!

Brenda Bounds
March 3, 2022

Lord we pray that your will will be done here on earth as in heaven. Lord, step in and keep this woman out if she is not the one you have chosen for America’s. It’s your will not man will. I vote No In Jesus name

Mrs. N.
March 3, 2022


Mrs C
March 3, 2022

Big fat NO!

Gloria Lingle
March 3, 2022

I am very concerned about Supreme Court nominee. She is young, is very pretty, has a nice family, is very educated, but my concern that she is like a “window dressing” for the court. I don’t think she has enough experience in cases she would face in the Supreme Court. I believe she has very hardened, progressive ideology already embroiled in her life. I don’t know her soul only God does. She is for sure what the Democrats want, but I will be praying for the people who will be voting for or not voting for this nominee.

Priscilla Meyenburg
March 3, 2022

Jackson should not be appointed to the Supreme Court, based on her one sided agenda in her past, nor her hate for Donald J Trump which she hates and any Truthful Republicans she does not respect. She voted for Abortion so she is very rigid in her views. She does not express anything about God. Praying that she does not get accepted based upon her history. Praying God can change her heart., hopefully her heart is not harden so she cannot except a change.

Wanda Marcus
March 3, 2022

I pray this woman will not be confirmed for the Supreme Court. Her heart doesn’t seem to be right. She is not coming from an interest in justice or righteousness.

March 3, 2022

She clearly ignores the law. No she should not be confirmed. I pray God changes her heart.

Bo Ehrig
March 3, 2022

I pray the Senators can delay this vote until after the mid term elections. America is turning back to God and we are getting set up for Revival by the Holy Spirit.
I pray that this non God fearing deep state activist judge is not elected. Unless she REPENTS to Jesus, Russia hitch WE all need to do. If she can do this then May God Bless her. And she gets the position she wants.

Virginia Blakeman
March 3, 2022

I believe honoring God’s word, which is emphasized by the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the United States must be our stance as the true Christian Church of Jesus Christ that the gates of hell will not prevail against. Appeasing man in his fallen state is appeasing the enemy of our souls and the soul of this nation. Before Biden took the position as President of the United States, he stated that he was after the soul of this nation. That is an arrogant statement – Jesus Christ is the Lover of my soul not some man who presumes a position without the anointing of his Creator! Compromising, whether it be in our churches, our businesses, our livelihood be it a husband, wife, mother, father or any other citizen of a righteously formed government to please man is a stench in the eyes of God. Even a child is known by his/her ways, how much more an adult who claims faith IN GOD, yet idolizes their own opinion over God’s will which from the beginning of time was established and ordained to sustain and bless mankind, the family and a nation’s well being. God does not lie – therefore, if we choose not to agree with God, we agree with darkness and call God a liar. God does not change – therefore, mankind must change (repent) and our loving God provided THE WAY by sending His only begotten Son to purchase our sin, take our death because of sin’s influence on us and raise us up with Him to a new start. No man can provide what our loving heavenly Father gave us in Jesus Christ. Psalm 82 qualifies or disqualifies a person for a position in God’s eyes. He then states the results if you CHOOSE to position yourself YOUR way or man’s way instead of His. Sowing and reaping – His word is clear. He is a merciful God but He knows and tells us honestly what works and what doesn’t work and offers us the gift of choice while advising us to choose life for ourselves and our children. I choose to stay in God’s lane – righteousness. If you compromise before you are positioned, you will likely compromise after you are positioned. We can see how much man can be trusted by reading God’s history book which includes His plan, His creation and man’s responses. We can do better and learn from past mistakes by agreeing with Him and staying close to His Son, Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. Thank You, Father, for being a good, good Father – perfect in all Your ways and leading Your people to true freedom Your way. I pray, Father, we take heed and stand in Your righteousness and wisdom – Your Son and prosper for ourselves, our children and grandchildren. Thank You for mercy and grace. I pray that You position our leaders hearts to stand with You in the decisions they are making for us as a people who love You. Open the eyes of our hearts again and again. Turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers of faith in You. I thank You that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound – I speak grace, grace over us as a nation already established with a firm foundation in You because of fathers who loved truth – return us – turn us until we are completely turn. Thank You for Your patience with us.

    March 3, 2022

    That was powerful!!! That was perfect!!!
    That was beautiful!!!

    To God Be the Glory!!!
    All of it!!

Ronny Holsomback
March 3, 2022


Joseph M Kassuba
March 3, 2022

Christians seek Truth and it is only available from God. He has given us the Holy Spirit. Listen to the Spirit.
Is it good for America that Jackson a very much left wing idealogue be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States?
I believe the answer is NO. Jacksons record of decisions prove her to be a Socialist who does not support the United States Constitution as written.

March 3, 2022

Pray, Pray Pray and when we know not what to do PRAY.

Jenese Garland
March 3, 2022

No, she should not. She obviously has a blatant disregard for the Constitution, God and Life. There is an agenda and she has a bent on defending criminals. I believe if God allows her to be on that seat, it is a judgement on our nation. We should be trembling at this possibility and begging God for mercy.

David Kelley
March 3, 2022

Just what we need, another AMERICA hating, left wing, Liberal, who overtly seeks to destroy our Republic.
I’m SO SORRY LORD for our National failures, for my errors and sins against Your order, Your Law, Your Word!
I earnestly pray for Your forgiveness, Your Strength to fight the tide of godlessness, liberality, overt sin and rebellion plaguing our Nation, that You established for those who sought and served You. This nation cannot stand, unless it stands for You and Your Will! Please save this nation from the Liberal godlessness, the sin and error that it has embraced. Please Lord, do not allow this Liberal Judge a seat on our highest court. In the Strong name of YESHUA HaMaschiach. Amen

Sarah Mathews
March 3, 2022

I already wrote to the Senators and to the Congressman for my district in California opposing the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson. I was concerned about her stances on abortion and election “rights.” I was also concerned that Biden relied on the Arabella Advisors, who helped raise funds for far-left causes along with being soft on crime. I hope she doesn’t get confirmed for the Supreme Court.

Marianne Carnegie
March 3, 2022

No she should Not be appointed, She obviously does not have an opened mind to consider both sides of an argument. She is too set in her opinions to make an independent decision.

Jane Droge
March 3, 2022

Heavens, NO.

Mike Macy
March 3, 2022

We vote no on her appointment.

Kathleen S Roberts Heppner
March 3, 2022

To be truly qualified to serve on the SCOTUS one needs to support and respect the inherent rights as affirmed in the U.S. Constitution of all U.S. citizens. It appears to yours truly that this lady may be too left leaning which would hamper her ability to render just decisions. Precious Lord have mercy on us all, not because we are so good and faithful, but because YOU are, please help us to place into authority people of integrity, those who honor, love you and the U.S. Constitution. Let us all come to repentance where we need to and may we stand in love, not hate but in firmness for those values that you Holy Father deem right and just, in Jesus mighty name, amen.

Donna Kittrell
March 3, 2022

Any potential judge that does not respect and uphold our constitution and especially right to life for the unborn should’ve a firm No!

Linda L Holden
March 3, 2022

She does not fit the requirements to be an impartial judge and since she won’t protect the lives of babies in the womb she is especially not qualified.

Evelyn Ruby
March 3, 2022

I have no objection to a black woman being on the Supreme Court, if she is indeed the most qualified. However, before that occurs, I do hope and pray that she will be subjected to the same intense scrutiny of her background and character that was hatefully employed to the Judges Kavanaugh and Barrett… research every high school yearbook, every person she ever hung out with or especially those she dated, every neighbor, every speech she ever made, those on her social media. This is a lifelong appointment, and we need people with unquestionable commitment to our unique constitution and a sterling character NOW, regardless of past mistakes. Basic to this is a personal foundation of faith in God as our Creator. Without this, any judge is an empty suit and a loose cannon.

Rodger Dale Hines
March 3, 2022


Wayne Green
March 3, 2022

No I don’t believe that Ketanji Brown Jackson should be nominated to the Supreme Court. I am praying that God would either intercept her life and bring her to salvation or expose her for who she really is and thus cause her to be rejected. We need supreme court justices that will interpret the constitution as it is written not as they think it should have been written.

Van Strahan
March 3, 2022

Her pro-abortion position makes her a firm “No.” Murder of our youngest and most vulnerable citizens is the biggest atrocity in our country today.

Frances Barkley
March 3, 2022

She should not be appointed period! She will be a threat to the unborn and would be biased as far as Republican values are concerned. I say NO to her appointment

March 3, 2022

Ketanji Brown Jackson should not be rejected because of her race, or religion, however she should be rejected because there is a great deal of evidence that she does not believe in our U. S. Constitution.

If 5 non-elected justices with “Black Robe Disease” had the Constitutional Authority to “just decide” to change the Constitution, our Founding Fathers wouldn’t have included Article in it.

March 3, 2022


John M. Miller
March 3, 2022

All U. S. Justices are to uphold the U. S. Constitution, not popular social issues. They are not to “rule from the Bench”.

Monica Bunn
March 3, 2022

Simply put…NO!

Mike Connor
March 3, 2022

Absolutely Not A justice should not be appointed because of optics, instead they should be appointed because they will serve the people and protect the constitution not their political views.

March 3, 2022

Absolutely not.

Marsha Bashor
March 3, 2022


Nicholas ONeal
March 3, 2022

Yes, she should be appointed!

William Lee Kohler
March 3, 2022

As a rabid NON originalist and supporter of murdering the unborn she should NEVER have any government job!

Peter Kendrick
March 3, 2022

Thank You Father you know the way – your will be done! We can do nothing but stand against those who clearly stand against your Word, your Will and this nation’s foundations, it’s founding Fathers and founding document The Constitution! We also know by the WH resident’s own qualification criteria as well as her history, she is not sufficiently qualified, much less best qualified. And the WH resident has three times in the past stood to ensure the first black woman should not be a Supreme Court judge. Should he now be given the honor ? – however fleeting – as he himself will soon be gone from the WH as his administration’s election theft is fully exposed and all his failed policies and appointments reversed. And such an individual must not sit in Judgement for you and your people! We Cry Out and Stand In Agreement As We Agree In Decree To See Your Promise and Will For Us To Have Judges As Of Old! Thank You Father that you will deliver us all from our unrighteousness – even our enemies from their great deceptions and programming by the enemy of your people – even Ketaniji B Jackson – your daughter who was created to bring you honor and Glory, and not shame to your name! ~Selah Praise YHVH! ( : )

Jennifer Batchelor
March 3, 2022


Dean Hoffman
March 3, 2022

Absolutely Not!!!!!

Donna Chu
March 3, 2022

I don’t believe she should be appointed to the Supreme Court since she was chosen almost exclusively on her race & gender plus, I believe, on her liberal leanings. GOD IS IN CONTROL!!

Barbara Janicki
March 3, 2022

Judges are supposed to uphold the law, ie. the Constitution, not make laws – that’s the job of elected legislators. Judges are supposed to be impartial, her history of supporting causes rather than the Constitution doesn’t bode well. Fortunately, God is Sovereign over all, ours is to pray and invite Him into each and every situation of our personal lives and of our national life as a nation founded on faith in Him, Almighty God. The battle is the Lord’s, I will pray and trust in Him. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Chris Wilson
March 3, 2022

If what Hans von Spankovsky says is true about Judge Jackson, “What she cares about are social causes and using her power as a judge to further this…”, then I do not believe she should get the nomination. Also I believe it is wrong for only one person to be considered. A judge’s first priority is to uphold our Constitution. She should be carefully scrutinized just like Judge Barrett was….grilled for days! It is just like the evil left Democrates to want to “push” something through and make it happen quickly.
May God help our Country!!!

Roger Sudler SR
March 3, 2022

The answer is emphatically no! I am with everyone else, if she cannot support or believe in the Constitution as it is written than I pray that God will remove her from the vetting now! now in a week or after the voting. Right now! in Jesus name.

March 3, 2022

If she does not support the constitution of the United States and the laws of this land then she should not be a judge on the Supreme Court.

Linda Lucas
March 3, 2022

Unless a judge respects the US Constitution and agrees to vote according to the guidelines of these laws our country and our God is founded on, then they have no place in the highest court in the land. The fact that this judge was handpicked by Barach Obama leads me to believe she would not be unbiased in her opinions and decisions. Barach Obama and Joe Biden have NEVER had the best interests of the American people in mind.

March 3, 2022

No. No person should be nominated based on race or gender. It seems her decisions have been based on the agenda of the radical left, not the Constitution. I pray God will intervene in the vetting process to bring justice to this situation.

Kelly Everhart
March 3, 2022

No, too liberal

March 3, 2022

Lord, please give Ms Jackson a good dose of the fear of the Lord. Let her see that she would no longer be representing criminals but would be responsible for supporting the Constitution and the American people, including the unborn. And if You have not chosen her for this position, raise up enough opposition. Psalm 82 tells the judges of the land to “vindicate the weak and the fatherless; do justice to the weak and destitute; rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.” Have mercy, Lord, on our courts to do Your will.

March 3, 2022

No! Absolutely No, has no right deciding Mayor Moral cases. Based on her skin color and background decision’s. It’s of odvoius fact her decisions don’t represent the mayority of United States population.

Reba Muni
March 3, 2022

NO !

March 3, 2022

I hope you run for high office

    John M. Miller
    March 3, 2022

    And if you run for “high office” I hope you loose. Your historical background disqualifies you for judicial decisions and for legislating. The U. S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not personal preferences grounded on whatever is socially popular at a particular moment.

Blanca Holland
March 3, 2022

LORD ALMIGHTY intervene for America and our families: let there be a Deborah brought to the table of our supreme court judges : nullify any judge chosen from the scraps of the enemies within and outside of this nation: that will determine whether or not the American dream of freedom: which it includes the smallest citizen in the womb at all stages deemed to be aborted because of inconvenient time and physical imperfections.

Esther Saville
March 3, 2022

We need justices that uphold the constitution and protect human life


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