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As we pray for the release of Pastor Brunson, we can also do something about it—(1)send a prayer message to your senators, urging them to support legislation pressuring Turkey to release him and (2) participate in the global prayer conference call this weekend, details below. 

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)

Global ministries initiate 24hr Prayer Conference Call for Andrew Brunson:

His trial is scheduled to continue on Monday, May 7, 2018.

American Pastor Andrew Brunson critically needs our prayers. Brunson has lived in Turkey for over 23 years and served as the pastor of Izmir Resurrection Church. He loves the Turkish people and along with his wife, raised 3 children in the country. But he’s been wrongfully accused and facing a 35 yr. prison term if he’s found guilty. 35 years would be a life sentence for the 50 yr. old pastor.

After what has been described as a historically long day of trial of nearly 13 hours, on April 16th, Pastor Brunson clearly answered questions and gave 6 hours of testimony in his defense. It was reported at one point during the trial he broke down in tears. His wife says it was a crushing blow for Andrew when he learned that he would be taken back to the harsh prison where he had lost 50 lbs. They had hoped Andrew would be released to go home under house arrest. His trial is scheduled to continue on May 7, 2018.

A prayer request was sent yesterday by his wife,


Praise God, that prayer has been answered! Early this morning, we received news that Andrew has been moved to the Buca prison.

The outcome of our brother’s trial is not in the hands of the Turkish government. The outcome is in the hands of God.

. . . We, along with other global ministries have initiated an 24-hour Prayer Conference Call at this critical time for Pastor Brunson. We invite you to join with us the weekend of May 5th – May 6th to cry out the victory of Jesus Christ for Andrew Brunson, for God to be glorified and His will to be done in this trial and the life of Pastor Brunson. Please consider joining us as we pray for his forthcoming release. Click here for call details.

We believe prayer works. Stay on the call 5 minutes, 5 hours, or as long as you feel led. Your prayers make a huge difference in the lives of our brother, Andrew and the persecuted around the world.  (Excerpted from Voice of the Persecuted.)

Senators proposed bill to put pressure on Turkey to release Pastor Brunson:

U.S. Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC), James Lankford (R-OK) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced a bill to prevent the transfer of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft to Turkey. The bill would also block Turkey’s role as a maintenance depot for the aircraft. Under the US-led, multinational Joint Strike Fighter program, Turkey was expected to purchase more than 100 aircraft.

“America is not going to forget about Andrew Brunson and the other Americans who are being wrongfully imprisoned by the Turkish government,” said Tillis. “Turkey has long been a vital NATO ally and America understands the unique national security threats it faces; however, denying the rights of law-abiding Americans undermines the relationship between our two countries. The Erdogan government should understand that Congress will pursue measures to protect the interests of American citizens, including stopping the transfer of F-35 aircraft to Turkey.”

“Senators Shaheen and Tillis have worked diligently with me and others in Congress to address America’s rapidly deteriorating relationship with Turkey,” said Lankford. “I applaud our State Department for their ceaseless work to improve the US-Turkey relationship, but President Erdogan has continued down a path of reckless governance and disregard for the rule of law. Individual freedoms have been increasingly diminished as Erdogan consolidates power for himself, and Turkey’s strategic decisions regrettably fall more and more out of line with, and at times in contrast to, US interests. These factors make the transfer of sensitive F-35 technology and cutting-edge capabilities to Erdogan’s regime increasingly risky. Furthermore, the Turkish government continues to move closer and closer to Russia, as they hold an innocent American pastor, Andrew Brunson, in prison to use him as a pawn in political negotiations. The United States does not reward hostage-taking of American citizens; such action instead will be met with the kind of punitive measures this bill would enact.”

“Given my steadfast commitment to NATO and the transatlantic alliance, it is with regret that our relationship with Turkey has reached a point where we must consider severing defense and business ties in order to free American hostages held in Turkey,” said Shaheen. “Turkish President Erdogan’s choice to take hostages and imprison innocent Americans, to try to gain leverage over the United States, is egregious and unlawful. Erdogan and his government must abide by the rule of law within his own country and abroad, and release Pastor Andrew Brunson and other Americans unlawfully held in Turkey. There must also be an immediate end to the harassment and detainment of locally-employed staff at the U.S. mission. Until that occurs, I’ll continue to join with Senators Lankford and Tillis to call for punitive action, including blocking the transfer of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.”

Tillis has visited Pastor Brunson in Turkey twice, including attending his trial on April 16th. Tillis & Shaheen recently led a bipartisan letter signed by 66 Senators to President Erdogan calling for his release. On April 19, Lankford and Shaheen announced their decision to pursue targeted sanctions against Turkish officials in this year’s Fiscal Year 2019 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs spending bill. (Press Release from Senator Thom Tillis.)


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Tina Garland
May 9, 2018

Family and friends don’t approve of me voteing nor helping. I can’t believe how people can say they love Jesus but not the president,they don’t want to believe he’s a child of God pray for them with me,but I’m pressing on for god aman

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