I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that our governmental leaders would be God-fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each decision and act.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Joe Kennedy, assistant coach for the Bremerton High School football team, had a seven-year tradition of kneeling at the 50-yard line after games to pray. But in 2015, the Washington state school district suspended him, accusing him of endorsing his religion while serving in an official state capacity. On Friday, the Supreme Court agreed to review the case. The court previously denied Kennedy’s review request in 2019.

What are the arguments? School district officials asked Kennedy to stop praying in public and offered him a private space to pray in the press box. When he continued to pray on the field, players and attendees started to join him. The district said it had to fire him to avoid violating a constitutional requirement that the state cannot endorse a religion. Kennedy argues his prayer was a personal expression and had nothing to do with his coaching duties. The justices will decide whether prayer on the field is a protected religious act or an activity the school had a right to prohibit.

First Liberty Institute represents Coach Kennedy:

The U.S. Supreme Court has announced that it will hear oral arguments in the case Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, in which attorneys for First Liberty Institute and Kirkland & Ellis LLP, led by veteran Supreme Court advocate Paul Clement, represent Joe Kennedy. Kennedy, a former high school football coach, is asking the Supreme Court to reverse a lower court decision that allowed a school district to fire him because fans and students could see him take a knee in silent prayer after football games.

“No teacher or coach should lose their job for simply expressing their faith while in public,” said Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty. “By taking this important case, the Supreme Court can protect the right of every American to engage in private religious expression, including praying in public, without fear of punishment.”

Paul Clement, former U.S. Solicitor General, partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP and First Liberty volunteer attorney, said, “We look forward to presenting the Coach’s case, which goes to the heart of the First Amendment, to the Justices.”

Coach Kennedy added, “Six years away from the football field has been far too long. I am extremely grateful that the Supreme Court is going to hear my case and pray that I will soon be able to be back on the field coaching the game and players I love.”

By agreeing to take this case, the Court will have an opportunity to protect the right of every American to live out their faith, including praying in public, without the fear of punishment. The outcome could restore the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment and strike a serious blow against a bad legal precedent that’s harmed religious liberty for more than 30 years.

What are your thoughts on the Supreme Court hearing this case? Let us know your thoughts and prayers in the comments below!

(Excerpt from World. Article written by Carolina Lumetta. Photo credit :  IStock)

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April 25, 2022

Lord Jesus, Today we pray for You to work in the hearts of the 9 justices who will be making a huge decision on Freedom of Speech and Religious Liberty in America. We pray that the court will rule in favor of Religious Liberty in America and Freedom of Speech today. I pray that you will be merciful to coach Kennedy and restore his position as a teacher and coach. We thank you for his courage and faithfulness to you. With his actions, he has shown that he is thanking you for where you have placed him….coaching where he can make a difference in young people’s lives, that you are a God to be praised, thanked, and worshipped. We need more men and women like him. Coach Kennedy has stood up for YOU, Lord even at the cost of his paycheck. I pray that his example will embolden others to stand on their faith and not be cowards.
As your children as a whole body, we have not been bold and courageous as you have told us to be. We have not spoken the truth in love. We have been complacent and passive. I personally, repent of keeping silent when I should have spoken up. I want to lift your banner high. You have promised that you will help us, provide wisdom when we call on your name. We anticipate your responses Lord as we call on your Great name, the Name that is Above all names. In Jesus Name, Amen.

April 25, 2022

Today Jesus we need a Victory over this court case, we need Freedom to come back again in the School System not Liberal ideology that has taken control over some of the leaders in the school systems. Jesus we ask today as the Supreme Court listens to this case that-the Truthful Right of the 1st Amendment will prevail and not twisted to take away freedom. For over 30 years we have sat by in a complacency state of mind while Satan has a field day of stealing our Freedom Rights, my prayer today is we must take back this by The Authority that Jesus gave us and stand up and Fight for Truth, Liberty and Freedom back in our Schools. I lift up prayers today that the Blood of Jesus will be upon All Members of the Supreme Court as they make Truthful decisions on Coach Kennedy. I lift up prayer that the Victory today will be the start of a cleansing and a start of School Boards, Teachers, School Districts, should not have a say in Freedom if Prayer and where it can be done at. I understand why he prayed on the Field. This is only another mandate for The dark spiritual, demonic darkness is (Trying) to take Control of schools completely. These leaders who fight against Gods value live in a state of fear of losing jobs, if they do not comply to the unlawful Mandates. God removes fear, Satan promotes Fear. I pray for school official’s who live in this kind of fear that their hearts will turn back to Jesus as well as the Supreme Court Justices. Jesus today we need unlocking of hearts and clear minds as Liberty Institute & Paul Clement fight today for Truthful Justice and Freedom that Gives us Victory in the name of Jesus. Phil: 4:13 We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Thank you Jesus for another WIN. .

April 25, 2022

The coach is taking a knee in silent prayer, which is his right. If he were taking a knee to simply contemplate the game in silent meditation they wouldn’t care. What he is mentally doing is not their business, he is not addressing them. Those who are offended need to ask themselves why.

Anita Moore
April 25, 2022

My prayer is that this coach and others like him will be rehired and lead these young men to seek help from above to keep players safe from harm and to help him be a role model as a godly coach and mentor. We need more role models like him in our schools.

D Money
January 21, 2022

If people can kneel in defiance of our flag and our country, then why can’t another kneel in prayer? Seems pretty clear cut to me

True Word
January 20, 2022

We need prayer for our Muslim women who according to this false religion are ordained to get married into a life of a slave to men they do not know or want to be married to, many don’t want to wear a hijab and stay home all day and cook and clean, and deal with a rigid man who treats them like slaves, we want the freedom to go to school and learn and decide whom we will marry out of love, we want to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who set us free from the bondage of sin and slavery to men under the pretense of religion, only so they can benefit from our labor and still cheat on us while we take care of their homes, then when they get tired of us they leave us broke and chose younger women to take advantage of. This is a serious problem we face even here in the US. We pray for God to move on Islam and break his legs! We declare that at the Name of Jesus according to Phillippians 2 EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW INCLUDING RADICAL ISLAM WHO COMES TO KILL STEAL AND DESTOY, I speak as wife of a radical Muslim

January 20, 2022

Praying that Coach Kennedy gets reinstated to his position as coach and that God is glorified. America has always had God’s hand of mercy upon it because of it’s desire to be a righteous nation. “ ONE NATION UNDER GOD”. Praying that he does not take His mercy from us.

January 19, 2022

I believe those who so vigorously oppose praying, are only revealing they really do know there is a God. Otherwise, they wouldn’t mind.

January 19, 2022

Praying that God will intervene in his behalf. We all know that the freedoms we enjoy were a direct result of the faith of our founding fathers of the country! We ask God to grant victory in this battle for righteousness.

January 19, 2022

This shouldn’t even be an issue much less sending it to the Supreme Court! My, how far has America gone? One day all the God haters will be removed and then there will be peace. But until then, we must keep praying that they will turn to God in full faith and repentance.

January 19, 2022

As a former pre see football coach I too use to pray with my team. I am in full support of Joe Kennedy. We have taken God out almost every part of society in this country, which is why we’re in the position we are in. Go Joe Kennedy!

Laura N
January 19, 2022

I think this will be a benefit not only to coach Kennedy, but a positive step for freedom of religion. I also wonder if this case might address the issue concerning judging thoughts. Since Kennedy was silently praying, how can the school connect it to endorsement of a church. The school and others can only make guesses as to any church that would be endorsed. These guesses are assumptions and should not be considered substantive evidence in a case.

Lord I pray that you will defend Kennedy and restore him to coaching. Also, help bring an end to the claims of establishing a church, which is used too often as an excuse to prevent any public display of our faith in you.

January 19, 2022

I’m all about freedom of speech and liberty. Hopefully if a Muslim coach pulled out his blanket and kneeled in prayer on the field, we’d be ok with him doing such.
That’s the issue and that’s where this court decision will eventually lead, whether we are a Christian, Muslim, Hindu or follower of a faith with rituals.
May the good Lord guide this courts decision.

Judith Dorman
January 18, 2022

Our God is available to everyone on the planet, whether or not individuals acknowledge the fact. Talking to Him is free speech.
Our Nation needs more talking to the Father from all citizens.

John and Pina
January 18, 2022

Of course Coach Kennedy and others have every right and responsibility to express their faith in God is public. Thank you for standing fast expressing this God given right and responsibility.
John and Pina Clendenin

Mary Clare
January 18, 2022

God bless you for your persistence!

January 18, 2022

Aren’t we supposed to have freedom-of-religion in this country? I can’t see that the Coach was hurting anyone. He didn’t demand that anyone join him. He was merely expressing gratitude to the God who made heaven and earth. It seems downright absurd to have a problem with anyone expressing his personal faith in public–in the USA. Should I fear being arrested this Sunday when I go to my church?

January 18, 2022

It is sad that this would even need to be heard by the Supreme Court. I am grateful that SCOTUS is willing to hear this case. Those who would even prosecute as well as persecute an man who stops to give thanks to our Creator are a tragic group of people who seek to find joy by denying it to others. Unfortunately they are seeking it in the wrong place.

Virginia Carter
January 18, 2022

For heaven sake.!!!! to fire someone because of his faith and believes? Are we in China or Russia? I think we are in a Country that has lost its Faith and believes in God. That is a bigger problem.
The person who fired him should be fired for racist….. against people of God !!!!

January 18, 2022

I feel that prayer helps all those involved. I admire people that pray at games, before theatre productions, pray before a meal, etc. I know prayer always has helped me and I will continue to do so. Little by little the left is removing GOD from everything but they will not remove GOD from my heart.

Joseph Sullens
January 18, 2022

Coach Kennedy has every right to pray in public.
He is but one example of a modern day Daniel.
Neither government nor a king has the right to tell anyone they cannot pray or even what to pray.
Even military chaplains are being attacked on this point.
God will win!
Blessings and shalom!

    January 18, 2022

    Interesting that athletes in the pro sports can take a knee as a protected right. Since Kennedy’s was a silent prayer how can anyone tell the difference?

Carol orourke
January 18, 2022

I was a gymnast in the junior olympics. It is a sign of respect and a TRADITION to pray before competition in games. Only GOD has the right to take that awa!

Allora Beard
January 18, 2022

God please intervene in this case and allow this right of Americans to practice their faith at any time and in any space.

Jean Bryant
January 18, 2022

My son’s soccer team kneeled for prayer before games. I feel really blessed! Sports teams would probably have fewer accidents if they relied on God’s protection. TYL

January 18, 2022

The nfl was allowing their people to take a knee against our flag so anyone should be able to pray wherever they choose, no matter what their faith is. Please dear Lord and dear God…let the SCOTUS’ find (as they should) for this coach and let him get back to training this team he loves so much in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Donald Johnson
January 18, 2022

How come Muslims can pray @ publicly constructed sites such as provided by the Mpls/St.Paul National Airport?

Cindy Gaston
January 18, 2022

The school district would have said nothing if a member of Islamic community had decided to pray on the field. But everyone has a problem when you pray to God. Funny isn’t it. They will talk to him some day

Nicholas Scott
January 18, 2022

I fully agree that you are correct and he has a right to say a silent at any public place. Our football teem always meets in the center field after the game home or away. They invite the other team to join them and they all take a knee and one of the team member will pray for all. This growing around our league and around the state. Some of the things they pray for is that no one got hurt, or if one did pray for them, safety for travel home for the travel teem, and all the fans traveling home. The last was added after a state championship game we lost 4 of one family crash on the way home.

Melodie Sawyer
January 18, 2022

I agree with coach Kennedy. I will be praying for him. This case is close to my heart because I live in the state of Washington

Sara Reed
January 18, 2022

We seek God’s wisdom and justice as our religious freedoms are being attacked. Help us, Lord to stand firm to express our rights and honor you wherever we are. In Jesus Name.

jim deatherage
January 18, 2022

I coached football for 30 years in a large Washington state public school and the last ten years my 9th grade team would meet together in the end zone before each game began and place a hand on a teammate’s back, and I would pray a short, one minute prayer asking for the safety of the players for both teams and for each player on both teams to play their best. I also prayed that we would realize and be grateful for how blessed we were to be able to play the game and live in America. Short, sweet, done deal. No parent ever complained.

One game, we were pressed for time as our bus for the away trip had arrived very late to pick us up. As the game was about to begin, a few players ran up to me and said, “Coach, we haven’t prayed yet!” So, we all sprinted to the end-zone, and I said a quick prayer and we lined up for the kickoff. No parent complained on either side.

On another occasion, when one of our players suffered a head injury during a game, and had to be taken off the field in an ambulance, we gathered on the sidelines and I prayed for his healing and for the safety of all players before we resumed the game. No parent complained.

These times of team prayer were never for ‘show’ or to ‘force one religion on others.’ Many players had no religious affiliation that I was ever aware of, but they sensed something special about these quiet moments of reflection before taking the field. These were moments of gratefulness and team unity, bonding as one body. No student/athlete ever prayed out loud during these group prayers. Thus, I can certainly relate to Coach Kennedy’s desire to pray for his players’ safety and for living in a country where we have the luxury of playing football.

Would I be allowed to do this were I coaching today? I don’t know. Times have changed, but not necessarily for the better. I pray that the Supreme Court rules in Coach Kennedy’s favor and that he can get back to working with kids, something so desperately needed today.

Keep the Faith,
jim deatherage

Denise Schwank
January 18, 2022

I find it reprehensible that it takes sooo long to right a wrong. Coach Kennedy should not have been away from his team for such a long period of time. It’s amazing to me that clearly defined Constitutional rights are being debated at all. However, I am grateful that this case is finally being heard at the highest level.

Helen Saunders
January 18, 2022

The Coach was not inviting anyone or student to join him on the field during prayer. The prayer was silent. The fact that students started coming down to join him shows us that the school system is wrong for removing this coach. The school is worried about the parents rising up against them and that in itself is a shame.

I pray that Coach Kennedy can return to coaching and put this behind him.

Debbie Maxwell
January 18, 2022

My prayer is that the Supreme Court would uphold our religious freedom and grant back the coach’s right to pray. It looks to me that many students participated with him in this…they were not coerced in this action but were willing to join in with him! I will pray and pray for many many things!

January 18, 2022

The United States Constitution was founded on God! They have divided us from God with their Mind Control frequencies through the TV, Radio, Cell phones and other avenues. In doing so, they have made us into who they want us to be. Things are changing for the better but this is the Storm we need to fight right now. Stand up for our Freedom! This is what needs to be done. God is with All of you and All of US every step of the way!
Sending Blessings to All involved in this Case and Praying for All involved to be shown the answers and the others who are not open to God that their Hearts and Mind be opened to God!

Gwen Valenti
January 18, 2022

It’s all about balance. Less prayer & God the more crime & evil. The more God & prayer the less crime & evil.
This nation should NEVER have complied when the first demon raise their head in “offense” to prayer in the schools. So I will pray and do pray for our judges that their hearts are set on Godliness and will not comply to this evil agenda of Satan.

Mr P Manning
January 18, 2022

Fear and ignorance should not be allowed to suppress a persons beliefs.

Linda Trott Dickman
January 18, 2022

if a football player can “take a knee” for his own reasons, it should not be illegal for a coach to get down on his knees for his own reasons. It cannot be a menu of what rights are appropriate today, and what rights are not.

Matthew McWhorter
January 18, 2022

When I read this article, I was reminded of Psalm 37:33 [speaking of the righteous]-“The LORD will not leave him in his [the wicked] hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.” May God bless you Coach Kennedy as you seek to live out your faith in a “quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty”(see 1 Timothy 2:2). I am praying for you.

Sally Hartman
January 18, 2022

My family prays in public, at restaurants. Never would I expect that a person or person’s expressing their faith aloud would be jeopardized. My hope would be that others would observe and perhaps take a second to be thankful.

Ben Markley
January 18, 2022

It is hard to believe that we as a nation have strayed so far from our very foundations. A nation that began with the Mayflower Compact, that the major providers of education the church, the primary basis for higher education the church is now thrown out of public life, and then refused any small part of education. A teacher today can curse, show disrespect to his students, and see no disciplinary consequence, but for a teacher to pray, show respect to God, and His created beings, Oh No we can’t do that !!! That may harm our youth. Where have we failed???

Eileen Hedrick
January 18, 2022

We The People have a right to express ourselves.inckuding praying to our God under the First Amendment, Freedom of Speech.
This was one of the reasons our forefathers came to America.
May God continue to bless America abd may we honor Him with ohr lives..

January 18, 2022

It’s a First Amendment right. When our forefathers penned separation of church and state – their intent was NEVER to shut down prayer or religion. Their intent was to “not” have a state religion. It has been skewed by agenda through the years.

Dr. Edith Mae Saller
January 18, 2022

I pray that this coach will have the support for his freedom in expressing his faith publicly. This coach has definitely been discriminated against because of his expression of praying publicly.

January 18, 2022

The United States Constitution: The course of human events become necessary for ones
people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another
and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which
the laws of natures God entitle them decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation. we should hold these truths to be self evident. That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights; that are among life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men
deriving from there just powers from consent of the governed; that whenever any form
of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to
alter of to abolish it, and to institute new government , laying it’s foundation on such form
as to them, shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Prudence, indeed will indicate that government, long established should not be changed
for transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more
disposed to suffer, where evils are sufferable, than right to themselves by abolishing
the forms which they are accustomed. It’s a devotion of moral standard to ones principles
of Freedom, equality, Justice and Humanity on which the republic was founded.
The salute to the American Flag of the United States is an outward expression for the love
of our country and the respect for our ideas and instruction.
Citation: John A. Garrett, the young readers companion world book 7

Brandy Vik
January 18, 2022

I am praying for coach Kennedy, he was fired because someone was threatened by his faith. This is a spiritual attack, and the enemy needs a body. The oldest trick in history lead by the devil. Remember the story of Daniel 6. Daniel prayed 3 times a day and because the wicked men didn’t like him they came up with a plan to try and stop Daniel. The same goes now. If you see me eating a fancy dish and ask me what am I eating and where did I get it from, I would tell you, no big deal. Well is not the word of God food for my soul and if I choose to recite it to encourage myself and feed my soul through the means of prayer and someone ask me what are you doing and can they do it with me, that shouldn’t be a crime, or punishable. And religious expression is everywhere, not just with kneeling down in prayer. Me wearing only skirts is a religious expression. A young lady wearing a hijab is a religious expression. Tattoos can publicly share someone’s religious expression. The gay community expresses their belief (religion) through outward expression. Religion- a particular faith (belief) and worship (how you choose to express your belief). But because it was assumed that he was worshiping perhaps Jesus now it’s bad to express yourself when it is done everyday by humanity to show what they believe or stand ford.

Susan Hubek
January 18, 2022

Our country was established to give people freedom of religion. Freedom from government requirements for what religion to follow. We must abide by our constitution and understand the real meaning of the separation of church and state. THE STATE CANNOT REQUIRE YOU TO JOIN ANY FAITH.

Kenneth Andrysiak
January 18, 2022

The justices better get this right. One way or the other… they’ll answer to the Supreme Judge of each of them as they rule on this case. As the article points out… this is way bigger than a football coach kneeling at the 50 yard line.

January 18, 2022

Imagine the Founding Father’s attitude if this ridiculousness was brought before them after they wrote the Constitution. Remember the 1st Amendment? I think we’ve had the Bill of Rights for about 230 years.


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