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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for people like Holly. We thank you for the patriots that are vocal. We thank you. Amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From The Gateway Pundit: A group of patriotic moms is organizing a fundraising campaign to support our truckers who are fighting for our freedom at Ambassador Bridge. The proceeds will be used to pay for food and other necessities for our patriotic drivers to all Canada – Michigan ports of entry.

My name is Holly Spalding and I am just a Michigan Mom that wants to help fight the tyranny of these masks & vaccine mandates! I have been following the #Truckersforfreedom in Ottawa and I recently heard that the Canadian truckers had shut down the Ambassador Bridge and other border crossings into Canada. I texted all my political friends and told them we need to support the truckers. If not us, who? I went to GiveSendGo and set up an account for the truckers; TRUCKERS FOR FREEDOM MICHIGAN! I then went to my small local bank and opened an account just for this fundraiser.

I contacted Gary’s Catering (owner gave permission to publicly use name) to find out how we could feed these truckers. Greg Getter is willing to send his trucks, loaded with food, to the border and I am raising money to pay for the food. We are working together to get food to all CA/MI ports of entry. We The People have the power and this is our opportunity to take back our countries peacefully!  I am willing to put myself out there, be responsible for every penny donated, and start the ball rolling. We need every patriot to support the #Truckersforfreedom & #TruckersForFreedomMichigan…

I solemnly swear that all donations will go to feeding the truckers. We need more leaders to step up and help with truckers’ other needs. (ie: hotel for showers, gas, generators, other necessities. I will gladly fund any such organization after they have been fully vetted!Let’s take back our God-given rights and Freedom! Time to Dance(Dan Bongino reference).

What do you think? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 13, 2022

I stand with you Danny and the multitudes of others in this powerful prayer. May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ reach down to comfort and provide for all those standing against this tyranny throughout Canada, America and the entire world.

Danny N.C.
February 13, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for these courageous men and women who are standing up against the godless evil and tyranny that has usurped power in our northern neighbor. The stand they are taking in Canada is truly a stand against evil and tyranny everywhere. The same spirit of evil that has seized the Canadian government also infects ours like a malignant cancer. Lord, let us all be inspired by the courage of the Truckers, and may You bless their movement. May we here in the USA also find the courage to stand in Your name against the evil and tyranny of our times. May Your truth wash away the false narratives that are poisoning the the minds of the young and the impressionable. Never have so many in North America been so deceived; may their eyes be opened and their hearts turned to You. Lord, I do believe we are moving into the final days Your prophets have long told us of, and I pray that there is an outpouring of truth and justice in our nations that many more be saved while there is yet time. In Jesus precious name I pray, Dear Lord, Amen.

    Joyce Neeley
    February 13, 2022

    Praying in agreement, believing in the power of JESUS.
    “The LORD will lay bare HIS HOLY ARM in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the SALVATION of OUR GOD!” Is52:10

    February 13, 2022

    I stand with you Danny and the multitudes of others in this powerful prayer. May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ reach down to comfort and provide for all those standing against this tyranny throughout Canada, America and the entire world.


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